518 research outputs found

    Leadership identity signs in educational organizations today

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    Desde el marco teórico se acentúa una idea de liderazgo bien clara que incita al reclamo de un líder comprometido con el cambio y asentado en las bases de un modelo transformacional, distribuido, participativo y resonante. Capaces de propiciar el trabajo en equipo de los docentes y el ejercicio de la autonomía pedagógica, organizativa y de gestión de los centros. Pero, en realidad ¿qué es lo que opinan los futuros directivos de organizaciones educativas en proceso de formación, en relación con las características o rasgos que se le exigen al líder en la actualidad? En cierta medida, los resultados de un estudio realizado con 120 participantes ayudan a desvelar las señas de identidad del liderazgo que las organizaciones escolares solicitan en estos momentos para dar respuesta a las demandas educativas y sociales de la comunidad educativa. Estudio que, entre otras conclusiones, evidencia la confluencia de rasgos entre el plano teórico y práctico del liderazgo que se reclama hoyFrom the theoretical framework, a clear leadership idea is emphasized that incites the claim of a leader committed to change and based on a transformational, distributed, participatory and resonant model. Capable of promoting the team work of teachers and the exercise of pedagogical, organizational and management autonomy of the centers. But, in reality, what do future managers of educational organizations in the process of training think about the characteristics or traits that are required of the leader today? To a certain extent, the results of a study of 120 participants help to unveil the leadership identity signs that school organizations are requesting at present to respond to the educational and social demands of the educational community. Study that, among other conclusions, evidences the confluence of traits between the theoretical and practical level of the leadership that is claimed toda

    Repensar l´organització escolar: Cap a models emergents d´escola

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    El document forma part dels materials docents programats mitjançant l'ajut del Servei de Política Lingüística de la Universitat de València.Reflexionar al voltant de l´organització escolar i valorar els diferents models emergents d´escola

    School grouping under discussion

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    Este artículo invita a la reflexión sobre cómo los modelos de agrupamiento del alumnado influyen directamente en el éxito escolar. La literatura científica internacional desde hace décadas ha demostrado que la separación por niveles de rendimiento resulta perjudicial, sobre todo, para el alumnado que está en los grupos de más bajo nivel, ya que éste realiza menos actividades de aprendizaje instrumental, recibe menor contenido, el ritmo de aprendizaje es mucho más lento, perjudicando el rendimiento académico de todos y obteniendo peores resultados. En cambio, los resultados de investigaciones internacionales evidencian que las agrupaciones heterogéneas que, además, introducen los recursos existentes dentro del aula para dar apoyo al docente, mejoran el rendimiento académico de todo el alumnado, a la vez que mejoran su autoestima. Por tanto, los agrupamientos escolares en el sistema educativo español deberían de tomar en consideración estos andamiajes para proporcionar un aprendizaje de calidad a todos los estudiantes y no sólo a unos pocosThis article invites reflection on how the student grouping models directly influence school success. International scientific literature for decades has shown that separation by performance levels is detrimental especially for students in the lower-level groups, since the latter performs less instrumental learning activities, receives less content, Learning is much slower, hurting all their academic performance and getting worse results. On the other hand, the results of international research show that heterogeneous groups, which also introduce the existing resources within the classroom to support the teacher, improve the academic performance of all students, while improving their self-esteem. Therefore, school clusters in the Spanish education system should take these scaffolds into account to provide quality learning for all students and not just a fe

    Análisis de la prevalencia y caracterización del acoso sexual técnico y declarado en las mujeres residentes en España: ¿cuáles son las consecuencias en el funcionamiento sexual femenino y la autoestima sexual?

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    Treball Final de Grau en Psicologia. Codi: PS1048. Curs: 2019/2020Sexual harassment is a complex and multidimensional phenomenon experienced mainly by women, whose prevalence ranges from 13% to 38%. Negative sexual experiences are usually associated with difficulties in sexual functioning. The aims were to assess the prevalence and characterization of different sexual victimization behaviours and analyse how they impact on sexuality.El acoso sexual es un fenómeno complejo y multidimensional experimentado principalmente por mujeres, cuya prevalencia oscila entre un 13% y un 38%. La vivencia de experiencias sexuales negativas se relaciona con dificultades en el funcionamiento sexual. Los objetivos fueron: evaluar la prevalencia y caracterización de distintas conductas de victimización sexual y analizar cómo afectan en la sexualidad

    Cyberbullies: a quantitative research with secondary students

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    Uno de los problemas que actualmente más preocupan en los centros de Secundaria es el del acoso escolar y el ciberacoso. Este estudio cuantitativo tiene como objetivo conocer la situación actual del ciberacoso en centros de Secundaria de la Región de Murcia. Con un muestreo por conglomerados, se concretó una muestra representativa que finalmente estuvo compuesta por 950 estudiantes de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria. En este artículo vamos a profundizar en los aspectos relacionados con los ciberacosadores, su prevalencia y el uso que hacen de las tecnologías. Los resultados muestran que un 6.4% de los participantes se pueden considerar ciberacosadores, aunque un 23.3% ha realizado alguna de las conductas propias de los ciberacosadores. Además, se corrobora una conclusión obtenida en estudios previos sobre la importancia del control parental. Es importante conocer en profundidad estas conductas para poder diseñar estrategias de prevención en los centros escolares.Bullying and cyberbullying are current problems in Secondary Education about which people are worried. The aim of this quantitative research is to know the situation of cyberbullying in the Region of Murcia. The representative sample consisted of 950 students of compulsory secondary education. In this article we are going to analyse some aspects related to cyberbullies, their prevalence and the uses of some technologies that can be risk factors for this problem. The results show that 6.4% of the participants can be considered as cyberbullies, although 23.3% have committed one or more of this type of behaviours. Moreover, our study confirms the relevance of parents control to prevent ciberbullying, as other researches have previously founded. It is relevant the knowledge of these profiles to design strategies in order to prevent these situations in scholar institutions.Universidad de Murci

    A brief review on the contribution to the knowledge of the difficulties and misconceptions in understanding the chemical equilibrium.

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    The existence and persistence of errors in the understanding of chemical equilibrium denotes student"s difficulties in learning and also in teaching methodologies. The knowledge of these difficulties, in depth, can help teachers to try to overcome them. This work is a review together with new contributions on the chemical equilibrium misconceptions analyzed by a group of university and high school teachers. On the one hand, we pretend to collect some of most common difficulties that students, from high school and university, show in re lation to chemical equilibrium and Le Chatelier's Principle application. On the other hand, we also intend to analyze the possible causes and even, ocasionally, make suggestions of activities to help teachers to improve the topic. This work collects difficulties and misconceptions related with basic concepts of equilibrium (system type, forward and reverse reaction rates, stoichiometry, catalyst function, equilibrium constant and reaction quotient, changes of equilibrium constant with temperature and concentration...); as well as with the understanding and the prediction of the direction of change in the equilibrium position by changing different variables such us composition, volume, pressure or temperature. Finally, educational implications addressed to the teachers have been underlined in order to amend the observed mistakes by alerting students and changing methodologies. In order to not excessively lengthen the study, ionic equilibria have not been addressed. Moreover, the work makes special emphasis on the most common and significant conceptual errors but, obviously, is not an exhaustive revision of all the possible misconceptions

    Comparative Clinical Study of Two Tooth Bleaching Protocols with 6% Hydrogen Peroxide

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    Objective. The objective was to compare the clinical efficacy of two different tooth bleaching protocols after 1 and 2 weeks of treatment with an over-the-counter paint-on gel containing 6% hydrogen peroxide. Material and methods. Sixteen volunteer patients (minimum shade A2 or darker on maxillary teeth) were selected to participate in this randomized, single-blind (examiner-blinded), single-center, 2-group clinical trial using a divided mouth model. The product was applied in our clinic to one hemi-arch (Group I) in each patient at two sessions one week apart, making five applications at each session (separated by 10 min intervals). The patients themselves applied the product once a day for 10 days in the other hemiarch (Group II). Efficacy was measured according to the Vita Classical shade guide at baseline and at one and two weeks. Differences between groups (office-treated vs. home-treated hemiarches) were tested by repeated-measures analysis of variance. Results. Significant (P < .05) differences in shade values were detected between pre- and post-bleaching in both groups. The two groups did not significantly differ in tooth shade at the end of the treatment. Conclusions. Treatment with 6% hydrogen peroxide gel using the paint-on system shows significant clinical efficacy whether applied by clinicians or by the patients themselves

    Collaborative networks via Internet: participation of preservice teachers education in the experience Purpos /ed [ES]

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    Desde hace unos años la docencia universitaria trata de ser más práctica y asentada en la realidad. Las TIC nos pueden ayudar a hacer las asignaturas más prácticas para los alumnos. En la red, y concretamente las redes sociales, se están desarrollando experiencias muy innovadoras por parte de reconocidos profesionales. Entonces, la pregunta que nos debemos de hacer es ¿por qué no hacer uso de estas herramientas para acercar al alumno a la realidad de su futura profesión? Este artículo presenta la experiencia de un grupo de alumnos que estudian Magisterio de Primaria, los cuales han participado en la experiencia Purpos/ed [ES], una red de profesores que colaboran a través de Internet con el fin de debatir y hacer propuestas para mejorar la educación. Este proyecto se estructura en una serie de campañas con distintos propósitos realizadas principalmente en la red, y lo que se pretendió es que los alumnos conocieran y participaran activamente en algunas de esas campañas, con el fin de conocer la realidad docente.In recent years university teaching try to be more practical and settling in reality. ICT can help us do the subjects more practical for students. On the Internet, specifically social networking sites, we can find highly innovative experiences by recognized professionals. So the question we should do is, why not use these tools to bring students to the reality of their future profession? This article presents the experience of a group of students who study at University to be teachers in Primary Schools, who have participated in the experience Purpos/ed [ES], a network of teachers who collaborate via the Internet to discuss and make proposals for improving education. This project is divided into a series of campaigns for different purposes made mainly on the network. The main goal was to introduce students in this experience to collaborate on line, in order to know the reality of teachin


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    Entre las competencias clave que el alumnado debe adquirir podemos encontrar la digital y el emprendimiento. Del análisis comparativo de ambas surge el modelo EmDigital. Este modelo describe la competencia de emprendimiento digital a partir de cuatro áreas y 15 sub-competencias. El objetivo del estudio es validar un instrumento cuantitativo para medir la competencia de emprendimiento digital en universitarios. Para ello se han utilizado las siguientes técnicas: grupo focal, juicio de expertos, entrevistas cognitivas y Análisis Factorial Exploratorio. Se ha utilizado una muestra piloto compuesta por 190 estudiantes de último curso de Grado (60% eran mujeres con edad media de 24.97). La fiabilidad mostrada por el instrumento ha sido muy buena. Los resultados del AFE muestran 4 factores que explican el 43% de la varianza. A partir de los resultados se ha revisado el instrumento y creado la versión definitiva del mismo, que presentamos en el artículo. Los datos solo reflejan diferencias en función del género en una de las dimensiones del instrumento, concretamente en la identificación de oportunidades, donde los hombres puntúan más alto.Entrepreneurship and digital skills are key competences that students must acquire throughout their formal education. The EmDigital model was developed to assess digital entrepreneurship competence by combining both. This model describes the competence of digital entrepreneurship in terms of four areas and 15 subcompetences. The aim of the study is to validate a quantitative instrument to measure digital entrepreneurship competence in university students. The following techniques were used: focus group, expert judgement, cognitive interviews and Exploratory Factor Analysis. A pilot sample of 190 final year undergraduate students (60% were female with an average age of 24.97) was used. The reliability of the instrument was very good. The AFE results show an instrument composed of 4 factors that explain 43% of the variance. Based on the results, the instrument has been revised and a definitive questionnaire has been created. This final version of the questionnaire is introduced in this article. The data only reflect gender differences in one of the dimensions of the instrument, namely the identification of opportunities, where men score higher.Entre as competências-chave que os estudantes devem adquirir estão as competências digitais e o empreendedorismo. O modelo EmDigital emerge de uma análise comparativa de ambas. Este modelo descreve a competência do empreendedorismo digital em termos de quatro áreas e 15 subcompetências. O objetivo do estudo é validar um instrumento quantitativo para medir a competência de empreendedorismo digital em universitários. Foram utilizadas as seguintes técnicas: grupo focal, parecer de especialistas, entrevistas cognitivas e Análise Factorial Exploratória. Foi utilizada uma amostra piloto composta por 190 estudantes do último ano do grau (60% eram mulheres com uma idade média de 24,97 anos). A fiabilidade demonstrada pelo instrumento foi muito boa. Os resultados da AFE mostram 4 fatores que explicam 43% da variância. Com base nos resultados, o instrumento foi revisto e foi criada uma versão final do instrumento, que apresentamos no artigo. Os dados refletem apenas diferenças de género numa das dimensões do instrumento, concretamente na identificação de oportunidades, em que os homens têm uma pontuação mais elevada.Entre as competências-chave que os estudantes devem adquirir estão as competências digitais e o empreendedorismo. O modelo EmDigital emerge de uma análise comparativa de ambas. Este modelo descreve a competência do empreendedorismo digital em termos de quatro áreas e 15 subcompetências. O objetivo do estudo é validar um instrumento quantitativo para medir a competência de empreendedorismo digital em universitários. Foram utilizadas as seguintes técnicas: grupo focal, parecer de especialistas, entrevistas cognitivas e Análise Factorial Exploratória. Foi utilizada uma amostra piloto composta por 190 estudantes do último ano do grau (60% eram mulheres com uma idade média de 24,97 anos). A fiabilidade demonstrada pelo instrumento foi muito boa. Os resultados da AFE mostram 4 fatores que explicam 43% da variância. Com base nos resultados, o instrumento foi revisto e foi criada uma versão final do instrumento, que apresentamos no artigo. Os dados refletem apenas diferenças de género numa das dimensões do instrumento, concretamente na identificação de oportunidades, em que os homens têm uma pontuação mais elevada.数字能力和创业能力是学生在高等教育阶段应该习得的重要能力。EmDigital模型正是诞生于对这两种能力的对比分析中。该模型从4个领域15项次能力对数字创业能力进行描述。此项研究的目标是对测量大学生数字创业能力的定量工具进行验证。研究采用下列技术:焦点小组、专家判断、认知访谈和探索性因素分析。使用由190名本科应届毕业生(其中60%为女生,平均年龄为24.97岁)组成的试点样本。该工具呈现出了良好的信度,同时探索性因素分析的结果显示4项因素解释了43%的方差。在此结果上,我们对工具进行了检验并确定了工具的最终版本。根据学生性别的不同,数据只在工具的一个维度,具体来说是机会识别维度上反映出了差异,在这个维度上男生给出的评分比女生高

    The withdrawal in contracts held at a distance

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    Trabajo de fin de Grado. Grado en Derecho. Curso académico 2014-2015[ES]El objeto de este trabajo es el estudio del derecho que permite al consumidor, durante un breve periodo de tiempo desvincularse de un contrato ya celebrado, sin tener que justificar su decisión y sin que se le penalice de ninguna manera. Para el correcto estudio, analizamos los preceptos del Texto Refundido de la Ley General de Defensa de Consumidores y Usuarios que regulan esta materia. El consumidor como parte débil de un contrato celebrado entre ausentes, característica fundamental de los contratos celebrados a distancia, necesita un nivel de protección mayor, al no encontrarse en una situación de igualdad respecto de la otra parte contratante. Este trabajo analiza también, las modificaciones que la Ley 3/2014 ha introducido en el régimen de ejercicio del derecho de desistimiento del TRLGDCU.[EN] The aim of this project is the study of the rules that ,in a short period of time , allow consumers to break away from a contract that has already been entered without having to justify their decision or without being punished at all. For the correct purpose of the present study, the precepts that regularize this material are analized using the “Texto Refundido de la Ley General de Defensa de Consumidores y Usuarios “. Consumers need quite a lot of legal protection since they are considered the weakest part in contracts entered into absentees because they are not under the same legal conditions as the contracting party, and this is one of the main characteristics of contracts held at a distance. This project also analyzes the changes in the legal regulations introduced in the rules in the exercise of the right of withdrawal of TRLGDCU by the Law 3/2014