358 research outputs found

    A simulation study of single cell inside an integrated dual nanoneedle-microfludic system

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    Electrical properties of living cells have been proven to play significant roles in understanding of various biological activities including disease progression both at the cellular and molecular levels. Analyzing the cell’s electrical states especially in single cell analysis (SCA) lead to differentiate between normal cell and cancer cell. This paper presents a simulation study of micro-channel and nanoneedle structure, fluid manipulation and current flow through HeLa cell inside a microfluidic channel. To perform electrical measurement, gold dual nanoneedle has been utilized. The simulation result revealed, the cell penetration occurs at microchannel dimension and solution flow rate is 22 µm x 70 µm x 25 µm (width x length x height) and 0.396 pL/min, respectively. The purposed device has capability to characterize the electrical property of single cells can be used as a novel method for cell viability detection in instantaneous manner

    Mechanical performance of roselle/sugar palm fiber hybrid reinforced polyurethane composites

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    The effect of sugar palm fiber (SPF) loading was studied relative to the mechanical properties of roselle (RF)/SPF/thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) hybrid composites. RF/SPF/TPU hybrid composites were fabricated at different weight ratios (100:0, 75:25, 50:50, 25:75, and 0:100) by melt mixing and hot compression. The mechanical (tensile, flexural, and impact test) and morphological properties of tensile fractured samples were examined using a universal testing machine, impact machine, and scanning electron microscope. It was found that the hybridization of RF/SPF increased its impact strength corresponding to the increases in the SPF content of the composites. The tensile and flexural properties of the hybrid composites decreased due to poor interfacial bonding between the fiber and matrix. Scanning electron micrographs of the tensile fractured surface of the RF/SPF hybrid composites revealed fiber pullouts and poor adhesion bonding. In conclusion, the hybridization of SPF with RF/TPU composites enhanced its impact strength while decreasing the tensile and flexural strength

    Implementation of Single Minutes of Exchange Die (SMED) in Malaysia Metal Stamping Industry: A Case Study

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    Downtime loss due to long set-up time will lead to shorter actual production time. This situation will result in a loss to the company because they could not produce their products as planned. Therefore, set-up time needs to be reduced to maximize the resources invested by the company. The most popular approach to is an approach to improve setup time is Single Minutes of Exchange Die (SMED), developed by Shigeo Shingo in early 1960s. Setup operations were divided by into fundamental types; Internal setup and External setup. By Converting Internal setup to External setup, the company can reduced the setup time and thus, lead to longer actual production time. This paper presents an afford of a Malaysia’s metal stamping company in implementing SMED in their company. The company is a supplier of passenger car’s components to Malaysia’s major car makers. The implementation was carried out by separating Internal and External Setup, converting Internal to External Setup and finally streamlining all aspects of the setup operation. After implemented SMED approach, the company managed to reduce their set-up time from 32 minutes to 12 minutes. However, the company still working hard to achieve the objective of SMED, which is to complete all changeovers are in a single number of minutes or less than 10 minutes

    Dual element MIMO planar inverted-F antenna for 5G millimeter wave application

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    This work presents a 28 GHz Dual Element Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) Planar Inverted-F Antenna for millimeter wave 5G mobile terminal. The antenna design employs PIFA design concept as it is a common antenna type use for mobile phone as it provides wide bandwidth and good performance. The antenna design begins with a characterization of the single element PIFA design and then extended to Dual Element MIMO PIFA design. The single element PIFA design is enhanced to MIMO design by extending the ground plane and locate the second PIFA at the other end. Isolation between the antenna elements of the MIMO PIFA is analyzed by varying the gap distance between the antenna elements. The result for Envelope Correlation Coefficient, Diversity Gain and Multiplexing Efficiency is also presented. The simulation computed using Computer Simulation Technology (CST) Microwave Studio software

    The Novel Digital Image Correlation Technique in Predicting Behaviour and Failure of Hybrid Composite

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    This paper presents a technique in measuring deformation occurs on in-plane hybrid composite CFRP/GFRP. The challenging task of extracting mechanical properties of the hybrid composite is assisted with the use of Digital Image Correlation (DIC) technique. DIC is an innovative technique which able to capture full field deformation of tensile deformation. The complex deformation captured for hybrid composite in-plane tensile deformation and behavior using Digital Image Correlation (DIC) under static loading is a new area of study in literature. Generally, hybrid composite consists of more than one reinforcing sections or multiple reinforcing or multiple matrix sections or single reinforcing phase with multiple matrix phases. As a result of a compromise between the materials within the hybrid composite, the deformation and stress analysis are to be evaluated and tailored as each constituent of material carry their own desired mechanical properties according to a performance requirement. It is found in relation of stress-strain relationship of hybrid composite under tensile loading via DIC, the modulus of elasticity is found to record value around 92-97GPa which in theoretical benchmark located in between value of Modulus of Elasticity, E1 for CFRP(120GPa) and GFRP(42GPa) which proves the occurrence of the hybrid effect. It is a new research area in utilizing digital image correlation (DIC) technique on hybrid composite rather than conventional composite in material characterization

    Convolutional neural network model in machine learning methods and computer vision for image recognition: a review

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    Recently, Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) are used in variety of areas including image and pattern recognition, speech recognition, biometric embedded vision, food recognition and video analysis for surveillance, industrial robots and autonomous cars. There are a number of reasons that convolutional neural networks (CNNs) are becoming important. Feature extractors are hand designed during traditional models for image recognition. In CNNs, the weights of the convolutional layer being used for feature extraction in addition to the fully connected layer are applied for classification that are determined during the training process. The objective of this paper is to review a few learning machine methods of convolutional neural network (CNNs) in image recognition. Furthermore, current approaches to image recognition make essential use of machine learning methods. Based on twenty five journal that have been review, this paper focusing on the development trend of convolution neural network (CNNs) model due to various learning method in image recognition since 2000s, which is mainly introduced from the aspects of capturing, verification and clustering. Consequently, deep convolutional neural network (DCNNs) have shown much successful in various machine learning and computer vision problem because it significant quality gain at a modest increase of computational requirement. This training method also allows models that are composed of multiple processing layers to learn representation of data with multiple levels of abstraction

    Thermal Diffusivity of Silver Metallic Nanoparticles in Clay Matrix

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    In this work, we have applied thermal lens (TL) technique to measure thermal diffusivity of clay suspensions containing metallic silver nanoparticles (Ag-NPs) prepared by chemical reduction method in different concentration. This study carried out with diode laser (wavelength 514 nm, power 80mW) as the excitation source and intensity stabilized He-Ne laser as a probe beam. The results show that thermal diffusivity of fluid increases when Ag-NPs concentrations increase

    Unaccompanied & Denied: Regional Legal Framework for Unaccompanied Minors Asylum Seekers (UMAS)

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    Unaccompanied minor asylum seekers are vulnerable and thus, provided special International law protections. However, in reality, they are being mistreated as illegal immigrants and on thereceiving end of ethnic violence, discrimination, restrictions in enjoyment of their rights duly recognised by International human rights law. This article identifies legislative, policy and supportmechanisms which encompass the minimum UMAS guardianship standards at International law and which are evidence-based from best practice models for the provision of guardians for UMASinternationally. It presents situation of UMAS in relation to human rights violations with emphasis on the legal framework and practices in Australia and five ASEAN State Members. This article also highlights the various stands taken by various countries providing better legal framework and practices regarding the terms for protection and enforcement of human rights for UMAS. Finally, this article provides recommendations for Australia and ASEAN Member States to adopt in order to realise the International human rights of UMAS with respect to guardianship

    Analysis of a Compact Wideband Slotted Antenna for Ku Band Applications

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    The design procedure and physical module of a compact wideband patch antenna for Ku band application are presented in this paper. Finite element method based on 3D electromagnetic field solver has been utilized for the designing and analyzing process of proposed microstrip line fed modified E-H shaped electrically small patch antenna. After successful completion of the design process through various simulations, the proposed antenna has been fabricated on printed circuit board (PCB) and its characteristics have been studied. The parameters of the proposed antenna prototype have been measured in standard far-field rectangular shape anechoic measurement compartment. It is apparent from the measured antenna parameters that the proposed antenna achieved almost stable variation of radiation pattern over the entire operational band with 1380 MHz of -10 dB return loss bandwidth. The maximum gain of 7.8 dBi and 89.97% average efficiency within the operating band from 17.15 GHz to 18.53 GHz ensure the suitability of the proposed antenna for Ku band applications

    The opportunity of magnetic induction tomography modality in breast cancer detection

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    The needs for non-invasive technique in breast cancer detection could enhance and preserve the future of medical field in Malaysia as well as countries around the world. Breast cancer has become the main concern nowadays not only for women but for man as well. In overall, the risk of women getting breast cancer is higher than man due to the denser tissue of breast in women compare to man. Beside the unawareness for the disease, the reason which contributes to this increasing number of breast cancer reported is also due to the limitations arising from modalities such as MRI, Mammography, ultrasound and other modalities. An alternative to current technologies should be improved for early detection and treatment which causes no physical harm to patients if possible. Thus, non-invasive and better technology in detecting breast cancer is very much needed in the current market. This paper will be discussing the insights of Magnetic Induction Tomography techniques in breast cancer detection