94 research outputs found

    El blanqueo de capitales entre la dogmĂĄtica y la polĂ­tica criminal internacional: resultados desde una perspectiva de derecho comparado

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    La polĂ­tica criminal internacional en materia de crimen organizado se ha ido centrando cada vez mĂĄs en medidas de carĂĄcter preventivo y en la persecuciĂłn del patrimonio de las organizaciones criminales. Por un lado, los distintos instrumentos supranacionales en materia de blanqueo de capitales desarrollan medidas de carĂĄcter administrativo o policial que involucran cada vez mĂĄs a los sujetos o entidades privados. Por otro lado, por la vĂ­a estrictamente penal se trata no solo de perseguir a los partĂ­cipes, sino de privar a las entidades criminales de su patrimonio. Uno de los objetivos de este trabajo es exponer, desde un punto de vista comparado, cĂłmo los objetivos de polĂ­tica criminal provocan efectos distorsionadores al colisionar con postulados que rigen en la dogmĂĄtica penal. AsĂ­ mismo, se aporta una soluciĂłn al problema de si el tipo penal del blanqueo de capitales debe interpretarse como un delito que exige un elemento especial intencional

    El monasterio de Santa MarĂ­a la Real de Oia. Estudio histĂłrico-artĂ­stico

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    The nice and unusual site of Oia monastery at the shore of the Atlantic Ocean and the assimilation of three artistic styles during their more austere stage, convert it into an emblematic sight. The author carries out an allembracing analysis that will make easier the job of restoration and maintenance of the monument. She, also, divulges different unpublished inscriptions of the baroque building.El bello e inusual emplazamiento del monasterio de Oia a orillas del Atlåntico y la asimilación de tres estilos artísticos en su fase mås pura y austera le convierten en un monumento emblemåtico. La autora realiza un estudio de conjunto, que facilitarå el trabajo de restauración y conservación del monumento. También se publican varios epígrafes inéditos de la fåbrica barroca

    Satellite and UAV-based anomaly detection in vineyards

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    One of the most frequent, most expensive and potentially more impactful tasks in crop management is surveying and scouting the fields for problems in crop development. Any biotic / abiotic stress undetected becomes a bigger problem to solve later, with a potentially cascading effect on yield and/or quality and, subsequently, crop value. For annual crops (such as corn, soy, etc.) this can be solved in a cost-effective way with Sentinel data. For permanent crops planted in rows (such as vineyards), the interference from the inter-row makes it much more challenging. Under a contract for the European Space Agency (ESA), Spin.Works has been developing an early anomaly detection system based on fusion of Sentinel-2 and UAV imagery, targeting an update rate of 5 days. The early anomaly detection is applied to vineyards, particularly, for nutrient and water stresses. The early anomaly detection system is integrated into Spin.Works’ MAPP.it platform and its development is being carried out in close cooperation with the internal R&D group of Sogrape Vinhos, Portugal's largest winemaker and a long-standing MAPP.it user

    Outcomes from elective colorectal cancer surgery during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic

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    This study aimed to describe the change in surgical practice and the impact of SARS-CoV-2 on mortality after surgical resection of colorectal cancer during the initial phases of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic

    Moderne Tendenzen in Strafrechtswissenschaft und Kriminologie

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