63 research outputs found

    Multiple mechanisms of microglia: A gatekeeper's contribution to pain states

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    Microglia are gatekeepers in the CNS for a wide range of pathological stimuli and they blow the whistle when things go wrong. Collectively, microglia form a CNS tissue alarm system (Kreutzberg's “sensor of pathology”), and their involvement in physiological pain is in line with this function. However, pathological neuropathic pain is characterized by microglial activation that is unwanted and considered to contribute to or even cause tactile allodynia, hyperalgesia and spontaneous pain. Such abnormal microglial behavior seems likely due to an as yet ill-understood disturbance of microglial functions unrelated to inflammation. The idea that microglia have roles in the CNS that differ from those of peripheral macrophages has gained momentum with the discovery of their separate, pre-hematopoietic lineage during embryonic development and their direct interactions with synapses.NHMRC Grant: 056992

    A Free Community Approach to Classifying Disease

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    Defining and classifying disease is at the heart of medical practice, but the process is slow and laborious. A new "open source" approach could be faster and more democrati

    Microglial inflammation in the parkinsonian substantia nigra: relationship to alpha-synuclein deposition

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    BACKGROUND: The role of both microglial activation and alpha-synuclein deposition in Parkinson's disease remain unclear. We have tested the hypothesis that if microglia play a primary role in Parkinson's disease pathogenesis, the microglial "activated" phenotype should be associated with histopathological and/or clinical features of the disease. METHODS: We have examined microglial MHC class II expression, a widely used marker of microglial activation, the occurrence of CD68-positive phagocytes and alpha-synuclein immunoreactivity in post-mortem human substantia nigra affected by idiopathic Parkinson's disease (PD). Using semi-quantitative severity ratings, we have examined the relationship between microglial activation, alpha-synuclein deposition, classical neuropathological criteria for PD, subtype of the disease and clinical course. RESULTS: While we did not observe an association between microglial MHC class II expression and clinical parameters, we did find a correlation between disease duration and the macrophage marker CD68 which is expressed by phagocytic microglia. In addition, we observed a significant correlation between the degree of MHC class II expression and alpha-synuclein deposition in the substantia nigra in PD. CONCLUSION: While microglia appeared to respond to alpha-synuclein deposition, MHC class II antigen expression by microglia in the substantia nigra cannot be used as an indicator of clinical PD severity or disease progression. In addition, a contributory or even causative role for microglia in the neuronal loss associated with PD as suggested by some authors seems unlikely. Our data further suggest that an assessment of microglial activation in the aged brain on the basis of immunohistochemistry for MHC class II antigens alone should be done with caution

    Neuronal pentraxin II is highly upregulated in Parkinson’s disease and a novel component of Lewy bodies

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    Neuronal pentraxin II (NPTX2) is the most highly upregulated gene in the Parkinsonian substantia nigra based on our whole genome expression profiling results. We show here that it is a novel component of Lewy bodies and Lewy neurites in sporadic Parkinson’s disease (PD). NPTX2 is also known as the neuronal activity-regulated protein (Narp), which is secreted and involved in long-term neuronal plasticity. Narp further regulates AMPA receptors which have been found to mediate highly selective non-apoptotic cell death of dopaminergic neurons. NPTX2/Narp is found in close association with alpha-synuclein aggregates in both substantia nigra and cerebral cortex in PD but unlike alpha-synuclein gene expression, which is down-regulated in the Parkinsonian nigra, NPTX2 could represent a driver of the disease process. In view of its profound (>800%) upregulation and its established role in synaptic plasticity as well as dopaminergic nerve cell death, NPTX2 is a very interesting novel player which is likely to be involved in the pathway dysregulation which underlies PD

    Towards a pathway definition of Parkinson’s disease: a complex disorder with links to cancer, diabetes and inflammation

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    We have previously established a first whole genome transcriptomic profile of sporadic Parkinson’s disease (PD). After extensive brain tissue-based validation combined with cycles of iterative data analysis and by focusing on the most comparable cases of the cohort, we have refined our analysis and established a list of 892 highly dysregulated priority genes that are considered to form the core of the diseased Parkinsonian metabolic network. The substantia nigra pathways, now under scrutiny, contain more than 100 genes whose association with PD is known from the literature. Of those, more than 40 genes belong to the highly significantly dysregulated group identified in our dataset. Apart from the complete list of 892 priority genes, we present pathways revealing PD ‘hub’ as well as ‘peripheral’ network genes. The latter include Lewy body components or interact with known PD genes. Biological associations of PD with cancer, diabetes and inflammation are discussed and interactions of the priority genes with several drugs are provided. Our study illustrates the value of rigorous clinico-pathological correlation when analysing high-throughput data to make optimal use of the histopathological phenome, or morphonome which currently serves as the key diagnostic reference for most human diseases. The need for systematic human tissue banking, following the highest possible professional and ethical standard to enable sustainability, becomes evident

    Staging of Neurofibrillary Pathology in Alzheimer's Disease: A Study of the BrainNet Europe Consortium

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    It has been recognized that molecular classifications will form the basis for neuropathological diagnostic work in the future. Consequently, in order to reach a diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease (AD), the presence of hyperphosphorylated tau (HP-tau) and β-amyloid protein in brain tissue must be unequivocal. In addition, the stepwise progression of pathology needs to be assessed. This paper deals exclusively with the regional assessment of AD-related HP-tau pathology. The objective was to provide straightforward instructions to aid in the assessment of AD-related immunohistochemically (IHC) detected HP-tau pathology and to test the concordance of assessments made by 25 independent evaluators. The assessment of progression in 7-µm-thick sections was based on assessment of IHC labeled HP-tau immunoreactive neuropil threads (NTs). Our results indicate that good agreement can be reached when the lesions are substantial, i.e., the lesions have reached isocortical structures (stage V–VI absolute agreement 91%), whereas when only mild subtle lesions were present the agreement was poorer (I–II absolute agreement 50%). Thus, in a research setting when the extent of lesions is mild, it is strongly recommended that the assessment of lesions should be carried out by at least two independent observers

    Urinary α1-Antichymotrypsin: A Biomarker of Prion Infection

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    The occurrence of blood-borne prion transmission incidents calls for identification of potential prion carriers. However, current methods for intravital diagnosis of prion disease rely on invasive tissue biopsies and are unsuitable for large-scale screening. Sensitive biomarkers may help meeting this need. Here we scanned the genome for transcripts elevated upon prion infection and encoding secreted proteins. We found that α1-antichymotrypsin (α1-ACT) was highly upregulated in brains of scrapie-infected mice. Furthermore, α1-ACT levels were dramatically increased in urine of patients suffering from sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, and increased progressively throughout the disease. Increased α1-ACT excretion was also found in cases of natural prion disease of animals. Therefore measurement of urinary α1-ACT levels may be useful for monitoring the efficacy of therapeutic regimens for prion disease, and possibly also for deferring blood and organ donors that may be at risk of transmitting prion infections

    Assessment of β-amyloid deposits in human brain: a study of the BrainNet Europe Consortium

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    β-Amyloid (Aβ) related pathology shows a range of lesions which differ both qualitatively and quantitatively. Pathologists, to date, mainly focused on the assessment of both of these aspects but attempts to correlate the findings with clinical phenotypes are not convincing. It has been recently proposed in the same way as ι and α synuclein related lesions, also Aβ related pathology may follow a temporal evolution, i.e. distinct phases, characterized by a step-wise involvement of different brain-regions. Twenty-six independent observers reached an 81% absolute agreement while assessing the phase of Aβ, i.e. phase 1 = deposition of Aβ exclusively in neocortex, phase 2 = additionally in allocortex, phase 3 = additionally in diencephalon, phase 4 = additionally in brainstem, and phase 5 = additionally in cerebellum. These high agreement rates were reached when at least six brain regions were evaluated. Likewise, a high agreement (93%) was reached while assessing the absence/presence of cerebral amyloid angiopathy (CAA) and the type of CAA (74%) while examining the six brain regions. Of note, most of observers failed to detect capillary CAA when it was only mild and focal and thus instead of type 1, type 2 CAA was diagnosed. In conclusion, a reliable assessment of Aβ phase and presence/absence of CAA was achieved by a total of 26 observers who examined a standardized set of blocks taken from only six anatomical regions, applying commercially available reagents and by assessing them as instructed. Thus, one may consider rating of Aβ-phases as a diagnostic tool while analyzing subjects with suspected Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Because most of these blocks are currently routinely sampled by the majority of laboratories, assessment of the Aβ phase in AD is feasible even in large scale retrospective studies