181 research outputs found

    Radiografía de la política migratoria en México: ausencias y realidades (1982-2018)

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    Esta investigación se centra en el estudio de la evolución legal en la protección de los derechos humanos del colectivo migrante; especialmente, aquellos relacionados con la protección de los niños migrantes no acompañados que viajan a través de México. El marco de tiempo se centra en los últimos 36 años, desde 1982 hasta 2018

    Atención a víctimas de delitos y violaciones a derechos humanos

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    El presente reporte, en su primer apartado, tiene por objeto enfatizar, desarrollar, justificar, contextualizar y exponer la razón por la cual se crea este proyecto, así como el escenario en cuestión; también permite vislumbrar la importancia que tiene el Proyecto de Aplicación Profesional de investigación y práctica jurídica con pertinencia social, tanto en su concepción general: derechos humanos y, posteriormente, en su concepción particular: en la atención a víctimas y violaciones a los derechos humanos por cuestión de género. Consecuentemente, en el segundo apartado se abarcan las actividades específicas realizadas en el escenario asistido (Centro de Justicia para la Mujer), el seguimiento y el planteamiento específico del proyecto, la metodología a seguir, los resultados del trabajo realizado y, finalmente, las reflexiones personales entorno a lo aprendido.ITESO, A.C

    Vegetative as bioindicators of heavy metals in a semiarid system

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    Evaluar la contaminación por metales pesados en los ecosistemas permite conocer la capacidad bioindicativa de especies vegetativas. El objetivo fue determinar la concentración de metales pesados en Prosopis laevigata, Acacia spp. y Schinus molle bajo el efecto de usos suelo y temporalidad. El área se sitúa en la colindancia de los Municipios de Soledad de Graciano Sánchez y San Luis Potosí fragmentada por usos de suelo: agropecuario, comercio y servicios, residencial urbano y minero. Fueron tomadas muestras de hojas de las tres especies en las estaciones de verano, otoño, invierno y primavera y se evaluó la concentración de metales pesados a través de la técnica de ICP-MS. Los análisis estadísticos indicaron niveles de Aluminio (Al) > Cinc (Zn) > Plomo (Pb) > Cobre (Cu) > Titanio (Ti) > Vanadio (V) > Arsénico (As) > Cromo (Cr) > Cadmio (Cd) > Cobalto (Co). Los elementos Al, As, Cd, Cr, Pb y Ti presentaron niveles por encima del umbral normal en vegetación. El uso de suelo tuvo efecto significativo con Al, Ti, Cd, As y Pb; los árboles ubicados en los usos de suelo minero, comercio y servicios tuvieron la mayor concentración. La especie tuvo efecto significativo con Al y Pb siendo Acacia spp. el que presentó la mayor capacidad de acumulación. La temporada del año impactó significativamente en la acumulación de As, Cd, Co, Cu, Cr y Ti en las tres especies. La dinámica antropogénica de los diferentes usos de suelo genera partículas y residuos con metales pesados impactando en la disponibilidad y acumulación en las especies evaluadas. Se contribuye a evaluar el impacto ambiental en el sistema fragmentado recomendando dar continuidad a este tipo de estudios.The evaluation of pollution by heavy metals on ecosystems can determine the bioindicative capacity of plant species. The presence of heavy metals was determined in Prosopis laevigata, Acacia spp. and Schinus molle under the effect of different of land uses and seasons. The area is located near of the municipalities of Soledad de Graciano Sánchez and San Luis Potosi which has fragmented land use such as: agriculture, commercial and services, urban residential and mining. Samples were taken from leaves of the three species during summer, autumn, winter and spring to assess the concentrations of heavy metals through the technique of ICP-MS. Statistical analyzes showed levels of Aluminum (Al) > Zinc (Zn) > Lead (Pb) > Copper (Cu) > Titanium (Ti) > Vanadium (V) > Arsenic (As) > Chromium (Cr) > Cadmium (Cd) > Cobalt (Co). The elements Al, As, Cd, Cr, Pb and Ti had levels above the normal threshold in vegetation. Land use had a significant effect with Al, Ti, Cd, As and Pb having the trees being located in the land with mining and commercial and services use the greater concentrations. The species had a significant effect on Al and Pb with Acacia spp., having the largest storage capacity. The season of the year significantly impacted the accumulation of As, Cd, Co, Cu, Cr and Ti in the three species. The anthropogenic dynamics of different land uses generated waste particles and residues of heavy metals, impacting the availability and accumulation in the species evaluated. This study contribute to evaluate the environmental impact in the system with a fragmented land use and the continuation of this type of studies is recommended.Fil: Alcalá Jáuregui, Jorge. Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí. Facultad de AgronomíaFil: Rodríguez Ortíz, Juan C.. Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí. Facultad de AgronomíaFil: Villaseñor Zuñiga, María Elena. Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí. Facultad de AgronomíaFil: Hernández Montoya, Alejandra. Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí. Facultad de AgronomíaFil: García Arreola, María Elena. Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí. Facultad de AgronomíaFil: Beltrán Morales, F. Alfredo. Universidad Autónoma de Baja California Sur (México)Fil: Rodríguez Fuentes, Humberto. Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León (México). Facultad de Agronomía

    Influence of the Ligand Alkyl Chain Length on the Solubility, Aqueous Speciation, and Kinetics of Substitution Reactions of Water- Soluble M3S4 (M = Mo, W) Clusters Bearing Hydroxyalkyl Diphosphines

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    Water-soluble [M3S4X3(dhbupe)3]+ diphosphino complexes (dhbupe = 1,2-bis(bis(hydroxybutyl)phosphino)ethane), 1+ (M = Mo, X = Cl) and 2+ (M = W; X = Br), have been synthesized by extending the procedure used for the preparation of their hydroxypropyl analogues by reaction of the M3S4(PPh3)3X4(solvent)x molecular clusters with the corresponding 1,2-bis- (bishydroxyalkyl)diphosphine. The solid state structure of the [M3S4X3(dhbupe)3]+ cation possesses a C3 symmetry with a cuboidal M3S4 unit, and the outer positions are occupied by one halogen and two phosphorus atoms of the diphosphine ligand. At a basic pH, the halide ligands are substituted by hydroxo groups to afford the corresponding [Mo3S4(OH)3(dhbupe)3]+ (1OH +) and [W3S4(OH)3(dhbupe)3]+ (2OH +) complexes. This behavior is similar to that found in 1,2-bis(bis(hydroxymethyl)phosphino)ethane (dhmpe) complexes and differs from that observed for 1,2-bis(bis(hydroxypropyl)phosphino)ethane (dhprpe) derivatives. In the latter case, an alkylhydroxo group of the functionalized diphosphine replaces the chlorine ligands to afford Mo3S4 complexes in which the deprotonated dhprpe acts in a tridentate fashion. Detailed studies based on stopped-flow, 31P{1H} NMR, and electrospray ionization mass spectrometry techniques have been carried out in order to understand the solution behavior and kinetics of interconversion between the different species formed in solution: 1 and 1OH + or 2 and 2OH +. On the basis of the kinetic results, a mechanism with two parallel reaction pathways involving water and OH− attacks is proposed for the formal substitution of halides by hydroxo ligands. On the other hand, reaction of the hydroxo clusters with HX acids occurs with protonation of the OH− ligands followed by substitution of coordinated water by X−

    Bacterias promotoras de crecimiento de plantas autóctonas y su efecto en "Prosopis chilensis" (Molina) Stunz

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    Today in Mexico are being deforestated the species Prosopis spp. for use as firewood and charcoal, in various arid regions of the country. For its production a synthetic fertilizer is used, thus there is an increase in soil, groundwater and aquifers salinity. This research was conducted in Santa Ana, Sonora, Mexico in 2006. Were isolated and purified microorganisms associated with the root system of Prosopis glandulosa growing in craters of the volcanic area from El Pinacate and Gran Desierto de Altar, Sonora Biosphere Reserve. The plant growth-promoting bacteria present the peculiarity of fixing atmospheric nitrogen; the effect of the isolates on germination and seedling development in P. chilensiswas measured. 19 colonies were isolated; of them, only one bacterial colony showed high acetylene reduction activity and ability to solubilize phosphate, was identified as Bacillus amyloliquefaciens. Our results suggest that B. amyloliquefaciens, has a particular affinity to grow from 0 to 0.75M of NaCl and develops at temperatures of 30 to 50 °C. The effects of inoculation of B. amyloliquefaciens, along with A. halopraeferens, showed favorable results in the increase of germination and seedling development of P. chilensis. This is the first report of B. amyloliquefaciensas a plant growth promoting bacteria associated with P. glandulosa.En la actualidad se está deforestando en México la especie de Prosopis spp. para utilizarse como leña y carbón, en diferentes zonas áridas de nuestro país. Para su producción se utiliza fertilizante sintético, con ello hay un incremento de salinidad del suelo, subsuelo y mantos acuíferos. La presente investigación se realizó en Santa Ana, Sonora, México en 2006. Se aislaron y purificaron microorganismos asociados al sistema radicular de Prosopis glandulosa que se desarrolla en cráteres de la zona volcánica de la reserva de la biosfera El Pinacate y Gran Desierto de Altar Sonora. Las bacterias promotoras de crecimiento de plantas presentan la peculiaridad de fijar el nitrógeno atmosférico; se midió el efecto de las cepas aisladas en germinación y en el desarrollo en plántulas de P. chilensis. Fueron aisladas 19 colonias; de ellas, solamente una colonia bacteriana mostró alta actividad de reducción de acetileno y capacidad de solubilizar fosfatos, se identificó como Bacillus amyloliquefaciens. Nuestros resultados sugieren que B. amyloliquefaciens, presenta una afinidad particular para crecer de 0 a 0.75 M de NaCl y desarrollarse en temperaturas de 30 a 50 °C. Los efectos de la inoculación de B. amyloliquefaciens, conjuntamente con A. halopraeferens, mostraron reultados favorables en el incremento de la germinación y el desarrollo de plántulas de P. chilensis. Éste es el primer reporte de B. amyloliquefaciens como bacteria promora de crecimiento de plantas asociada a P. glandulosa

    Nuclear Power Feasibility 2007

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    Nuclear power is a proven technology and has the potential to generate virtually limitless energy with no significant greenhouse gas emissions. Nuclear power can become one of the main options to contribute to substantial cuts in global greenhouse gas emissions. Modern development of nuclear power technology and the established framework of international agreements and conventions are responding to the major political, economic and environmental issues -high capital costs, the risks posed by nuclear waste and accidents, and the proliferation of nuclear weaponry- that until recently hindered the expansion of nuclear power. In response to such prospects, the WFEO Energy Standing Committee set up a Task Group to develop this Report on NUCLEAR POWER FEASIBILITY - 2008. This Report gathers information on the state-of-the-art of nuclear energy technology and its current technical and economic feasibility based on engineering criteria and technological maturity. Members of the Task Group were appointed by WFEO Member Organizations. This Report is being presented as a publication in the Energy Standing Committee Series on Feasibility of Current Energy Options. The Series is intended to give the viewpoint of the engineer on questions related to technical and economic feasibility of energy issues of significance to society. It aims at providing the engineer and decision making officers with updated information regarding the state-of-the-art of different technologies that are being used or are under consideration for the supply of energy

    14,000 years of climatic and anthropogenic change in the Afromontane forest of São Tomé Island, Gulf of Guinea

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    São Tomé (Gulf of Guinea, Central Africa) is a 854 km2 tropical island that had a pivotal role in early European colonial expansion through the Atlantic between the 15th and 16th centuries. Historical sources suggest that native vegetation has been heavily impacted since human arrival (1470 CE) due to monoculture economies and the introduction of mammals and plants, some of which now have established wild populations. The Afromontane forest of São Tomé, located above 800 m.a.sl., is particularly rich in endemic plant species and has remained relatively unaffected by direct human impacts. Here, we explore how environmental change influenced this forest through the study of a sedimentary sequence from the volcanic crater of Lagoa Amélia (1340 m a.s.l.), a palustrine system located at the boundary between submontane (800–1400 m a.s.l.) and mist forest (above 1400 m a.s.l.). We used fossil pollen, non-pollen palynomorphs, sedimentology and charcoal to determine forest dynamics from the Late Pleistocene to the present. From 14,000 to 12,500 cal yr BP the forest was dominated by taxa from higher altitudes, adapted to cooler and drier climates (e.g. Afrocarpus mannii trees and Psychotria nubicola). After 12,500 cal yr BP, a potential uphill migration was identified by an increase in taxa like the trees Symphonia globulifera and Craterispermum cerinanthum. From 11,200 cal yr BP through the rest of the Holocene taxa from lower altitudes became dominant (e.g. Prunus africana, Polyscias, and Sabicea), except at c. 8500 cal yr BP when rapid cooling led to forest opening. Charcoal showed that fires were frequent during the Late Pleistocene (14,000 to 11,200 cal yr BP), becoming rare during the Holocene until anthropogenic fires started at c. 220 cal yr BP. Other recent anthropogenic impacts detected in Lagoa Amélia included the appearance of pollen of introduced plant species (e.g., Cestrum), and the increase in pollen of economically important species (Elaeis guineensis, Zea mays) and in fungal spores related to introduced herbivores. Our results reveal that climate changed the altitudinal distribution of the Afromontane forest in São Tomé during the Late Pleistocene, as observed on the African continent, and that this ecosystem was also strongly impacted by human arrival, through fire, farming, and introduced species.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Education and Training of Future Nuclear Engineers at DIN: From Advanced Computer Codes to an Interactive Plant Simulator.

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    This paper summarizes the work being performed at the Department of Nuclear Engineering (www.din.upm.es) of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid to improve the education and training of future Spanish nuclear engineers according to the Bologna rules. We present two main efforts introduced in our programme: i) the understanding of the current computational methodologies/codes starting from the nuclear data processing, then the lattice and core calculations codes, and finally the power plant simulators, ii) the development of practical teaching-learning experiences with an Interactive Graphical Simulator of a real nuclear power plant

    Permanent Genetic Resources added to Molecular Ecology Resources Database 1 December 2010-31 January 2011

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    This article documents the addition of 238 microsatellite marker loci to the Molecular Ecology Resources Database. Loci were developed for the following species: Alytes dickhilleni, Arapaima gigas, Austropotamobius italicus, Blumeria graminis f. sp. tritici, Cobitis lutheri, Dendroctonus ponderosae, Glossina morsitans morsitans, Haplophilus subterraneus, Kirengeshoma palmata, Lysimachia japonica, Macrolophus pygmaeus, Microtus cabrerae, Mytilus galloprovincialis, Pallisentis (Neosentis) celatus, Pulmonaria officinalis, Salminus franciscanus, Thais chocolata and Zootoca vivipara. These loci were cross-tested on the following species: Acanthina monodon, Alytes cisternasii, Alytes maurus, Alytes muletensis, Alytes obstetricans almogavarii, Alytes obstetricans boscai, Alytes obstetricans obstetricans, Alytes obstetricans pertinax, Cambarellus montezumae, Cambarellus zempoalensis, Chorus giganteus, Cobitis tetralineata, Glossina fuscipes fuscipes, Glossina pallidipes, Lysimachia japonica var. japonica, Lysimachia japonica var. minutissima, Orconectes virilis, Pacifastacus leniusculus, Procambarus clarkii, Salminus brasiliensis and Salminus hilarii