352 research outputs found

    Variable selection in Functional Additive Regression Models

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    This is a post-peer-review, pre-copyedit version of an chapter published in Functional Statistics and Related Fields. The final authenticated version is available online at: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-55846-2_15This paper considers the problem of variable selection when some of the variables have a functional nature and can be mixed with other type of variables (scalar, multivariate, directional, etc). Our proposal begins with a simple null model and sequentially selects a new variable to be incorporated into the model. For the sake of simplicity, this paper only uses additive models. However, the proposed algorithm may assess the type of contribution (linear, non linear, …) of each variable. The algorithm have showed quite promising results when applied to real data setsThe authors acknowledge financial support from Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad grant MTM2013-41383-

    A Numerical Simulation of an Experimental Melting Process of a Phase-Change Material without Convective Flows

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    The melting process of lauric acid in a square container heated from the top surface was numerically studied from an experimental case. Knowledge of this process is of special interest for computationally efficient modeling systems, such as PCM-enhanced photovoltaic panels in horizontal positions or energy storage using PCM embedded on flat surfaces. In these systems, the geometric arrangement of the PCM hinders the fluid-phase movements through natural convection, which slows the melting process and can cause overheating in the fluid phase. Using Ansys Fluent Software, three different approaches and two simulation methods, enthalpy-porosity and effective heat capacity, were developed for the numerical study. The results were compared with experimental measurements in a successful evaluation of the accuracy of computational fluid dynamics simulations. It could be observed that the effective heat capacity method presented significant advantages over the enthalpy-porosity method, since similar accuracy results were obtained, and a lower computational cost was required.The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support provided by the Regional Government of Castilla y León under the “Support Program for Recognized Research Groups of Public Universities of Castilla y León” (BU021G19) and the Spanish Ministry of Science & Innovation under the R+D+i state program “Challenges Research Projects” (Ref. RTI2018-098900-B-I00)

    La rehabilitación del afásico

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    Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Medicina, leída el 18-10-1978.La afasia es un síndrome neurológico para la rehabilitación de aquellos sujetos que la padecen debe verificarse a partir de unas coordenadas mucho mas amplias que den cabida a aportaciones procedentes de sociología psicología lingüística humanidades y de otras muchas ciencias y en las que participen como para cualquier individuo afecto de alguna minusvalía todas las fuerzas y resortes voluntariosFac. de MedicinaTRUEProQuestpu

    La rehabilitación del afásico

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    La afasia es un síndrome neurológico para la rehabilitación de aquellos sujetos que la padecen debe verificarse a partir de unas coordenadas mucho mas amplias que den cabida a aportaciones procedentes de sociología psicología lingüística humanidades y de otras muchas ciencias y en las que participen como para cualquier individuo afecto de alguna minusvalía todas las fuerzas y resortes voluntario

    Utilización de ultracondensadores para la mejora de eficiencia de una instalación fotovoltaica

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    La situación actual de la energía fotovoltaica requiere una reducción de costes de producción para aproximarla a otras tecnologías y consolidarla como una solución viable para el futuro. Se trata fundamentalmente de reducir los costes de los componentes (los costes de explotación y mantenimiento son poco significativos en esta tecnología) y/o mejorar la eficiencia en la captación y conversión de la energía solar. La tesis plantea una propuesta en esta segunda línea. Los inversores fotovoltaicos trabajan de manera eficiente en un amplio rango de potencias de entrada, pero esa eficiencia se reduce cuando la energía disponible es pequeña, coincidiendo con situaciones de baja irradiancia. La tesis propone una posible solución para mejorar la eficiencia en la conversión en esos periodos de baja irradiancia mediante la acumulación transitoria de la energía incidente y su conversión por bloques en un régimen de potencia para el que el convertidor tenga un desempeño óptimo.Departamento de Tecnología Electrónic

    Resilience as a Buffering Variable Between the Big Five Components and Factors and Symptoms of Academic Stress at University

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    This study was supported by R&D Project PGC2018-094672-BI00, University of Navarra, Ministry of Education and Science (Spain), and the European Social Fund (EU); R&D Project UAL18-SEJ-DO31-A-FEDER. University of Almeria (Spain), and the European Social Fund (EU).The aim of this cross-sectional study was to establish predictive relationships of the Big Five personality factors (according to their self-regulatory level), together with resilience (proactive and reactive factors), for factors and symptoms of academic stress related to teaching and learning in the University context. A total of 405 female undergraduate students were selected, and completed questionnaires that had been previously validated in Spanish University students (Big Five personality factors, resilience, and academic stress symptoms and factors). A linear, ex-post facto design was used, including linear regression, Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), and mediational analyses. Specific linear regression showed the expected gradation: that self-regulatory personality factors (conscientiousness, extraversion) were positive linear predictors of proactive resilience, as well as significant negative predictors of stress factors and symptoms of academic stress; while the non-regulatory personality factors (openness to experience, agreeableness) showed little relationship. By contrast, the dysregulatory personality factor (neuroticism) was a negative predictor of proactive resilience, a positive predictor of reactive resilience, and positively predicted academic stress factors in the teaching and learning process, as well as stress symptoms. SEM general analysis showed that personality factors positively predicted resilience, and resilience negatively predicted factors and symptoms of academic stress. Specific mediational model analysis, with each personality factor, confirmed the different mediating relationships that appeared in the linear regression analyses. These results are discussed from the perspective of promoting resilience and healthy personalities in the University context. Implications for addressing academic stress at University are discussed.University of Navarra, Ministry of Education and Science (Spain) PGC2018-094672-BI00European Social Fund (ESF)University of Almeria (Spain) UAL18-SEJ-DO31-A-FEDEREuropean Social Fund (ESF) European Commissio

    A Low-Cost Luxometer Benchmark for Solar Illuminance Measurement System Based on the Internet of Things

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    Natural illumination has an important place in home automation applications. Among other advantages, it contributes to better visual health, energy savings, and lower CO2 emissions. Therefore, it is important to measure illuminance in the most accurate and cost-effective way. This work compares several low-cost commercial sensors (VEML 7700, TSL2591, and OPT3001) with a professional one (ML-020S-O), all of them installed outdoors. In addition, a platform based on the Internet of Things technology was designed and deployed as a centralized point of data collection and processing. Summer months have been chosen for the comparison. This is the most adverse situation for low-cost sensors since they are designed for indoor use, and their operating range is lower than the maximum reached by sunlight. The solar illuminance was recorded every minute. As expected, the obtained bias depends on the solar height. This can reach 60% in the worst circumstances, although most of the time, its value stays below 40%. The positive side lies in the good precision of the recordings. This systematic deviation makes it susceptible to mathematical correction. Therefore, the incorporation of more sensors and data that can help the global improvement of the precision and accuracy of this low-cost system is left as a future line of improvement.The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support provided by the Spanish Ministry of Science & Innovation under the I+D+i state program “Challenges Research Projects” (RTI2018-098900-B-I00) and the Regional Government of Castilla y León (IN-VESTUN/19/BU/004 and INVESTUN/22/BU/0001). Diego Granados López also thankfully acknowledges the financial support from the Junta de Castilla-León (ORDEN EDU/556/2019)

    Versatility of therapeutic reduction mammoplasty in oncoplastic breast conserving surgery

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    Oncoplastic breast conserving surgery is the gold standard approach for the surgical treatment of early breast cancer. There is a well defined technique named “therapeutic mammoplasty” which is characterized for using a reduction mammaplasty technique to treat breast cancer conservatively. In our current practice, “therapeutic mammoplasty” or therapeutic reduction mammaplasty is our favorite oncoplastic breast conserving approach which it used in almost half of our patients. This technique is very versatile allows us the resection of tumors located in all breast quadrants of patients with moderate-to large-sized breasts. We describe a series of 57 patients who were treated using a therapeutic reduction mammaplasty. All surgical procedures were carried out by one comprehensive breast surgeon who planned and designed the surgery performing both oncologic and reconstructive procedures. Surgical margins were insufficient in eight patients (14%). Nine patients (15.8%) had a complication in early postoperative period and in one of them adjuvant radiotherapy was delayed four months due to a wound dehiscence

    Is there Enough Justification for Questioning Body Mass Index (BMI) as Exclusion Criteria of Reduction Mammoplasty in the Surgical Treatment of Symptomatic Macromastia?

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    Background: Despite the fact that reduction mammaplasty is an effective and efficient treatment to symptomatic macromastia, frequently, women demanding this treatment are accepted or not depending on body mass index criteria. The aim of this work was to compare changes of quality of life on obese and no-obese women who undergoing breast reduction mammaplasty. Methods: A prospective study was performed on 56 consecutive women undergoing bilateral reduction mammaplasty for symptomatic macromastia, 21 of them had a BMI lower than 30 (No-obese group) and 35 with 30 or higher BMI (Obese group). Short Form SF-36 quality of life questionnaires were answered at interviews a week before the surgery and six months after. To evaluate the change of quality of life we used “effect size”. Results: Preoperative SF36 scores did not make differences between both groups. Six months after surgery only postoperative physical score of no-obese patients was significantly higher than obese one (52.11 vs 48.47, p>0.05). Both groups increased clearly their quality of life showing an increment of all SF36 domains with an effect size ranged from 0.53 to 2.07. More than seventy percent of obese women improved their scores exceeding means of preoperative scores. Conclusion: According to our results and the fact that the main goal of the breast reduction is ameliorate the quality of life there is no justification for exclusion obese patients with BMI >30 who suffer from symptomatic macromastia from reduction mammaplasty