45 research outputs found

    Kapsula endoskopikoaren erabilgarritasunaren errebisioa Basurtoko Ospitaleko esperientzian oinarritua

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    [EU]Gaur egun kapsula endoskopikoa digestio-hodiko patologia desberdinen diagnostikoan garrantzia hartzen doan bitartean, honen aurkikuntzak deskribatzeko eta pazienteen aukeraketa egokia egiteko irizpide faltak oraindik arazo bat suposatzen duela ikusi dezakegu hainbat ikerketa desberdinetan, bereziki digestio hodiko odoljario ilunen indikaziotik kanpo. Hori dela eta, gure ikerlanaren helburua kapsula endoskopikoan aurkikuntza positiboak izateko eragina izan dezaketen faktore desberdinak aztertzea izango da, horien artean erlaziorik dagoen ikusteko. Horretarako 2019. urtean Basurtuko Ospitalean burututako kapsula endoskopiko guztiak aztertu ditugu

    A mixed-FEM and BEM coupling for the approximation of the scattering of thermal waves in locally non-homogeneous media

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    This paper proposes and analyzes a BEM-FEM scheme to approximate a time-harmonic diffusion problem in the plane with non-constant coefficients in a bounded area. The model is set as a Helmholtz transmission problem with adsorption and with non-constant coefficients in a bounded domain. We reformulate the problem as a four-field system. For the temperature and the heat flux we use piecewise constant functions and lowest order Raviart-Thomas elements associated to a triangulation approximating the bounded domain. For the boundary unknowns we take spaces of periodic splines. We show how to transmit information from the approximate boundary to the exact one in an efficient way and prove well-posedness of the Galerkin method. Error estimates are provided and experimentally corroborated at the end of the work.The authors are partially supported by MEC/FEDER Project MTM2004-01905, Gobierno de AragĂłn (Grupo Consolidado PDIE) and by Gobierno de Navarra Ref. 18/2005

    Influence of competition on performance factors in under-19 soccer players at national league level

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    [EN] The aim of this study was to analyse and quantify the acute effects of competition on several performance factors in under-19 male soccer players. To this end, 198 national league players (17.56 ± 0.78 years) performed various tests to measure jump capacity, kicking velocity and sprint times immediately pre-match (T1), at half-time (T2) and post-match (T3). Tests included kicking the ball to measure ball velocity (KICK), sprinting for 40 meters, timing the first 30 meters (30mACCEL), the last 10 meters (10mACCEL) and the total distance (40mACCEL), and performing countermovement jumps (CMJ). For subsequent analysis, the sample was divided into 5 playing positions: goalkeepers (n = 24), defenders (n = 51), midfielders (n = 36), wingers (n = 54) and forwards (n = 33). For all positions, we found a significant decline in performance (p<0.05) for kicking velocity (2.91% - 6.51%) and sprinting (0.44%-5.85%). For the CMJ, all positions except defenders presented a significant decline in performance that ranged from 1.5% to 4.56%. These findings highlight the need to individualise fitness training, taking into account the match needs and demands of the different playing positions in order to minimise the effects of match fatigue and accelerate post-match recovery.S

    How important is donor age in liver transplantation?

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    The age of liver donors has been increasing in the past several years because of a donor shortage. In the United States, 33% of donors are age 50 years or older, as are more than 50% in some European countries. The impact of donor age on liver transplantation (LT) has been analyzed in several studies with contradictory conclusions. Nevertheless, recent analyses of the largest databases demonstrate that having an older donor is a risk factor for graft failure. Donor age is included as a risk factor in the more relevant graft survival scores, such as the Donor Risk Index, donor age and Model for End-stage Liver Disease, Survival Outcomes Following Liver Transplantation, and the Balance of Risk. The use of old donors is related to an increased rate of biliary complications and hepatitis C virus-related graft failure. Although liver function does not seem to be significantly affected by age, the incidence of several liver diseases increases with age, and the capacity of the liver to manage or overcome liver diseases or external injuries decreases. In this paper, the importance of age in LT outcomes, the role of donor age as a risk factor, and the influence of aging on liver regeneration are reviewed

    Imipenem heteroresistance but not tolerance in Haemophilus influenzae during chronic lung infection associated with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

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    Antibiotic resistance is a major Public Health challenge worldwide. Mechanisms other than resistance are described as contributors to therapeutic failure. These include heteroresistance and tolerance, which escape the standardized procedures used for antibiotic treatment decision-making as they do not involve changes in minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC). Haemophilus influenzae causes chronic respiratory infection and is associated with exacerbations suffered by chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patients. Although resistance to imipenem is rare in this bacterial species, heteroresistance has been reported, and antibiotic tolerance cannot be excluded. Moreover, development of antibiotic heteroresistance or tolerance during within-host H. influenzae pathoadaptive evolution is currently unknown. In this study, we assessed imipenem resistance, heteroresistance and tolerance in a previously sequenced longitudinal collection of H. influenzae COPD respiratory isolates. The use of Etest, disc diffusion, population analysis profiling, tolerance disc (TD)-test methods, and susceptibility breakpoint criteria when available, showed a significant proportion of imipenem heteroresistance with differences in terms of degree among strains, absence of imipenem tolerance, and no specific trends among serial and clonally related strains could be established. Analysis of allelic variation in the ftsI, acrA, acrB, and acrR genes rendered a panel of polymorphisms only found in heteroresistant strains, but gene expression and genome-wide analyses did not show clear genetic traits linked to heteroresistance. In summary, a significant proportion of imipenem heteroresistance was observed among H. influenzae strains isolated from COPD respiratory samples over time. These data should be useful for making more accurate clinical recommendations to COPD patients

    Do nutritional supplements have a role in age macular degeneration prevention?

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    Purpose. To review the proposed pathogenic mechanisms of age macular degeneration (AMD), as well as the role of antioxidants (AOX) and omega-3 fatty acids (omega-3) supplements in AMD prevention. Materials and Methods. Current knowledge on the cellular/molecular mechanisms of AMD and the epidemiologic/experimental studies on the effects of AOX and omega-3 were addressed all together with the scientific evidence and the personal opinion of professionals involved in the Retina Group of the OFTARED (Spain). Results. High dietary intakes of omega-3 and macular pigments lutein/zeaxanthin are associated with lower risk of prevalence and incidence in AMD. The Age-Related Eye Disease study (AREDS) showed a beneficial effect of high doses of vitamins C, E, beta-carotene, and zinc/copper in reducing the rate of progression to advanced AMD in patients with intermediate AMD or with one-sided late AMD. The AREDS-2 study has shown that lutein and zeaxanthin may substitute beta-carotene because of its potential relationship with increased lung cancer incidence. Conclusion. Research has proved that elder people with poor diets, especially with low AOX and omega-3 micronutrients intake and subsequently having low plasmatic levels, are more prone to developing AMD. Micronutrient supplementation enhances antioxidant defense and healthy eyes and might prevent/retard/modify AMD

    Eugenola: polimero jasangarrien biomasatik erauzitako lehengaia

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    In recent years, the interest of renewable resources in the scientific community has increased. In fact, carbon emissions and their waste have led to the search for more sustainable raw materials. Therefore, replacing fossil fuels with natural raw materials has become urgent. Natural monomers with aromatic and particularly phenolic groups are highly desirable because of the evident thermal, chemical and mechanical properties of the polymeric materials that produce them. This work develops different polymerizations that can be generated using the excellent functionality of the natural raw material called eugenol. For example, radical and cationic polymerization, olefinic metathesis, polycondensation, ene reaction and thiolene reaction.; Azken urteotan, gizartean ingurumenaren kalteaz dagoen kezkak bultzaturik, zientzia-komunitatean baliabide berriztagarrien interesa handitu egin da. Izan ere, karbono-emisioek eta haiek sortzen dituzten hondakinek lehengai jasangarriagoak bilatzera eraman dute. Hortaz, erregai fosilak lehengai naturaletatik ordezkatzea premiazko bihurtu da. Talde aromatikoak eta, bereziki, fenolikoak dituzten monomero naturalak oso desiragarriak dira, sortzen dituzten material polimerikoen propietate termiko, kimiko eta mekaniko nabarmenengatik. Lan honen bidez, eugenola deritzon lehengai naturala-ren funtzionalitate bikainaz baliatuz garatu diren polimerizazioak bildu dira. Alde horretatik, erradikal bidezko polimerizazioa eta kationikoa, metatesi olefinikoa, polikondentsazioa, ene erreakzioak eta tiol-ene erreakzioak erabiliz, eugenol konposatuan oinarritutako polimeroen sintesia aztertu da

    A delphi study to detect deficiencies and propose actions in real life treatment of neovascular Age-Related Macular Degeneration

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    Purpose. Spanish retina specialists were surveyed in order to propose actions to decrease deficiencies in real-life neovascular age macular degeneration treatment (nv-AMD). Methods. One hundred experts, members of the Spanish Vitreoretinal Society (SERV), were invited to complete an online survey of 52 statements about nv-AMD management with a modified Delphi methodology. Four rounds were performed using a 5-point Linkert scale. Recommendations were developed after analyzing the differences between the results and the SERV guidelines recommendations. Results. Eighty-seven specialists completed all the Delphi rounds. Once major potential deficiencies in real-life nv-AMD treatment were identified, 15 recommendations were developed with a high level of agreement. Consensus statements to reduce the burden of the disease included the use of treat and extend regimen and to reduce the amount of diagnostic tests during the loading phase and training technical staff to perform these tests and reduce the time between relapse detection and reinjection, as well as establishing patient referral protocols to outside general ophthalmology clinics. Conclusion. The level of agreement with the final recommendations for nv-AMD treatment among Spanish retinal specialist was high indicating that some actions could be applied in order to reduce the deficiencies in real-life nv-AMD treatment