402 research outputs found

    Closed injective ideals of multilinear operators, related measures and interpolation

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    This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Manzano, A, Rueda, P, Sánchez-Pérez, EA. Closed injective ideals of multilinear operators, related measures and interpolation. Mathematische Nachrichten. 2020; 293: 510-532, which has been published in final form at https://doi.org/10.1002/mana.201800415. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving.[EN] We introduce and discuss several ways of extending the inner measure arisen from the closed injective hull of an ideal of linear operators to the multilinear case. In particular, we consider new measures that allow to characterize the operators that belong to a closed injective ideal of multilinear operators as those having measure equal to zero. Some interpolation formulas for these measures, and consequently interpolation results involving ideals of multilinear operators, are established. Examples and applications related to summing multilinear operators are also shown.Ministerio de Economia, Industria y Competitividad and FEDER, Grant/Award Numbers: MTM2016-77054-C2-1-P, MTM2017-84058-PManzano, A.; Rueda, P.; Sánchez Pérez, EA. (2020). Closed injective ideals of multilinear operators, related measures and interpolation. Mathematische Nachrichten. 293(3):510-532. https://doi.org/10.1002/mana.201800415S5105322933Arens, R. (1951). The adjoint of a bilinear operation. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 2(6), 839-848. doi:10.1090/s0002-9939-1951-0045941-1Aron, R. M., & Berner, P. D. (1978). A Hahn-Banach extension theorem for analytic mappings. Bulletin de la Société mathématique de France, 79, 3-24. doi:10.24033/bsmf.1862Aron, R. M., Cole, B. J., & Gamelin, T. W. (1995). Weak-Star Continuous Analytic Functions. Canadian Journal of Mathematics, 47(4), 673-683. doi:10.4153/cjm-1995-035-1Bergh, J., & Löfström, J. (1976). Interpolation Spaces. 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    La perspectiva social de la eutanasia en España: variables relacionadas con las actitudes hacia la eutanasia

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    The debate surrounding whether or not euthanasia should be a legal practice has been present in Spanish society since the 90’s. Recently, the Spanish government has passed Organic Law 3/2021 on the regulation of euthanasia.  In relation to this question, which has raised and continues to raise controversy among both public opinion and the political and legal world, this work explores the relation of the different variables to the attitudes of the Spanish public towards euthanasia. For this purpose, 182 people residing in Spain took part in the study.  The results indicate that there are no differences with regard to the age or gender of the participants in their attitudes towards euthanasia. Those who hold religious beliefs (irrespective of their religion) hold less favourable attitudes towards euthanasia than non-believers. Political orientation also relates to attitudes towards euthanasia. Finally, trust in the country’s health system and people’s empathic concern is also related to their attitudes towards euthanasia. At this point in time, when euthanasia has only just been regulated and starts to be put into practice in this country, it is of vital importance to consider the social perspective of euthanasia.El debate sobre si la eutanasia debe ser o no una práctica legal está presente en la sociedad española desde los años 90. Recientemente, el gobierno español ha aprobado la Ley Orgánica 3/2021 sobre la regulación de la eutanasia. En relación con esta cuestión, que ha suscitado y sigue suscitando polémica tanto en la opinión pública como en el mundo político y jurídico, este trabajo explora la relación de las diferentes variables con las actitudes del público español hacia la eutanasia. Para ello, participaron en el estudio 182 personas residentes en España. Los resultados indican que no existen diferencias en cuanto a la edad o el sexo de los participantes en sus actitudes hacia la eutanasia. Las personas creyentes (independientemente de la religión) tienen actitudes menos favorables hacia la eutanasia que las personas no creyentes. La orientación política también se relaciona con las actitudes hacia la eutanasia. Finalmente, la confianza en el sistema de salud del país y la preocupación empática de las personas también está relacionada con sus actitudes hacia la eutanasia. La eutanasia acaba de aprobarse en España y se empieza a poner en práctica, es de vital importancia considerar la perspectiva social de la eutanasia

    Closed surjective ideals of multilinear operators and interpolation

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    [EN] In this paper we introduce a function for multilinear operators that can be considered as an extension of the so-called outer measure associated to a linear operator ideal. We prove that it allows to characterize the operators that belong to a closed surjective ideal of multilinear operators as those having measure equal to zero. We also obtain some interpolation formulas for this new measure. As a consequence we deduce interpolation results for arbitrary closed surjective ideals of multilinear operators which recover, in particular, different results previously established in the literature.The authors would like to thank the referees for their useful comments which have led to improve the paper. A. Manzano was supported in part by the Ministerio de Economia, Industria y Competitividad and FEDER under project MTM2017-84058-P. P. Rueda and E. A. Sanchez-Perez were supported in part by the Ministerio de Economia, Industria y Competitividad and FEDER under project MTM2016-77054-C2-1-P.Manzano, A.; Rueda, P.; Sánchez Pérez, EA. (2021). Closed surjective ideals of multilinear operators and interpolation. Banach Journal of Mathematical Analysis. 15(2):1-22. https://doi.org/10.1007/s43037-020-00115-512215

    Programming Skeletal Muscle Metabolic Flexibility in Offspring of Male Rats in Response to Maternal Consumption of Slow Digesting Carbohydrates during Pregnancy

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    Skeletal muscle plays a relevant role in metabolic flexibility and fuel usage and the associated muscle metabolic inflexibility due to high-fat diets contributing to obesity and type 2 diabetes. Previous research from our group indicates that a high-fat and rapid-digesting carbohydrate diet during pregnancy promotes an excessive adipogenesis and also increases the risk of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in the offspring. This effect can be counteracted by diets containing carbohydrates with similar glycemic load but lower digestion rates. To address the role of the skeletal muscle in these experimental settings, pregnant rats were fed high-fat diets containing carbohydrates with similar glycemic load but different digestion rates, a high fat containing rapid-digesting carbohydrates diet (HF/RD diet) or a high fat containing slow-digesting carbohydrates diet (HF/SD diet). After weaning, male offspring were fed a standard diet for 3 weeks (weaning) or 10 weeks (adolescence) and the impact of the maternal HF/RD and HF/SD diets on the metabolism, signaling pathways and muscle transcriptome was analyzed. The HF/SD offspring displayed better muscle features compared with the HF/RD group, showing a higher muscle mass, myosin content and differentiation markers that translated into a greater grip strength. In the HF/SD group, metabolic changes such as a higher expression of fatty acids (FAT/CD36) and glucose (GLUT4) transporters, an enhanced glycogen content, as well as changes in regulatory enzymes such as muscle pyruvate kinase and pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase 4 were found, supporting an increased muscle metabolic flexibility and improved muscle performance. The analysis of signaling pathways was consistent with a better insulin sensitivity in the muscle of the HF/SD group. Furthermore, increased expression of genes involved in pathways leading to muscle differentiation, muscle mass regulation, extracellular matrix content and insulin sensitivity were detected in the HF/SD group when compared with HF/RD animals. In the HF/SD group, the upregulation of the ElaV1/HuR gene could be one of the main regulators in the positive effects of the diet in early programming on the offspring. The long-lasting programming effects of the HF/SD diet during pregnancy may depend on a coordinated gene regulation, modulation of signaling pathways and metabolic flexibility that lead to an improved muscle functionality. The dietary early programming associated to HF/SD diet has synergic and positive crosstalk effects in several tissues, mainly muscle, liver and adipose tissue, contributing to maintain the whole body homeostasis in the offspring.European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007–2013

    Definition of the on-time delivery indicator in rapid software development

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    Rapid software development (RSD) is an approach for developing software in rapid iterations. One of the critical success factors of an RSD project is to deliver the product releases on time and with the planned features. In this paper, we elaborate an exploratory definition of the On-Time Delivery strategic indicator in RSD based on the literature and interviews with four companies. This indicator supports decision-makers to detect development problems in order to avoid delays and to estimate the additional time needed when requirements, and specifically quality requirements, are considered.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Vascular Smooth Muscle-Specific Progerin Expression Accelerates Atherosclerosis and Death in a Mouse Model of Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria Syndrome

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    Background: Progerin, an aberrant protein that accumulates with age, causes the rare genetic disease Hutchinson-Gilford progeria syndrome (HGPS). Patients who have HGPS exhibit ubiquitous progerin expression, accelerated aging and atherosclerosis, and die in their early teens, mainly of myocardial infarction or stroke. The mechanisms underlying progerin-induced atherosclerosis remain unexplored, in part, because of the lack of appropriate animal models. Methods: We generated an atherosclerosis-prone model of HGPS by crossing apolipoprotein E-deficient (Apoe(-/-)) mice with Lmna(G609G/G609G) mice ubiquitously expressing progerin. To induce progerin expression specifically in macrophages or vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs), we crossed Apoe(-/-)Lmna(LCS/LCS) mice with LysMCre and SM22Cre mice, respectively. Progerin expression was evaluated by polymerase chain reaction and immunofluorescence. Cardiovascular alterations were determined by immunofluorescence and histology in male mice fed normal chow or a high-fat diet. In vivo low-density lipoprotein retention was assessed by intravenous injection of fluorescently labeled human low-density lipoprotein. Cardiac electric defects were evaluated by electrocardiography. Results:Apoe(-/-)Lmna(G609G/G609G) mice with ubiquitous progerin expression exhibited a premature aging phenotype that included failure to thrive and shortened survival. In addition, high-fat diet-fed Apoe(-/-)Lmna(G609G/G609G) mice developed a severe vascular pathology, including medial VSMC loss and lipid retention, adventitial fibrosis, and accelerated atherosclerosis, thus resembling most aspects of cardiovascular disease observed in patients with HGPS. The same vascular alterations were also observed in Apoe(-/-)Lmna(LCS/LCS)SM22Cre mice expressing progerin specifically in VSMCs, but not in Apoe(-/-)Lmna(LCS/LCS)LysMCre mice with macrophage-specific progerin expression. Moreover, Apoe(-/-)Lmna(LCS/LCS)SM22Cre mice had a shortened lifespan despite the lack of any overt aging phenotype. Aortas of ubiquitously and VSMC-specific progerin-expressing mice exhibited increased retention of fluorescently labeled human low-density lipoprotein, and atheromata in both models showed vulnerable plaque features. Immunohistopathological examination indicated that Apoe(-/-)Lmna(LCS/LCS)SM22Cre mice, unlike Apoe(-/-)Lmna(G609G/G609G) mice, die of atherosclerosis-related causes. Conclusions: We have generated the first mouse model of progerin-induced atherosclerosis acceleration, and demonstrate that restricting progerin expression to VSMCs is sufficient to accelerate atherosclerosis, trigger plaque vulnerability, and reduce lifespan. Our results identify progerin-induced VSMC death as a major factor triggering atherosclerosis and premature death in HGPS.Work in Dr Andres' laboratory is supported by grants from the Spanish Ministerio de Economia, Industria y Competitividad (MEIC) (SAF2016-79490-R) and the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (AC16/00091, AC17/00067) with co-funding from the Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER, ``Una manera de hacer Europa´´), the Progeria Research Foundation (Established Investigator Award 2014-52), and the Fundacio Marato TV3 (122/C/2015). The MEIC supported Dr Hamczyk (´´Formacion de Personal Investigador´´ predoctoral contract BES-2011-043938) and Dr Villa-Bellosta (´´Juan de la Cierva´´ JCI-2011-09663 postdoctoral contract). The Instituto Universitario de Oncologia is supported by Obra Social Cajastur. The Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares Carlos III (CNIC) is supported by the MEIC and the Pro-CNIC Foundation, and is a Severo Ochoa Center of Excellence (award SEV-2015-0505).S

    The duties of the precentor, sub-precentor and master of plainsong in Coria cathedral (Cáceres) from 1590-1750

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    Desde las primeras constituciones de la Catedral de Coria, que datan de 1315, el chantre, junto con el deán y el tesorero, son las tres más altas jerarquías eclesiásticas. Es el encargado de la dirección del coro y, cuando estas funciones pasan directamente al sochantre, será el chantre quien se responsabilice de elegirle, nombrarle y remunerarle. El maestro de canto llano enseña este arte a los niños y capellanes, siendo en la mayor parte de esta larga época la misma persona quien ocupe los puestos de maestro de canto llano y sochantre.From the time of the first constitution of the Cathedral of Coria, which dates from 1315 , the three most important members of the ecclesiastical hierarchy were been the precentor, the dean and the treasurer. The precentor was in charge of the conducting of the choir, and when these responsibilities pass to the sub-precentor, then the precentor has the task of selecting, appointing and paying him. The master of plainsong teaches the choristers and singers this musical art: and for the most part of this period, the same person frequently occupied the posts of both choirmaster and precentor

    Diseño e implementación de un prototipo para el control de apilamiento de cuadernos junior con el PLC Siemens S7-1200

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    El diseño e Implementación del Prototipo para el Control de Apilamiento de cuadernos junior, con el Controlador Lógico Programable SIEMENS S7-1200, se implementó en el laboratorio de Control de la Escuela de Ingeniería Electrónica en Control y Redes Industriales de la Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Mediante el método Deductivo se consideraron aspectos para el diseño del prototipo de apilamiento de cuadernos junior, lo que posibilitó seleccionar equipos y materiales a emplearse y por ende el funcionamiento total del proceso. El prototipo permite apilar cuadernos junior, todos rectangulares de 22cm de largo por 16cm de ancho. Los materiales utilizados fueron, aluminio perfilado para la estructura de soporte, donde fueron ubicados los sensores: óptico, banda transportadora de 160cm de largo x 5.5cm de ancho, cilindros neumáticos activados por electroválvulas, relés para la activación del motor de corriente directa de 12V, el control del proceso se lo realizo mediante el empleo de un Controlador Lógico Programable, monitoreada desde un computador empleando el software STEP7 Basic v11. Mediante las 100 pruebas de funcionamiento realizadas, con sus respectivos cuadernos se obtuvo un 95% de cuadernos apilados correctamente, y un 5% de cuadernos apilados incorrectamente, lo cual se fue modificando hasta obtener el 100% de cuadernos apilados correctamente. - - 101 - Concluimos que al implementar el sistema de apilado de cuadernos utilizando sistemas eléctricos, mecánicos y neumáticos, con procesos orientados a la industria papelera optimizando tiempo y recursos en la línea de producción. Recomendamos que antes de poner en funcionamiento el prototipo se revise el manual de usuario y los respectivos datos técnicos de cada uno de los componentes del módulo para de esta forma evitar posibles daños de los mismos

    Nippur de Lagash : la (re)escritura del mito del héroe

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    El presente trabajo de investigación se circunscribe al ámbito de la historieta argentina y toma como objeto de estudio la obra que les valió el reconocimiento a Robin Wood y Luis "Lucho" Olivera: Nippur de Lagash. Esta historieta comprende 447 episodios publicados por entregas entre 1967 y 1998 por Editorial Columba, y narra las andanzas de un sumerio de la Antigua Mesopotamia obligado a abandonar su ciudad de Lagash a causa de la invasión enemiga y a vivir en el exilio hasta poder regresar y restituir el orden.El trabajo ahonda la construcción del mito del héroe en la historieta. Para ello, concentramos nuestro estudio en la configuración de Nippur como héroe con respecto al recorrido del héroe tradicional y la construcción del mito a su alrededor, atendiendo a las (re)escrituras de otros mitos heroicos pertenecientes a las tres mitologías presentes en la obra: griega, egipcia y sumerobabilónica. El análisis que proponemos fundado en la semiótica del cómic (Muro Munilla), se concentra fundamentalmente en la sintaxis actancial y toma como punto de partida a Nippur, principal sujeto de acción, y su relación actancial con otros sujetos, particularmente, los referidos a personajes mítico-históricos que pertenecen a las tres tradiciones ya mencionadas. El análisis actancial de los personajes se centra en el esquema ayudante-sujeto-oponente que permite establecer la reescritura de otros mitos heroicos a partir del desplazamiento de esos héroes en el esquema actancial. Así, en términos generales, los personajes incorporados de las tres tradiciones tienden a ocupar los lugares de ayudante y oponente acentuando la figura heroica de Nippur. Este análisis de la sintaxis actancial se sustenta en el recorrido tradicional del héroe que, en un primer momento, definimos en función de los postulados de Joseph Campbell y luego complementamos con el modelo propuesto por Juan Villegas para la novela moderna basado en los ritos de iniciación de Mircea Eliade. El trabajo con ambas propuestas nos permite pensar a Nippur como un producto cultural de la segunda mitad del siglo XX y entenderlo como una construcción gráfica y textual que presenta bajo las apariencias de un héroe tradicional a un héroe profundamente moderno. A lo largo del trabajo, identificaremos los recursos de enunciación que se ponen en juego en la construcción del mito en la historieta y, además, desarrollaremos y complejizaremos la relación escritura-reescritura del mito heroico de Nippur de Lagash planteada en términos de tensión.Fil: Heredia Manzano, María del Pilar. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades. Escuela de letras; Argentina.Lenguajes Específico

    Cationic species derived from the η1-amidosilyl-η5-cyclopentadienyl dimethyl titanium complex. Crystal structure of [Ti{η5-C5H4SiMe2[η1-N(2,6-Me2C6H3)]}{CH2B(C6F5)2}(C6F5)]

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    Reactions of the η5-cyclopentadienyl-η1-amido dimethyl titanium derivative [Ti{η5-C5H4SiMe2[η1-N(C6H3Me2)]}Me2] (1) with tris(pentafluorophenyl)borane B(C6F5)3 in hexane at room temperature yield a thermally stable bright yellow microcrystaline solid identified by elemental analysis as [Ti{η5-C5H4SiMe2[η1-N(C6H3Me2)]}Me{MeB(C6F5)3}] (2). A solution of 1 in CD2Cl2 at −78°C affords the ion-pair complex 2, while in C6D6 it is slowly converted into the new neutral complex [Ti{η5-C5H4SiMe2[η1-N(C6H3Me2)]}{CH2B(C6F5)2}(C6F5)] (3). Complex 3 is the unique product obtained after stirring compound 2 or a mixture of complex 1 and B(C6F5)3 in toluene or benzene for 12 h at room temperature. The molecular structure of complex 3 has been determined by diffraction methods