739 research outputs found

    Constitutive expression of E- and P-selectin cognate ligands in human endothelial cells.

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    On human endothelial cells from umbilical cord (HUVEC) are present, in addition to E- and P-selectins, their cognate ligands. Differently from selectins, the ligand expression is constitutive and not modulated by interleukin-1beta. Such ligands appear to be different from the ones present in promyelocytic cells in order to promote cell adhesion to immobilized selectins. The expression of selectin-ligands on HUVEC cells suggest that selectins can participate in endothelial signalling besides their role as adhesion molecules for circulating blood cells. However, despite their role in chemotaxis, selectins do not contribute to HUVEC tube formation in Matrigel

    Diagnostics of the Tropical Tropopause Layer from in-situ observations and CCM data

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    A suite of diagnostics is applied to in-situ aircraft measurements and one Chemistry-Climate Model (CCM) data to characterize the vertical structure of the Tropical Tropopause Layer (TTL). The diagnostics are based on vertical tracer profiles and relative vertical tracer gradients, using tropopause-referenced coordinates, and tracer-tracer relationships in the tropical Upper Troposphere/Lower Stratosphere (UT/LS).Observations were obtained during four tropical campaigns performed from 1999 to 2006 with the research aircraft Geophysica and have been compared to the output of the ECHAM5/MESSy CCM. The model vertical resolution in the TTL (similar to 500 m) allows for appropriate comparison with high-resolution aircraft observations and the diagnostics used highlight common TTL features between the model and the observational data.The analysis of the vertical profiles of water vapour, ozone, and nitrous oxide, in both the observations and the model, shows that concentration mixing ratios exhibit a strong gradient change across the tropical tropopause, due to the role of this latter as a transport barrier and that transition between the tropospheric and stratospheric regimes occurs within a finite layer. The use of relative vertical ozone and carbon monoxide gradients, in addition to the vertical profiles, helps to highlight the region where this transition occurs and allows to give an estimate of its thickness. The analysis of the CO-O-3 and H2O-O-3 scatter plots and of the Probability Distribution Function (PDF) of the H2O-O-3 pair completes this picture as it allows to better distinguish tropospheric and stratospheric regimes that can be identified by their different chemical composition.The joint analysis and comparison of observed and modelled data allows to state that the model can represent the background TTL structure and its seasonal variability rather accurately. The model estimate of the thickness of the interface region between tropospheric and stratospheric regimes agrees well with average values inferred from observations. On the other hand, the measurements can be influenced by regional scale variability, local transport processes as well as deep convection, that can not be captured by the model

    Impact of an improved radiation scheme in the MAECHAM5 General Circulation Model

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    In order to improve the representation of the shortwave radiative transfer in the MAECHAM5 general circulation model, the spectral resolution of the shortwave radiation parameterization used in the model has been increased and extended in the UV-B and UV-C bands. The upgraded shortwave parameterization is first validated offline with a 4 stream discrete-ordinate line-by-line model. Thereafter, two 20-years simulations with the MAECHAM5 middle atmosphere general circulation model are performed to evaluate the temperature changes and the dynamical feedbacks arising from the newly introduced parameterization. The offline clear-sky comparison of the standard and upgraded parameterizations with the discrete ordinate model shows considerable improvement for the upgraded parameterization in terms of shortwave fluxes and heating rates. In the simulation with the upgraded ratiation parameterization, we report a significant warming of almost the entire atmosphere, largest at 1 hPa at the stratopause, and stronger zonal mean zonal winds in the middle atmosphere. The warming at the summer stratopause alleviates the cold bias present in the model when the standard radiation scheme is used. The stronger zonal mean zonal winds induce a dynamical feedback that results in a dynamical warming (cooling) of the polar winter (summer) mesosphere, caused by an increased downward (upward)circulation in the winter (summer) hemisphere. In the troposphere, the changes in the spectral resolution and the associated changes in the cloud optical parameters introduce a relatively small warming and, consistenly, a moisteneing. The warming occurs mostly in the upper troposphere and can contribute to a possible improvement of the model temperature climatology

    Diagnostics of the Tropical Tropopause Layer from in-situ observations and CCM data

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    A suite of diagnostics is applied to in-situ aircraft measurements and one Chemistry-Climate Model (CCM) data to characterize the vertical structure of the Tropical Tropopause Layer (TTL). The diagnostics are based on vertical tracer profiles and relative vertical tracer gradients, using tropopause-referenced coordinates, and tracer-tracer relationships in the tropical Upper Troposphere/Lower Stratosphere (UT/LS). <br><br> Observations were obtained during four tropical campaigns performed from 1999 to 2006 with the research aircraft Geophysica and have been compared to the output of the ECHAM5/MESSy CCM. The model vertical resolution in the TTL (~500 m) allows for appropriate comparison with high-resolution aircraft observations and the diagnostics used highlight common TTL features between the model and the observational data. <br><br> The analysis of the vertical profiles of water vapour, ozone, and nitrous oxide, in both the observations and the model, shows that concentration mixing ratios exhibit a strong gradient change across the tropical tropopause, due to the role of this latter as a transport barrier and that transition between the tropospheric and stratospheric regimes occurs within a finite layer. The use of relative vertical ozone and carbon monoxide gradients, in addition to the vertical profiles, helps to highlight the region where this transition occurs and allows to give an estimate of its thickness. The analysis of the CO-O<sub>3</sub> and H<sub>2</sub>O-O<sub>3</sub> scatter plots and of the Probability Distribution Function (PDF) of the H<sub>2</sub>O-O<sub>3</sub> pair completes this picture as it allows to better distinguish tropospheric and stratospheric regimes that can be identified by their different chemical composition. <br><br> The joint analysis and comparison of observed and modelled data allows to state that the model can represent the background TTL structure and its seasonal variability rather accurately. The model estimate of the thickness of the interface region between tropospheric and stratospheric regimes agrees well with average values inferred from observations. On the other hand, the measurements can be influenced by regional scale variability, local transport processes as well as deep convection, that can not be captured by the model

    Integrating Human-Centred Design Approach into Sustainable-Oriented 3D Printing Systems

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    Modern 3D printing systems have become pervasive and widely used both in professional and in informal contexts, including sustainable-oriented ones. However, the risk to create very effective but non-sustainable solutions is very high since 3D printing systems could potentially increase the environmental emergencies and the unsustainable growth. In the transition process toward sustainable ways of production and consumption, the so-called human factor still plays an important role in the achievement of sustainable-oriented actions; it drives the adoption of proper lifestyles that directly and indirectly influence the ways through which such technologies are used. Therefore, future Sustainable 3D Printing Systems should integrate the humans in the systems’ development. This study presents two important results: (a) it presents a set of interdisciplinary ‘Sustainable 3D Printing Systems’, which compose a promising sustainable-oriented scenario useful to support the transition processes toward sustainable designs and productions, and (b) it proposes a new strategy for the integration of human-centred aspects into Sustainable 3D Printing Systems, by combining insights from human-centred design approach

    Impact of an improved shortwave radiation scheme in the MAECHAM5 General Circulation Model

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    International audienceIn order to improve the representation of ozone absorption in the stratosphere of the MAECHAM5 general circulation model, the spectral resolution of the shortwave radiation parameterization used in the model has been increased from 4 to 6 bands. Two 20-years simulations with the general circulation model have been performed, one with the standard and the other with the newly introduced parameterization respectively, to evaluate the temperature and dynamical changes arising from the two different representations of the shortwave radiative transfer. In the simulation with the increased spectral resolution in the radiation parameterization, a significant warming of almost the entire model domain is reported. At the summer stratopause the temperature increase is about 6 K and alleviates the cold bias present in the model when the standard radiation scheme is used. These general circulation model results are consistent both with previous validation of the radiation scheme and with the offline clear-sky comparison performed in the current work with a discrete ordinate 4 stream scattering line by line radiative transfer model. The offline validation shows a substantial reduction of the daily averaged shortwave heating rate bias (1?2 K/day cooling) that occurs for the standard radiation parameterization in the upper stratosphere, present under a range of atmospheric conditions. Therefore, the 6 band shortwave radiation parameterization is considered to be better suited for the representation of the ozone absorption in the stratosphere than the 4 band parameterization. Concerning the dynamical response in the general circulation model, it is found that the reported warming at the summer stratopause induces stronger zonal mean zonal winds in the middle atmosphere. These stronger zonal mean zonal winds thereafter appear to produce a dynamical feedback that results in a dynamical warming (cooling) of the polar winter (summer) mesosphere, caused by an increased downward (upward) circulation in the winter (summer) hemisphere. In addition, the comparison of the two simulations performed with the general circulation model shows that the increase in the spectral resolution of the shortwave radiation and the associated changes in the cloud optical properties result in a warming (0.5?1 K) and moistening (3%?12%) of the upper tropical troposphere. By comparing these modeled differences with previous works, it appears that the reported changes in the solar radiation scheme contribute to improve the model mean temperature also in the troposphere

    Arm position as a source of error in blood pressure measurement

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    The present study was designed to assess the value of correct positioning of a patient's arm when measuring blood pressure (BP). A total of 181 subjects were examined, 141 hypertensives on treatment, 25 untreated hypertensives, 15 normotensives. All the subjects underwent three BP measurements after a 5-min resting period in supine position. Then two BP readings were recorded in standing position with the arm either positioned by the patient's side or supported passively at patient's heart level. Average systolic BP (SBP) in standing position were 144.6 +/- 20.2 mmHg with the arm at the side and 136.4 +/- 21.1 mmHg with the arm at the heart level (p less than 0.001); average diastolic pressures were 99.0 +/- 12.0 mmHg and 90.2 +/- 12.3 mmHg (p less than 0.001), respectively. A fall in SBP greater than or equal to 20 mmHg from the supine to the upright position was detected in 18.2% of cases when measurement was performed at heart level; such a reduction was inapparent in two-thirds of cases when the arm was placed at the patient's body side. Incorrect positioning of a patient's arm during BP measurements in standing position leads to overestimation of BP values and masks the presence of postural hypotension

    Magnetic Resonance Imaging Visualization of Vulnerable Atherosclerotic Plaques at the Brachiocephalic Artery of Apolipoprotein E Knockout Mice by the Blood-pool Contrast Agent B22956/1

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    The aim of this study was to identify, by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), the ability of the blood-pool contrast agent B22956/1 to detect atherosclerotic plaques developing at the brachiocephalic artery of apolipoprotein E knockout (apoE-KO) mice and to possibly identify vulnerable atherosclerotic lesions. After high-fat feeding for 8 or 12 weeks, MRIs of brachiocephalic arteries were acquired before and after B22956/1 administration; then vessels were removed and analyzed by histology. B22956/1 injection caused a rapid increase in plaque signal enhancement and plaque to muscle contrast values, which remained stable up to 70 minutes. A linear correlation between signal enhancement and macrophage content was found 10 minutes after B22956/1 injection ( p < .01). Signal enhancement and plaque to muscle contrast values correlated with macrophage content 40 minutes after contrast agent administration ( p < .01). Finally, 70 minutes after B22956/1 infusion, plaque to muscle contrast significantly correlated with the percentage of stenosis ( p < .005). B22956/1 administration to high fat-fed apoE-KO mice resulted in a rapid enhancement of atherosclerotic plaques and in a great ability to rapidly visualize vulnerable plaques, characterized by a high macrophage content. These results suggest that B22956/1 could represent an interesting tool for the identification of atherosclerotic plaques potentially leading to acute cardiovascular events

    The Spectral Signature of Dust Scattering and Polarization in the Near IR to Far UV. I. Optical Depth and Geometry Effects

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    Spectropolarimetry from the near IR to the far UV of light scattered by dust provides a valuable diagnostic of the dust composition, grain size distribution and spatial distribution. To facilitate the use of this diagnostic, we present detailed calculations of the intensity and polarization spectral signature of light scattered by optically thin and optically thick dust in various geometries. The polarized light radiative transfer calculations are carried out using the adding-doubling method for a plane-parallel slab, and are extended to an optically thick sphere by integrating over its surface. The calculations are for the Mathis, Rumple & Nordsieck Galactic dust model, and cover the range from 1 μm\mu m to 500 \AA. We find that the wavelength dependence of the scattered light intensity provides a sensitive probe of the optical depth of the scattering medium, while the polarization wavelength dependence provides a probe of the grain scattering properties, which is practically independent of optical depth. We provide a detailed set of predictions, including polarization maps, which can be used to probe the properties of dust through imaging spectropolarimetry in the near IR to far UV of various Galactic and extragalactic objects. In a following paper we use the codes developed here to provide predictions for the dependence of the intensity and polarization on grain size distribution and composition.Comment: 29 pages + 21 figures, accepted for the Astrophysical Journal Supplement February 2000 issue. Some revision, mostly in the introduction and the conclusions, and a couple of correction
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