663 research outputs found

    Translocation pathways for inhaled asbestos fibers

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    We discuss the translocation of inhaled asbestos fibers based on pulmonary and pleuro-pulmonary interstitial fluid dynamics. Fibers can pass the alveolar barrier and reach the lung interstitium via the paracellular route down a mass water flow due to combined osmotic (active Na+ absorption) and hydraulic (interstitial pressure is subatmospheric) pressure gradient. Fibers can be dragged from the lung interstitium by pulmonary lymph flow (primary translocation) wherefrom they can reach the blood stream and subsequently distribute to the whole body (secondary translocation). Primary translocation across the visceral pleura and towards pulmonary capillaries may also occur if the asbestos-induced lung inflammation increases pulmonary interstitial pressure so as to reverse the trans-mesothelial and trans-endothelial pressure gradients. Secondary translocation to the pleural space may occur via the physiological route of pleural fluid formation across the parietal pleura; fibers accumulation in parietal pleura stomata (black spots) reflects the role of parietal lymphatics in draining pleural fluid. Asbestos fibers are found in all organs of subjects either occupationally exposed or not exposed to asbestos. Fibers concentration correlates with specific conditions of interstitial fluid dynamics, in line with the notion that in all organs microvascular filtration occurs from capillaries to the extravascular spaces. Concentration is high in the kidney (reflecting high perfusion pressure and flow) and in the liver (reflecting high microvascular permeability) while it is relatively low in the brain (due to low permeability of blood-brain barrier). Ultrafine fibers (length < 5 μm, diameter < 0.25 μm) can travel larger distances due to low steric hindrance (in mesothelioma about 90% of fibers are ultrafine). Fibers translocation is a slow process developing over decades of life: it is aided by high biopersistence, by inflammation-induced increase in permeability, by low steric hindrance and by fibers motion pattern at low Reynolds numbers; it is hindered by fibrosis that increases interstitial flow resistances

    Frequency dependence of the dielectric and electro-optic response in suspensions of charged rod-like colloidal particles

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    We have performed an experimental investigation on the electrokinetic properties of charged rod-like fluorinated latex colloids. Systematic measurements of electrophoretic mobility, dielectric constant and electric birefringence have been performed as a function of the concentration of added nonionic surfactant and salt. In the investigated range of parameters, the zeta potential is a strongly decreasing function of the concentration of nonionic surfactant, while it is basically independent from ionic strength. We have obtained the frequency dependence of dielectric constant and Kerr constant as a function of zeta-potential and ionic strength. We observe the transition from a low frequency behavior, where both the dielectric constant and the Kerr constant are enhanced by the presence of the double layer, to a high frequency behavior, where both quantities take the value expected for unchanged particles in an insulating medium. The shape of the frequency dispersion of the Kerr constant coincides with that of the dielectric constant, but the cut-off frequencies are the same only when the zeta-potential of the particles is low

    Atmospheric parameters and chemical properties of red giants in the CoRoT asteroseismology fields

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    A precise characterisation of the red giants in the seismology fields of the CoRoT satellite is a prerequisite for further in-depth seismic modelling. High-resolution FEROS and HARPS spectra were obtained as part of the ground-based follow-up campaigns for 19 targets holding great asteroseismic potential. These data are used to accurately estimate their fundamental parameters and the abundances of 16 chemical species in a self-consistent manner. Some powerful probes of mixing are investigated (the Li and CNO abundances, as well as the carbon isotopic ratio in a few cases). The information provided by the spectroscopic and seismic data is combined to provide more accurate physical parameters and abundances. The stars in our sample follow the general abundance trends as a function of the metallicity observed in stars of the Galactic disk. After an allowance is made for the chemical evolution of the interstellar medium, the observational signature of internal mixing phenomena is revealed through the detection at the stellar surface of the products of the CN cycle. A contamination by NeNa-cycled material in the most massive stars is also discussed. With the asteroseismic constraints, these data will pave the way for a detailed theoretical investigation of the physical processes responsible for the transport of chemical elements in evolved, low- and intermediate-mass stars.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A, 25 pages, 13 colour figures (revised version after language editing

    Search for low instability strip variables in the young open cluster NGC 2516

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    In this paper we revise and complete the photometric survey of the instability strip of the southern open cluster NGC 2516 published by Antonello and Mantegazza (1986). No variable stars with amplitudes larger than 0m.020^m.02 were found. However by means of an accurate analysis based on a new statistical method two groups of small amplitude variables have been disentangled: one with periods <0d.25< 0^d.25 (probably δ\delta Scuti stars) and one with periods >0d.025>0^d.025. The position in the HR diagram and the apparent time-scale may suggest that the stars of the second group belong to a recently discovered new class of variables, named γ\gamma Dor variables. They certainly deserve further study. We also present a comparison between the results of the photometric survey and the available pointed ROSAT observations of this cluster.Comment: 7 pages, 2 ps figures. Accepted for P.A.S.

    Mean curvature flow with triple junctions in higher space dimensions

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    We consider mean curvature flow of n-dimensional surface clusters. At (n-1)-dimensional triple junctions an angle condition is required which in the symmetric case reduces to the well-known 120 degree angle condition. Using a novel parametrization of evolving surface clusters and a new existence and regularity approach for parabolic equations on surface clusters we show local well-posedness by a contraction argument in parabolic Hoelder spaces.Comment: 31 pages, 2 figure

    Characterization of anisotropic nano-particles by using depolarized dynamic light scattering in the near field

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    Light scattering techniques are widely used in many fields of condensed and sof t matter physics. Usually these methods are based on the study of the scattered light in the far field. Recently, a new family of near field detection schemes has been developed, mainly for the study of small angle light scattering. These techniques are based on the detection of the light intensity near to the sample, where light scattered at different directions overlaps but can be distinguished by Fourier transform analysis. Here we report for the first time data obtained with a dynamic near field scattering instrument, measuring both polarized and depolarized scattered light. Advantages of this procedure over the traditional far field detection include the immunity to stray light problems and the possibility to obtain a large number of statistical samples for many different wave vectors in a single instantaneous measurement. By using the proposed technique we have measured the translational and rotational diffusion coefficients of rod-like colloidal particles. The obtained data are in very good agreement with the data acquired with a traditional light scattering apparatus.Comment: Published in Optics Express. This version has changes in bibliograph