746 research outputs found

    Análisis de cobertura de telefonía móvil con frecuencias en LTE y con longitud de onda milimétrica mediante software de simulación.

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    El presente artículo describe el análisis de cobertura para frecuencia en banda AWS (Advanced Wireless Services / 1700 a 2100 MHz) y onda milimétrica (30 a 300 GHz), utilizando como referencia los bloques de comunicación de una radio base LTE (Long Term Evolution). El estudio se realizó en el sector de Turubamba Quito-Ecuador, mediante el software de simulación ICS Telecom. Con el software se determinó los mejores parámetros de simulación de LTE y onda milimétrica (mmW), en los cuales se tomó en cuenta parámetros tales como: radio de cobertura, frecuencias de trabajo, obstáculos interferentes generado por clutters (casas, edificios, árboles, otros), características del terreno y factores atmosféricos (datos proporcionados por la página oficial del INAMI). Para la simulación de cobertura en LTE se trabajó con frecuencia de 2165 MHz, mientras que para onda milimétrica se usó una frecuencia de 71GHz, en la cual, se ubicó distintos repetidores para obtener una similitud entre coberturas. Una vez terminadas las simulaciones, se obtuvo como resultado una mayor cantidad de atenuaciones en el caso de onda milimétrica, también se comparó la cobertura que realiza una sola radio base en LTE con onda milimétrica, lo que determinó la colocación de 14 repetidores (mmW) para asemejarnos a la zona cubierta por la frecuencia en LTE.This article describes the coverage analysis for AWS band frequency (Advanced Wireless Services / 1700 a 2100 MHz) and millimeter wave (30 a 300 GHz), using the blocks of communication of a base LTE (Long Term Evolution) radio like a reference. The study was applied in Turubamba, Quito-Ecuador, using the ICS TELECOM simulation software. With the help of this software, we determined the best simulation parameters of LTE and millimeter wave (mmW), it took into account parameters such as: coverage radio, working frequencies, interference obstacles generated by clutters (houses, buildings, trees and others) ground characteristics and atmospheric factors (information provided by the official web site of INAMI). For the coverage simulation in LTE, worked with 2165 MHz frequency, while for millimeter wave used 71 GHz frequency, in this, was located different repeaters for obtain a similarity between coverages. When the simulation was finished, the result was a higher amount of attenuations in the case of millimeter wave, also, compared the coverage that realized only one base radio in LTE with millimeter wave, what determined the placement of 14 repeaters (mmW) with the objective of look similar as the area coverage by frequency in LTE

    Impact of previous macrolide use on invasive pneumococcal disease due to erythromycin-resistant serotypes in adults over 59 years of age

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    The major goals of the study were to describe the invasive pneumococcal disease (IPD) cases due to erythromycin-resistant serotypes and to evaluate the association between these cases and recent macrolide use in individuals aged over 59 years. We selected cases of IPD reported between 2007 and 2016 in persons aged over 59 years living in the Community of Madrid (CM). We followed the European Committee on Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing (EUCAST). The explanatory variables (age, sex, year of onset of symptoms, clinical presentation, serotypes, vaccination status) were taken from the Mandatory Notification System for Infectious Diseases System and from the Vaccination Information System. The cases were classified as either included in the 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV13) or not (nonPCV13). Associations between cases due to erythromycin-resistant serotypes and previous macrolide use (total, long and short-term) were adjusted with a logistic regression multivariate analysis. A total of 1,831 cases were identified, of whom 408 were erythromycin-resistant serotypes. PCV13 cases were associated with previous macrolide use (OR: 5.07), particularly long-acting types (OR: 8.61). NonPCV13 cases were associated with the use of total macrolides (OR: 3.48) and long-acting macrolides (OR: 4.26) suggesting that PCV13 did not reduce the IPD cases in patients with previous use of macrolides. Our results confirmed that previous macrolide consumption was associated with the presence of IPD due to erythromycin-resistant serotypes. The risk was higher with the use of long-term macrolides.S

    Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring in heart failure and serum sodium levels

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    Aims: To determine whether there are differences in blood pressure profile on dynamic assessment by ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM) according to serum sodium levels in stable heart failure patients.Methods: Data were collected from the Spanish National Registry on Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring in Heart Failure (DICUMAP). Patients underwent ABPM by the oscillometric principle using a Spacelabs 90121 monitor. The sample was divided into three groups according to sodium levels and their clinical and laboratory data and echocardiographic findings were analyzed. Robust statistical methods were used to compare the groups in univariate and multivariate models.Results: A total of 175 patients (44.57% male) were analyzed. We found a predominance of anomalous circadian blood pressure profiles in all three groups, with a significantly higher percentage of risers in the lowest serum sodium group (p=0.05). In addition, in this group there were significant differences in mean 24-hour systolic blood pressure (SBP) (24-h SBP, p=0.05) and in mean daytime SBP (dSBP, p=0.008), with significant differences in nocturnal fall in SBP (p=0.05) and in diastolic blood pressure (p=0.005). In multivariate analysis a significant relationship was found between sodium levels and 24-h SBP (OR 0.97, 95% CI 0.95-0.99, p=0.01) and dSBP (OR 0.96, 95% CI 0.94-0.99, p=0.004).Conclusion: A relationship was found between lower sodium levels and lower systolic blood pressure, especially during waking hours, with a lower decline between daytime and night-timeblood pressure

    Benefit of tolvaptan in the management of hyponatraemia in patients with diuretic‐refractory congestive heart failure: the SEMI‐SEC project

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    Aims: Hyponatraemia is an electrolyte disorder that occurs in advanced congestive heart failure (HF) and worsens prognosis. We explored the usefulness of tolvaptan, which has shown promising results in the treatment of this condition. Methods and results: This study is based on a retrospective national registry (2011-15) of patients hospitalized with refractory HF and hyponatraemia who agreed to receive tolvaptan when standard treatment was ineffective. The benefit of tolvaptan was analysed according to the following criteria: normalization ([Na+] >= 135mmol/L) or increased sodium levels [Na+] >= 4mEq/L on completion of treatment, and increase in urine output by 300 or 500mL at 48h. Factors associated with tolvaptan benefit were explored. A total of 241 patients were included, 53.9% of whom had ejection fraction = 4mEq/L and/or +300mL in urine output (54.4% both). Conclusions: An increase in sodium levels and/or improvement in urine output was observed in patients admitted for HF and refractory hyponatraemia under tolvaptan treatment. Tolvaptan may be useful in this setting, in which no effective proven alternatives are available

    Cancer immunotherapy in special challenging populations: recommendations of the Advisory Committee of Spanish Melanoma Group (GEM)

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    Cancer immunotherapy based on the use of antibodies targeting the so-called checkpoint inhibitors, such as programmed cell death-1 receptor, its ligand, or CTLA-4, has shown durable clinical benefit and survival improvement in melanoma and other tumors. However, there are some special situations that could be a challenge for clinical management. Persons with chronic infections, such as HIV-1 or viral hepatitis, latent tuberculosis, or a history of solid organ transplantation, could be candidates for cancer immunotherapy, but their management requires a multidisciplinary approach. The Spanish Melanoma Group (GEM) panel in collaboration with experts in virology and immunology from different centers in Spain reviewed the literature and developed evidence-based guidelines for cancer immunotherapy management in patients with chronic infections and immunosuppression. These are the first clinical guidelines for cancer immunotherapy treatment in special challenging populations. Cancer immunotherapy in chronically infected or immunosuppressed patients is feasible but needs a multidisciplinary approach in order to decrease the risk of complications related to the coexistent comorbidities

    Adjuvant dabrafenib and trametinib for patients with resected BRAF-mutated melanoma: DESCRIBE-AD real-world retrospective observational study

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    BRAF and MEK inhibitor, dabrafenib plus trametinib, adjuvant therapy is effective for high-risk resected melanoma patients with BRAF-V600 mutations. However, real-world evidence is limited. We aimed to determine the feasibility of this therapy in routine clinical practice. DESCRIBE-AD, a retrospective observational study, collected real-world data from 25 hospitals in Spain. Histologically confirmed and resected BRAF-mutated melanoma patients aged & GE;18 years who were previously treated with dabrafenib plus trametinib adjuvant therapy, were included. The primary objectives were treatment discontinuation rate and time to discontinuation. The secondary objectives included safety and efficacy. From October 2020 to March 2021, 65 patients were included. Dabrafenib and trametinib discontinuation rate due to treatment-related adverse events (TRAEs) of any grade was 9%. Other reasons for discontinuation included patients' decisions (6%), physician decisions (6%), unrelated adverse events (3%), disease progression (5%), and others (5%). The median time to treatment discontinuation was 9 months [95% confidence interval (CI), 5-11]. G3-4 TRAEs occurred in 21.5% of patients, the most common being pyrexia (3%), asthenia (3%), and diarrhoea (3%). Unscheduled hospitalisations and clinical tests occurred in 6 and 22% of patients, respectively. After 20-month median follow-up (95% CI, 18-22), 9% of patients had exitus due to disease progression, with a 12-month relapse-free survival and overall survival rates of 95.3% and 100%, respectively. Dabrafenib and trametinib adjuvant therapy proved effective for melanoma patients in a real-world setting, with a manageable toxicity profile. Toxicity frequencies were low leading to low incidence of unscheduled medical visits, tests, and treatment discontinuations

    Consenso para la mejora de la atención integral a los pacientes con insuficiencia cardiaca aguda

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    [eng] Acute heart failure (AHF) requires considerable use of resources, is an economic burden, and is associated with high complication and mortality rates in emergency departments, on hospital wards, or outpatient care settings. Diagnosis, treatment, and continuity of care are variable at present, leading 3 medical associations (for cardiology, internal medicine, and emergency medicine) to undertake discussions and arrive at a consensus on clinical practice guidelines to support those who manage AHF and encourage standardized decision making. These guidelines, based on a review of the literature and clinical experience with AHF, focus on critical points in the care pathway. Regarding emergency care, the expert participants considered the initial evaluation of patients with signs and symptoms that suggest AHF, the initial diagnosis, first decisions about therapy, monitoring, assessment of prognosis, and referral criteria. For care of the hospitalized patient, the group developed a protocol for essential treatment. Objectives for the management and treatment of AHF on discharge were also covered through the creation or improvement of multidisciplinary care systems to provide continuity of care.[spa] La insuficiencia cardiaca aguda (ICA) supone un elevado uso de recursos, carga económica y morbimortalidad, tanto en los servicios de urgencias como durante la hospitalización o durante su control ambulatorio. La variabilidad actual existente en el diagnóstico, tratamiento y la continuidad asistencial ha inducido que diferentes sociedades científicas (cardiología, medicina interna y urgencias) redacten este documento de consenso sobre recomendaciones prácticas que den soporte a todos los profesionales intervinientes en el manejo de la ICA y permita homogeneizar la toma de decisiones. El enfoque de estas recomendaciones, basadas en la revisión de la literatura y la experiencia clínica, se ha realizado abarcando diferentes puntos críticos del proceso asistencial de los pacientes con ICA: en el servicio de urgencias, en cuanto a la evaluación inicial del paciente con clínica sugestiva de ICA, orientación diagnóstica, primeras decisiones terapéuticas, monitorización, evaluación del pronóstico y criterios de derivación; durante la hospitalización, con el desarrollo de un protocolo básico terapéutico; tras el alta, con la definición de objetivos de manejo y tratamiento de la ICA al alta del paciente; y de forma global, mediante la mejora o creación de una organización en la atención multidisciplinar y la continuidad asistencial en la ICA

    Best Practice Guide for Positive Parenting. A resource for practitioners working with families

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    [spa] El modo en que se concibe el ejercicio de la parentalidad ha cambiado sustancialmente en nuestra sociedad. Ello no sólo se debe a la gran variedad de formas familiares y diversidad de culturas que conviven actualmente en su seno, sino también a un cambio conceptual que afecta al núcleo básico de la tarea parental. Nos referimos a la necesidad de sustituir el concepto de autoridad parental, centrado únicamente en la necesidad de lograr metas de obediencia y disciplina en los hijos e hijas, por otro más complejo y demandante como es el concepto de responsabilidad parental. Según este concepto, la cuestión clave no es si las figuras parentales deben ejercer la autoridad para que sus hijos/as les obedezcan, sino cómo ejercerla de modo responsable para que se preserven los derechos de los mismos, sin menoscabar los de padres y madres, y se fomenten sus capacidades críticas y de participación en el proceso de socialización, al mismo tiempo que se promueve progresivamente su autonomía y contribución a la vida comunitaria. Ante este cambio cualitativo en la manera de entender las responsabilidades parentales, se alzan muchas voces de desánimo entre los propios padres y madres, quienes en ocasiones se ven impotentes en su tarea al no saber cómo actuar para lograr metas educativas tan complejas y sentir, al mismo tiempo, que están perdiendo capacidades de control sobre sus hijos e hijas. En otras ocasiones, el desánimo y el estrés ante la tarea parental no surge por no saber llevarla a cabo sino por no poder hacerlo adecuadamente debido a la situación de la persona que educa en solitario o en pareja sin contar con redes de apoyo apropiadas. Esto crea situaciones límite que repercuten negativamente en todos y cada uno de los miembros de la familia, especialmente en los más vulnerables.[eng] Our conception of what parenting should look like has changed considerably in our society. This is due not only to the large variety of family structures and the diversity of cultures that currently co-exist in our society, but also to a shift in mindset that touches the very heart of the parenting task. This can be expressed as the need to replace the concept of parental authority, which focuses solely on meeting aims related to the child’s obedience and discipline, with the much more complex and demanding concept of parental responsibility. Here, the key question is not whether the parent figure should exert the necessary authority to ensure a child’s obedience. Rather, it is about how this authority can be exerted responsibly in a way that protects the child’s rights - without of course neglecting the mother’s and father’s rights - and that fosters the child’s skills in critical thinking and participation in the socialisation process, while at the same time progressively fostering the child’s autonomy and contribution to community life. There has been much concern expressed in response to this qualitative shift in how a parent’s responsibilities are viewed, including amongst mothers and fathers themselves. Parents often feel powerless to act, as they do not know how to achieve such complex parenting goals, and feel like they are losing control over their children. Other times, feelings of discouragement and stress arise not because parents do not how to go about the task of parenting, but rather because they find themselves unable to do so, as may be the case for single parents or couples raising children without the necessary support networks. This can lead to extreme situations which can have a negative impact on the entire family, and especially its most vulnerable members