27 research outputs found

    Generation of remosomes by the SWI/SNF chromatin remodeler family

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    International audienceChromatin remodelers are complexes able to both alter histone-DNA interactions and to mobilize nucleosomes. The mechanism of their action and the conformation of remodeled nucleosomes remain a matter of debates. In this work we compared the type and structure of the products of nucleosome remodeling by SWI/SNF and ACF complexes using high-resolution microscopy combined with novel biochemical approaches. We find that SWI/SNF generates a multitude of nucleosome-like metastable particles termed "remosomes". Restriction enzyme accessibility assay, DNase I footprinting and AFM experiments reveal perturbed histone-DNA interactions within these particles. Electron cryo-microscopy shows that remosomes adopt a variety of different structures with variable irregular DNA path, similar to those described upon RSC remodeling. Remosome DNA accessibility to restriction enzymes is also markedly increased. We suggest that the generation of remosomes is a common feature of the SWI/SNF family remodelers. In contrast, the ACF remodeler, belonging to ISWI family, only produces repositioned nucleosomes and no evidence for particles associated with extra DNA, or perturbed DNA paths was found. The remosome generation by the SWI/SNF type of remodelers may represent a novel mechanism involved in processes where nucleosomal DNA accessibility is required, such as DNA repair or transcription regulation

    The docking domain of histone H2A is required for H1 binding and RSC-mediated nucleosome remodeling

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    Histone variants within the H2A family show high divergences in their C-terminal regions. In this work, we have studied how these divergences and in particular, how a part of the H2A COOH-terminus, the docking domain, is implicated in both structural and functional properties of the nucleosome. Using biochemical methods in combination with Atomic Force Microscopy and Electron Cryo-Microscopy, we show that the H2A-docking domain is a key structural feature within the nucleosome. Deletion of this domain or replacement with the incomplete docking domain from the variant H2A.Bbd results in significant structural alterations in the nucleosome, including an increase in overall accessibility to nucleases, un-wrapping of ∌10 bp of DNA from each end of the nucleosome and associated changes in the entry/exit angle of DNA ends. These structural alterations are associated with a reduced ability of the chromatin remodeler RSC to both remodel and mobilize the nucleosomes. Linker histone H1 binding is also abrogated in nucleosomes containing the incomplete docking domain of H2A.Bbd. Our data illustrate the unique role of the H2A-docking domain in coordinating the structural-functional aspects of the nucleosome properties. Moreover, our data suggest that incorporation of a ‘defective’ docking domain may be a primary structural role of H2A.Bbd in chromatin

    The incorporation of the novel histone variant H2AL2 confers unusual structural and functional properties of the nucleosome

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    In this work we have studied the properties of the novel mouse histone variant H2AL2. H2AL2 was used to reconstitute nucleosomes and the structural and functional properties of these particles were studied by a combination of biochemical approaches, atomic force microscopy (AFM) and electron cryo-microscopy. DNase I and hydroxyl radical footprinting as well as micrococcal and exonuclease III digestion demonstrated an altered structure of the H2AL2 nucleosomes all over the nucleosomal DNA length. Restriction nuclease accessibility experiments revealed that the interactions of the H2AL2 histone octamer with the ends of the nucleosomal DNA are highly perturbed. AFM imaging showed that the H2AL2 histone octamer was complexed with only ∌130 bp of DNA. H2AL2 reconstituted trinucleosomes exhibited a type of a ‘beads on a string’ structure, which was quite different from the equilateral triangle 3D organization of conventional H2A trinucleosomes. The presence of H2AL2 affected both the RSC and SWI/SNF remodeling and mobilization of the variant particles. These unusual properties of the H2AL2 nucleosomes suggest a specific role of H2AL2 during mouse spermiogenesis

    Etudes sur le mécanisme de remodelage des nucléosomes par RSC et SWI/SNF

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    In eukaryotic cell the DNA is organized in the nucleus in the form of chromatin, the fundamental unit of which is called as the nucleosome. Organization of DNA into the nucleosomes presents a strong barrier for various processes which require access to the DNA like transcription, replication and repair. To overcome this problem cells utilize a variety of methods, ATP dependent chromatin remodeling being one of the most important of them. A common feature of all the remodelers is that they are able to reposition the nucleosomes along the DNA at the expense of ATP.In the present work, we have studied the mechanism of nucleosome mobilization by RSC and SWI/SNF, two well characterized remodelers from yeast. A combinatorial approach was employed using high resolution microscopy namely Electron cryo-Microscopy (EC-M) and Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) together with novel biochemical approaches. We have shown that the nucleosome mobilization by RSC and SWI/SNF involves hitherto unknown intermediate structures. These remodeled nucleosome particles ‘The Remosomes' possess characteristic structural features. Our AFM studies show that ~180 bp of DNA is associated with the histone octamer as compared to ~147 bp in the canonical nucleosomes. Using DNaseI footprinting and EC-M we have shown that the path of DNA around the histone octamer is highly perturbed. Moreover, these particles represent an ensemble many different structures rather than one defined specie. The novel ‘in gel one pot assay' showed that accessibility profile of these particles is completely different from that of canonical nucleosomes and they are accessible all along the path of DNA. We have also addressed the question of inhibition of nucleosome mobilization due to incorporation of histone variant H2A.Bbd in the nucleosomes. We show that the docking domain of histone H2A is essential for SWI/SNF and RSC induced nucleosome sliding. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the reason for inability of these nucleosomes to slide is due to a faulty generation of ‘Remosome' intermediates.Dans les cellules eucaryotes l'ADN nuclĂ©aire est organisĂ© sous la forme de chromatine, dont l'unitĂ© de rĂ©pĂ©tition est le nucleosome. En rĂšgle gĂ©nĂ©rale, la chromatine est considĂ©rĂ©e comme rĂ©pressive pour les processus nĂ©cessitant un accĂšs Ă  l'ADN tels que la transcription, la rĂ©plication ou la rĂ©paration. Le nuclĂ©osome reprĂ©sente une forte barriĂšre pour des protĂ©ines nĂ©cessitant l'accĂšs Ă  l'ADN. Pour surmonter cette barriĂšre, la cellule a dĂ©veloppĂ© des mĂ©thodes variĂ©es, dont la plus importante semble ĂȘtre le remodelage des nuclĂ©osomes dĂ©pendant de l'ATP. Une propriĂ©tĂ© commune Ă  tous ces facteurs de remodelage est leur capacitĂ© de repositionner les nuclĂ©osomes le long de l'ADN.Dans ce travail, nous avons Ă©tudiĂ© le mĂ©canisme de dĂ©placement des nuclĂ©osomes par RSC et SWI/SNF, deux facteurs de remodelage de levure bien caractĂ©risĂ©s. Nous avons combinĂ© des approches basĂ©es sur la visualisation Ă  haute rĂ©solution, notamment la microscopie Ă  force atomique (AFM) et la cryo-microscopie Ă©lectronique, avec des approches nouvelles Ă  pointe de la biochimie et de la biologie molĂ©culaire. Nous avons montrĂ© que la mobilisation des nuclĂ©osomes par RSC ou SWI/SNF implique des espĂšces rĂ©actionnelles intermĂ©diaires mĂ©tastables dont l'existence et la structure Ă©taient jusqu'alors inconnues. Ces particules nuclĂ©osomales, que nous avons nommĂ© ‘remosomes', possĂšdent certaines propriĂ©tĂ©s structurales distinctes des nuclĂ©osomes canoniques. En particulier, les ‘remosomes' contiennent ~180 pb d'ADN associĂ©es Ă  l'octamĂšre d'histones au lieu de 147 pb pour les nuclĂ©osomes canoniques. En utilisant, l'empreinte Ă  la DNase I nous avons montrĂ© que le ‘remosome' reprĂ©sente un ensemble de structures multiples caractĂ©risĂ©es par un enroulement fortement perturbĂ© de l'ADN sur l'octamĂšre d'histones. Pour caractĂ©riser ces ‘remosomes' avec une grande prĂ©cision, nous avons mis au point une nouvelle technique « one pot in gel assay » qui consiste Ă  cartographier toutes les 10 pb l'accessibilitĂ© d'une enzyme de restriction au ‘remosome' fractionnĂ©. L'application de cette technique a rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© que le profil de l'accessibilitĂ© du ‘remosome' est trĂšs diffĂ©rent de celui du nuclĂ©osome. Alors que celui du nuclĂ©osome peut ĂȘtre extrapolĂ© par une fonction de type hyperbolique, le profil du ‘remosome' est ajustĂ© par une fonction parabolique. Nous avons voulu rĂ©pondre Ă  la question du mĂ©canisme de l'inhibition de la mobilisation du nuclĂ©osome variant H2A.Bbd par SWI/SNF. En utilisant les techniques dĂ©crites plus haut sur des nuclĂ©osomes variants ou chimĂ©riques (contenant des dĂ©lĂ©tions ou translocations de domaines d'histones) nous avons montrĂ© que le domaine d'accrochage (‘docking domain') de l'histone H2A est essentiel pour la mobilisation des nuclĂ©osomes. Nous avons aussi montrĂ© que l'incapacitĂ© du nuclĂ©osome Ă  glisser est due Ă  la gĂ©nĂ©ration d'Ă©tats intermĂ©diaires ‘remosomes erronĂ©s', distincts de ceux apparaissant dans le cas du nuclĂ©osome conventionnel

    Etudes sur le mécanisme de remodelage des nucléosomes par RSC et SWI/SNF

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    Dans les cellules eucaryotes, l'ADN nuclĂ©aire est organisĂ© sous la forme de chromatine, dont l'unitĂ© de rĂ©pĂ©tition est le nucleosome. En rĂšgle gĂ©nĂ©rale, la chromatine est considĂ©rĂ©e comme rĂ©pressive pour les processus nĂ©cessitant un accĂšs Ă  l'ADN tels que la transcription, la rĂ©plication ou la rĂ©paration. Le nuclĂ©osome reprĂ©sente une forte barriĂšre pour des protĂ©ines nĂ©cessitant l'accĂšs Ă  l'ADN. Pour surmonter cette barriĂšre, la cellule a dĂ©veloppĂ© des mĂ©thodes variĂ©es, dont la plus importante semble ĂȘtre le remodelage des nuclĂ©osomes dĂ©pendant de l'ATP. Une propriĂ©tĂ© commune Ă  tous ces facteurs de remodelage est leur capacitĂ© de repositionner les nuclĂ©osomes le long de l'ADN. Dans ce travail, nous avons Ă©tudiĂ© le mĂ©canisme de dĂ©placement des nuclĂ©osomes par RSC et SWI/SNF, deux facteurs de remodelage de levure bien caractĂ©risĂ©s. Nous avons combinĂ© des approches basĂ©es sur la visualisation Ă  haute rĂ©solution, notamment la microscopie Ă  force atomique (AFM) et la cryo-microscopie Ă©lectronique, avec des approches nouvelles Ă  pointe de la biochimie et de la biologie molĂ©culaire. Nous avons montrĂ© que la mobilisation des nuclĂ©osomes par RSC ou SWI/SNF implique des espĂšces rĂ©actionnelles intermĂ©diaires mĂ©tastables dont l'existence et la structure Ă©taient jusqu'alors inconnues. Ces particules nuclĂ©osomales, que nous avons nommĂ© remosomes', possĂšdent certaines propriĂ©tĂ©s structurales distinctes des nuclĂ©osomes canoniques. En particulier, les remosomes' contiennent ~180 pb d'ADN associĂ©es Ă  l'octamĂšre d'histones au lieu de 147 pb pour les nuclĂ©osomes canoniques. En utilisant, l'empreinte Ă  la DNase I nous avons montrĂ© que le remosome' reprĂ©sente un ensemble de structures multiples caractĂ©risĂ©es par un enroulement fortement perturbĂ© de l'ADN sur l'octamĂšre d'histones. Pour caractĂ©riser ces remosomes' avec une grande prĂ©cision, nous avons mis au point une nouvelle technique one pot in gel assay qui consiste Ă  cartographier toutes les 10 pb l'accessibilitĂ© d'une enzyme de restriction au remosome' fractionnĂ©. L'application de cette technique a rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© que le profil de l'accessibilitĂ© du remosome' est trĂšs diffĂ©rent de celui du nuclĂ©osome. Alors que celui du nuclĂ©osome peut ĂȘtre extrapolĂ© par une fonction de type hyperbolique, le profil du remosome' est ajustĂ© par une fonction parabolique. Nous avons voulu rĂ©pondre Ă  la question du mĂ©canisme de l'inhibition de la mobilisation du nuclĂ©osome variant H2A.Bbd par SWI/SNF. En utilisant les techniques dĂ©crites plus haut sur des nuclĂ©osomes variants ou chimĂ©riques (contenant des dĂ©lĂ©tions ou translocations de domaines d'histones) nous avons montrĂ© que le domaine d'accrochage ( docking domain') de l'histone H2A est essentiel pour la mobilisation des nuclĂ©osomes. Nous avons aussi montrĂ© que l'incapacitĂ© du nuclĂ©osome Ă  glisser est due Ă  la gĂ©nĂ©ration d'Ă©tats intermĂ©diaires remosomes erronĂ©s', distincts de ceux apparaissant dans le cas du nuclĂ©osome conventionnel.In eukaryotic cell the DNA is organized in the nucleus in the form of chromatin, the fundamental unit of which is called as the nucleosome. Organization of DNA into the nucleosomes presents a strong barrier for various processes which require access to the DNA like transcription, replication and repair. To overcome this problem cells utilize a variety of methods, ATP dependent chromatin remodeling being one of the most important of them. A common feature of all the remodelers is that they are able to reposition the nucleosomes along the DNA at the expense of ATP. In the present work, we have studied the mechanism of nucleosome mobilization by RSC and SWI/SNF, two well characterized remodelers from yeast. A combinatorial approach was employed using high resolution microscopy namely Electron cryo-Microscopy (EC-M) and Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) together with novel biochemical approaches. We have shown that the nucleosome mobilization by RSC and SWI/SNF involves hitherto unknown intermediate structures. These remodeled nucleosome particles The Remosomes' possess characteristic structural features. Our AFM studies show that ~180 bp of DNA is associated with the histone octamer as compared to ~147 bp in the canonical nucleosomes. Using DNaseI footprinting and EC-M we have shown that the path of DNA around the histone octamer is highly perturbed. Moreover, these particles represent an ensemble many different structures rather than one defined specie. The novel in gel one pot assay' showed that accessibility profile of these particles is completely different from that of canonical nucleosomes and they are accessible all along the path of DNA. We have also addressed the question of inhibition of nucleosome mobilization due to incorporation of histone variant H2A.Bbd in the nucleosomes. We show that the docking domain of histone H2A is essential for SWI/SNF and RSC induced nucleosome sliding. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the reason for inability of these nucleosomes to slide is due to a faulty generation of Remosome' intermediates.GRENOBLE1-BU Sciences (384212103) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Base excision repair of 8-oxoG in dinucleosomes

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    In this work we have studied the effect of chromatin structure on the base excision repair (BER) efficiency of 8-oxoG. As a model system we have used precisely positioned dinucleosomes assembled with linker histone H1. A single 8-oxoG was inserted either in the linker or the core particle DNA within the dinucleosomal template. We found that in the absence of histone H1 the glycosylase OGG1 removed 8-oxoG from the linker DNA and cleaved DNA with identical efficiency as in the naked DNA. In contrast, the presence of histone H1 resulted in close to 10-fold decrease in the efficiency of 8-oxoG initiation of repair in linker DNA independently of linker DNA length. The repair of 8-oxoG in nucleosomal DNA was very highly impeded in both absence and presence of histone H1. Chaperone-induced uptake of H1 restored the efficiency of the glycosylase induced removal of 8-oxoG from linker DNA, but not from the nucleosomal DNA. We show, however, that removal of histone H1 and nucleosome remodelling are both necessary and sufficient for an efficient removal of 8-oxoG in nucleosomal DNA. Finally, a model for BER of 8-oxoG in chromatin templates is suggested

    Direct cooperation between androgen receptor and E2F1 reveals a common regulation mechanism for androgen-responsive genes in prostate cells.

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    We have studied the regulation of ATAD2 gene expression by androgens in prostate cells. ATAD2 is a coactivator of the androgen receptor (AR) and the MYC protein. We showed that ATAD2 expression is directly regulated by AR via an AR binding sequence (ARBS) located in the distal enhancer of its regulatory region. The gene is also regulated by the E2F1 transcription factor. Using knockdown and chromatin immunoprecipitation technique approaches, we could demonstrate that AR and E2F1 functionally collaborate and physically interact between each other. From the analysis of chromatin conformation, we conclude that this cooperation results from a chromatin looping over the ATAD2 promoter region between the ARBS and E2F1 binding site in an androgen-dependent manner. Furthermore, we could show that several genes overexpressed in prostate cancer and potentially involved in several aspects of tumor development have an ARBS and an E2F1 binding site in their regulatory regions and exhibit the same mechanism of regulation by both transcription factors as ATAD2

    Binding of NF-ÎșB to Nucleosomes: Effect of Translational Positioning, Nucleosome Remodeling and Linker Histone H1

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    NF-ÎșB is a key transcription factor regulating the expression of inflammatory responsive genes. How NF-ÎșB binds to naked DNA templates is well documented, but how it interacts with chromatin is far from being clear. Here we used a combination of UV laser footprinting, hydroxyl footprinting and electrophoretic mobility shift assay to investigate the binding of NF-ÎșB to nucleosomal templates. We show that NF-ÎșB p50 homodimer is able to bind to its recognition sequence, when it is localized at the edge of the core particle, but not when the recognition sequence is at the interior of the nucleosome. Remodeling of the nucleosome by the chromatin remodeling machine RSC was not sufficient to allow binding of NF-ÎșB to its recognition sequence located in the vicinity of the nucleosome dyad, but RSC-induced histone octamer sliding allowed clearly detectable binding of NF-ÎșB with the slid particle. Importantly, nucleosome dilution-driven removal of H2A-H2B dimer led to complete accessibility of the site located close to the dyad to NF-ÎșB. Finally, we found that NF-ÎșB was able to displace histone H1 and prevent its binding to nucleosome. These data provide important insight on the role of chromatin structure in the regulation of transcription of NF-ÎșB dependent genes

    Remosomes: RSC generated non-mobilized particles with approximately 180 bp DNA loosely associated with the histone octamer

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    Chromatin remodelers are sophisticated nano-machines that are able to alter histone-DNA interactions and to mobilize nucleosomes. Neither the mechanism of their action nor the conformation of the remodeled nucleosomes are, however, yet well understood. We have studied the mechanism of Remodels Structure of Chromatin (RSC)-nucleosome mobilization by using high-resolution microscopy and biochemical techniques. Atomic force microscopy and electron cryomicroscopy (EC-M) analyses show that two types of products are generated during the RSC remodeling: (i) stable non-mobilized particles, termed remosomes that contain about 180 bp of DNA associated with the histone octamer and, (ii) mobilized particles located at the end of DNA. EC-M reveals that individual remosomes exhibit a distinct, variable, highly-irregular DNA trajectory. The use of the unique “one pot assays” for studying the accessibility of nucleosomal DNA towards restriction enzymes, DNase I footprinting and ExoIII mapping demonstrate that the histone-DNA interactions within the remosomes are strongly perturbed, particularly in the vicinity of the nucleosome dyad. The data suggest a two-step mechanism of RSC-nucleosome remodeling consisting of an initial formation of a remosome followed by mobilization. In agreement with this model, we show experimentally that the remosomes are intermediate products generated during the first step of the remodeling reaction that are further efficiently mobilized by RSC