74 research outputs found

    Perfil de los estudiantes comprometidos con sus estudios: influencia del burnout y el engagement

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    This study analyses whether the three-dimensional perspective isthe best way to assess the burnout syndrome in a pre-professional group of university students, as has been extensively proven for professional groups. We also assess whether this syndrome can be defined as the positive cumulative result of exhaustion and cynicism and the negative cumulativeresult of the lack of professional efficacy. In addition to the study of the relationship between burnout and its hypothetical opposite construct, engagement, the associated burnout and engagement scales are used to explain the level of commitment of this group towards their study. The psychosocial variables "intention to leaveu", "knowledge of the professional world" and "academic perjormance" are used to define the profile of committed students. Among the results of the study, based on a sample of 1.187 Business Management students (LADE) at the University of the Basque Country (UPV) the most interesting are: a) As in professional groups, pre-professional burnout can be defined as the positive cumulative result of exhaustion and cynicism and the negative cumulative result of the lack of professional efficacy; b) In a second-order factor structure, neither the three burnout scales nor the three engagement scales cluster together into one separate burnout and engagement factor; c) There are two clearly different groups of students: those who are committed to learning, and those who are not; d) The level of commitment varies according to professional maturity, intention to leave and time the s~dbject expects to take to finish their studies.En este trabajo analizamos si para un colectivo preprofesional (estudiantes universiarios), tal y como ha sido ampliamente demostrado en colectivos profesionales de todo tipo, la mejor manera de valorar el síndrome de burnout es desde una perspectiva tridimensional. También comprobaremos si, para el colectivo estudiado, este síndrome puede definirse como un resultado acurnulativo positivo del agotamiento y cinismo, y negativo de la eficacia profesional. Por otra parte, además de examinar las relaciones del burnout con su constructo hipotético opuesto el engagement, se utilizan las escalas del burnout y el engagement asociadas para intentar explicar el grado de compromiso de este colectivo con su trabajo. Para terminar, utilizamos las variables psicosociales tendencia al abandono,conocimiento del mundo laboral y rendimiento académico para determinar el perfil de los estudiantes cccornprometidos)). Entre los resultados más importantes de la investigación, basada en una muestra compuesta por 1187 individuos que cursan la Licenciatura en Administración y Dirección de Empresas (LADE) en la Universidad del País Vasco (UPV), cabe destacar: a) Al igual que ocurre en colectivos profesionales, en un colectivo preprofesional, el burnout puede definirse como el resultudo acumulativo positivo del agotamiento y cinismo, y acumulativo negativo de la falta de eficacia profesional. b) En una estructura factorial de segundo orden, las tres escalas del burnout y las tres del engagement nosaturaron en factores separados. c) Se detectaron en la muestra dos grupos de estudiantes claramente diferenciados: comprometidos y no comprometidos con sus estudios. d) El grado de compromiso es diferente en función del conocimiento del mundo laboral, el deseo de abandonar la carrera y el tiempo estimado por el sujeto para acabar sus estudios

    La perspectiva social de la eutanasia en España: variables relacionadas con las actitudes hacia la eutanasia

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    The debate surrounding whether or not euthanasia should be a legal practice has been present in Spanish society since the 90’s. Recently, the Spanish government has passed Organic Law 3/2021 on the regulation of euthanasia.  In relation to this question, which has raised and continues to raise controversy among both public opinion and the political and legal world, this work explores the relation of the different variables to the attitudes of the Spanish public towards euthanasia. For this purpose, 182 people residing in Spain took part in the study.  The results indicate that there are no differences with regard to the age or gender of the participants in their attitudes towards euthanasia. Those who hold religious beliefs (irrespective of their religion) hold less favourable attitudes towards euthanasia than non-believers. Political orientation also relates to attitudes towards euthanasia. Finally, trust in the country’s health system and people’s empathic concern is also related to their attitudes towards euthanasia. At this point in time, when euthanasia has only just been regulated and starts to be put into practice in this country, it is of vital importance to consider the social perspective of euthanasia.El debate sobre si la eutanasia debe ser o no una práctica legal está presente en la sociedad española desde los años 90. Recientemente, el gobierno español ha aprobado la Ley Orgánica 3/2021 sobre la regulación de la eutanasia. En relación con esta cuestión, que ha suscitado y sigue suscitando polémica tanto en la opinión pública como en el mundo político y jurídico, este trabajo explora la relación de las diferentes variables con las actitudes del público español hacia la eutanasia. Para ello, participaron en el estudio 182 personas residentes en España. Los resultados indican que no existen diferencias en cuanto a la edad o el sexo de los participantes en sus actitudes hacia la eutanasia. Las personas creyentes (independientemente de la religión) tienen actitudes menos favorables hacia la eutanasia que las personas no creyentes. La orientación política también se relaciona con las actitudes hacia la eutanasia. Finalmente, la confianza en el sistema de salud del país y la preocupación empática de las personas también está relacionada con sus actitudes hacia la eutanasia. La eutanasia acaba de aprobarse en España y se empieza a poner en práctica, es de vital importancia considerar la perspectiva social de la eutanasia

    Family firms types based on beliefs

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    The purpose of this study was to find an effective way of identifying homogeneous family firm groups, based on the prevailing beliefs of the owning family on ownership, management and intergenerational transmission. We conducted a two-stage cluster analysis, using data from a representative sample of 240 Spanish family firms. The results showed three types of clearly differentiated family firms, each of them with a profile of different beliefs. Our work contributes to the previous literature by integrating the components of involvement and essence approaches and beliefs about these to distinguish homogeneous groups of family firms

    Aspectos de la calidad e-learning: referencia a la Universidad de La Rioja

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    En esta comunicación presentamos la experiencia de la impartición de asignaturas integramente en red. Estudiamos cuál es el nuevo rol del docente, al ser uno de los aspectos nucleares sobre los que gira este tipo de enseñanza. El docente pasa a ser un facilitador y ayudante del estudiante en su proceso de aprendizaje, para ello debe crear un ambiente cómodo, tener claros los objetivos y conocer las nuevas tecnologías. Aportamos también ciertos datos específicos de la Universidad de La Rioja en relación a las dos licenciaturas que se imparten en ella. A continuación, analizamos aquellos aspectos relevantes a considerar para evaluar si se ofrece calidad en la formación a través de la red. En este sentido pueden utilizarse modelos parciales y modelos globales, estos últimos aplicables a toda la universidad.In this paper, we present an experience with subjects taught entirely on the Internet. We study the new role of teachers, as this is one of the core aspects of this kind of teaching efforts. Teachers have become facilitators and assistants of students in their learning process, and to this aim, they must create a comfortable atmosphere, have clear objectives and be familiar with the new technologies. We also provide some specific data of the University of La Rioja concerning its two degrees taught on the Internet. Then, we analyze the relevant aspects to consider when assessing the quality of education on the Internet. In this sense, two kinds of models can be used: partial models and models applicable to the whole University (global models)

    Occupational depression in a Spanish-speaking sample: Associations with cognitive performance and work-life characteristics

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    This 386-participant study investigated the structural and psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the Occupational Depression Inventory (ODI). Exploratory structural equation modeling bifactor analysis revealed that the ODI meets the requirements for essential unidimensionality. Measurement invariance held across our sample and the English- and French-speaking samples used in the ODI’s initial validation study. Mokken scale analysis indicated that (a) the scalability of the instrument was strong, (b) no violations of monotonicity or local independence were present, and (c) invariant item ordering was sufficiently accurate. The ODI’s reliability was optimal. The ODI exhibited both convergent validity and discriminant validity vis-à-vis a job-unrelated measure of depression. Furthermore, occupational depression correlated substantially, and in the expected direction, with objective cognitive performance and 10 widely studied worklife characteristics. This study suggests that the ODI’s Spanish version has excellent structural and psychometric properties and can be confidently employed by occupational health specialists

    The Spanish version of the reflective functioning questionnaire: Validity data in the general population and individuals with personality disorders.

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    Introduction Mentalization or reflective functioning (RF) is the capacity to interpret oneself or the others in terms of internal mental states. Its failures have been linked to several mental disorders and interventions improving RF have a therapeutic effect. Mentalizing capacity of the parents influences the children’s attachment. The Reflective Functioning Questionnaire (RFQ-8) is a widely used tool for the assessment of RF. No instrument is available to assess general RF in Spanish-speaking samples. The aim of this study is to develop a Spanish version of the RFQ-8 and to evaluate its reliability and validity in the general population and in individuals with personality disorders. Methods 602 non-clinical and 41 personality disordered participants completed a Spanish translation of the RFQ and a battery of self-reported questionnaires assessing several RF related constructs (alexithymia, perspective taking, identity diffusion and mindfulness), psychopathology (general and specific) and interpersonal problems. Temporal stability was tested in a non-clinical sub-sample of 113 participants. Results Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses suggested a one-factor structure in the Spanish version of the RFQ-8. RFQ-8 understood as a single scale was tested, with low scorings reflecting genuine mentalizing, and high scorings uncertainty. The questionnaire showed good internal consistence in both samples and moderate temporal stability in non-clinical sample. RFQ correlated significantly with identity diffusion, alexithymia, and general psychopathology in both samples; and with mindfulness, perspective taking, and interpersonal problems in clinical sample. Mean values of the scale were significantly higher in the clinical group. Discussion This study provides evidence that the Spanish version of the RFQ-8, understood as a single scale, has an adequate reliability and validity assessing failures in reflective functioning (i.e., hypomentalization) in general population and personality disorders.The study received a Health Strategic Action fund from the Carlos III Health Institute of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. ID PI16/02058. https://www.isciii.es/QueHacemos/Financiacion/solicitudes/Paginas/default.aspx No researcher have received money from the fund. This kind of public funds are managed by public institutes (in this case BIOEF) that ensure this money is only used for some of the material resources necessary to carry out the investigation. https://www.bioef.org/es/ The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript

    Is burnout a depressive condition? A 14-sample meta-analytic and bifactor analytic study

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    There is no consensus on whether burnout constitutes a depressive condition or an original entity requiring specific medical and legal recognition. In this study, we examined burnout–depression overlap using 14 samples of individuals from various countries and occupational domains (N = 12,417). Meta-analytically pooled disattenuated correlations indicated (a) that exhaustion—burnout’s core—is more closely associated with depressive symptoms than with the other putative dimensions of burnout (detachment and efficacy) and (b) that the exhaustion–depression association is problematically strong from a discriminant validity standpoint (r = .80). The overlap of burnout’s core dimension with depression was further illuminated in 14 exploratory structural equation modeling bifactor analyses. Given their consistency across countries, languages, occupations, measures, and methods, our results offer a solid base of evidence in support of the view that burnout problematically overlaps with depression. We conclude by outlining avenues of research that depart from the use of the burnout construct

    The Spanish version of the reflective functioning questionnaire: Validity data in the general population and individuals with personality disorders

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    INTRODUCTION: Mentalization or reflective functioning (RF) is the capacity to interpret oneself or the others in terms of internal mental states. Its failures have been linked to several mental disorders and interventions improving RF have a therapeutic effect. Mentalizing capacity of the parents influences the children's attachment. The Reflective Functioning Questionnaire (RFQ-8) is a widely used tool for the assessment of RF. No instrument is available to assess general RF in Spanish-speaking samples. The aim of this study is to develop a Spanish version of the RFQ-8 and to evaluate its reliability and validity in the general population and in individuals with personality disorders. METHODS: 602 non-clinical and 41 personality disordered participants completed a Spanish translation of the RFQ and a battery of self-reported questionnaires assessing several RF related constructs (alexithymia, perspective taking, identity diffusion and mindfulness), psychopathology (general and specific) and interpersonal problems. Temporal stability was tested in a non-clinical sub-sample of 113 participants. RESULTS: Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses suggested a one-factor structure in the Spanish version of the RFQ-8. RFQ-8 understood as a single scale was tested, with low scorings reflecting genuine mentalizing, and high scorings uncertainty. The questionnaire showed good internal consistence in both samples and moderate temporal stability in non-clinical sample. RFQ correlated significantly with identity diffusion, alexithymia, and general psychopathology in both samples; and with mindfulness, perspective taking, and interpersonal problems in clinical sample. Mean values of the scale were significantly higher in the clinical group. DISCUSSION: This study provides evidence that the Spanish version of the RFQ-8, understood as a single scale, has an adequate reliability and validity assessing failures in reflective functioning (i.e., hypomentalization) in general population and personality disorders

    Nuevos escenarios para la docencia universitaria : entornos híbridos y pedagogías emergentes.

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    Memorias del IX Simposio Internacional de Docencia Universitaria (SIDU)Los trabajos reunidos en esta Memoria representan una contribución importante al campo de la educación y de la docencia universitaria, en tanto muestran distintas maneras de responder a las problemáticas educativas cotidianas y presentan propuestas para afrontar los retos emergentes en el campo de la educación superior. Invitamos a los lectores a realizar una lectura atenta y crítica de los trabajos compilados en esta publicación. Estamos seguros de que este acercamiento propiciará la reflexión y el análisis riguroso de los objetos de estudio abordados por los autores, y estimulará la generación de nuevos proyectos de investigación, intervención e innovación educativa que incidan en el desarrollo de mejores prácticas de docencia en educación media superior y superior.Pimera edición digitaldoi.org/10.56019/EDU-CETYS.2024.182