421 research outputs found

    Estudio de biomarcadores de inflamación y de riesgo cardiovascular en niños obesos prepúberes

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    La obesidad infantil supone la enfermedad nutricional más prevalente de los países desarrollados, aumentando su frecuencia de forma alarmante en las últimas décadas. El acúmulo lipídico, fundamentalmente en el tejido adiposo visceral, y la alteración en la expresión y secreción de diversas adipoquinas, favorecen un estado de inflamación crónica de bajo grado y de resistencia a la insulina (RI). Ambos procesos subyacentes a la obesidad, pueden incrementar el riesgo cardiometabólico o la presencia de síndrome metabólico (SM), en etapas precoces de la vida. El objetivo de este trabajo ha sido el evaluar la presencia y posibles correlaciones de biomarcadores de dislipemia, RI, inflamación y riesgo cardiovascular en niños obesos prepúberes, así como la presencia de SM, y su asociación con la ateromatosis y la enfermedad hepática grasa no alcohólica (NAFLD). Se seleccionaron 382 niños prepúberes distribuidos en tres grupos: 167 niños obesos, 72 sobrepesos y 143 normopesos. Cada grupo se trató de igualar según edad y género. Se realizó una historia clínica detallada, se midieron diferentes parámetros antropométricos y la presión arterial y se realizó una extracción sanguínea, tras un período de ayuno de 12 horas. En un subgrupo de pacientes se realizó una ecografía doppler carotídea (a 62 niños obesos, 11 sobrepesos y 29 normopesos) y una ecografía abdominal (a 55 obesos, 11 sobrepesos y 17 normopesos). La determinación analítica incluyó, además de los parámetros hemáticos, bioquímicos y hormonales generales, adipoquinas como la leptina, adiponectina y resistina, biomarcadores inflamatorios como la interleuquina-6 (IL-6), interleuquina-8 (IL-8), proteína C reactiva ultrasensible (PCR), metaloproteinasa-9 (MMP-9), mieloperoxidasa (MPO), factor quimioatractivo de los de los macrófagos de tipo 1 (MCP-1), factor de crecimiento hepatocitario (HGF), factor de crecimiento neural (NGF) y factor de necrosis tumoral-α (TNF-α), y biomarcadores de riesgo cardiovascular como la LDL-oxidada (LDLox), forma soluble de la molécula de adhesión celular de los vasos de tipo 1 (sVCAM-1), forma soluble de la molécula de adhesión intercelular de carácter inmunoglobulina tipo 1 (sICAM-1),selectina (E-Se), e inhibidor del factor activador del plasminógeno 1-activo (PAI-1 activo) y total (PAI-1 total). Los niños obesos prepúberes mostraron factores de riesgo para la misma en un alto porcentaje, así como un rebote adiposo precoz. El 13,2 por ciento de éstos cumplían criterios de SM. El perímetro cintura podría ser considerado mejor parámetro de riesgo cardiometabólico que el índice de masa corporal, debido a que aquel mide directamente la grasa visceral y se correlaciona con los diferentes criterios del SM. Se constató una relación gradual entre la obesidad, fundamentalmente central, y la hiperinsulinemia y RI. Los niños obesos presentaron con más frecuencia que el resto de grupos dislipemias como la hipertrigliceridemia e hipoHDLc. La obesidad infantil está íntimamente relacionada con la uricemia, proponiéndose como criterio definitorio a incluir en el SM. Característicamente, los niños obesos presentaron hiperleptinemia, siendo proporcional al porcentaje de tejido graso, e hipoadiponectinemia, además de niveles elevados de resistina. Asimismo, en los niños obesos se objetivaron niveles plasmáticos de todos los biomarcadores inflamatorios y de riesgo cardiovascular estudiados, incluida la tensión arterial, a excepción de la MTP-9, MCP-1, LDLox y sVCAM-1. Por tanto, la obesidad en niños prepúberes se asocia de forma precoz a la ateromatosis, demostrado no sólo demostrado por algunos de los anteriores biomarcadores, sino por el grosor de la capa íntima-media de la carótida, que muestra una tendencia a la superioridad significativa. Además, la obesidad infantil se asoció a NAFLD, constatando una correlación con la RI. Estos resultados indican que la obesidad infantil, fundamentalmente central, se asocia a dislipemia, RI e hipertensión arterial, que son los componentes clásicos del SM, así como con otros parámetros propuestos como la PCR, hiperuricemia y el NAFLD. Existe una íntima relación entre la obesidad infantil y la inflamación crónica subclínica y con diversos biomarcadores de riesgo cardiovascular que predisponen a Diabetes mellitus 2 y enfermedades cardiovasculares en etapas más tardías de la vidad

    Nutritional Composition, Bioactive Compounds, and Volatiles Profile Characterization of Two Edible Undervalued Plants: Portulaca oleracea L. and Porophyllum ruderale (Jacq.) Cass

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    [EN] Wild edible plants are an important source of healthy food and have played an important role in traditional Mediterranean diets. In this paper, quality characteristics were typified in Portulaca oleracea L. and Porophyllum ruderale (Jacq.) Cass, undervalued plants inherent to the spring-summer season in the Valencian coastal region. Nutritional composition and bioactive compounds were analyzed and compared between plants in wild and organic cultivation conditions. Proximate analysis was carried out according to Association of Official Analytical Chemists methods. Total antioxidants were measured as 2.2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl hydrate and total polyphenols content via the Folin-Ciocalteu procedure. The HS-SPME technique was used to characterize the volatiles profile, and the polyphenol profile was evaluated by HPLC. The most important microelement was iron. Total antioxidants ranged from 4392.16 to 7315.00 mu mol Trolox center dot equivalents 100 g(-1) fw, and total phenolic content ranged from 99.09 to 391.18 mg gallic acid equivalents center dot 100 g(-1) fw. Results show that the content of antioxidants and phenols was higher in wild species than in cultivated ones. The volatiles profile revealed that P. ruderale was rich in monoterpenoids (48.65-55.82%), and fatty alcohols were characteristic in P. oleracea species (16.21-54.18%). The results suggest that both plants could be healthy foods and could have new sustainable agro-ecological potential for the local commercial sector.Fukalova Fukalova, T.; García-Martínez, MD.; Raigón Jiménez, MD. (2022). Nutritional Composition, Bioactive Compounds, and Volatiles Profile Characterization of Two Edible Undervalued Plants: Portulaca oleracea L. and Porophyllum ruderale (Jacq.) Cass. Plants. 11(3):1-21. https://doi.org/10.3390/plants1103037712111

    Five undervalued edible species inherent to autumn-winter season: nutritional composition, ioactive constituents and volatiles profile

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    [EN] Background: Wild edible herbs have historically been used as local nutritional and medicinal sources. These plants grow spontaneously, depending on the season.They adapt well to different edaphoclimatic conditions, generating a diversity constituent beneficial to health. They impart compounds needed in the human diet in regard to macro and micronutrients. When consumed raw, they keep their properties intact and provide health benefits. Five undervalued edible plants: Stellaria media (L.) Vill, Tropaeolum majus L., Sonchus oleraceus L., henopodium album L. and Diplotaxis erucoides (L.) DC are characteristic of the autumn-winter season in the Valencian coastal region and could have new sustainable agro-ecological potential for the local commercial sector. However, little information is available from the nutritional quality and bioactive composition viewpoint for these species. Concurrently, the volatiles compounds profiles describing the characteristic flavors are unknown. Methods: Nutritional characteristics, bioactive compounds, and other chemical components of the fresh leaves were analyzed. In addition, the volatiles composite profile was performed. The analyzed species come from the soil reservoir; their wild growth is adjusted to the autumn season. The proximate analysis was carried out by Association of Official Analytical Chemists methods. Total antioxidants were measured as 2.2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrzyl hydrate (DPPH) and total polyphenols content via the Folin-Ciocalteu procedure. Volatiles profile was determined by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The vegetative part analyzed was the tender leaves with edible potential. Results: A high variability has been obtained in the composition of the species studied. The proximate analysis found a considerable content of fiber (1.22¿5.4 g·100 g¿1), potassium (157.7¿1,250.6 mg·100 g¿1), iron (0.6¿2.0 mg·100 g¿1), and a low caloric value (16.1¿43.02 kcal·mg·100 g¿1). In bioactive compounds analysis, a high level of antioxidants was highlighted (1,604.3¿4,874.6 mmol·100 g¿1), followed by chlorophylls. Volatiles profile revealed that the species were rich in benzenoids (33.8¿89.9%) as the majority family. The pyrazines class was characteristic only in D. erucoides L. Discussion: Fresh edible leaves of the undervalued plants show considerable nutritional potential and a high bioactive components level, which highlight the antioxidant capacity. Leaves of C. album L. stand out due to their higher concentration of nutritional compounds, while D. erucoides L. is noted for its higher antioxidant capacity. Aromatic descriptor of pyrazines detected in the leaves of D. erucoides L. is associated with the slightly spicy flavors that characterize this species. Results suggest that studied species could be of great relevance in introducing these five edible herbs as a source of new grown material, postulating them as healthy food ingredients with attractive flavors for the gourmet cuisine industry.Fukalova Fukalova, T.; García-Martínez, MD.; Raigón Jiménez, MD. (2021). Five undervalued edible species inherent to autumn-winter season: nutritional composition, ioactive constituents and volatiles profile. PeerJ. 9:1-23. https://doi.org/10.7717/peerj.12488123

    Computationally efficient goodness-of-fit tests for the error distribution in nonparametric regression

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    Several procedures have been proposed for testing goodness-of-fit to the error distribution in nonparametric regression models. The null distribution of the associated test statistics is usually approximated by means of a parametric bootstrap which, under certain conditions, provides a consistent estimator. This paper considers a goodness-of-fit test whose test statistic is an L2 norm of the difference between the empirical characteristic function of the residuals and a parametric estimate of the characteristic function in the null hypothesis. It is proposed to approximate the null distribution through a weighted bootstrap which also produces a consistent estimator of the null distribution but, from a computational point of view, is more efficient than the parametric bootstrap.Fundación CarolinaUniversidad Nacional de AsunciónUniversidad de SevillaMinisterio de Economía y Competitivida

    Nutritional characterization of a traditional cultivar of tomato grown under organic conditions¿ cv. ¿Malacara¿

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    [EN] The loss of genetic diversity due to the replacement of local tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) varieties by improved cultivars has been mitigated in many cases by the good work of organic farmers in maintaining local agricultural biodiversity. In parallel to these initiatives, in recent years, consumers have developed an increasing awareness of both food-related health, environmental issues, and food demand to recover the flavors of the past. In the case of tomatoes, these attributes (nutritional, organoleptic, social, and environmental) are closely related to organic production using local varieties. "Malacara" tomato is an example of a local variety. Coming from Sierra de Cadiz, it is a varietal type called "Cuelga" ("for hanging," because the tomato trusses are hung from beams in the farmhouses). Cultivated and harvested in the open air during the summer months, these tomatoes are commercialized and consumed in the winter. Historically, this variety has enabled the fresh consumption of tomatoes during the winter, without the need to force cultivation. It is highly appreciated in the local cuisine and is the basis for sauces figuring in typical dishes. Its characteristic traits are small, pallid fruits, and long shelf life. The main objective of this work has been to typify two Malacara tomato cultivars (red and yellow color) grown under organic farming conditions, through the characterization of morphological, nutritional, and volatile parameters. The main differences are due to morphological parameters (fruit weight and color of the exocarp and endocarp). Other characteristics such as the content of ash, fiber, moisture, the concentration of iron, magnesium, and calcium, and content of lycopene are different between both cultivars. This study provides information on the nutritional and aromatic composition of two Malacara tomato cultivars, differentiated by their color and grown under organic farming conditions. The results add value to the native horticultural heritage and can aid in the selection of tomato varieties suitable for a sustainable production system and to produce tomatoes with high nutritional value and rich in aroma.Raigón Jiménez, MD.; García-Martínez, MD.; Chiriac, OP. (2022). Nutritional characterization of a traditional cultivar of tomato grown under organic conditions¿ cv. ¿Malacara¿. Frontiers in Nutrition. 8:1-13. https://doi.org/10.3389/fnut.2021.810812113

    La formación docente en Didáctica de las Ciencias Sociales a través de los proyectos socioeducativos en contextos de exclusión social

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    Presentamos una experiencia formativa innovadora con los estudiantes de la titulación deMaestro/a de Educación Primaria de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación de la Universidad de Almería.Se ha realizado en el marco de un Programa Socioeducativo en colegios públicos de un barrio marginal dela ciudad de Almería mediante la metodología de Aprendizaje-Servicio (ApS). Desde la Didáctica de lasCiencias Sociales queremos contribuir a una educación democrática mediante la participación ciudadana.Mostramos algunas valoraciones de nuestros estudiantes en este proceso de investigación-acción. Elbalance positivo de esta evaluación inicial nos motiva para seguir implicados en el desarrollo de proyectoscomo éste donde se vincula universidad, escuela y comunidad.This paper speaks about an innovative training experience with Pre-Service Primary Teacher atthe University of Almeria, Faculty of Education. Carried out in the framework of a social and educationalproject in public schools in a slum in the city of Almeria using service learning methodology. From theteaching of the social sciences our aim seeks to contribute to a democratic education through citizenparticipation. We show some evaluations carried out by our students in the process of action research. Thepositive results of this initial assessment motivates us to keep involved in the development of projects likethis, where University, school and community are linked

    Assessment of techno-functional and sensory attributes of tiger nut fresh egg tagliatelle

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    [EN] This work aims to evaluate the effect of tiger nut flour -TNF- (rich in insoluble fiber, minerals and lipids of healthy fatty acid profile) incorporation on the techno-functional and sensory attributes of durum wheat fresh egg tagliatelle. Durum wheat semolina was replaced by 10, 20 and 30% (w/w) of TNF and the resultant tiger nut tagliatelles were compared to traditional pasta (100% durum semolina). The maximum substitution level was chosen in order to obtain tagliatelle with fair techno-functional properties and acceptable sensory quality. In addition, the 30% substitution level assures a product with more than 3% of fiber content. The cooking properties, texture, colour attributes, sensory profile and water uptake kinetics of tagliatelle were evaluated. The proximate chemical composition and particle size distribution of raw materials was assessed as well. The higher cooking loss, water absorption ratios and swelling indexes associated with higher substitution levels of TNF resulted in a darker and stickier product, with a lower firmness, hardness and cohesive structure. The overall acceptability of tiger nut pasta depends more on visual and textural characteristics than on taste. No significant changes on the initial water absorption rate during cooking were observed between the control and tiger nut pasta. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Authors would like to thank the Conselleria de Empresa, Universidad y Ciencia (Spain) for financial support throughout the project AICO/2016/056. Also, authors express sincere thanks to Harinas Villamayor S.A., Tigernuts Traders, S.L. and Avicola Llombai S.A. for providing raw materials for conducting this study.Albors, A.; Raigón Jiménez, MD.; García-Martínez, MD.; Martín-Esparza, M. (2016). Assessment of techno-functional and sensory attributes of tiger nut fresh egg tagliatelle. LWT - Food Science and Technology. 74:183-190. doi:10.1016/j.lwt.2016.07.047S1831907

    The Effects of Low-Input (Wild and Organic Farming) Conditions on the Nutritional Profile of Ziziphus jujuba Mill. Fruits from the Valencian Mediterranean

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    [EN] Jujube fruit (Ziziphus jujuba Mill.) has been a food source since ancient times. In Spain, it is considered a marginal crop, and jujube fruits are of low economic importance. Its consumption is bound to local marketplaces. However, jujube is a good alternative crop due to its climatic adaptation and low-input conditions. We aimed to evaluate the morphological, physicochemical, and bioactive compounds of jujube fruits grown under low-input conditions (wild and organic farming) in the Mediterranean basin, specifically in Marjal de los Moros, Valencia, Spain. The organic system produces higher protein, fiber, ash, and carbohydrate concentrations from small-caliber fruit cultivars. Potassium and phosphorus are the major mineral elements in jujube. The fruits¿ total polyphenols range from 480.83 to 630.81 mg EGA·100 g¿1 fw in organic conditions and 520.71 mg EGA·100 g¿1 fw in wild conditions. Low-input conditions influence the production of glucose (sweet fruits) and bioactive compounds, as well as mineral concentrations. A strong relationship exists between vitamin C levels and the potassium concentration. Jujube fruits are classified as ¿vitamin C-rich¿. A 20 g serving of fruit can provide the regular vitamin C requirements of an adult person. The environmental and nutritional opportunities offered by jujubes are in line with different SDGs.The authors thank Anna Pons, of the Environmental Education Center of the Valencian Community, for her direct collaboration, providing the materials used in this study, and for the center's great work in maintaining Mediterranean diversity. The authors would also like to thank Alba Agenjos for her previous work with jujube fruits.Fukalova-Fukalova, T.; García-Martínez, MD.; Esteve Ciudad, P.; Raigón Jiménez, MD. (2023). The Effects of Low-Input (Wild and Organic Farming) Conditions on the Nutritional Profile of Ziziphus jujuba Mill. Fruits from the Valencian Mediterranean. Sustainability. 15(19):1-17. https://doi.org/10.3390/su151914587117151

    Otra educación en los museos es posible. Propuesta de un modelo colaborativo desde la Didáctica de las Ciencias Sociales

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    Carmen Serrano Moral (2018). Otra educación en los museos es posible. Propuesta de un modelo colaborativo desde la Didáctica de las Ciencias Sociales. Málaga: Publicaciones de la Universidad de Málaga. 362 pp

    Phenomenological approach to sexual and reproductive health in young gypsy women

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    Objetivo principal: conocer la experiencia relativa en salud sexual y reproductiva en un grupo de mujeres jóvenes de etnia gitana. Metodología: estudio cualitativo con enfoque fenomenológico. Se utilizaron ocho entrevistas semiestructuradas individuales para la recolección de datos y análisis del contenido. Resultados principales: se obtuvieron tres categorías temáticas: "roles de género en el ámbito reproductivo", "hábitos y costumbres en la vida sexual" y "etapa reproductiva en embarazo, parto y puerperio". Conclusión principal: tanto los factores culturales propios de la etnia gitana como la división de roles de género influyen en el desarrollo de la etapa sexual y reproductiva de las mujeres jóvenes de etnia gitana. El conocimiento de la etapa reproductiva permite el acercamiento de los profesionales sanitarios hacia la realidad percibida de estas mujeres, para ayudarles a mantener sus hábitos, favoreciendo a la vez, una buena salud reproductiva.Objective: knowing the experience on sexual and reproductive health in a group of young Roma women. Methods: a qualitative study with phenomenological approach, using eight individual semi-structured interviews in order to collect data and carry out the analysis of the same. Results: were obtained as follows: : "Gender roles in the reproductive field", "habits and customs in the sexual life" and "reproductive stage in pregnancy, childbirth and puerperium". Conclusions: both the cultural factors of the Roma ethnic group as the division of roles gender influence development of sexual and reproductive stage of the gypsy ethnic group of young women. Knowledge of the reproductive stage of the women allows health professionals to get nearer the truth that is perceived about them in order to help them while their customs are maintained and at the same time encouraging good reproductive health