2,119 research outputs found

    Uso de técnicas bibliometicas en la investigación en salud ambiental en América Latina 2000-2009

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    The environmental health subject has a significant growth in the international scientific production. The aim of this study was to characterize the generation of scientific papers in the field of environmental health for Latin America, over a period of 10 years. The methodology involved the use of bibliometric techniques. The results show that there are 1219 documents on the topic. Of these, 83.23% were produced by Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, Chile and Colombia. The preferred language of publication is English, with 81.30% of the items, Spanish and Portuguese share equal figures, with a presence of 9,11%. The typology found indicates that 72.11% of the items were journal articles, 14.27% conference proceedings and 10.05% review articles. It is emphasized that all countries produce more than 60%. Other indicators show that Chile has the best average in citations per document, 8.02%

    Enfoque histórico de la educación física en México

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    El trabajo de corte documental es un ensayo que revisa las concepciones teóricas y prácticas de la Educación Física en México. Desde el método histórico lógico, con enfoque genérico se produjo la cuidadosa revisión de programas, acuerdos planes de estudios y modelos educativos para que desde el análisis de contenido, estudiar el origen y la evolución de la formación en Educación Física a la luz de los cambios impuestos por planes y programas y modelos de Educación Física, para llegar a los requerimientos actuales contextualizados en la aspiración del proyecto educativo mexicano que desde el 2011 ha estado enfrascado en la Reforma Integral de la Educación Básica, la cual ha implicado serios cambios con nuevos estándares curriculares y campos formativos para este nivel. En todo el trabajo se sostiene la idea de que los cambios en las concepciones y prácticas de la Educación Física en el devenir histórico, han impuesto también cambios en la formación, así se revisan las dos principales instituciones formadoras de profesionales de la Educación Física en universidades y escuelas normales, ambas con el encargo social de la formación permanente y diversificada del profesor de Educación Física

    234Th-derived particle fluxes and seasonal variability: when is the ss assumption reliable? Insights from a novel Approach for carbon flux simulation

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    Th measurements are widely used to estimate the downward carbon flux of particles via the oceanic Biological Pump. Carbon export is evaluated from 234Th-238U disequilibrium assuming either steady state (SS) conditions, or including a non-SS (NSS) correction. We use a novel stochastic simulation to quantify the temporal variation of vertical carbon and 234Th (dissolved and particulate) concentration profiles with high temporal resolution. We calculate seasonal export as if in situ measured with sediment trap and SS- and NSS-234ThapproachesandquantifytheperiodsofvalidityforSS/NSSconditionsdefinedinpreviousworks.The SS approach is valid throughout the entire season in oligotrophic regions. In temperate regions, the SS introduces a bias in the export if sampling takes place outside specific temporal windows. Windows of validity range from days in short blooms of ~15-day duration to weeks in blooms longer than ~30 days

    Satisfaction of an employee in a sports entity: design and validation of a measurement scale

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    This research aims to generate validation and reliability of an instrument to measure employee satisfaction in a sports entity, comprising 28 items in six factors, using a Lickert type measure. The sample comprises n = 187 employees of the State Sports Commission of Sonora, Mexico, with 75.4% men and 24.6% women, between the ages of 18 to 56 years, grouping the different ages of workers in five groups (18 to 25 years, 26 to 35 years, 36 to 45 years, 46 to 55 years and > 56 years. Carrying out the exploratory factor analysis (AFE) and confirmatory factor analysis (AFC). Satisfactory values were obtained, resulting in Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin values of .91, and the Bartlett test was statistically significant with a value (χ² = 3296.01, gl = 378; p <. 001), six factors were extracted with eigen values greater than 1 and that together explain 69.08% of the total variance. the indices of the model in the confirmatory factor analysis were satisfactory: χ2 / df = 1.29, NNFI = .99, CFI = .99, and RMSEA = .03., The results of internal consistency using Cronbach's alpha index with values in this case greater than .70, composite reliability (CR) with values between .88 and .94, and the average variance index extracted (AVE), meanwhile, alsoshowed adequate values, in a range between .60 and .83. It is considered that the survey of employee satisfaction was statistically validated, obtaining psychometric guarantees and thereby providing a tool for the evaluation of the subject, accrediting it as useful for research, being able to be used by professionals, managers and those responsible within the different organizations

    Barreras personales y ambientales para la práctica de actividad física en adultos mexicanos

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    The goal of this job it was to know the personal and social factors that act as barriers for the practice of healthy physical activities among Mexican adult population. Participated 601 subjects sample was used. A survey called “Physical activity and quality of life·” was applied. It has been proved the existence of a positive attitude of at elderly people, but it doesn’t correspond with its practice. Middle class population is more active than upper and low strata. Women do less physical activity than men and their tendency is to do it together (couple). The social activities as well as the lack of public spaces and insecurity, left little room for exercise. It was appreciated a poor sport culture, more in upper and lower strata. A profile of physical activity has been found by gender. The infrastructure and the social climate are considered barriers of engaging in physical activit

    Razonamiento covariacional en estudiantes de quinto grado

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    Se presenta un avance de una investigación de tipo cualitativo en la cual se busca identificar las características de razonamiento presentadas en estudiantes de grado quinto al momento de enfrentarse a situaciones de tipo variacional; dichas características se discuten a la luz del marco conceptual para la covariación propuesto por Carlson, Jacobs, Coe, Larsen, y Hsu (2003). Desde las situaciones, se desprenden algunas implicaciones y recomendaciones para su implementación en el aula de clase, específicamente para un acercamiento a nociones como: función y tasa de variación, las cuales se encuentran en las bases propias del razonamiento covariacional y pueden abordarse desde los primeros grados de escolaridad como una manera de crear cimientos en la comprensión de los conceptos más relevantes del cálculo

    Uso de técnicas bibliometicas en la investigación en salud ambiental en América Latina 2000-2009

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    The environmental health subject has a significant growth in the international scientific production. The aim of this study was to characterize the generation of scientific papers in the field of environmental health for Latin America, over a period of 10 years. The methodology involved the use of bibliometric techniques. The results show that there are 1219 documents on the topic. Of these, 83.23% were produced by Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, Chile and Colombia. The preferred language of publication is English, with 81.30% of the items, Spanish and Portuguese share equal figures, with a presence of 9,11%. The typology found indicates that 72.11% of the items were journal articles, 14.27% conference proceedings and 10.05% review articles. It is emphasized that all countries produce more than 60%. Other indicators show that Chile has the best average in citations per document, 8.02%

    The chromatin remodeller CHD8 is required for E2F-dependent transcription activation of S-phase genes

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    The precise regulation of S-phase-specific genes is critical for cell proliferation. How the repressive chromatin configuration mediated by the retinoblastoma protein and repressor E2F factors changes at the G1/S transition to allow transcription activation is unclear. Here we show ChIP-on-chip studies that reveal that the chromatin remodeller CHD8 binds ∼2000 transcriptionally active promoters. The spectrum of CHD8 target genes was enriched in E2F-dependent genes. We found that CHD8 binds E2F-dependent promoters at the G1/S transition but not in quiescent cells. Consistently, CHD8 was required for G1/S-specific expression of these genes and for cell cycle re-entry on serum stimulation of quiescent cells. We also show that CHD8 interacts with E2F1 and, importantly, loading of E2F1 and E2F3, but not E2F4, onto S-specific promoters, requires CHD8. However, CHD8 recruiting is independent of these factors. Recruiting of MLL histone methyltransferase complexes to S-specific promoters was also severely impaired in the absence of CHD8. Furthermore, depletion of CHD8 abolished E2F1 overexpression-dependent S-phase stimulation of serum-starved cells, highlighting the essential role of CHD8 in E2F-dependent transcription activation

    Genome-wide study of chromatin remodeling factor CHD8 role in transcription

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    1 página. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL) Meeting on Mechanisms of Eukaryotic Trasncription 2011. August 30 - september 3, 2011.CHD8 (Chromodomain-Helicase-DNA binding protein 8) is a member of the chromodomain helicase DNA-binding (CHD) subfamily of enzymes, which also belongs to the SNF2 family of ATP-dependent chromatin remodelers.Peer reviewe