49 research outputs found


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    De tres lobos finos de dos pelos, Arctocephalus australis, capturados en las playas marinas de Punta de Coles (Ilo), ubicadas entre las coordenadas 17°42’S71°22’50 (Sur Oeste) entre los meses de febrero y octubre de 1992 en Tacna – Perú, fueron obtenidas las muestras a través de pruebas, según metodología para parásitos de peces específicamente Nemátodos y Tinción con Carmín, encontrándose un porcentaje significativo de Contracaecum osculatum, en cada uno de los lobos finos de dos pelos

    Male circumcision and the incidence and clearance of genital human papillomavirus (HPV) infection in men: the HPV Infection in men (HIM) cohort study

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    Background: Reported associations of male circumcision (MC) with human papillomavirus (HPV) infection in men have been inconsistent. Methods: 4,033 healthy men were examined every six months for a median of 17.5 months. In each study visit, exfoliated cell specimens from the coronal sulcus/glans penis, penile shaft, and scrotum were collected and combined into one sample per person for HPV DNA detection. Samples were tested for 37 HPV types. Cox proportional hazards models were used to evaluate the association between MC and the incidence and clearance of HPV infections and specific genotypes. Results: The overall incidence of new HPV infections did not differ by MC status (for any HPV, adjusted hazard ratio (aHR) 1.08, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.91-1.27). However, incidence was significantly lower among circumcised versus uncircumcised men for HPV types 58 (p = 0.01), 68 (p < 0.001), 42 (p = 0.01), 61 (p < 0.001), 71 (p < 0.001), 81 (p = 0.04), and IS39 (p = 0.01), and higher for HPV types 39 (p = 0.01) and 51 (p = 0.02). Despite the lack of an overall association in the risk of HPV clearance by MC (for any HPV, aHR 0.95, 95% CI 0.88-1.02), median times to clearance were significantly shorter among circumcised than uncircumcised men for HPV types 33 (p = 0.02) and 64 (p = 0.04), and longer for HPV types 6 (p < 0.001), 16 (p < 0.001), and 51 (p = 0.02). Conclusions: MC is not associated with the incidence and clearance of genital HPV detection, except for certain HPV types. The use of a single combined sample from the penis and scrotum for HPV DNA detection likely limited our ability to identify a true effect of MC at the distal penis

    Male circumcision and prevalence of genital human papillomavirus infection in men : a multinational study

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    Background: Accumulated evidence from epidemiological studies and more recently from randomized controlled trials suggests that male circumcision (MC) may substantially protect against genital HPV infection in men. The purpose of this study was to assess the association between MC and genital HPV infection in men in a large multinational study. Methods: A total of 4072 healthy men ages 18-70 years were enrolled in a study conducted in Brazil, Mexico, and the United States. Enrollment samples combining exfoliated cells from the coronal sulcus, glans penis, shaft, and scrotum were analyzed for the presence and genotyping of HPV DNA by PCR and linear array methods. Prevalence ratios (PR) were used to estimate associations between MC and HPV detection adjusting for potential confounders. Results: MC was not associated with overall prevalence of any HPV, oncogenic HPV types or unclassified HPV types. However, MC was negatively associated with non-oncogenic HPV infections (PR 0.85, 95% confident interval: 0.76-0.95), in particular for HPV types 11, 40, 61, 71, and 81. HPV 16, 51, 62, and 84 were the most frequently identified genotypes regardless of MC status. Conclusions: This study shows no overall association between MC and genital HPV infections in men, except for certain non-oncogenic HPV types for which a weak association was found. However, the lack of association with MC might be due to the lack of anatomic site specific HPV data, for example the glans penis, the area expected to be most likely protected by MC

    Mejorar las competencias matemáticas en los profesores de la enseñanza primaria de Porto Amboim, Cuanza Sur, Angola. Una propuesta metodológica para la enseñanza de la geometría basada en el modelo de Van Heile y fundamentada en el uso de las TIC

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    The theme about the professional skills of the primary teacher in Angola is a subject that has brought several reflections, especially when we analyze them from the point of view of learner practices in the teaching of mathematics. Studying these practices and suggesting more participative methodologies and constructivist models, is a way forward to allow learning with better quality. This study had as main objective, to analyze the professional competences focused on the teaching practices of the teachers of the 6th class of three pedagogical groups, in Porto Amboim, Angola. The methodology employed is mixed and is based on a case study, of the descriptive type "having as an essential purpose to describe, that is, to simply say as is "(Ponte, 2006, p.6). The study concluded that teachers in these groupings use expository methodologies, do not use teaching resources, and do not follow a pedagogical model in geometry teaching.O tema sobre as competências profissionais do professor primário em Angola é uma temática que tem trazido diversas reflexões, principalmente, quando as analisamos do ponto de vista das práticas letivas no ensino da matemática. Estudar essas práticas e sugerir metodologias mais participativas e modelos construtivistas, é um caminho a seguir para permitir aprendizagens com melhor qualidade. Este estudo teve como objectivo principal, analisar as competências profissionais focadas nas práticas letivas dos professores da 6ª classe de três agrupamentos pedagógicos, em Porto Amboim, Angola. A metodologia empregue é mista e assenta-se num estudo de caso, do tipo descritivo “tendo como propósito essencial descrever, isto é, dizer simplesmente como é” (Ponte, 2006, p.6). O estudo concluiu que os professores desses agrupamentos usam de metodologias centradas em exposições, não usam recursos de ensino e não seguem um modelo pedagógico no ensino da geometria.El tema sobre las habilidades profesionales del docente de primaria en Angola es una materia que ha traído varias reflexiones, especialmente cuando las analizamos desde el punto de vista de las prácticas de aprendizaje en la enseñanza de las matemáticas. Estudiar estas prácticas y sugerir metodologías más participativas y modelos constructivistas es una forma de avanzar para permitir el aprendizaje con una mejor calidad. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo principal, analizar las competencias profesionales centradas en la enseñanza de los docentes de la 6ª clase de tres grupos pedagógicos, en Porto Amboim, Angola. La metodología es mixta y se basa en un estudio de caso, del tipo descriptivo "que tiene como propósito esencial describir, es decir, simplemente decir tal como es” (Ponte, 2006, p.6). El estudio concluyó que los profesores de estos grupos usan metodologías expositivas, no usan recursos de enseñanza y no siguen el modelo pedagógico en la enseñanza de la geometría

    Ice Detection Using Thermal Infrared Radiometry on Wind Turbine Blades

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    Wind farms are located in areas with a high probability of ice occurrence. Icing involves problems such as energy losses, mechanical failures and downtimes. The priority is to detect icing in order to avoid these problems. Icing detection is a complex procedure for example, low temperatures are not a guaranty of ice formation, and other variables may affect. Different techniques have been recently proposed to detect ice in wind turbine blades. They are mainly based on damping of ultrasonic waves on the blade surface, or measuring the resonant frequency of a probe. But these methods have some drawbacks that may cause the system to fail, e.g. the behaviour of ultrasonic waves in composite materials is difficult to predict due to different fibre orientations, and the ice detection by changes in the resonance frequency could lead to false alarms due to variations in working conditions. This paper takes advantage of the remote sensing techniques to propose a novel approach for icing detection without physical contact. The approach is based on the drastic emissivity change that it is produced over a surface characterized with a low emissivity value when ice appears. An experiment was conducted using a broad-band thermal radiometer and a section of a wind turbine blade. Radiometric temperature measurements were collected over the blade with and without an aluminium foil patch. The piece of blade was cooled down and different scenarios were considered, including frozen with and without ice. This study was completed with a sensitivity analysis of the approach to dust accumulation, accounting for real operation conditions. Results show the feasibility of this technique to detect ice formation and discern between frozen and icing conditions

    CaracterĂ­sticas de comportamiento sexual en hombres de la Ciudad de MĂ©xico Characteristics of sexual behavior in the male population from Mexico City

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    Objetivo. Determinar las principales características de comportamiento sexual en hombres de la Ciudad de México, incluyendo número de parejas sexuales, antecedentes de enfermedades de transmisión sexual (ETS) y creencias acerca del síndrome de inmunodeficiencia adquirida (SIDA). Material y métodos. Durante 1995 se realizó un estudio epidemiológico transversal, basado en un muestreo multietápico por conglomerados; se entrevistó a 1 377 hombres de 15 a 49 años de edad, a quienes se les aplicó un cuestionario estructurado. Para el análisis estadístico de los datos se realizaron pruebas de significancia como t de Student y ji². Resultados. Entre los entrevistados la media de edad fue de 34.5 años (DE= 7.5 años), y la media de inicio de relaciones sexuales de 17.7 años (DE= 2.8 años). La proporción global de uso de condón durante la última relación sexual fue de 24.6%; de acuerdo con el tipo de pareja sexual femenina en el último año, 18.8% lo usaron con parejas regulares y 62.5% con múltiples parejas. El 2% refirió síntomas sugestivos de uretritis gonocócica. Finalmente 97.5% refirió saber qué significaba la palabra SIDA y conocer ciertas medidas protectoras contra la infección. Conclusiones. En este estudio se identificaron características de comportamiento sexual riesgoso para adquirir y transmitir alguna ETS, como tener múltiples parejas sexuales, no usar el condón y presentar antecedentes de ETS.<br>Objective. To determine the major features of sexual behavior in men from Mexico City, such as the number of sexual partners, history of sexually transmitted disease (STD) and beliefs on AIDS. Material and methods. A transversal epidemiologic study was conducted in 1995 based on multistage sampling with conglomerates. A total of 1 377 males from 15 to 49 years of age was interviewed by means of a structured questionnaire. Statistics such as Student's test and chi² were applied to determine significance. Results. Subject mean age was 17.7 years (SD= 2.8 years) Overall proportion of condom use in the last intercourse was 24.6% depending on the type of partner: 18.8% used it with regular partners and 62.5% with multiple partners. Symptoms suggesting gonococcal uretritis were found in 2%. Finally, 97.5% understood the meaning of AIDS and knew some protective measures against infection. Conclusions. Some risky characteristics of sexual behavior were identified concerning the transmission of STD such as multiple sexual partners, not using condom and STD antecedents