161 research outputs found

    Los mapas conceptuales en Educación Matemática: antecedentes y estado actual de la investigación

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    Este trabajo tiene por objeto mostrar los avances de un proyecto de investigación más amplio que se encuentra en la fase experimental. Se discute la noción de mapa conceptual y se reinterpreta desde las matemáticas, se revisa el estado de la investigación sobre esta herramienta y sus usos para la investigación en Educación Matemática y se expone, finalmente, la fase experimental del proyecto, haciendo hincapié en los participantes y en los objetivos. Se incluye un conjunto abundante de referencias que dan cuenta de los mapas conceptuales en la investigación, en contextos diferentes

    Looking for “in-between” Places

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    This article develops the concept of “in-between” places in relation to the study of language, perceptions and memorieswithin the broader mediation of cartography. We held an empirical qualitative studyin the city of Lisbon, Portugal, where a group of participants (1) performed a web map-survey to identifythe spatial dimensions of their sense of place, (2) hada joint discussion about therepresentations and memories associated with their chosen places, and, finally, (3) took a go-along walk to obtain a deeper definition and characterization of them. Results suggest that analog and digital maps generate different virtual images of space, while the navigational use ofdigital maps in particular generates multiple representations of the territory. Themediation of different narrations and the description of encounters within the Person-Place-Process triad helped us to establish the importance of in-between places for a complete conceptualization of place

    Una nova necròpoli tumular en la Foia de Zucaina: Peñas de Villanueva (Zucaina, Alt Millars)

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    Resultats preliminars de la campanya d’excavació del 2014 en l’àrea de la necròpoli tumular Las Peñas de Villanueva. L’aspecte més rellevant d’aquesta campanya ha estat fonamentalment la localització d’una agrupació tumular que consta de dos túmuls.Preliminary results of the 2014 campaign of excavation in the area of the burial necropolis of Las Peñas de Villanueva. The most relevant aspect of this campaign has primarily been the location of a burial group consisting of two burial mounds

    Selective T3-T4 sympathicotomy versus gray ramicotomy on outcome and quality of life in hyperhidrosis patients : a randomized clinical trial

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    Compensatory hyperhidrosis is the leading cause of patients' dissatisfaction after thoracic sympathicotomy. The study aimed to reduce compensatory hyperhidrosis to increase patients' satisfaction. A prospective randomized study on palmar hyperhidrosis, May 2016-September 2019. Twenty-one patients T3- T4 sympathicotomy and 21 T3- T4 gray ramicotomy. Data prospectively collected. Analysis at study's end. Focus on the sweating, temperature, quality of life baseline and postoperatively, compensatory hyperhidrosis, hand dryness, patients' satisfaction, and if they would undergo the procedure again and recommend it. No baseline differences between groups. Hyperhidrosis was controlled postoperatively in all patients. No mortality, serious complications, or recurrences. Sympathicotomy worse postoperative quality of life (49.05 (SD: 15.66, IR: 35.50-63.00) versus ramicotomy 24.30 (SD: 6.02, IR: 19.75-27.25). After ramicotomy, some residual sweating on the face, hands, and axillae. Compensatory sweating worse with sympathicotomy. Satisfaction higher with ramicotomy. Better results with ramicotomy than sympathicotomy regarding hand dryness, how many times a day the patients had to shower or change clothes, intention to undergo the procedure again or recommend it to somebody else, and how bothersome compensatory hyperhidrosis was. T3-T4 gray ramicotomy had better results than T3-T4 sympathicotomy, with less compensatory sweating and higher patients' satisfaction

    Kinetico-mechanistic study on the C-H bond activation of primary benzylamines; cooperative and solid-state cyclopalladation on dimeric complexesss

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    The cyclometallation reactions of dinuclear μ-acetato complexes of the type [Pd(AcO)(μ-AcO)L]2 (L = 4-RC6H4CH2NH2, R = H, Cl, F, CF3), a process found to occur readily even in the solid state, have been studied from a kinetico-mechanistic perspective. Data indicate that the dinuclear acetato bridged derivatives are excellent starting materials to activate carbon-hydrogen bonds in a facile way. In all cases the established concerted ambiphilic proton abstraction by a coordinated acetato ligand has been proved. The metallation has also been found to occur in a cooperative manner, with the metallation of the first palladium unit of the dimeric complex being rate determining; no intermediate mono-metallated compounds are observed in any of the processes. The kinetically favoured bis-cyclopalladated compound obtained after complete C-H bond activation does not correspond to the final isolated XRD-characterized complexes. This species, bearing the classical open-book dimeric form, has a much more complex structure than the final isolated compound, with different types of acetato ligand

    Review of the quality of youTube videos recommending exercises for the COVID-19 Lockdown

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    Background: The world is experiencing a pandemic caused by COVID-19. Insufficient physical activity can increase the risk of illness. Trying to replicate a normal search that any user/patient could do in YouTube, the objective of this study was to evaluate the quality of YouTube videos related to home exercises during lockdown and their adherence to World Health Organization (WHO) recommendations. Methods: A simple search was carried out on YouTube. The first 150 videos were selected. After applying exclusion criteria, 68 videos were analyzed and evaluated. Two statistical analyses based on machine learning techniques were carried out. Videos were classified according to principal component analysis (PCA) models as 'Relevant' and 'Non-Relevant'. Popularity was assessed using the video power index (VPI). Information's quality and accuracy were gauged using the DISCERN scale and global quality score (GQS). Reliability and credibility of information that can be found on health-related websites was assessed using the Health On the Net Code (HONCode). Exercises were evaluated according to WHO recommendations. Results: DISCERN, HONCode, and GQS scored a mean of 2.29, 58.95, and 2.32, respectively. The PCA calculation allowed videos to auto-classify into high- and low-quality videos. Conclusions: The quality of YouTube videos recommending exercises during lockdown is low and doesn't reflect WHO recommendations. Effective strategies and tools capable of indicating the quality of this information are needed to filter out erroneous or non-rigorous information that may affect people's health. These tools should help any user/viewer to distinguish videos of high and low quality

    The erector spinae plane block: a narrative review

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    Regional anesthesia and pain management have experienced advances in recent years, especially with the advent of fascial plane blocks. The erector spinae plane block is one of the newest techniques to be described. In the past two years, publications referring to ESP block have increased significantly. The objective of this review is to analyze the articles about ESP block that have been published to date. We performed a search in the main databases and identified 368 articles. After a selection of the relevant articles, 125 studies were found eligible and were included in the review. The ESP block is performed by depositing the local anesthetic in the fascial plane, deeper than the erector spinae muscle at the tip of the transverse process of the vertebra. Many cases of its use have been described with satisfactory results in the treatment of both acute pain and chronic pain. The applicability of the technique covers many clinical scenarios. Of the 98 case reports reviewed, 12 and 87 articles, respectively described the technique as a treatment for chronic pain and acute pain. The single-shot was the most frequently used technique. As described in the articles published to date, the technique is easy to perform and has a low rate of complications. However, despite the effectiveness of the technique, further studies are necessary to obtain more evidence of its actions

    Clinical and Economic Evaluation after Adopting Contingent Cell-Free DNA Screening for Fetal Trisomies in South Spain.

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    Contingent cell-free (cf) DNA screening on the basis of the first-trimester combined test (FCT) results has emerged as a cost-effective strategy for screening of trisomy 21 (T21). Objectives: To assess performance, patients’ uptake, and cost of contingent cfDNA screening and to compare them with those of the established FCT. Methods: This is a prospective cohort study including all singleton pregnancies attending to their FCT for screening of T21 at 2 university hospitals in South Spain. When the FCT risk was ≥1:50, there were major fetal malformations, or the nuchal translucency was ≥3.5 mm, women were recommended invasive testing (IT); if the risk was between 1:50 and 1:270, women were recommended cfDNA testing; and for risks bellow 1:270, no further testing was recommended. Detection rate (DR), false-positive rate (FPR), patients’ uptake, and associated costs were evaluated. Results: We analyzed 10,541 women, including 46 T21 cases. DR of our contingent strategy was 89.1% (41/46) at 1.4% (146/10,541) FPR. Uptake of cfDNA testing was 91.2% (340/373), and overall IT rate was 2.0%. The total cost of our strategy was €1,462,895.7, similar to €1,446,525.7 had cfDNA testing not been available. Conclusions: Contingent cfDNA screening shows high DR, low IT rate, and high uptake at a similar cost than traditional screening.pre-print133 K

    Efectos de la ventilación mecánica intraoperatoria y de la ventilación de protección pulmonar en el paciente quirúrgico adulto

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    Introducción: la ventilación mecánica es esencial para un adecuado intercambio gaseoso durante la anestesia general, siendo empleada con volúmenes corrientes altos para prevenir la hipoxemia y la formación de atelectasias; pero volúmenes corrientes altos y altas presiones de meseta pueden agravar o incluso iniciar una lesión pulmonar. La ventilación de protección pulmonar consiste en el uso de un volumen corriente bajo, limitar la presión meseta para minimizar la sobredistensión y utilizar presión positiva al final de la espiración. Más recientemente se está investigando su aplicación al paciente quirúrgico con anestesia general y ventilación controlada. Objetivo: analizar la evidencia en cuanto al beneficio de la ventilación de protección pulmonar durante la cirugía con ventilación controlada bipulmonar o unipulmonar en paciente adulto. Metodología de búsqueda: búsqueda en la base de datos Pubmed-Medline 2010-2014 de artículos de revisión clínica y fisiopatológica y revisiones sistemáticas, metaanálisis, estudios observacionales y controlados aleatorizados, incluyéndose en total 2031 artículos. Resultados: la mayoría de estudios que emplean ventilación de protección pulmonar: volumen corriente 6-8 ml/kg, presión positiva al final de la expiración 4-8 cmH2O y maniobras de reclutamiento, obtuvieron una mejoría en los parámetros fisiológicos y ventilatorios. Algunas investigaciones ofrecen resultados no homogéneos; sin embargo, clínicamente la evidencia no es tan notoria. Estudios con tamaño de muestra grande registran un aumento de la morbimortalidad respiratoria postoperatoria en pacientes en los que no se emplea esta estrategia. Conclusiones: la aplicación de estrategias de ventilación de protección pulmonar intraoperatoria podrían mejorar el pronóstico y los resultados inmediatos y diferidos -especialmente respiratorios- de los pacientes quirúrgicos normales y poblaciones especiales. MÉD.UIS. 2015;28(1):65-78.Palabras clave: Anestesia. Respiración artificial. Ventilación Unipulmonar. Cirugía. Cirugía Torácica. Introduction: artificial ventilation is essential for an adequate gas interchange during general anesthesia, it has been used with high tidal volume to prevent hypoxemia and atelectasis, but high tidal volumes and high plateau pressures might aggravate or start a lung injury. Pulmonary protective ventilation consists of use of low tidal volumes, limit plateau pressure to minimize overdistension and use positive pressure at the end of expiration and controlled ventilation. Objective: to analize the evidence on the possible benefit of protective pulmonary ventilation during surgery with bipulmonar or unipulmonar controlled ventilation. Materials and Methods: the Pubmed-Medline database was searched for years 2010-2014 for articles on clinical and pathophysiological reviews, systematic reviews, metaanalysis, observational studies, and randomized controlled trials. A total of 2031 articles were included. Results: most studies using pulmonary protective ventilation: tidal volume 6-8 ml/kg, positive end expiratory pressure 4-8 cmH2O and recruitment maneuvers,  showed improved physiologic and ventilatory parameters. Some investigations offered not homogeneous results; however, the clinical evidence of improvement is not as clear. Studies with wide sample sizes showed increased respiratory morbimortality in patients in whom this strategy was not applied. Conclusions: application of protective pulmonary ventilation strategies might improve the immediate and delayed prognostic and outcomes, specially respiratory of normal sugical patients. Special populations could benefit of these stratiegies. MÉD.UIS. 2015;28(1):65-78.Keywords: Anesthesia. Respiration, artificial. One-Lung Ventilation. Surgery. Thoracic Surgery