39 research outputs found

    Medicinal Plants Used Against Typhoid Fever in Bamboutos Division, Western Cameroon

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    Typhoid fever is a serious infectious disease that has been a public health concern for millennia. An impressive number of plant species are traditionally used in the management of typhoid fever in the Bamboutos Division of the West Region of Cameroon. In the present ethnobotanical survey an attempt has been made to document the different medicinal plants used traditionally by traditional healers and elders to treat typhoid fever. Ethnobotanical interviews on medicinal plants used to treat typhoid fever were conducted with traditional healers and elderly persons using open-ended semi-structured questionnaires. Field trips were made to the sites where they harvest plants, and specimens were collected and identified. A total of 59 medicinal plant species belonging to 56 genera and 33 families were recorded during the study. The most commonly used plant families recorded were Asteraceae (17%); Fabaceae (7%); and Bignoniaceae, Malvaceae, and Moraceae (5.0% each). The most frequently utilized medicinal plant parts were leaves (48.6%), followed by bark (28.9%), stem (7.8%), whole plant (6.5%), roots (5.2%), and fruits (2.6%). while shrubs (35,5%) were the primary source of medicine, followed by herbs (32.2%) and trees (30.5%). Most of the medicinal plant species (40.6%) were harvested from the wild compared to 38.9% from cultivated land and 20.3% semi-cultivated. Decoction was the most common method of traditional drug preparation. Oral administration was the only mode of dispensing of herbal medicine. Most of the plants were used in combination to increase effectiveness in the treatment of the disease. Knowledge of the use of plants as medicines remains mostly with traditional healers and older generation who are illiterate. It is recommended that research institutes and university researchers carry out research on these species so as to conserve and improve their genetic constitutions. Also, attempts must be made to encourage the documentation of plants, so that they can be readily accessible to a larger number of populace

    Utilités socioéconomiques et culturelles du Balanites aegyptiaca (L.) Del. (Famille Zygophyllaceae) chez les populations locales de la Région du Ouaddaï au Tchad

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    Objectif: Cette étude réalisée dans la Région du Ouaddaï au Tchad a pour objectif de comprendre les pratiques et les perceptions paysannes dans l’utilisation de Balanites aegyptiaca.Méthodes et résultats: des enquêtes socioéconomiques et ethnobotaniques ont été menées auprès d’un échantillon de 172 personnes appartenant à trois villages de la région. Les utilisations de l’arbre par ces populations sont alimentaires, médicinales, fourragères et socioculturelles. Les parties de l’arbre les plus utilisées sont les fruits (100%), les feuilles (98%) et le bois (66%). Les jeunes feuilles sont consommées comme légume par 100% des Maba et Tama, 95,22% des Massalit et 68,54% des Mimi. Sur le plan médicinal, B. aegyptiaca est utilisé pour soigner plusieurs affections dont la diarrhée (59,75%), la dysenterie (51,50%), les maux de poitrine (40%), la constipation (20,38%) et la Coqueluche (18,56%). Les principaux modes de préparation des recettes sont, la décoction (35,24%), la trituration (31,23%), l’infusion (24,12%) et les macérations aqueuses (10,67%). Les graines et les épines sont aussi d’une grande importance socio-culturelle. Les activités socio-économiques observées autour des produits de l’arbre concernent la commercialisation des fruits, des graines et du bois qui constitue un intérêt socio-économique certain pour les populations, notamment les femmes.Conclusion et applicabilité des résultats: Cette étude a montré que les populations de la région du Ouaddaï disposent d’un ensemble de connaissance et de savoir-faire sur le B. aegyptiaca. Les savoirs locaux endogènes identifiés ainsi que les perceptions constituent une base pour le développement de stratégies de conservation et d’utilisation durable de ces ressources génétiques. En conséquence, la disponibilité des produits issus de cet arbre devrait être accrue à travers sa domestication et son introduction dans les systèmes locaux de production paysans existants.Mots clés: Savoirs endogènes, Balanites aegyptiaca, domestication, Ouaddaï, TchadEnglish Title: Socioeconomic and cultural utilities of Balanites aegyptiaca (L.) Del. for local populations of the Ouaddaï region in ChadEnglish AbstractObjective: This study done in the region of Ouaddaï in Chad aims to assess the farmer practices and perceptions in the use and conservation of Balanites aegyptiaca.Methodology and results: Socio-economic and ethno botanical interviews were undertaken with a sample of 172 people from three villages of this region. The usages of this tree by local populations are food, medicinal, forage and socio-cultural. The fruits (100%), leaves (98%) and wood (66%) are the most highly used parts of the tree. Young leaves are consumed as vegetables by 100% of Maba and Tama, 95.22% of Massalit and 68.54% of Mimi. In medicinal terms, B. aegyptiaca is used to treat several affections including diarrhea (59.75%), dysentery (51.50%), chest pain (40%), constipation (20.38%) and pertussis (18.56%). The main types of recipes preparation were described are decoction (35.24%), powders (31.23%), infusion (24.12%) and aqueous macerations (10.67%). Seeds and thorns are also a great socio-cultural importance. The socioeconomic activities observed around the tree products concern fruits, seeds and wood marketing which constitute a socio-economic interest for local community and in particular for women.Conclusion and Application of findings: This study showed that local people in the region of Ouaddaï have a wealth of knowledge and expertise on B. aegyptiaca. The endogenous local knowledge identified and the perceptions constitute a basis for the development of conservation strategies and sustainable use of these genetic resources. Consequently, the availability of products derived from this three should be increased through his domestication and introduction into the existing local farmer production systems.Keywords: Endogenous knowledge, Balanites aegyptiaca, domestication, Ouaddaï, Cha

    Effet de la fertilisation organique à base de litière foliaire de Jatropha curcas L. et Jatropha gossypifolia L. sur la culture de tomate (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) à Guider (Nord/Cameroun)

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    La baisse de la fertilité des sols due à la mauvaise gestion des terres et l’utilisation excessive des engrais chimiques a motivé le regain d’intérêt dans la recherche de fertilisants organiques respectant l’environnement pour un développement durable. Pour évaluer l’efficacité agronomique des litières de Jatropha sur la production de la tomate, une étude a été conduite en champs dans des pots de 20 cm de diamètre. Le dispositif expérimental est un bloc de Fischer randomisé avec un total de 64 pots (4 traitements x 4 répétitions x 4 unités expérimentales). Les résultats ont montré que les litières de Jatropha curcas et Jatropha gossypifolia ont amélioré la croissance et le développement (le diamètre et la ramification de la tige, le nombre de feuille et de fruits ainsi que la masse des fruits) de la tomate par rapport au témoin. La litière de Jatropha curcas a induit une large amélioration de la masse des fruits (33,09 g) par rapport aux autres traitements : le témoin (19,99 g), la litière de Jatropha gossypifolia (20,44 g) et l’engrais chimique (24,02 g). Pour une culture dont on aimerait avoir des gros fruits l’utilisation des fertilisants organiques à base des litières de Jatropha curcas pourrait être conseillée.Mots clés : Fertilisant organique, Litière, Jatropha curcas, Jatropha gossypifolia, Nord-Cameroun.   English Title: Effect of organic fertilization based on leaf litter of Jatropha curcas L. and Jatropha gossypifolia L. on the tomato crop (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) in Guider (North Cameroon)The decline in soil fertility due to poor land management and excessive use of chemical fertilizers has induced new interest in the quest for environmentally friendly organic fertilizers for sustainable development. To assess the agronomic effectiveness of Jatropha litter on tomato production, a study was conducted in the field in pots of 20 cm in diameter. The experimental set-up is a randomized Fischer block with a total of 64 pots (4 treatments x 4 repetitions x 4 experimental units). The results showed that the litters of Jatropha curcas and Jatropha gossypifolia improved the growth and development (the diameter and branching of the stem, the number of leaves and fruits as well as the mass of the fruits) of the tomato compared to the witness. Jatropha curcas litter induced a large improvement in fruit mass (33.09 g) compared to other treatments: the control (19.99 g), Jatropha gossypifolia litter (20.44 g) and chemical fertilizer (24.02 g). For a crop from which we would like to have larger fruits, the use of organic fertilizers based on Jatropha curcas litter could be recommended.Keywords: Organic fertilizer, Litter, Jatropha curcas, Jatropha gossypifolia, North Cameroon. &nbsp

    Medicinal plants used for treating reproductive health care problems in Cameroon, Central Africa

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    Approximately 80% of the African population uses traditional plants to deal with health problems, basically because of their easy accessibility and affordability. This study was carried out to document indigenous knowledge of medicinal plants used by traditional healers and elders in the treatment of reproductive health care in the Bamboutos Division of the West Region in Cameroon, Central Africa. The research methods used included semi-structured interviews and participative field observations. For the interviews, 70 knowledgeable respondents (40 traditional healers and 30 elders) were selected via purposive sampling. Voucher specimens were collected with the help of respondents, processed into the Cameroon National Herbarium in Yaounde following standard methods, identified with the help of pertinent floras and taxonomic experts, and submitted to Department of Botany at the University of Dschang. Descriptive statistics were used to analyze and summarize ethnobotanical information obtained. Informant consensus factors (ICF) were used to elucidate the agreement among informants on the species to be used in the treatment within a category of illness. The results showed that a total of 70 plant species from 37 families (mostly of the Asteraceae [8 species], Euphorbiaceae [7], and Acanthaceae and Bignoniaceae [4 each]) are used in the treatment of 27 reproductive ailments, with the highest number of species (37) being used against venereal diseases, followed by female (29) andmale infertility (21), respectively. Leaves (47.3%) were the most commonly harvested plant parts and the most common growth forms harvested were the herbs (45.7%), followed by shrubs (30%). Sixty percent of plant material was obtained from the wild ecosystems. Herbal remedies were mostly prepared in the form of decoction (66.2%) and were taken mainly orally. Informant consensus about usages of medicinal plants ranged from 0.5 to 1.0 with an average value of 0.91. It can be concluded that medicinal plants have played and will continue to play major roles in the management of reproductive healthcare in the study area

    Multiplication végétative de Balanites aegyptiaca (L.) Del., Diospyros mespiliformis Hochst. ex. A. Rich. et Sclerocarya birrea (A. Rich.) Hochst au nord du Cameroun

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    Introduction. Le drageonnage et le marcottage aérien de trois fruitiers à usages multiples, Balanites aegyptiaca, Diospyros mespiliformis et Sclerocarya birrea, ont été étudiés dans le secteur climatique sahélo-soudanien à Kéring en vue de contribuer à la régénération à faible coût de ces espèces surexploitées. Matériel et méthodes. Dans trois stations représentatives de cette localité (jardins de case, brousse, berges de cours d'eau), un inventaire de 90 arbres par espèce a été réalisé au préalable pour détecter la présence d'éventuels drageons ou marcottes terrestres naturels. Ensuite, les possibilités d'induction de drageons au début de la saison des pluies par blessure ou sectionnement de racines et l'aptitude au marcottage aérien en fin de la saison des pluies ont été testées sur les pieds ciblés. Résultats et discussion L'espèce Sbirrea a présenté une aptitude très élevée pour le drageonnage naturel par rapport aux deux autres espèces. D. mespiliformis a drageonné moyennement alors que B. aegyptiaca, espèce ?fourragère très broutée, a montré ici une faible aptitude au drageonnage. L'effet de la station a été significatif; il y a eu une plus forte fréquence de drageons au niveau des berges des cours d'eau. Le marcottage terrestre naturel n'a pas été remarqué sur les 270 arbres observés. L'induction du drageonnage réalisé au début de la saison des pluies par sectionnement complet de racines superficielles a été plus efficace après 9 mois (taux de 57,7 %, toutes espèces confondues) que la méthode d'induction par blessure légère des racines traçantes (37,7 %). L'exposition à la lumière des racines stressées a amplifié le drageonnage. Les drageons induits apparaissent généralement sur la racine stressée, du côté proximal de l'arbre-mère, mais ils peuvent se former aussi du côté distal. Réalisés en fin de saison pluvieuse, les essais de marcottage aérien de B. aegyptiaca ont montré 95 % de marcottes enracinées alors que, à cette saison, les deux autres espèces se sont révélées réfractaires après 5 mois d'observation. Conclusion En dehors des facteurs génétiques, physiologiques et environnementaux qui peuvent influencer la réussite du marcottage aérien ou du drageonnage,S. birrea et D. mespiliformis semblent nettement mieux prédisposées dans l'écosystème du secteur de Kéring à l'induction du drageonnage que B. aegyptiaca, plus apte au marcottage aérien. Ces résultats ouvrent de nouvelles voies à la multiplication de ces trois espèces surexploitées par les populations. (Résumé d'auteur

    Allometric Equations for the Biomass Prediction in Azadirachta indica Plantations in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Case Study from Cameroon

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    This study took place in the Far North region of Cameroon. It aimed at developing and standardizing a specific allometric equation to neem Agroforets in Sub-Saharan Africa. A sample of twenty (20) individuals of Azadirachta indica was cut over all the diameter classes, located between 5 and 105 cm. The dbh and height were measured. Biomass of the compartments of leaves, branches and trunks were determined after drying and weighing. Different allometric equations between biomass and two tree parameters (diameter and height) were tested. The adjusted coefficients of determination (R2aj), the residual standard error (RSE) and the Akaike information criterion (AIC) were used to choose the best models. The main results show that there is a positive and significant relationship between the height of trees and diameter (R2 = 0.98; n = 20 and p ? 0.05). The best model for the prediction of the total Above Ground Biomass (AGB) in Azadirachta indica plantations is AGB = e(- 0.456 + 1.673 x ln (DBH)) with a coefficient of determination adjusted at 0.72

    Morphological Characterization of Four Leguminous Crops Cultivated in Two Agro Ecological Zone: Western and Guinean Savannah Highlands of Cameroon

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    In 2014, quarter (¼) of Africa populations were estimated to be suffering from hunger. In Cameroon, the demand for food is increasing while productivity was decreasing subsequently the food insufficiency. To solve this problem, leguminous crops were valorized in Cameroon. They represent a major source of protein especially among the poorest population, and are rich in essential amino acidssuch as lysine, supplementing thusthe nutritional value of cereal and tuber diets. Nevertheless, their production faced the problem of soil degradation and loss of soil fertility. The main objective of this work was to characterize leguminous crops cultivated in two agro ecological zones of Cameroon. Investigations based on farmer’s knowledge on leguminous crops cultivation were done in Western highlands and High Guinean savannah zones of Cameroon. During this survey, leguminous crops were collected for qualitative and quantitative analysis. Farmers which were mostly women have at least 10 years of experience on these leguminous crops cultivation. They kept their seed for next cultivation season and did not use fertilizers in their field. Based on color of seeds, nine, seven, six and four ecotypes of representing beans, peanuts, Bambara groundnuts and soybeans respectively were found from study sites. Quantitative analysis of these ecotypes presents the diversity of beans, peanuts and soybeans (p = 0.00) according to their biometric parameters. Except the weight of Bambara groundnuts which were different (p = 0.00) their size was similar among ecotypes