1,754 research outputs found

    Heterogeneous resource management in energy hubs with self-consumption: Contributions and application example

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    The energy hub concept and modeling methodology are widely employed tools for solving resource conversionand storage scheduling problems. For instance, industrial clusters might benefit from determining the suitabletime to operate their facilities and to sell electricity to the public power grid, according to legal, economic orenvironmental factors. In this paper, novel elements are introduced in order to more accurately represent realplants and to reduce the amount of decision variables. The major innovation is to consider devices consuming aresource which is not related to the quantity of output produced, by attaching binary decision variables tocertain energy hub outputs. Secondly, a path vector is defined to take into account the flows of resources withinthe system instead of employing a variable for each branch between the components. The third innovationconsists of an additional vector to express the amount of output resources sold from the energy hub, includingconstraints for those resources which are exported and imported through the same medium. An extended energyhub model is first proposed and then applied to a real plant example, including multiple and heterogeneousresources and performing a comparison between days with different demands, weather conditions and electricityprices. The results obtained in the selected scenarios demonstrate a logical operation scheduling, and thereforevalidate the proposed approach

    Digital literacy and the use of augmented reality in teaching science in Secondary Education

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    Hoy día la tecnología ocupa un lugar destacado en la sociedad, por lo que es fundamental para desenvolverse en ella con éxito tener adquirida la competencia digital. Los docentes deben desarrollarla de forma adecuada para que su labor educativa sea eficaz y para poder transmitirla a su alumnado. Un ejemplo del uso de la tecnología en educación que se encuentra en auge es la utilización didáctica de la Realidad Aumentada, que ofrece al área de las ciencias una gran cantidad de posibilidades para facilitar el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje. El objetivo que se plantea en el presente estudio es conocer la incidencia de la competencia digital en el empleo de la realidad aumentada como recurso didáctico en la impartición de clases relacionadas con las ciencias. El método utilizado es de tipo cuantitativo no experimental, de corte descriptivo, correlacional y con carácter predictivo. La recogida de datos se ha llevado a cabo mediante un cuestionario ad hoc sobre competencia digital docente y realidad aumentada, con diferentes niveles de respuesta. Los resultados muestran que la realidad aumentada es un recurso que ha sido usado por parte de los docentes que imparten ciencias, presentando estos un nivel de competencia digital medio. Se concluye afirmando que los docentes que utilizan la realidad aumentada presentan más competencia digital que aquellos que no lo usan.Today, technology is a major issue in society, so it is essential to have acquired digital competence in order to be successful in it. An example of the growing use of technology in education is the didactic use of Augmented Reality, which offers the area of science a wealth of possibilities to facilitate the teaching-learning process. The aim of this study is to understand the impact of digital competence on the use of augmented reality as a teaching resource in science-related classes. The method used is quantitative, non-experimental, descriptive, correlational and predictive. The data collection has been carried out through an ad hoc questionnaire on digital teaching competence and augmented reality with different levels of response. The results show that augmented reality is a resource that has been used by teachers teaching science, presenting them with an average level of digital competence. We conclude by stating that teachers who use augmented reality are more digitally competent than those who do not.

    Effects of Quercus suber Decline on Woody Plant Regeneration: Potential Implications for Successional Dynamics in Mediterranean Forests

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    15 páginas.-- 2 figuras.-- 1 tabla.-- 82 referencias.--The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s10021-016-0044-5) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized usersIn the last two decades, widespread tree decline and mortality have been documented in forests worldwide. These mortality events usually show certain level of host-specificity, translating into rapid changes in the relative abundance of the adult community. Despite these short-term changes, it is poorly understood whether the decline and mortality of certain tree species are likely to result in long-term vegetation shifts. Trajectories of forest recovery and the probability of occurrence of permanent vegetation shifts are to a large extent determined by post-mortality regeneration dynamics. Using a spatially explicit neighborhood approach, we evaluated the spatial patterns of natural regeneration of the woody plant community in mixed Mediterranean forests affected by the decline of their dominant tree species, Quercus suber. We predicted the abundance, survival, and richness of the seedling and sapling bank as a function of the distribution and health status of the tree and shrub community. Results indicated that Q. suber decline had detectable effects on seedlings and saplings of coexistent woody species from very different functional groups (trees, shrubs, and lianas). The sign and magnitude of these effects varied substantially among coexistent species, which could imply shifts in the species ranking of seedling and sapling abundance, affecting successional trajectories and potentially leading to vegetation shifts. Because most of these changes pointed towards a loss of dominance of Q. suber, management strategies are urgently needed in order to attenuate adult mortality or promote its regeneration, counteracting the negative effects of global change drivers (exotic pathogens, climate change) on these valuable forests.This research was supported by the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICIIN) projects INTERBOS (CGL2008-04503-C03-03), DIVERBOS (CGL2011-30285-C02-01), RETROBOS (CGL2011-26877), and RESTECO (CGL2014-52858-R), and the Junta de Andalucía project ANASINQUE (PGC2010-RNM-5782). BI was supported by a Formación de Personal Investigador (FPI)-MICINN Grant, J.M.A. by a Formación de Personal Universitario (FPU)-MEC Grant, and I.M.P.R. by a JAEdoc-Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) contract.Peer reviewe

    Computationally efficient simulation of unsteady aerodynamics using POD on the fly

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    Modern industrial aircraft design requires a large amount of sufficiently accurate aerodynamic and aeroelastic simulations. Current computational fluid dynamics (CFD) solvers with aeroelastic capabilities, such as the NASA URANS unstructured solver FUN3D, require very large computational resources. Since a very large amount of simulation is necessary, the CFD cost is just unaffordable in an industrial production environment and must be significantly reduced. Thus, a more inexpensive, yet sufficiently precise solver is strongly needed. An opportunity to approach this goal could follow some recent results (Terragni and Vega 2014 SIAM J. Appl. Dyn. Syst. 13 330–65; Rapun et al 2015 Int. J. Numer. Meth. Eng. 104 844–68) on an adaptive reduced order model that combines 'on the fly' a standard numerical solver (to compute some representative snapshots), proper orthogonal decomposition (POD) (to extract modes from the snapshots), Galerkin projection (onto the set of POD modes), and several additional ingredients such as projecting the equations using a limited amount of points and fairly generic mode libraries. When applied to the complex Ginzburg–Landau equation, the method produces acceleration factors (comparing with standard numerical solvers) of the order of 20 and 300 in one and two space dimensions, respectively. Unfortunately, the extension of the method to unsteady, compressible flows around deformable geometries requires new approaches to deal with deformable meshes, high-Reynolds numbers, and compressibility. A first step in this direction is presented considering the unsteady compressible, two-dimensional flow around an oscillating airfoil using a CFD solver in a rigidly moving mesh. POD on the Fly gives results whose accuracy is comparable to that of the CFD solver used to compute the snapshots

    Flavonoid Phloretin Inhibits Adipogenesis and Increases OPG Expression in Adipocytes Derived from Human Bone-Marrow Mesenchymal Stromal-Cells

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    Phloretin (a flavonoid abundant in apple), has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and glucose-transporter inhibitory properties. Thus, it has interesting pharmacological and nutraceutical potential. Bone-marrow mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) have high differentiation capacity, being essential for maintaining homeostasis and regenerative capacity in the organism. Yet, they preferentially differentiate into adipocytes instead of osteoblasts with aging. This has a negative impact on bone turnover, remodeling, and formation. We have evaluated the effects of phloretin on human adipogenesis, analyzing MSC induced to differentiate into adipocytes. Expression of adipogenic genes, as well as genes encoding OPG and RANKL (involved in osteoclastogenesis), protein synthesis, lipid-droplets formation, and apoptosis, were studied. Results showed that 10 and 20 µM phloretin inhibited adipogenesis. This effect was mediated by increasing beta-catenin, as well as increasing apoptosis in adipocytes, at late stages of differentiation. In addition, this chemical increased OPG gene expression and OPG/RANKL ratio in adipocytes. These results suggest that this flavonoid (including phloretin-rich foods) has interesting potential for clinical and regenerative-medicine applications. Thus, such chemicals could be used to counteract obesity and prevent bone-marrow adiposity. That is particularly useful to protect bone mass and treat diseases like osteoporosis, which is an epidemic worldwide

    Could Grasshoppers Be a Nutritive Meal

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    ABSTRACT The nutritive value of 25 edible Orthoptera in Mexico is shown. Protein content ranges from 43.93% to 77.13% (mix of Edible Acrididade of Puebla). Fat percentage goes from 4.22% to 34.21%. Richest species in ashes were Arphia fallax S., Sphenarium histrio G. and Sphenarium purpurascens Ch. with 16.5%. Energy contribution varies from 14.05 kJ to 21.88 kJ. Their amino acids profile was compared with the WHO/FAO/UNU Pattern (1985). The total quantity of essential amino acids that all insects species provides was superior to those signaled in the pattern. The highest quantity (53.60 g) was for Sphenarium histrio G. Chemical score goes from 50% to 88%. In vitamins, the highest value in Thiamine and Riboflavine was for Sphenarium magnum M., in Niacine for Sphenarium borrei B., in vitamin C and for vitamin D Acheta domestica L., and in Vitamin A for Periplaneta americana L. In minerals, all species were very rich in magnesium. All the edible orthopterans results were compared with those of the most conventional mexican foods used to obtain proteins. The quantity and quality of the nutrients that these edible orthopterans allows, provides a significant contribution to the nutrition of the peasants who eat them

    Treatment of hepatitis delta and HIV infection

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    Hepatitis delta virus (HDV) is a defective agent that only infects individuals with hepatitis B virus (HBV). Around 5–10% of chronic hepatitis B patients worldwide are superinfected with HDV, which means 15–25 million people. Hepatitis delta is the most severe of all chronic viral hepatitis, leading to cirrhosis, liver cancer and/or transplantation in most patients. Despite it, many HDV patients remain undiagnosed. The only treatment available until recently was peginterferon alfa, with poor results and significant side effects. The recent approval of bulevirtide, a lipopeptide that blocks HBV/HDV entry, has revolutionized the field. Another drug, lonafarnib, already approved to treat progeria, is expected to be available soon as HDV therapy. Since there is no cell reservoir for the HDV RNA genome, hypothetically viral clearance could be achieved if complete blocking of viral replication occurs for a minimum time frame. This is what happens in hepatitis C using direct-acting antivirals, with the achievement of cure in nearly all treated patients. We envision the cure of hepatitis delta using combination antiviral therapy. Given that sexual and parenteral transmission routes are the most frequent for the acquisition of HBV and HDV, shared with HIV infection and HBV/HDV and HIV coinfection. The clinical outcome of hepatitis delta is worst in the HIV setting, with more frequent liver complications. Since most persons infected with HIV are on regular health care follow-up, we propose that HIV-HDV patients should be prioritized for moving forward new and potentially curative treatments for hepatitis delta

    Design of Belief Propagation Based on FPGA for the Multistereo CAFADIS Camera

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    In this paper we describe a fast, specialized hardware implementation of the belief propagation algorithm for the CAFADIS camera, a new plenoptic sensor patented by the University of La Laguna. This camera captures the lightfield of the scene and can be used to find out at which depth each pixel is in focus. The algorithm has been designed for FPGA devices using VHDL. We propose a parallel and pipeline architecture to implement the algorithm without external memory. Although the BRAM resources of the device increase considerably, we can maintain real-time restrictions by using extremely high-performance signal processing capability through parallelism and by accessing several memories simultaneously. The quantifying results with 16 bit precision have shown that performances are really close to the original Matlab programmed algorithm

    Palynological investigations in the Orce Archaeological Zone, Early Pleistocene of Southern Spain

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    Palynological investigations in the Orce Archaeological Zone (OAZ) (Guadix-Baza Basin, Granada, Spain), Venta Micena 1 (VM1), Barranco León (BL) and Fuente Nueva 3 (FN3) are presented. This archaeological region is connectedwith the first Homo populations inWestern Eurasia during the Early Pleistocene. The VM1 pollen record is characterized by Ephedra, and to a lesser extent, Pinus, Juniperus and evergreen Quercus, occassionally accompanied by Olea, Genisteae, Erica, deciduous Quercus, Alnus, Castanea, Fraxinus, Salix and Phillyrea. BL is dominated by Juniperus, Olea, Pinus, Poaceae, and evergreen Quercus. FN3 is characterized by an openMediterraneanwoodland dominated by evergreen Quercus, Pinus, Juniperus and Olea, accompanied by deciduous Quercus, Castanea, Populus, Salix, Ulmus, Fraxinus, Pistacia, Phillyrea, Genisteae, Erica, Cistus, and Ephedra fragilis. Relic Tertiary taxa inOAZ include Carya, Pterocarya, Eucommia, Zelkova, andJuglans. The Early Pleistocene OAZ vegetation is amosaic of different landscapes embracing mesophytes, thermophytes, xerophytes, xerothermophytes, and Mediterranean elements. These finds are compared with former pollen analyses in the region and beyond within the Iberian Peninsula.General Research Project "Primeras ocupaciones humanas y contexto paleoecologico a partir de los depositos Pliopleistocenos de la cuenca Guadix-Baza. Zona Arqueologica de la cuenca de Orce" - General Direction of Historical and Documental Heritage (Junta d BC.03.032/17FEDER/Ministry of Science and Innovation -Agencia Estatal de Investigacion, Fundacion Seneca PID20191049449GB-I00 20788/PI/18Proyecto LifeWatch ERIC-SUMHAL LIFEWATCH2019-09-CSIC-13MICINN through European Regional Development Fund (SUMHAL, POPE 20142020) LIFEWATCH-2019-09-CSIC-13project "Environment of early hominins outside Africa: the Guadix-Baza Basin" by the Leakey Foundation National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) of Australia PRE2020094482 CEX2019-000945-M-20-1Spanish Governmen