6,844 research outputs found

    Building Data-Driven Pathways From Routinely Collected Hospital Data:A Case Study on Prostate Cancer

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    Background: Routinely collected data in hospitals is complex, typically heterogeneous, and scattered across multiple Hospital Information Systems (HIS). This big data, created as a byproduct of health care activities, has the potential to provide a better understanding of diseases, unearth hidden patterns, and improve services and cost. The extent and uses of such data rely on its quality, which is not consistently checked, nor fully understood. Nevertheless, using routine data for the construction of data-driven clinical pathways, describing processes and trends, is a key topic receiving increasing attention in the literature. Traditional algorithms do not cope well with unstructured processes or data, and do not produce clinically meaningful visualizations. Supporting systems that provide additional information, context, and quality assurance inspection are needed. Objective: The objective of the study is to explore how routine hospital data can be used to develop data-driven pathways that describe the journeys that patients take through care, and their potential uses in biomedical research; it proposes a framework for the construction, quality assessment, and visualization of patient pathways for clinical studies and decision support using a case study on prostate cancer. Methods: Data pertaining to prostate cancer patients were extracted from a large UK hospital from eight different HIS, validated, and complemented with information from the local cancer registry. Data-driven pathways were built for each of the 1904 patients and an expert knowledge base, containing rules on the prostate cancer biomarker, was used to assess the completeness and utility of the pathways for a specific clinical study. Software components were built to provide meaningful visualizations for the constructed pathways. Results: The proposed framework and pathway formalism enable the summarization, visualization, and querying of complex patient-centric clinical information, as well as the computation of quality indicators and dimensions. A novel graphical representation of the pathways allows the synthesis of such information. Conclusions: Clinical pathways built from routinely collected hospital data can unearth information about patients and diseases that may otherwise be unavailable or overlooked in hospitals. Data-driven clinical pathways allow for heterogeneous data (ie, semistructured and unstructured data) to be collated over a unified data model and for data quality dimensions to be assessed. This work has enabled further research on prostate cancer and its biomarkers, and on the development and application of methods to mine, compare, analyze, and visualize pathways constructed from routine data. This is an important development for the reuse of big data in hospitals

    Sinuous breakdown in a flat plate boundary layer exposed to free-stream turbulence

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    In a flat plate boundary layer, perturbed with streaks, breakdown occurs due to a secondary instability acting on the streaks. An experimental study using a water channel with static turbulence grid, revealed the presence of a sinuous secondary instability mode in the bypass transition process. Five sinuous instabilities are investigated in detail in the horizontal plane. The streamwise length scale of the sinuous instability is around 40δ30040\delta^*_{300} and the spanwise scale equals around δ300\delta^*_{300}. Four main features are found in the underlying streak configuration and developing streak-streak interactions. Firstly, all instabilities arise in a streak configuration where two low speed streaks are located at a small spanwise distance from each other. Patches of low speed fluid (forming a discontinuity in the streak pattern) are present in the high speed streaks surrounding the unstable low speed streak. As a consequence of the streak-streak interactions at the discontinuities vortices arise in a staggered configuration. Finally, the vortices develop into three-dimensional structures after which the flow falls apart into smaller three-dimensional flow regions

    Киев-Еганское месторождение нефти

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    Рассматривается геологическое строение Киев-Еганского нефтяного месторождения Томской области, описываются его нефтеносные объекты, отмечается значение данного месторождения с точки зрения поисков нефтяных и газовых месторождений в восточном направлении

    Religious research as kingpin in the fight against poverty and AIDS in the Western Cape, South Africa

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    This article describes the researchers’ efforts to apply the principles of Participatory Action Research (PAR), specifically participation, through the direct involvement of church members in the research. It includes involving them in the design of questionnaires, training and utilizing them as fieldworkers, and finally disseminating the results of the research via workshops aimed at strategizing for change. The research is based on two hypotheses, the first being that, churches and their members are intensely involved in serving both the needs of their own members, as well as the needs of the larger community; and secondly, that churches do not work alone, but are part of networks with other agencies to accomplish their goals. At the outset the article outlines the challenges and points of departure, followed by a chronological account of how this approach was applied in Paarl, a South African community. Finally, an overview of the results of the project is provided

    Deskripsi Tingkat Kepuasan Masyarakat terhadap Pelayanan di Satuan Penyelenggara Administrasi Surat Izin Mengemudi Kepolisian Resor Kota Manado Menggunakan Regresi Logistik Ordinal

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    DESKRIPSI TINGKAT KEPUASAN MASYARAKAT TERHADAP PELAYANAN DI SATUAN PENYELENGGARA ADMINISTRASI SURAT IZIN MENGEMUDI KEPOLISIAN RESOR KOTA MANADO MENGGUNAKAN REGRESI LOGISTIK ORDINALABSTRAKPelayanan publik pada dasarnya berkaitan dengan aspek kehidupan yang sangat luas. Dalam kehidupan bernegara, pemerintah memiliki fungsi untuk memberikan berbagai pelayanan publik yang sebaik-baiknya untuk memenuhi kebutuhan masyarakat. Polri yang merupakan salah satu bagian pemerintah yang bertugas memberikan pelayanan kepada masyarakat terlebih khusus dalam hal pengurusan dan penerbitan surat izin mengemudi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan tingkat kepuasan masyarakat terhadap pelayanan di Satpas Polresta Manado dan menentukan variabel yang berpengaruh signifikan. Penelitian dilakukan di Satpas Polresta Manado dan beberapa tempat, seperti Yayasan Don Bosco Manado dan Universitas Sam Ratulangi Manado selama 5 bulan sejak Februari sampai Juli 2017. Data yang digunakan adalah data primer yang diperoleh melalui kuisioner yang dibagikan kepada responden. Dengan menggunakan regresi logistik ordinal diperoleh bahwa sebesar 86% masyarakat puas terhadap kinerja Polri. Variabel yang berpengaruh signifikan adalah cara pelayanan yang ramah dan sopan, informasi dalam mengisi formulir, serta fasilitas yang disediakan.Kata kunci: regresi logistik ordinal, surat izin mengemudi, dan pelayanan publik DESCRIPTION OF SATISFACTION LEVEL OF THE COMMUNITY ON SERVICE AT ADMINISTRATION UNIT DRIVING LICENSE OF MANADO CITY POLICE USING ORDINAL LOGISTIC REGRESSION ABSTRACTPublic service is basically related to a very broad aspect of life. In the life of the state, the government has a function to provide the best public services to meet the needs of the community. Polri which is one part of the government in charge of providing services to the public, especially in terms of the management and issuance of driver's license. This study aims to describe the level of public satisfaction of service in Satpas Polresta Manado and determine the variables that have significant effect. The research was conducted at Satpas Polresta Manado and several place such as Don Bosco Manado Foundation and Sam Ratulangi University Manado for 5 month from February to July 2017. The data used are primary data obtained through questionnaires distributed through respondents. By using ordinal logistic regression, 86% of the people are satisfied with the performance of the Polri. The variables that have a significant influence is the way the service friendly and polite, the information in filling out the form, as well as the facilities provided

    Recuento de Staphylococcus aureus y de coliformes, con previa recuperación de celulas injuriadas

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    p.291-295En el presente trabajo se analizaron 20 muestras de leche en polvo con el objeto de determinar el porcentaje de células injuriadas de Staphylococcus aureus y de coliformes durante los procesos de elaboración de dicho producto (calor y desecación). Estas muestras fueron seleccionadas de un total de 80 por haber sido detectada en ellas presencia de Staphylococcus aureus. Se siguió una metodología de aceptación general (Speck, 1976) y las determinaciones fueron efectuadas con y sin recuperación previa de células injuriadas. Se encontró que el porcentaje de células injuriadas osciló entre el 18,5 y el 77,7 por ciento en el caso de Staphylococcus aureus y entre el 25 y el 62,5 por ciento, en el caso de los coliformes. Cuando no se observó aumento en el recuento, con previa recuperación de células injuriadas, debe asumirse que la contaminación es posterior a la elaboración. En el caso de las bacterias coliformes, esta contaminación posterior parece más factible y los numerosos recuentos negativos se explican por el muy bajo porcentaje de supervivencia a los procesos de elaboración de la leche en polvo: 0,002 por ciento (Chopin, Mocquot y Le Graet, 1977)

    Energy coupling of membrane transport and efficiency of sucrose dissimilation in yeast

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    Proton coupled transport of α-glucosides via Mal11 into Saccharomyces cerevisiae costs one ATP per imported molecule. Targeted mutation of all three acidic residues in the active site resulted in sugar uniport, but expression of these mutant transporters in yeast did not enable growth on sucrose. We then isolated six unique transporter variants of these mutants by directed evolution of yeast for growth on sucrose. In three variants, new acidic residues emerged near the active site that restored proton-coupled sucrose transport, whereas the other evolved transporters still catalysed sucrose uniport. The localization of mutations and transport properties of the mutants enabled us to propose a mechanistic model of proton-coupled sugar transport by Mal11. Cultivation of yeast strains expressing one of the sucrose uniporters in anaerobic, sucrose-limited chemostat cultures indicated an increase in the efficiency of sucrose dissimilation by 21% when additional changes in strain physiology were taken into account. We thus show that a combination of directed and evolutionary engineering results in more energy efficient sucrose transport, as a starting point to engineer yeast strains with increased yields for industrially relevant products