103 research outputs found

    Protein biomarker discovery and fast monitoring for the identification and detection of Anisakids by parallel reaction monitoring (PRM) mass spectrometry

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    8 páginas, 7 figuras, 1 tablaAnisakids are fish-borne parasites that are responsible for a large number of human infections and allergic reactions around the world. World health organizations and food safety authorities aim to control and prevent this emerging health problem. In the present work, a new method for the fast monitoring of these parasites is described. The strategy is divided in three steps: (i) purification of thermostable proteins from fish-borne parasites (Anisakids), (ii) in-solution HIFU trypsin digestion and (iii) monitoring of several peptide markers by parallel reaction monitoring (PRM) mass spectrometry. This methodology allows the fast detection of Anisakids in < 2 h. An affordable assay utilizing this methodology will facilitate testing for regulatory and safety applications. Significance The work describes for the first time, the Protein Biomarker Discovery and the Fast Monitoring for the identification and detection of Anisakids in fishery products. The strategy is based on the purification of thermostable proteins, the use of accelerated in-solution trypsin digestions under an ultrasonic field provided by High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) and the monitoring of several peptide biomarkers by Parallel Reaction Monitoring (PRM) Mass Spectrometry in a linear ion trap mass spectrometer. The workflow allows the unequivocal detection of Anisakids, in < 2 h. The present strategy constitutes the fastest method for Anisakids detection, whose application in the food quality control area, could provide to the authorities an effective and rapid method to guarantee the safety to the consumersThis work was supported by EU-granted project PARASITE (GA312068), Marie Curie actions (FP7-PEOPLE-2012-IEF, ref. 332274) and by the Ramón Areces Foundation XVII National GrantPeer reviewe

    Promoting higher added value to a finfish species rejected to sea

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    332 páginas.-- José Ramón Fuertes ... et al.This project aimed to the development of the research and the technology necessary to promote higher added value to fishing activity. This is to be achieved by obtaining profit from a finfish species (“Rockcod”, Patagonotothen spp.) not known to consumers and currently discarded by the EU fishing fleet operating in the South West Atlantic, in order to supply the EU seafood industry with a good quality raw material for human food manufacturing. Use of this species, caught as a by-catch in the existing fisheries targeting hakes and cephalopods, should also increase the profitability of the fleet, contribute to maintaining employment and help to counterbalance the negative effects of fishing activity and discards in the ecosystem. The main scientific-technological objectives and expected achievements were the following: - Description of the fisheries - Improved knowledge of the biology of the species - Biomass assessment - Estimation of catches and discards - Analysis of the spatial and temporal distribution of the resource. Fishery forecasting and testing - Sensorial, Microbiological, Nutritional and Biochemical Evaluation of Rock cod - Development of the technical modifications on board commercial vessels - Development of new processed products from frozen Rock codContract number Q5CR-2002-71709Peer reviewe

    Real-Time Impedance Monitoring of Epithelial Cultures with Inkjet-Printed Interdigitated-Electrode Sensors

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    From electronic devices to large-area electronics, from individual cells to skin substitutes, printing techniques are providing compelling applications in wide-ranging fields. Research has thus fueled the vision of a hybrid, printing platform to fabricate sensors/electronics and living engineered tissues simultaneously. Following this interest, we have fabricated interdigitated-electrode sensors (IDEs) by inkjet printing to monitor epithelial cell cultures. We have fabricated IDEs using flexible substrates with silver nanoparticles as a conductive element and SU-8 as the passivation layer. Our sensors are cytocompatible, have a topography that simulates microgrooves of 300 µm width and ~4 µm depth, and can be reused for cellular studies without detrimental in the electrical performance. To test the inkjet-printed sensors and demonstrate their potential use for monitoring laboratory-growth skin tissues, we have developed a real-time system and monitored label-free proliferation, migration, and detachment of keratinocytes by impedance spectroscopy. We have found that variations in the impedance correlate linearly to cell densities initially seeded and that the main component influencing the total impedance is the isolated effect of the cell membranes. Results obtained show that impedance can track cellular migration over the surface of the sensors, exhibiting a linear relationship with the standard method of image processing. Our results provide a useful approach for non-destructive in-situ monitoring of processes related to both in vitro epidermal models and wound healing with low-cost ink-jetted sensors. This type of flexible sensor as well as the impedance method are promising for the envisioned hybrid technology of 3D-bioprinted smart skin substitutes with built-in electronics.The work by D.M.-M. has been performed in the frame of an FPU Program, FPU015/06208, and a Mobility Fellows Program, both granted by the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports. This work has been funded by the Comunidad de Madrid under the grant BIOPIELTEC-CM (P2018/BAA-4480) and the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación under the grant PARAQUA (TEC2017-86271-R)

    Structural insights into choline-O-sulfatase reveal the molecular determinants for ligand binding

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    This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation/FEDER grants PID2020-116261GB-I00 (JAG) and RTI2018-097991-B-I00 (JLN), Secretaria General de Universidades, Investigacion y Tecnologia, Junta de Andalucia (PY20-00149 and UAL18-BIO-B005-B; ACA) and the University of Granada (grant PPJI2017-1; SMR). Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Granada/CBUA.Choline-O-sulfatase (COSe; EC is a member of the alkaline phosphatase (AP) superfamily, and its natural function is to hydrolyze choline-O-sulfate into choline and sulfate. Despite its natural function, the major interest in this enzyme resides in the landmark catalytic/substrate promiscuity of sulfatases, which has led to attention in the biotechnological field due to their potential in protein engineering. In this work, an in-depth structural analysis of wild-type Sinorhizobium (Ensifer) meliloti COSe (SmeCOSe) and its C54S active-site mutant is reported. The binding mode of this AP superfamily member to both products of the reaction (sulfate and choline) and to a substrate-like compound are shown for the first time. The structures further confirm the importance of the C-terminal extension of the enzyme in becoming part of the active site and participating in enzyme activity through dynamic intra-subunit and inter-subunit hydrogen bonds (Asn146A–Asp500B–Asn498B). These residues act as the ‘gatekeeper’ responsible for the open/closed conformations of the enzyme, in addition to assisting in ligand binding through the rearrangement of Leu499 (with a movement of approximately 5 A ° ). Trp129 and His145 clamp the quaternary ammonium moiety of choline and also connect the catalytic cleft to the C-terminus of an adjacent protomer. The structural information reported here contrasts with the proposed role of conformational dynamics in promoting the enzymatic catalytic proficiency of an enzyme.Spanish Government European Commission PID2020-116261GB-I00 RTI2018-097991-B-I00Secretaria General de UniversidadesJunta de Andalucia PY20-00149 UAL18-BIO-B005-BUniversity of Granada PPJI2017-

    Autonomy support and perception of the sport education features in compulsory secondary students. Influence of a sport education season

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    Los objetivos del estudio fueron: a) ofrecer evidencias empíricas que verifiquen si la Educación Deportiva es un modelo pedagógico que apoya a la autonomía; b) analizar las posibles diferencias de género sobre la percepción de las seis características de la Educación Deportiva. Un total de 68 estudiantes de Educación Secundaria (21 alumnos y 38 alumnas) participaron. Se aplicó un programa de intervención de acuerdo con las directrices metodológicas establecidas por Siedentop (1994). La recogida de datos se realizó mediante cuestionario antes y después del programa de intervención. Los resultados revelaron a aumento significativo en el apoyo a la autonomía, competencia percibida, alfabetización y entusiasmo. De igual manera, sólo hubo diferencias significativas en registro de datos y festividad en cuanto al género. Se discuten los resultados subrayando la importancia de la Educación Deportiva como un medio para mejorar el apoyo a la autonomía y la experiencia del alumnado en su proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje deportivo que tiene lugar en Educación Física.The objectives of the study were: a) to offer empirical evidence to verify whether Sports Education is an autonomy-supporting pedagogical model; b) to analyse the possible differences of gender with respect to the perception of the six Sport Education features. A total of 68 secondary students participated (21men and 38 woman). An intervention programme was applied in accordance with the methodological guidelines established by Siedentop (1994). Data collection was conducted by questionnaire before and after the intervention programme. The results revealed a significant increase in autonomy-support, perceived competence, literacy and enthusiasm. Likewise, there was only a significant different in record keeping and festivity with respect to gender. The results are discussed underlining the importance of Sport Education as a means to improve autonomy-support and the students’ experience in their sport teaching-learning process in Physical Education

    Psychometric assessment of the leadership scale for physical education with Spanish Secondary School students

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    Objetivos: La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo adaptar y analizar de manera preliminar las propiedades psicométricas de la Leadership Scale for Physical Education en el contexto español de la educación física. Material y métodos: Los participantes fueron 478 (220 chicos y 258 chicas; Medad = 14,15, DTedad = 1,06) estudiantes de secundaria quienes recibían dos clases semanales de educación física obligatoria. Resultados: Los resultados del análisis factorial confirmatorio apoyaron psicométricamente un modelo correlacionado de 4 factores de 12 ítems, el cual fue invariante por género. El análisis de fiabilidad mostró valores adecuados para cada factor. El análisis de regresión lineal mostró que el estilo democrático, enseñanza e instrucción y consideración situacional predijeron positivamente la motivación autónoma; mientras que el estilo autocrático predijo positivamente la motivación controlada y desmotivación. Conclusiones: Se ofrecen evidencias para considerar a la Leadership Scale for Physical Education como una medida válida y fiable de los comportamientos de liderazgo adoptados por el profesorado de educación física durante el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje en educación física.Objective: The current research aimed to adapt and preliminary analyse the psychometric properties of the Leadership Scale for Physical Education in the Spanish Physical Education context. Material and methods: The participants were 478 (220 boys and 258 girls; Mage = 14,15, SDage = 1,06) secondary school students who received two weekly compulsory-Physical Education classes. Results: The results from the confirmatory factor analysis psychometrically supported a 12-item four-factor correlated model, which was invariant across gender. The reliability analysis respectively showed adequate values for each factor. The linear regression analysis displayed that democratic style, teaching and instruction and situational consideration positively predicted autonomous motivation, while autocratic style positively predicted controlled motivation and amotivation. Conclusions: Evidence is provided to consider the Leadership Scale for Physical Education as a valid and reliable instrument to measure leadership behaviour adopted by physical education teachers during the teaching and learning process in Physical Education

    El Puzle i l'aprenentatge de la programació

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    Es descriu una experiència formalitzada d’aprenentatge cooperatiu mitjançant la utilització de la metodologia del puzle. Concretament, s’utilitza el puzle com una eina de suport en una assignatura organitzada d’acord amb l’estratègia de l’aprenentatge basat en projectes. La metodologia del puzle s’ha aplicat a tots els grups de les assignatures següents des del curs 2004-2005: 1. Enginyeria Tècnica de Telecomunicació, Introducció als Computadors (Q1 de primer curs, 4,5 crèdits) i Laboratori de Programació (Q2 de primer curs, 4,5 crèdits), i 2. Graus en Enginyeria de Sistemes de Telecomunicació i en Enginyeria Telemàtica, Introducció als Ordinadors (Q1 de primer curs, 6 crèdits ECTS) i Projecte de Programació (Q2 de primer curs, 6 crèdits ECTS). Com a part d’assignatures basades en l’aprenentatge basat en projectes es va començar a experimentar en dues assignatures a l’Escola d'Enginyeria de Telecomunicació i Aeroespacial de Castelldefels (EETAC), en el marc de les proves pilot d’adaptació de titulacions a l'espai europeu d'educació superior (EEES), impulsades per l’antic Departament d'Universitats, Recerca i Societat de la Informació (DURSI) de la Generalitat de Catalunya. Posteriorment es va seguir aplicant aquest model en els nous graus. Aquests anys d’experimentació ens han proporcionat una bona quantitat de resultats i conclusions.Peer Reviewe

    Perspectivas de la empresa y la economía mexicana frente a la reestructuración productiva

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    1 archivo PDF (404 páginas)Este texto se presenta una reflexión de investigadores de la UAM, así como de otras Instituciones de Educación Superior respecto al marco en el que se han desenvuelto las empresas mexicanas en los últimos años, así como del desarrollo en algunos de sus sistemas organizacionales. PALABRAS CLAVE: Mexico Economic policy 1970-1994

    Agenda de investigación: Smart cities y seguridad en Andalucía

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    Este documento forma parte del proyecto de investigación "Tecnología y control social: Fundamentos de la gobernanza democrática de la seguridad en Andalucía" PAIDI 2020-PI00941La gobernanza de la seguridad en las Smart cities supone un gran reto a nivel de diseño, planificación y gestión. El número de investigadores y grupos de investigación andaluces en esta temática es aún escaso, lo que puede dificultar avanzar de manera significativa y lograr un impacto científico y una competitividad y transferencia internacional de conocimiento. Por eso uno de los objetivos de este proyecto era establecer una agenda de investigación que permitiera identificar hacia la comunidad de investigadores aquellos temas de mayor relevancia con vistas a focalizar los recursos y generar sinergias entre ellos. Además, el futuro próximo de la gestión de la seguridad en las Smart cities requerirá, sin lugar a dudas, un trabajo multidisciplinar que aglutine a investigadores de diferentes campos, así como a la industria y al sector público, lo que debería favorecer que se lancen iniciativas coherentes y se establezcan líneas de investigación sólidas.Proyecto cofinanciado en un 80% por la Unión Europea, en el marco del Programa Operativo FEDER Andalucía 2014-2020 «Crecimiento inteligente: una economía basada en el conocimiento y la innovación». Proyecto financiado por la Consejería de Transformación Económica, Industria, Conocimiento y Universidades. Código P20-00941Informe de 8 páginas fruto de un taller realizado el 6 de marzo de 202

    Promoting higher added value to a finfish species rejected to sea

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    This project aimed to the development of the research and the technology necessary to promote higher added value to fishing activity. This is to be achieved by obtaining profit from a finfish species (“Rockcod”, Patagonotothen spp.) not known to consumers and currently discarded by the EU fishing fleet operating in the South West Atlantic, in order to supply the EU seafood industry with a good quality raw material for human food manufacturing. Use of this species, caught as a by-catch in the existing fisheries targeting hakes and cephalopods, should also increase the profitability of the fleet, contribute to maintaining employment and help to counterbalance the negative effects of fishing activity and discards in the ecosystem. The main scientific-technological objectives and expected achievements were the following: - Description of the fisheries - Improved knowledge of the biology of the species - Biomass assessment - Estimation of catches and discards - Analysis of the spatial and temporal distribution of the resource. Fishery forecasting and testing - Sensorial, Microbiological, Nutritional and Biochemical Evaluation of Rock cod - Development of the technical modifications on board commercial vessels - Development of new processed products from frozen Rock codEuropean Commission Cooperative Research (CRAFT