1,035 research outputs found

    Overconsolidated flysch-type clays. Engineering considerations for the Strait of Gibraltar tunnel project

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    The stress-strain behaviour of 85 overconsolidated clay samples from Campo de Gibraltar Flysch Through Domain (Algeciras Unit, South Spain) is presented and discussed. The samples were identified and classified following ASTM standards while their chemical and mineralogical composition were determined by chemical and X-ray techniques. Several samples were tested under triaxial as well as oedometric conditions. Given the results, a detailed comparison was made between different theoretical constitutive models and real testing data, using the finite-elements method. The comparison indicated a good fit between experimental data and those found with finite-elements modelling when the Hardening Soil constitutive model was used. This model showed a better fit than did the Modified Cam-Clay model (historically used for modelling clayey soils), although the latter fit proved better for lower strain values ([removed]10 página

    Conicógrafos del siglo XVII para la educación matemática del siglo XXI

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    Tras la publicación de la Geometría de Descartes (1637), se produjo un gran interés en la creación de instrumentos que dibujasen cónicas mediante movimientos mecánicos.Tomando como base histórica este tipo de mecanismos, se propone una secuencia didáctica para Secundaria y Bachillerato mediante el uso de las TIC.Following the publication of Geometry by Descartes (1637), there was a great interest in creating tools able to draw conic sections through mechanical movements. Bearing in mind this type of mechanisms on such historical basis, as follows is shown a didactic sequence for K12 students by using ICT tools

    Mecanismos articulados para trazar curvas como recurso educativo digital para la didáctica de las matemáticas en Secundaria y Bachillerato

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    Tesis doctoral inédita leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Formación de Profesorado y Educación. Departamento de Didáctica y Teoría de la Educación. Fecha de lectura: 12-07-201

    Overconsolidated flysch-type clays. Engineering considerations for the Strait of Gibraltar tunnel project

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    The stress-strain behaviour of 85 overconsolidated clay samples from Campo de Gibraltar Flysch Through Domain (Algeciras Unit, South Spain) is presented and discussed. The samples were identified and classified following ASTM standards while their chemical and mineralogical composition were determined by chemical and X-ray techniques. Several samples were tested under triaxial as well as oedometric conditions. Given the results, a detailed comparison was made between different theoretical constitutive models and real testing data, using the finite-elements method. The comparison indicated a good fit between experimental data and those found with finite-elements modelling when the Hardening Soil constitutive model was used. This model showed a better fit than did the Modified Cam -Clay model (historically used for modelling clayey soils), although the latter fit proved better for lower strain values (<5%) than higher ones. These results clarify this intermediate material (hard soils - weak rocks) behaviour and will help in Strait of Gibraltar tunnel project design, as these materials are widely involved in this tunnel design.Sergeyco Andalucía S.L.SECEGS

    Variables contextuales en el éxito de las aplicaciones multimedia en la universidad

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    Use of multimedia technology in classroom is, in some contexts, highly fashionable. There are different myths about this question, like the security of these techonologies enhances learning. On the other hand, research designs used count usually on some methodological unsuitables. One neglected aspect is effect of student satisfaction from classroom process in some dependent variables. In this paper both satisfaction level or degree of pleasantness are measured as for a student group from high school. Procedured used are blackboard, video and computer images animation. Results shows that technology used has effects in pleasantness perceived in classroom. However, authors attract attention about possible temporariness of relations found: they are dependent of context

    ¿Necesitan los proveedores de servicios de outsourcing una metodología para provisión de servicios?

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    El mercado de outsourcing ha estado creciendo en los últimos años y se prevé que lo siga haciendo en los próximos, pero este crecimiento ha estado limitado por el fracaso de muchos proyectos que, en algunos casos, han llevado a las organizaciones a asumir de nuevo esos servicios (insourcing). Estos fracasos se han debido en gran parte a los problemas con los proveedores: falta de experiencia, de capacidades para asumir los proyectos, dificultad en la comunicación. Así como hay marcos de buenas prácticas para la gestión de los proyectos de outsourcing para los clientes, no ocurre lo mismo con los proveedores, que basan la provisión de los servicios en sus experiencias anteriores y en sus capacidades técnicas. El objetivo de este artículo es demostrar la necesidad de proponer una metodología que guíe a los proveedores durante todo el ciclo de vida un proyecto de outsourcing y que facilite la provisión de servicios de calidad y bien gestionados. ABSTRACT. The outsourcing market has been growing in recent years and it is expected to keep doing it, but this growth has been limited by the failure of many projects. These failures have been due to a major degree to problems with providers: lack of experience and capacity to take on the projects and difficult communication. There are good practices frameworks for managing outsourcing projects for clients, but it is not the same for providers, who base the provision of services on their past experience and technical capabilities. The aim of this paper is to state the need to propose a methodology that guides providers throughout the whole outsourcing life cycle and facilitates the provision of quality services and their management

    Improvement in the production of mini - antobiodies anti-gluten

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    Motivation: : Gluten content from very foods, like barley, rye, wheat and in certain oat varieties, must be removed in individuals with celiac disease. Immune-based assays using monoclonal antibodies specific for these immunotoxic peptides would facilitate their detection in food. Two monoclonal antibodies, G12 and A1, were developed against a highly immunotoxic 33-mer peptide.(1)In most of the Western countries, the level of gluten content in food to be considered as gluten-free products is below 20 parts per million measured by ELISA based on specific anti-gluten peptide antibody (2). The company Biomedal S.L. designed minimized single chain antibodies (scFv) in away they can produce by bacterias, which specifically recognize peptides of gluten (3). The object of this work is to improve the production and specifity of these mini-antibodies.Methods: Several techniques have been used for the production of these scFv, like cloning and purifying in different strains. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs), affinity chromatography IMAC and Western blot analysis have been carried out to measure the sensitivity of these antibodies.Results: ELISA and Western blot methods showed that most of antibodies wasn’t functional because they get degraded.Conclusions: To improve the detection of gluten by these ScFv, the production will be carried out in other strain to prevent degradation of the antibody

    Development of microscopic techniques for the visualization of plant–root-knot nematode interaction

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    Plant-parasitic nematodes are a significant cause of yield losses and food security issues. Specifically, nematodes of the genus Meloidogyne can cause significant production losses in horticultural crops around the world. Understanding the mechanisms of the ever-changing physiology of plant roots by imaging the galls induced by nematodes could provide a great insight into their control. However, infected roots are unsuitable for light microscopy investigation due to the opacity of plant tissues. Thus, samples must be cleared to visualize the interior of whole plants in order to make them transparent using clearing agents. This work aims to identify which clearing protocol and microscopy system is the most appropriate to obtain 3D images of tomato cv. Durinta and eggplant cv. Cristal samples infected with Meloidogyne incognita to visualize and study the root–nematode interaction. To that extent, two clearing solutions (BABB and ECi), combined with three different dehydration solvents (ethanol, methanol and 1-propanol), are tested. In addition, the advantages and disadvantages of alternative imaging techniques to confocal microscopy are analyzed by employing an experimental custom-made setup that combines two microscopic techniques, light sheet fluorescence microscopy and optical projection tomography, on a single instrument.Postprint (published version