4,186 research outputs found

    Engineering elliptical spin-excitations by complex anisotropy fields in Fe adatoms and dimers on Cu(111)

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    We investigate the dynamics of Fe adatoms and dimers deposited on the Cu(111) metallic surface in the presence of spin-orbit coupling, within time-dependent density functional theory. The \textit{ab initio} results provide material-dependent parameters that can be used in semiclassical approaches, which are used for insightful interpretations of the excitation modes. By manipulating the surroundings of the magnetic elements, we show that elliptical precessional motion may be induced through the modification of the magnetic anisotropy energy. We also demonstrate how different kinds of spin precession are realized, considering the symmetry of the magnetic anisotropy energy, the ferro- or antiferromagnetic nature of the exchange coupling between the impurities, and the strength of the magnetic damping. In particular, the normal modes of a dimer depend on the initial magnetic configuration, changing drastically by going from a ferromagnetic metastable state to the antiferromagnetic ground state. By taking into account the effect of the damping into their resonant frequencies, we reveal that an important contribution arises for strongly biaxial systems and specially for the antiferromagnetic dimers with large exchange couplings. Counter intuitively, our results indicate that the magnetic damping influences the quantum fluctuations by decreasing the zero-point energy of the system

    Description and molecular phylogeny of a new and one known needle nematode of the genus Paralongidorus (Nematoda: Longidoridae) from grapevine in Portugal

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    A new and a known longidorid nematode, Paralongidorus lusitanicus n. sp. and Paralongidorus plesioepimikis, are described and illustrated from populations extracted from soil associated with grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) from Escaroupim and Pó (central-Western Portugal), respectively. The new needle nematode P. lusitanicus n. sp. is characterised by a very large body size (8072–12,022 μm), an expanded and rounded lip region, ca 30 μm wide, with a clear constriction followed by a depression posterior to the amphidial aperture, amphidial fovea very large (11.0–19.0 μm), stirrup-shaped, with conspicuous slit-like aperture as shown in scanning electron microscopy studies, a very long and flexible odontostyle (180.0–223.0 μm), guiding ring located at 28.0–41.5 μm from anterior end, vulva anterior to the mid-body (34–41%), a dorsally convex-conoid tail with rounded terminus (29–42 μm long), bearing two or three pairs of caudal pores and males common (ratio 1:1.6 females) with spicules ca 80 μm long. Morphological and morphometric traits for P. plesioepimikis fit well with the original description, and is reported for the first time in Portugal. Integrative diagnosis of both species was completed with molecular data obtained using D2-D3 expansion segments of 28S rDNA, ITS1-rDNA and partial 18S–rDNA. The phylogenetic relationships of these species with other Paralongidorus spp. using these three molecular markers indicated that P. lusitanicus n. sp. clustered together with other Paralongidorus spp. forming a sister clade with P. plesioepimikis, both of them sharing a large body, long odontostyle, an anteriorly located vulva and an expanded and rounded lip region with a clear constriction followed by a depression posterior to the amphidial aperture

    El nomenament de Defensor judicial: competència i especificitats del dret civil català

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    [cat] Aquest treball té com a objecte l'estudi de l'expedient de nomenament de defensor judicial d'acord amb les previsions del Codi Civil de Catalunya, així com dels articles de la Llei estatal 15/2015, de Jurisdicció Voluntària. Prima facie es constata que la normativa pròpia presenta, de forma sobrevinguda i com a conseqüència de la desjudicialització de bona part dels expedients de jurisdicció voluntària, certes discordances respecte de la llei estatal, essencialment pel que fa a l'autoritat competent per fer-ne el nomenament. En aquest sentit, la llei catalana atorga la competència a l'autoritat judicial mentre que l'estatal estableix que coneixerà i decidirà el lletrat de l'administració de justícia. La finalitat d'aquest estudi és, a banda de fer un examen de l'expedient de nomenament de defensor judicial, proposar solucions de cara a garantir la compatibilitat normativa entre ambdues regulacions. En última instància, s'exposen aquells elements que permeten defensar la prevalença de la norma pròpia davant les previsions de la llei estatal.[eng] The paper studies the appointment of the judicial defender regulated by the Catalonian Civil Law and also the rules of the Spanish Law 15/2015, of Voluntary Jurisdiction. Suddenly the Catalonian law has some differences with the Spanish law because from now many procedure of voluntary jurisdiction are not solved by the judge. In fact, the Catalonian Civil Law says that only the judge is responsible and the competent authority for the appointment of the judicial defender but the Spanish Law gives the responsibility to the Court clerk. The review of the appointment of the judicial defender procedure rules is complemented by proposal of solutions in order to guarantee compatibility between the Catalonian Civil Law and the Spanish Law. Eventually, the author proposes some criteria that allow defending the prevalence of the Catalonian rules to the provisions of the Spanish law

    La Conciliación tras la entrada en vigor de la ley 15/2015, de 2 de julio, de jurisdicción voluntaria

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    El presente trabajo analiza la regulación de la conciliación establecida en la Ley 5/2015, de 2 de julio, de Jurisdicción Voluntaria. En este sentido, son objeto de estudio los supuestos en los que cabe acudir a la conciliación ju-dicial, así como la competencia para conocer de este expediente, con espe-cial atención a las normas de tramitación. Por otro lado, se efectúan refe-rencias a la conciliación notarial y a la posibilidad de recurrir al Registra-dor para intentar conciliar. El examen de los preceptos se complementa con el análisis de aspectos conceptuales y generales relativos a la conciliación y de la jurisdicción voluntaria. Igualmente, se sugieren algunas pautas de interpretación que permitan mejorar la actual regulación

    Instrucción y enjuiciamiento de los delitos leves: comentarios a la da 2ª de la lo 1/2015, de reforma del código penal

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    [spa] El presente comentario estudia el contenido de la DA 2ª de la LO 1/2015, por la que se reforma el Código Penal. Entre otras cuestiones, la LO 1/2015 ha suprimido las faltas, llevando algunas a la administración sancionadora y transformando otras a delitos leves. Asimismo prevé que la instrucción y el enjuiciamiento de los delitos leves deberán realizarse por el procedimiento establecido para los juicios de faltas. Sin embargo, el juicio de faltas -ahora juicio de delitos leves- no prevé fase de instrucción. Por otro lado, la reforma introduce la posibilidad de que el Juez archive la causa si considera que el hecho no tiene trascendencia penal. Ello lleva a plantear si el legislador pretende dotar al juicio de delitos leves de una fase de instrucción de la que carecía el juicio de faltas. Para dar respuesta, se analizan los problemas teóricos que puede plantear la existencia de actividad instructora en los delitos leves, y la existencia en la práctica de actuaciones previas al juicio para prepararlo o decidir su archivo prematuro.[eng] The paper studies the contents of the 2nd AD LO 1/2015, that reforms the Spanish Criminal Law. In other things, LO 1/2015 removes the faults. Some faults are now decided by administrative authority and another are transformed to minor crimes. Also to investigate and decide the minor crimes, trial of faults must be used. However neither trial of faults nor trial of minor crimes have investigation period. In the other hand, reform introduces the possibility that the Judge closed the case if it considers that the fact has not criminal repercussions. It’s conceivable that Spanish legislator aims to provide minor crimes trial of an investigation period, lacked in the trial of faults. To find reply, are studied the problems that are found in legal and practice about the existence of an investigation period in the trial of minor crimes and the existence of preliminaries acts to prepare or close the trial

    Price discrimination and market structures in the portuguese export sector (1977-82)

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    O conjunto de gravuras rupestres de Santo Adrião (Caminha, Portugal): embarcações, armas, cavalos e ex-votos

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    Este artigo pretende dar a conhecer os primeiros resultados dos trabalhos de limpeza, decalque, levantamento fotogramétrico e escavação desenvolvidos no caos de blocos graníticos de Santo Adrião, no concelho de Caminha. Os ditos trabalhos permitiram identificar 11 afloramentos com gravuras rupestres, alguns deles com motivos pouco frequentes na arte rupestre do Norte de Portugal. Os motivos registados correspondem a composições circulares, armas, quadrúpedes, um reticulado, motivos em U e três barquiformes. Também foram exumados 24 artefactos líticos possivelmente depositados intencionalmente entre as fendas do caos de blocos onde se encontram as gravurasThe aim of this paper is to show the first results of archaeological works of cleaning, recording, photogrammetric survey and excavation developed in Santo Adrião site situated in Caminha council in North-western Portugal. During the archaeological works were found 11 new rock art outcrops, some of them with unusual designs in Portuguese rock art. These motifs are cup and rings, weapons, quadrupeds, a grid pattern, u-shaped figures and three boats. There were also collected 24 lithic artefacts probably deposited intentionally into the cracks situated in between the recorded outcrops.Manuel Santos-Estévez agradece à FCT a bolsa de pós-doutoramento com a referência SFRH/BPD/93700/2013 no âmbito da qual se insere este trabalho. Ana M. S. Bettencourt agradece à FCT a bolsa de licença sabática com a referência SFRH/BSAB/114296/2016 - Rock Art of the Northwest Iberia. Liminality and Heterothopy, no contexto da qual realiza este texto. Ambos os autores agradecem à Junta de Freguesia de Âncora e à Câmara Municipal de Caminha todo o apoio prestado durante a realização dos trabalhos de campo.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Dynamical amplification of magnetoresistances and Hall currents up to the THz regime

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    Spin-orbit-related effects offer a highly promising route for reading and writing information in magnetic units of future devices. These phenomena rely not only on the static magnetization orientation but also on its dynamics to achieve fast switchings that can reach the THz range. In this work, we consider Co/Pt and Fe/W bilayers to show that accounting for the phase difference between different processes is crucial to the correct description of the dynamical currents. By tuning each system towards its ferromagnetic resonance, we reveal that dynamical spin Hall angles can non-trivially change sign and be boosted by over 500%, reaching giant values. We demonstrate that charge and spin pumping mechanisms can greatly magnify or dwindle the currents flowing through the system, influencing all kinds of magnetoresistive and Hall effects, thus impacting also dc and second harmonic experimental measurements.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figures, Supplementary Informatio

    Symbolic Computation of Variational Symmetries in Optimal Control

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    We use a computer algebra system to compute, in an efficient way, optimal control variational symmetries up to a gauge term. The symmetries are then used to obtain families of Noether's first integrals, possibly in the presence of nonconservative external forces. As an application, we obtain eight independent first integrals for the sub-Riemannian nilpotent problem (2,3,5,8).Comment: Presented at the 4th Junior European Meeting on "Control and Optimization", Bialystok Technical University, Bialystok, Poland, 11-14 September 2005. Accepted (24-Feb-2006) to Control & Cybernetic

    Corporate social responsibility and its effect on earnings management: an empirical research on Spanish firms

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    The ethics of financial reporting assumes a centre stage in the corporate world in the background of an emerging understanding of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). The purpose of this paper is to investigate whether the CSR orientation of a firm affects its reporting incentives, in terms of the accrual-based earnings management. The main argument is that CSR induces transparency and reduces the propensity towards the number of opportunities for earnings management. Using archival data from a panel sample of 100 most reputable Spanish firms between 2011 and 2015, we find a negative impact of CSR practices on earnings management. The findings demonstrate the socially responsible firms are inclined to foster long–term relationships with stakeholders rather than maximise their short-term profit. In this regard, providing quality earnings is closely connected to CSR activities, especially in that both aim to meet the needs of the stakeholders. Our findings have important implications for shareholders, investors and analysts who may consider CSR as an expression of ‘ethical’ investing and a possible reflection of the quality of financial reporting. These groups should be very cautious in relying on CSR information for Spanish firm's analysis, since CSR is found to have significant impact on earnings management