169 research outputs found

    SoNeUCONADM: the administrative model for SoNeUCONABC usage control model

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    The popularity of Web Based Social Networks (WBSNs) encourages their enhancement. Many WBSN data is considered personal data and access control management plays a key role in this regard. The point is not only to manage access control but to determine how administration should be performed. Based on SoNeUCONABC, an expressive usage control model that allows fine-grained access control management, this paper presents SoNeUCONADM, the complementary administrative model. Based on a pair of related and popular administrative models, the evaluation proves the completeness of SoNeUCONADM

    Effect of Bisphosphonates on Root Growth and on Chlorophyll Formation in Arabidopsis thaliana Seedlings

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    Capítulo 41.-- Open Access: License CC BY 3.0This work was supported by grants from the Spanish National Plan for Research, Development and Innovation (BFU 2008-00666/BMC, BFU 2009-08977 and AYA2009- 07952).Peer Reviewe

    Decidua-derived mesenchymal stem cells as carriers of mesoporous silica nanoparticles. In vitro and in vivo evaluation on mammary tumors

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    The potential use of human Decidua-derived mesenchymal stem cells (DMSCs) as a platform to carry mesoporous silica nanoparticles in cancer therapy has been investigated. Two types of nanoparticles were evaluated. The nanoparticles showed negligible toxicity to the cells, a fast uptake and a long retention inside them. Nanoparticle location in the cell was studied by colocalization with the lysosomes. Moreover, the in vitro and in vivo migration of DMSCs towards tumors was not modified by the evaluated nanoparticles. Finally, DMSCs transporting doxorubicin-loaded nanoparticles were capable of inducing cancer cell death in vitro

    C12orf5 (chromosome 12 open reading frame 5)

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    Review on C12orf5, with data on DNA/RNA, on the protein encoded and where the gene is implicated

    PFKFB2 (6-phosphofructo-2-kinase/fructose-2,6-biphosphatase 2)

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    Review on PFKFB2, with data on DNA/RNA, on the protein encoded and where the gene is implicated

    Vectorization of ultrasound-responsive nanoparticles in placental mesenchymal stem cells for cancer therapy

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    A new platform constituted by engineered responsive nanoparticles transported by human mesenchymal stem cells is here presented as a proof of concept. Ultrasound-responsive mesoporous silica nanoparticles are coated with polyethylenimine to favor their effective uptake by decidua-derived mesenchymal stem cells. The responsive-release ability of the designed nanoparticles is confirmed, both in vial and in vivo. In addition, this capability is maintained inside the cells used as carriers. The migration capacity of the nanoparticle-cell platform towards mammary tumors is assessed in vitro. The efficacy of this platform for anticancer therapy is shown against mammary tumor cells by inducing the release of doxorubicin only when the cell vehicles are exposed to ultrasound

    New compound sets identified from high throughput phenotypic screening against three kinetoplastid parasites:an open resource

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    Using whole-cell phenotypic assays, the GlaxoSmithKline high-throughput screening (HTS) diversity set of 1.8 million compounds was screened against the three kinetoplastids most relevant to human disease, i.e. Leishmania donovani, Trypanosoma cruzi and Trypanosoma brucei. Secondary confirmatory and orthogonal intracellular anti-parasiticidal assays were conducted, and the potential for non-specific cytotoxicity determined. Hit compounds were chemically clustered and triaged for desirable physicochemical properties. The hypothetical biological target space covered by these diversity sets was investigated through bioinformatics methodologies. Consequently, three anti-kinetoplastid chemical boxes of ~200 compounds each were assembled. Functional analyses of these compounds suggest a wide array of potential modes of action against kinetoplastid kinases, proteases and cytochromes as well as potential host–pathogen targets. This is the first published parallel high throughput screening of a pharma compound collection against kinetoplastids. The compound sets are provided as an open resource for future lead discovery programs, and to address important research questions.The support and funding of Tres Cantos Open Lab Foundation is gratefully acknowledgedPeer reviewe

    Fructose 2,6-bisphosphate in cancer cell metabolism

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    For a long time, pioneers in the field of cancer cell metabolism, such as Otto Warburg, have focused on the idea that tumor cells maintain high glycolytic rates even with adequate oxygen supply, in what is known as aerobic glycolysis or the Warburg effect. Recent studies have reported a more complex situation, where the tumor ecosystem plays a more critical role in cancer progression. Cancer cells display extraordinary plasticity in adapting to changes in their tumor microenvironment, developing strategies to survive and proliferate. The proliferation of cancer cells needs a high rate of energy and metabolic substrates for biosynthesis of biomolecules. These requirements are met by the metabolic reprogramming of cancer cells and others present in the tumor microenvironment, which is essential for tumor survival and spread. Metabolic reprogramming involves a complex interplay between oncogenes, tumor suppressors, growth factors and local factors in the tumor microenvironment. These factors can induce overexpression and increased activity of glycolytic isoenzymes and proteins in stromal and cancer cells which are different from those expressed in normal cells. The fructose-6-phosphate/fructose-1,6-bisphosphate cycle, catalyzed by 6-phosphofructo-1-kinase/fructose 1,6-bisphosphatase (PFK1/FBPase1) isoenzymes, plays a key role in controlling glycolytic rates. PFK1/FBpase1 activities are allosterically regulated by fructose-2,6-bisphosphate, the product of the enzymatic activity of the dual kinase/phosphatase family of enzymes: 6-phosphofructo-2-kinase/fructose 2,6-bisphosphatase (PFKFB1-4) and TP53-induced glycolysis and apoptosis regulator (TIGAR), which show increased expression in a significant number of tumor types. In this review, the function of these isoenzymes in the regulation of metabolism, as well as the regulatory factors modulating their expression and activity in the tumor ecosystem are discussed. Targeting these isoenzymes, either directly or by inhibiting their activating factors, could be a promising approach for treating cancers

    Acoplamiento de la alta y baja ionosfera durante la tormenta geomagnética del 26 de marzo de 1976

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    Se realiza el análisis comparativo del comportamiento dé diferentes parámetros de las regiones D, E y F para Tucumán durante la tormenta del 26 de marzo de 1976. Para el estudio de las capas E y F se trabajo con registros del sondador vertical. Para la región D se infiere el comportamiento de la misma a través de registros de fase y amplitud en señales de muy baja frecuencia emitidas por la estación NAA. El rasgo más saliente del presente estudio indica que la perturbación ionosférica que, iniciada en la zona auroral de la región F y propagada hacia bajas latitudes en camino horizontal, también mostraría una componente vertical que llega a afectar la región D. En la comparación de parámetros indicadores de concentración electrónica se observa comportamiento tanto en fase como en contrafase.A comparative analysis of the behaviour of the D,E and F regions physical parameters over Tucumán for the 26 of march, 1976 storm, has been realized. Tucumán vertical sounder records were used for the E and F regions data. The behaviour of D region has been inferred through phase and amplitude records of VLF signals emitted by the NAA station. One important feature of the present study indicates that the ionospheric perturbation, with origin in the auroral zone and propagating equatorward in a horizontal way, would also show a vertical component reaching the D-region. After comparing parameters indicating electron concentration changes a behaviour in phase as well as in counterphase has been observed.Asociación Argentina de Geofísicos y Geodesta

    Fluorinated Carbohydrates as Lectin Ligands: Simultaneous Screening of a Monosaccharide Library and Chemical Mapping by F-19 NMR Spectroscopy

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    Molecular recognition of carbohydrates is a key step in essential biological processes. Carbohydrate receptors can distinguish monosaccharides even if they only differ in a single aspect of the orientation of the hydroxyl groups or harbor subtle chemical modifications. Hydroxyl-by-fluorine substitution has proven its merits for chemically mapping the importance of hydroxyl groups in carbohydrate-receptor interactions. F-19 NMR spectroscopy could thus be adapted to allow contact mapping together with screening in compound mixtures. Using a library of fluorinated glucose (Glc), mannose (Man), and galactose (Gal) derived by systematically exchanging every hydroxyl group by a fluorine atom, we developed a strategy combining chemical mapping and F-19 NMR T-2 filtering-based screening. By testing this strategy on the proof-of-principle level with a library of 13 fluorinated monosaccharides to a set of three carbohydrate receptors of diverse origin, i.e. the human macrophage galactose-type lectin, a plant lectin, Pisum sativum agglutinin, and the bacterial Gal-/Glc-binding protein from Escherichia coli, it became possible to simultaneously define their monosaccharide selectivity and identify the essential hydroxyls for interactionAgencia Estatal de Investigacion (Spain) Grants CTQ2015-64597-C2-1-P and 2-P, RTI2018-094751-B-C21 and C22, Severo Ochoa Excellence Accreditation (SEV-2016-0644) European Research Council (RECGLYCANMR, Advanced Grant No. 788143), and CIBERES, an initiative from the Spanish Institute of Health Carlos III. Science Foundation Ireland, SFI Award 13/IA/195