2,375 research outputs found

    Wheat Traits Variations, Associations, and Potential Improvement from Crosses of Elite X Non-Adapted Germplasm

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    Wheat improvement most often has been accompanied by a narrowing germplasm base, as newer cultivars have been derived from intercrosses between elite germplasm. However, there is a concern that narrow germplasm may restrict breeding improvement for important traits such as resistances to new biotic and abiotic stresses. In addition to germplasm base, the wheat kernel is a major component of wheat grain yield and an important factor for milling characteristics. Focusing on wheat kernel characteristics might be a key element to improve wheat genotypes for agronomic and quality traits. With the intention to broaden the wheat germplasm, and to explore the associations between kernel traits and agronomic as well as quality traits, a two-year study was initiated in 2009 to examine the influence of the kernel traits on the agronomic and quality attributes of a 160 Recombinant Inbred Lines (RIL) population developed from an adapted (ND 705) and a non-adapted genotype (PI 414566). The experiment was conducted at Prosper and Carrington, North Dakota, during 2009 and 2010. The RIL population had a better performance at Carrington than Prosper due to favorable climatic conditions at this location, in 2009 and 2010. The results in this study showed that kernel traits had a high correlation among them and they exhibited continuous variations suggesting a polygenic inheritance. Grain yield, kernel volume weight (KVW), and flour extraction were highly correlated with kernel width, length/width ratio, weight, and area. Eight RIL yielded better than the adapted parent ND 705 and two of the RIL along with three checks were significantly superior for gram yield compared with the other genotypes across all environments. Although the non-adapted parent has a facultative grown habit, several RIL required fewer days to flower compared to the adapted parent. Two RIL had better flour extraction compared to the other genotypes included in this study. These results indicated that kernel traits can play a significant role in improving agronomic and quality traits. Higher values for grain yield, KVW, and flour extraction were significantly associated with spheroid or round shape (short and plump), large, and heavy kernels. The high agronomic and quality attributes showed by some RIL demonstrated that the use of a non-adapted parent can broaden the genetic variability while increasing the genetic gain for certain traits. Also, breeders should pay attention to kernel size and shape during the parental selection for the development of populations with improved agronomic and quality traits

    Environmental impacts in Castro zone of the Paraná talc district, Brazil

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    During the last two centuries, in Castro zone of the Paraná talc district in southern Brazil, native subtropical rain forest was exploited for wood and firewood use. During the last decade the exploitation process of the native forest has continued. In this paper it is presented a multi-temporal research about the impact of the native forest use. The chiefly aim is to discuss and illustrate the consequences of the use of forest and the absence of the reforest action in degraded areas in Castro zone of the Paraná talc district and the relation between the environmental impacts and the economic activities in the region. The landscape impact of the mining activities is evident, although very limited in area if it is considered the territory in its totality. The main impact in the region is the deforestation. Through Landsat images it was possible to determine the changes that occurred in the land use in the region from 1990 to 2000. It is described the behavior of 4 classification entities: riparian forest, forest, cropland and bare soil. In these 10 years the main environmental impact is associated to forest reducing from 52% to 38 % of the total area. The deforestation was associated to wood industries in the past, nowadays it is linked to use of the soil to crop farms, firewood mainly to mining activities, especially lime-kiln and just few amount to dry talc ore product. In the last 3 years the firewood to dry talc was replaced by lumber-mill dust that represents wastes in wood industries

    GALDIERO is CO-FIRST AUTHOR. Phagocytes as Corrupted Policemen in Cancer-Related Inflammation

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    Inflammation is a key component of the tumor microenvironment. Tumor-associated macrophages (TAMs) and tumor-associated neutrophils (TANs) are prototypic inflammatory cells in cancer-related inflammation. Macrophages provide a first line of resistance against infectious agents but in the ecological niche of cancer behave as corrupted policemen. TAMs promote tumor growth and metastasis by direct interactions with cancer cells, including cancer stem cells, as well as by promoting angiogenesis and tissue remodeling and suppressing effective adaptive immunity. In addition, the efficacy of chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and checkpoint blockade inhibitors is profoundly affected by regulation of TAMs. In particular, TAMs can protect and rescue tumor cells from cytotoxic therapy by orchestrating a misguided tissue repair response. Following extensive preclinical studies, there is now proof of concept that targeting tumor-promoting macrophages by diverse strategies (e.g., Trabectedin, anti-colony-stimulating factor-1 receptor antibodies) can result in antitumor activity in human cancer and further studies are ongoing. Neutrophils have long been overlooked as a minor component of the tumor microenvironment, but there is evidence for an important role of TANs in tumor progression. Targeting phagocytes (TAMs and TANs) as corrupted policemen in cancer may pave the way to innovative therapeutic strategies complementing cytoreductive therapies and immunotherapy

    Caracterização agronômica de progênies de soja contendo alelos para tolerância a herbicidas das sulfoniluréias

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    Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Agronomia e Medicina Veterinária, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Agronomia, 2017.As sulfoniluréias estão classificadas no grupo de herbicidas que atuam bloqueando a síntese de aminoácidos essenciais através da inibição da enzima acetolactato sintase (ALS). A inibição dessa enzima interrompe a produção de proteínas, interferindo no crescimento celular e, consequentemente, ocasionando a morte da planta. Com o desenvolvimento de cultivares de soja contendo os alelos Als1 e Als2 que conferem tolerância a diferentes princípios ativos do grupo das sulfoniluréias, esse estudo teve como objetivos testar progênies de soja quanto à presença/ausência dos alelos Als1 e Als2 e avaliar o impacto agronômico da adição desses alelos em campo sem a aplicação de herbicida do grupo das sulfoniluréias, e em um segundo experimento avaliar os efeitos da aplicação em pré-emergência do herbicida do grupo das sulfoniluréias em progênies de soja contendo os alelos Als1 e Als1+Als2 e comparar sua seletividade a progênies sem os alelos. Esses experimentos foram conduzidos nas estações experimentais da DuPont Pioneer de Planaltina, DF, safras 2014/2015 e 2015/2016, e de Sorriso, MT, safra 2014/2015. Foram avaliadas populações de soja com diferentes classes genotípicas quanto a presença/ausência dos alelos Als1 e Als2. A comparação entre as classes foi feita através do uso de diversas características agronômicas em campo com e sem a aplicação do herbicida das sulfoniluréias. Nos ensaios sem o uso do herbicida, as médias de produtividade em Planaltina e Sorriso safra 2014/2015 e em Planaltina 2015/2016 foram 2896, 2537 e 3264 kg ha-1, respectivamente. A produtividade de grãos para as classes genotípicas nula, Als1, Als2 e Als1+Als2 foram 2826, 2837, 2685 e 2835 kg ha-1, respectivamente e não diferiram estatisticamente entre si. As demais características também apresentaram comportamento semelhante entre as classes. Nas progênies avaliadas, a adição dos alelos Als1 e/ou Als2 não ocasionou alterações significativas nas características agronômicas avaliadas. No experimento com o uso do herbicida, a média de produtividade das classes Als1 e Als1+Als2, 3692 e 3745 kg ha-1, respectivamente, foram significativamente superiores à classe nula, 3554 kg ha-1, com diferença significativa entre as classes para todas as características, exceto avaliação da parcela. Isso indica a importância e a necessidade da presença dos alelos que conferem resistência, pois sob uso do herbicida as progênies que continham os alelos de resistência a sulfoniluréia foram estatisticamente superiores as progênies sem os alelos. Portanto, concluiu-se nesses experimentos que sem o uso do herbicida, o desempenho entre as classes do gene é semelhante e a adição dos alelos mutantes não altera o fenótipo das progênies de soja enquanto que sob uso do herbicida a presença dos alelos se torna crucial para o melhor desempenho da soja.Sulfonylureas are classified in the herbicide group that acts by blocking the synthesis of essential amino acids by inhibiting acetolactate synthase enzyme (ALS). The inhibition of this enzyme disrupts the production of proteins, interfering with cell growth and consequently resulting in the death of the plant. With the development of soybean cultivars containing Als1 and Als2 alleles that confer tolerance to different active ingredients of sulfonylurea group, this study aimed to test different soybean progenies for the presence/absence of Als1 and Als2 alleles and evaluate the agronomic impact of these alleles addition in the field without sulfonylurea herbicide application, also in a second experiment, to evaluate the effects of pre-emergence sulfonylurea herbicide application in soybean progenies containing Als1 and Als1+Als2 alleles and compare their selectivity to progenies without the alleles. These experiments were conducted in experimental stations of DuPont Pioneer at Planaltina, DF, 2014/2015 and 2015/2016 seasons and at Sorriso, MT, 2014/2015 season. Soybean populations with different genotypic classes were evaluated for presence/absence of the Als1 and Als2 alleles. The comparison among classes were made using several agronomic traits in the field with and without sulfonylurea herbicide application. In the experiments without herbicide, the grain yield average at Planaltina and Sorriso 2014/2015 season and at Planaltina 2015/2016 were 2896, 2537 and 3264 kg ha-1, respectively. Yield for the genotypic classes null, Als1, Als2 and Als1+Als2 were 2826, 2837, 2685 and 2835 kg ha-1, respectively, and they were not statistically different from each other. Also, the other traits indicated similar behavior among classes. In the studied progenies, the addition of Als1 and/or Als2 alleles did not cause significant differences in the evaluated traits. While, in the experiment with herbicide application, the yield average of Als1 and Als1+Als2 classes, 3692 and 3745 kg ha-1, respectively, were significantly higher than the null class, 3554 kg ha-1, with significant difference among classes for all traits, except plot evaluation. This fact indicates the importance and necessity of alleles presence that confer resistance, since under herbicide application the progenies with the sulfonylurea resistant alleles were statistically superior than the progenies without the alleles. Therefore, it was concluded in these experiments that without the use of the herbicide, the performance among the gene classes is similar and the addition of the mutant alleles do not alter the phenotype in the soybean progenies, whereas under the herbicide application, the presence of the alleles becomes crucial for the soybean best performance

    Casa 50' x 50': Ludwig Mies van der Rohe

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    El trabajo se enfoca hacia el análisis arquitectónico del material producido por el arquitecto [Mies van der Rohe] y sus colaboradores. Este análisis, realizado a partir de la información recopilada, tiene por objeto aclarar el orden interno del proyecto de la Casa 50' x 50', comprender la jerarquía de las decisiones y determinar los elementos básicos y sus criterios de relación. Se propone un acercamiento sensible y directo a la obra de arquitectura, a su realidad física y constructiva, basado en la utilización de medios visuales de expresión gráfica

    Avaliação genética e neurológica em uma amostra de indivíduos com transtornos globais do desenvolvimento

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    With the aim of analyzing which complementary tests are relevant in the diagnostic evaluation of individuals with pervasive developmental disorders, a protocol of clinical and laboratory evaluation was applied in 103 outpatients. The protocol included chromosomal analysis, screening for inborn errors of metabolism, cytogenetic and molecular study of the FRAXA, FRAXE, and FRAXF mutations, EEG, SPECT, and magnetic resonance imaging study. Eighty-four subjects concluded the complementary tests and were classified either as having autism, atypical autism or Asperger syndrome according to the DSM-IV criteria. Sixteen individuals, all bellonging to the two autistic groups, presented genetic or enviromental factors that may have lead to the behavioral disorders, showing the importance of diagnostic evaluation in this group of conditions. Neuroimaging and EEG findings were non-specific and occurred in similar proportion among the groups, being considered of relative low significance in the diagnostic evaluation of individuals with pervasive developmental disorders.Visando analisar quais exames complementares são relevantes na avaliação diagnóstica de uma amostra de indivíduos com transtornos globais do desenvolvimento, 103 pacientes atendidos em nível ambulatorial foram submetidos a um protocolo composto por avaliação clínica e exames complementares, os quais incluíam cariótipo, estudo molecular da síndrome do cromossomo X frágil, cromatografia de aminoácidos, EEG, SPECT e ressonância magnética. Foram selecionados 84 indivíduos que completaram a investigação laboratorial e apresentavam diagnóstico de autismo, autismo atípico ou síndrome de Asperger, de acordo com os critérios do DSM-IV. Em 16 indivíduos foram identificados distúrbios ambientais ou geneticamente determinados que podem ter causado o quadro comportamental, ressaltando a importância de uma avaliação diagnóstica meticulosa em tais casos. Os achados de neuroimagem e EEG foram inespecíficos e estiveram presentes em proporções semelhantes entre os três grupos, sendo considerados pouco elucidativos na avaliação diagnóstica de indivíduos com transtornos globais do desenvolvimento.17618

    Áreas Prioritárias Para Restauração Das Florestas Ciliares: Um Exemplo no Sul do BrasilPriority Areas For Restoration of Riparian Forests: An Example In Southern Brazil

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    Projetos de restauração da floresta ciliar em regiões tropicais são complexos e difíceis de serem efetuados. Assim, é importante priorizar as áreas para serem restauradas numa bacia hidrográfca e esta priorização deve levar em consideração sua importância para a proteção das águas dos rios. A bacia de hidrográfca do Ribeirão da Onça está localizada na região metropolitana de Curitiba, no Primeiro Planalto Paranaense, Paraná, Região sul do Brasil. É uma bacia situada em zona rural, próxima a um grande centro urbano e está submetida a um crescente conflito de uso nas áreas de preservação permanente (APP) devido à supressão completa ou parcial da floresta ciliar. Este trabalho propõe um método para discriminar classes de impacto para áreas de preservação permanentes (APPs), visando à preservação da qualidade de água superfcial e, dessa forma, priorizar zonas para recuperação. Foram utilizadas técnicas de sensoriamento remoto e de sistemas de informações geográfcas. Foram utilizados pesos para tipologias de uso da terra, para ordem dos rios e declividade. Os resultados indicam que, em 51% da área da bacia, não há conflito de uso das APPs. Para os 49% restantes, em 40%, o impacto é classifcado como sendo médio, em 8% como sendo alto e, em 1%, o impacto é considerado baixo. As áreas de alto impacto e médio impacto são prioritárias para recuperação das APPs.AbstractTe riparian forest restoration projects in tropical regions are complex and difcult to carried out. Tus, it is important to prioritize areas to be restored in a watershed and this prioritization must take into account its importance for the protection of river water. Te hydrographic basin of Ribeirão da Onça is located in the metropolitan region of Curitiba, in the First Planalto Paranaense, Paraná, Southern Brazil, in a rural area, near the major urban center of Curitiba. Tis place is subject to an increasing conflict of use of permanent preservation areas (APP) due to the parcial or complete verthrow of the riparian forest. Tis paper proposes a method to discriminate impact classes for  permanent preservation areas (APPs) aimed at preserving the quality of surface water and thus prioritize areas for recovery. Remote sensing and geographic information systems were used. Weights were used also to land use typologies, rivers order and slopes. Te results indicate that 51% of the area of the basin there is no conflict of use of APPs. For the remaining area of 49%, 40% is rated as medium impact, 8% as high impact, and 1% as low impact. Areas of high impact and medium impact are priorities for recovery of PPAs


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    A variação na qualidade de água depende do regime hidrológico do rio, principalmente da variabilidade do deflúvio. Este trabalho foi conduzido na bacia hidrográfica do Alto Capivari, localizada 20 km ao norte da Região Metropolitana de Curitiba, Estado do Paraná, Brasil. Foram analisados e comparados dados diários de qualidade de água e de vazão de 1998 a 1999. Os resultados mostram que a qualidade das águas sofreram grande variação com a vazão, principalmente em relação a alguns parâmetros de qualidade, tais como turbidez, pH, alcalinidade, cor e matéria orgânica. Esta alta variabilidade foi relacionada ao deflúvio por meio de coeficientes correlação. As correlações encontradas foram fortes, denotando uma tendência, quando comparados intervalos de vazão com a média dos valores médios dos parâmetros. Com exceção do pH e alcalinidade, todos os parâmetros tiveram seus valores elevados quando há aumento na vazão, o mesmo ocorrendo com o desvio padrão. Abstract Water quality variability depends on the hydrological regime of the river or stream, meanly water discharge variability. This work was carried out in the Alto Capivari basin, located 20 km northern part of Curitiba’s Metropolitan Region, Paraná state, Brazil. Daily dates of quality water and water discharge from 1998 to 1999 were analyzed and compared. The results reveal that the stream water quality varies significantly with discharge mainly for turbidity, alkalinity, pH, color and organic matter. This high variability was linked to discharge by means of coefficient of correlation. The results indicate a good correlation while comparing the discharge intervals in the stream with average of the studied parameters. With exception of pH and alkalinity, all parameters increased with increasing the discharge and it occurred with standard deviation

    O geoprocessamento aplicado ao estudo das áreas verdes no município de Curitiba, Paraná

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    Resumo: A presente pesquisa, tendo como objeto de estudo o município de Curitiba, onde está instalado o sitio urbano da cidade de Curitiba, capital do Paraná, elaborou um diagnóstico das áreas verdes de Curitiba, com interpretação de imagens, utilizando técnicas de interpretação do sensoriamento remoto, a partir de imagens orbitais de baixo custo. O produto final foi a elaboração de um mapa de áreas verdes. De posse desse mapa fez-se um cruzamento com outras informações já existentes, tais como geologia, hipsometria e solos, utilizando-se as técnicas de análise espacial do geoprocessamento. Como resultado do processo de tomada de decisão, ou seja a escolha de alternativas, construiu-se um modelo simulado do que deveria ter sido a vegetação original, a qual ocupava a área onde hoje se assenta a cidade de Curitiba. A abordagem de cada tema foi sob a ótica sistêmica, tendo em vista que cada elemento que compõe a paisagem e uma parte de um todo e que não pode ser entendido separadamente, visão essa que passa a ser cada vez mais utilizada em trabalhos de caráter ambiental.Neste contexto, este estudo consistiu em uma descrição e análise dos elementos naturais e antrópicos no âmbito da área do município, bem como das condições atuais do meio ambiente urbano, conduzindo a algumas proposições para mudanças em relação aos problemas ambientais locais, e de forma específica sobre as áreas verdes que ainda existem em Curitiba. Dessa forma, procurou-se verificar como ocorre o trânsito da matéria e da energia, influindo na dinâmica das paisagens curitibanas, com um componente muito importante representado pela intervenção humana e passível de provocar situações de desequilíbrio no meio ambiente. Palavras-chave: áreas verdes; meio ambiente; sensoriamento remoto; geoprocessamento

    Genotype And Natural History In Unrelated Individuals With Phenylketonuria And Autistic Behavior.

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    We describe three unrelated individuals, two males (ages 35 and 9) and a female (age 8) presenting with late diagnosed phenylketonuria (PKU) and autistic behavior, all showing poor adhesion to the dietary treatment resulting in high plasmatic phenylalanine levels, particularly in the oldest subject. Clinical findings included hair hypopigmentation, microcephaly, severe mental retardation with absent development of verbal language and autistic symptoms in all three patients, whereas variable neurological signs such as seizures, spasticity, ataxia, aggressivity, and hyperactivity were individually found. Homozygosity for the IVS10nt11g/a (IVS10nt546) was found in all. This is the first report of molecular findings in subjects with PKU also presenting with autistic features. The authors discuss if this mutation is particularly involved in the association of autistic symptoms in untreated PKU individuals.65202-