5,344 research outputs found

    Metalinguistic awareness and reading acquisition in the Spanish language.

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    Niña de 10 años traída por sus padres al Servicio de Emergencias por contracciones tónicas en ambas manos, en forma de espasmos carpianos de presentación súbita y prolongada (2 horas de evolución). Las manos adoptaban una posición flexionada con el pulgar fuertemente aproximado y los restantes dedos extendidos y unidos entre sí, pero flexionados en la articulación metacarpofalángica. Igualmente, ambos antebrazos se colocaban en supinación forzada y semiflexión. La paciente exhibía un relativo buen estado general y un adecuado desarrollo pondoestatural, se encontraba lúcida, eutímica, afebril y eupneica, con FC de 75/min, TA de 110/65 mmHg, hemodinámicamente compensada y con facies algo perturbada, con cierto aspecto de enojo. El resto del examen físico se hallaba dentro de límites normales. El diagnóstico semiológico al ingreso fue de espasmos carpianos, a descartar etiología

    Diseño de situaciones hipotéticas de enseñanza-aprendizaje para estudiar el conocimiento didáctico del contenido del profesor de estadística

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    Se propone una forma de analizar el conocimiento didáctico del contenido (CDC) del profesor de Estadística a través del diseño de situaciones hipotéticas de enseñanza – aprendizaje. Las situaciones hipotéticas se construyeron a partir de un sistema de dimensiones e indicadores del CDC y de la definición de los objetivos de aprendizaje de la representación gráfica al nivel de pensamiento estadístico. Se describe el proceso para su diseño

    Uma aproximação às crenças e concepções dos professores de matemáticas sobre o uso das TICs

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    Este estudo aborda as crenças e concepções dos professores de matemática para o uso das TICs. As crenças e concepções dos professores de matemática influenciam diferentes aspectos cognitivos, condutais, experiência, prática pedagógica, implementação das TICs entre outros; e onde cada um deles tem uma funcionalidade no processo de construção da mesma. Neste trabalho, foi realizada uma revisão da literatura de pesquisa sobre a temática: teses, artigos, libros, capítulos de livros, entre outros. Esta revisão mostra um contraste entre os diferentes pesquisadores sobre a conceituação das noções de crenças e concepções, com diversidades de posturas antes as relações entre esses conceitos. Em relação com a implementação das TICs, considera-se que induz mudanças e/ou desestabiliza em certos momentos as crenças e concepções dos professores de matemática

    Sobre la naturaleza conceptual y metodológica del conocimiento del contenido pedagógico en Matemáticas: una aproximación para su estudio

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    A partir de una revisión de las investigaciones en educación matemática sobre el conocimiento profesional del profesor, en este trabajo se intentan integrar y presentar las características conceptuales del Conocimiento del Contenido Pedagógico (CCP) específico de las matemáticas. Desde una aproximación empírica, inductivo - deductiva, se han analizado las características y componentes del CCP, se han revisado cuestiones metodológicas sobre cómo estudiarlo y a partir de ahí, se desarrolló un procedimiento para la definición de qué elementos conceptuales era posible estudiar. Para realizar este estudio se utilizó el análisis de contenido con el que se determinaron un sistema de dimensiones e indicadores con los cuales se organizaron y estructuraron la variedad de características y conceptos a examinar de los componentes del CCP

    Results for the Spanish Survey in the NAFO Regulatory Area of Division 3L for the period 2003-2009

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    Since 2003, a stratified random summer bottom trawl survey was conducted by Spain in the NAFO Regulatory Area of Division 3L (Flemish Pass). The surveys were carried out by the R/V “Vizconde de Eza” using bottom trawl net type Campelen. Entire series of mean catches, biomass and length distribution for Greenland halibut, American plaice and witch flounder are presented for the period 2003-2009. Greenland halibut biomass and abundance estimates present a slight decrease this year; however, it remains one of the highest values of the series. A good recruitment, mainly in 2006, can be seeing; although the number of individuals of length over 70 cm. is very low. American plaice biomass has increased since 2004, reaching this year the highest value in the series. A presence of small individuals is observed in the last years. For witch flounder, the biomass slight decreased in 2009, but there is no a clear trend in the period 2003-2009

    Polarized laser light scattering applied to surface morphology characterization of epitaxial III–V semiconductor layers

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    11 pages.-- PACS: 68.35.Bs; 81.05.Ea; 81.15.Hi; 78.35.+c; 78.66.FdIn this paper, we analyze typical morphologies of epitaxial III–V semiconductor layers by using a polarized laser light scattering technique. Crosshatched topographies, which are developed during heteroepitaxial growth, are studied. A sample with an intentionally high density of oval defects is also explored to establish how the laser light scattering pattern is affected by the presence of these defects, which are unavoidable in the epitaxial layers grown by molecular beam epitaxy. The former topographies produce a scattered light pattern that is highly anisotropic, with the intensity concentrated along two preferential directions; the latter defects give rise to a fairly isotropic pattern. Employing a perturbation-theoretical model, whose applicability and consistency are explicitly demonstrated by our results, the surface power spectral density is retrieved from the angle-resolved light scattering experimental data. For the samples exhibiting crosshatched topography, the scattering measurements provide information that allows us to model the roughness of the surface in terms of two quasi-one-dimensional, anisotropic components, and one two-dimensional, isotropic, long-range background. The root mean square heights and the typical lateral distances between ridges are obtained in quantitative agreement with the values extracted from the atomic force microscopy measurements. For the sample presenting oval defects, we consider their contribution to the surface power spectral density by means of a simple model of randomly distributed particles on a surface, and we compare the resulting power spectral density with typical behavior found in the literature for good-morphology GaAs layers. With the help of the ex situ information thus obtained, we also discuss the implementation of the light scattering technique for in situ monitoring during epitaxial growth.The authors wish to acknowledge the Spanish CICYT for financial support under Project No. TIC96-1020-C02. M.U.G. thanks the Consejería de Educación y Cultura de la Comunidad de Madrid for financial support. J.A.S.-G. acknowledges financial support from the Spanish DGESIC Grant No. PB97-1221.Spanish CICYTConsejería de Educación y Cultura de la Comunidad de MadridPeer reviewe

    Results for the Spanish Survey in the NAFO Regulatory Area of Division 3L for the period 2003-2012

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    Since 2003, a stratified random summer bottom trawl survey was conducted by Spain in the NAFO Regulatory Area of Division 3L (Flemish Pass). The surveys were carried out by the R/V “Vizconde de Eza” using bottom trawl net type Campelen. Entire series of mean catches, biomass and length distribution for Greenland halibut, American plaice and witch flounder are presented for the period 2003-2012. Greenland halibut biomass and abundance estimates show an increasing trend since 2003, cut in year 2009. In 2011-2012 the biomass drops under the 2006 value. American plaice biomass and abundance estimates present an increasing trend since 2010. Regarding witch flounder, the biomass and abundance decreased in 2012, but there is no a clear trend in the period 2003-2012