155 research outputs found

    The Epic Characteristics of H.A. Krishnapillai's in the Journey of Salvation – A Comparison

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    Whatever the period in which literature originated, it must reflect the present-day character of the reader in that period. The life of Lord Jesus and the human qualities of Rama, at any time and today, teach living human beings the ethics of life. Therefore, the characteristics of the leader are compared in the two epics, Rakshanya Yatrikam and Kambaramayana. The purpose of this article is to compare the character of Rama with that of the Lord Jesus. "Comparison is a human being's innate quality," says Dr. G. John Samuel. Therefore, this article is organized according to a method of comparison that is integral to the thinking of a man's life. The comparative study requires a social outlook, multilingualism, and a compelling critical aim. The purpose of the article is to set up that category as well. The work done by Europeans for Tamil is also significant in the history of India. All Europeans were proficient in Latin, Tamil, Telugu, French, and English. The purpose of this article is to present the epic philosophies of the Tamils, who were equally erudite

    Influence of plant bioregulators on finger characters, yield and economics of banana cv. Monthan under the Cauvery delta region of Karaikal, Puducherry

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    Banana, a climacteric fruit crop of the humid tropical ecosystem, has economic value worldwide in domestic and export markets. Recently, plant bio-regulators have been proven to modulate the growth and/or any physiological actions from its production site and are active in minor concentrations. The plant bio-regulators encompass several plant growth hormones to promote commercial fruit production when applied externally at the right stage with appropriate concentration. However, the response of banana cv. Monthan with the foliar application of plant bio-regulators in the Cauvery delta region of Karaikal, Puducherry, is less explored. Hence, the study was initiated to assess the potentiality of plant bio-regulators in commercial banana production in the region to support the banana growers of the track to obtain better returns. The experiment was laid out in Randomized Block Design (RBD) with six treatments (T1 - GA3 50ppm, T2 - CPPU 2ppm, T3 - 2,4-D 25 ppm, T4 - Brassinosteroid 1 ppm, T5 - Seaweed extract 0.1% and C - control) of four replications. Two Bunch sprays of treatments were given at the time of opening of the last hand and 20 days later, the first spray. Results obtained revealed that the bunches fortified with ‘T5’ Seaweed extract (0.1%) rendered significance with hand weight (1.72 kg), finger girth (15.88 cm), pulp width (5.05 cm) and lesser duration between the last hand open and harvest (73.00 days), yield per hectare (20.55 t/ha). Economic analysis evidenced that the treatment of seaweed extract (0.1%) hampered the highest net returns (Rs. 2,91,138 per hectare), including the benefit-cost ratio (1.89). Hence, the pre-harvest bunch spray with 0.1% seaweed extract is a cost-effective treatment and that may be recommended to farmers to increase the banana productivity in this region.

    A Clinico Pathological Study of Associated Lesions in Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia and Prostatic Adenocarcinoma In Surgical Biopsy Specimens

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    Benign prostatic hyperplasia and prostatic adenocarcinoma are the two principle conditions involving prostate among elderly men in urology practice. It accounts for more than 90% of all prostatic diseases. The prostate undergoes significant growth during fetal development, puberty and in most men during late middle age. At the end of puberty the prostate reaches approximately 26 g. Benign prostatic hyperplasia occurs in individuals with intact testis and it is an androgen dependent disorder. The clinical incidence of this disease is only 8% during fourth decade, but it reaches 50% in the fifth decade and 75% in the eighth decade. BPH remains one of the major cause of obstructive urologic symptoms of patients coming to the urology out patient department. Transurethral resection of prostate remains the gold standard of treatment against which all other treatments of benign prostatic hyperplasia are measured. It is one of the most common procedure performed by urologists. After the introduction of screening for prostatic specific antigen, transrectal ultrasound and MRI prostate trucut needle biopsy became one of the most common urologic procedure to detect prostatic carcinoma. Among all the surgical specimens received for the study period of two years in the Institute of pathology, the most common were TURP specimens with benign prostatic hyperplasia (92.1%) constituting the commonest histological category. Adenoarcinomas were found in 7.9% of cases. Most of the adenocarcinomas were diagnosed in trucut needle biopsy (56%). About more than 90% of prostatic lesions studied were found in sixth to eighth decade. All cases of focal acinar/cystic atrophy showed increase in trend towards increasing age in decades. Among the hyperplastic lesions, basal cell hyperplasia was found to be the most common epithelial lesion (26 cases) compared to the other lesions such as postatrophic hyperplasia, clear cell cribriform hyperplasia etc. Transitional cell metaplasia was found to be the most common metaplastic lesion (23 cases) and about half of the cases were found in association with chronic prostatitis. About one fourth of the cases of squamous cell metaplasia were found in the periphery of areas of an infarct

    The study of Profunda Femoris Artery and Variations in its Origin and Branching Patterns

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    Profunda femoris artery is a large branch that emerges from the posterolateral aspect of the femoral artery in the femoral triangle, approximately 4.5 cm below the inguinal ligament. This is the main artery which supplies the adductor, extensor and flexor muscles of the thigh. Profunda femoris artery lies lateral and runs behind the femoral artery, femoral vein and adductor longus. There after it runs between adductor longus and adductor brevis. It continues to descend between adductor longus and adductor magnus. It ends by piercing the latter to anastomose with muscular branches of popliteal artery. The terminal part of the profunda femoris artery is sometimes named as fourth perforating artery. The knowledge of the variations in the site of origin and course of the profunda femoris artery, its circumflex branches has great importance during clinical diagnostic, imaging procedures and in surgeries that are performed in the femoral triangle. A sound knowledge about the anatomy of profunda femoris artery is important while doing clinical procedures in femoral region and in hip joint replacement, for avoiding iatrogenic arteriovenous fistula or severe secondary hemorrhage while performing femoral artery puncture. Profundafemoris artery is used for arteriography, ultrasound, doppler imaging, digital subtraction angiography and magnetic resonance imaging

    Recent developments in preparation of activated carbons by microwave: Study of residual errors

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    AbstractThe application of microwave activated Acacia nilotica leaves (MVM) and chemically activated A. nilotica leaves (CVM) for the removal of crystal violet (CV) from aqueous solution was studied in a batch system. Equilibrium sorption isotherms and kinetics were investigated. The applicability of the Langmuir model for CV onto CVM and MVM was proved by the high correlation coefficient and non-linear regression such as, residual root mean square error (RMSE), chi-square (χ2), sum of the square of the errors (ERRSQ), composite functional error (HYBRD), derivative of Marquardt’s percent standard deviation (MPSD), average relative error (ARE), sum of absolute error (EABS) and average percentage error (APE). The adsorption of CV onto CVM and MVM follows pseudo-second-order kinetic model with intraparticle diffusion is one of the rate-limiting steps. The adsorption capacity of MVM is greater than CVM. The preparation of MVM is agreeing with the principles of green chemistry. Therefore, the eco friendly adsorbent MVM is expected to be the environmentally and the economically feasible adsorbent for the removal of CV from aqueous solution

    Kedudukan Watak-Watak Wanita dalam Kumpulan Cerpen "Ammavuku" Menerusi Kajian Subaltern

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    Kajian tentang ‘menelusuri watak-watak wanita dalam kumpulan cerpen ‘Ammavuku’; satu kajian subaltern’ ini bertujuan untuk mengenal pasti kedudukan watak wanita dalam sistem patriarki seperti yang digambarkan oleh Saras dalam kumpulan cerpennya ‘Ammavuku’. Kajian ini dapat menjawab persoalan tentang kedudukan wanita-wanita subaltern dalam sesebuah organisasi keluarga. Kajian ini dijalankan menggunakan kaedah kualitatif dan dihuraikan secara deskriptif. Kaedah kajian kepustakaan dibuat untuk mengkumpul maklumat dan data yang berkaitan dalam kajian ini. Bahan – bahan rujukan dalam buku, jurnal, internet, serta perpustakaan daripada beberapa institut pengajian tinggi awam telah dikaji untuk mengambil maklumat dan data dengan terperinci. Kaedah kepustakaan digunakan secara menyeluruh dalam kajian ini. Kajian Subaltern dalam cerpen Saras meliputi hak-hak wanita yang ditindas oleh golongan lelaki dalam kehidupan seharian mereka. Hak wanita yang dikaji dari segi kedudukan wanita sebagai seorang ibu, isteri dan anak. Penelitian terhadap teori subaltern dalam kumpulan cerpen ‘Ammavuku’ akan menjadi suatu kesedaran bagi masalah yang dihadapi oleh kaum wanita dalam institusi kekeluargaan

    Effectiveness of ambulation versus outcome among parturient mothers at selected Hospital, Chennai, 2015

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    Effectiveness of ambulation versus outcome among parturient mothers at selected Hospital, Chennai, 2015. Methodology: True experimental post test only design was adopted to position on labor outcome among parturient mothers at Sir Ivan Stedeford Hospital, Chennai. 60 parturient mothers who satisfied the inclusion criteria were selected by simple random sampling technique.Post test level of maternal outcome was assessed by using modified World Health Organization (WHO) Partograph and neonatal outcome was retrieved from neonatal records. Results: The findings of the study revealed that regarding the duration of labor in hours, the total duration was 13 hrs in group A and 17 hrs in group B and -3.59 which was greater than the table value and indicated that there was a high statistical significant difference in total duration of labor at p<0.001 level. With regard to intensity of uterine contractions, mild contractions lasted for 2.2 hrs in group A and 2.6 hrs in group B, moderate contractions lasted for 3 hrs in group A and 3.2 hrs in group B, severe contractions lasted for 1.8 hrs in group A and 1.4 hrs in group B. With regard to estimated blood loss, in group A the average amount of blood loss was 469 ml whereas in group B it was 475 ml. It shows that ambulation reduces the duration of labor but no significant differences were present in labor outcome with regard to rupture of membrane, rate of cervical dilation, mode of delivery, estimated blood loss, APGAR score and admission to NIC


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    Objective: The present study was undertaken with the aim of finding out the efficacy of essential oils (EOs) as anti-mosquito agents for commercial purposes. Plant source insecticides as an alternative to chemical insecticide, this study were evaluated to assess the knock-down and adulticidal prospective of the essential oils against Culex quinquefasciatus. The plant essential oil is largely cultivated throughout India and in all Tropical countries.Methods: The selected botanical essential oils were procured from commercial producers of plant essential oils and aromatic substances were used in this study. Knock-down and Adulticidal bioassay was performed according to WHO protocol. A single dose of the essential oils was used in the preliminary screening. 20 adult mosquitoes (3-5 d old glucose fed mosquitoes) were exposed on treated paper for one hour and knocked down and live mosquitoes were counted at 5 minute intervals.Results: Among the twenty three oils tested, 100% knock-down and adult mortality was recorded at 10%/cm2dose of calamus, camphor, cinnamon, citronella, clove, eucalyptus, lemongrass, pine, thyme and tulsi oils respectively. At 10 % concentration, clove oil (KT50 =1.8 and KT90 = 2.03 min) was found to be the most potential treatment. After 15 min exposure period clove oil registered the lowest knock-down dosewhich was calculated as (KD50 =1.8 %/cm2and KD90 =11.2 %/cm2). The lower and upper 95 % confidence limits for clove oil were calculated as 0.2 and 4.2 min respectively.Conclusion: From the results it can be concluded that the adult of the Cx. quinquefasciatus were susceptible to the essential oils. Such findings would be useful in promoting research aiming at the development of new agent for mosquito control on basis of chemical compounds from indigenous plant sources as an alternative to chemicals

    Impact of pollination strategies on fruit set and fruit growth attributes in jasmine

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    Jasmine occupies predominant position among the flower crops in India in terms of area, production and productivity. The demand for jasmine flowers is growing day by day owing to its wide range of uses and there is a pressing need for improving the crop by exploring strategies to evolve diverse genotypes. The present study focuses on the hybridization of Jasminum spp with the objective of introgression of desirable traits that would aid in creation of wider genetic variability. Pollination is the basis in any hybridization programme. The main aim of this research study was to determine the suitable pollination methods among self, open and cross pollination and to assess the effect of the pollination methods on the fruit set and fruit characteristics. The results of the study revealed that the overall response of J. auriculatum was found effective with maximum fruit set percentage. J. auriculatum cv Parimullai yielded the highest fruit set of 76.43% under open pollination and the least fruit set rate of 2.14% under self-pollination. Among the possible cross combination involving J. auriculatum and J. grandiflorum cultivars as seed parents with various pollen parents, J. flexile showed considerable results. Cross combination of J. auriculatum x J. flexile recorded maximum fruit set revealing best cross compatibility while crosses involving J. sambac resulted in no fruit set indicating the prevalence of fertilization barriers that hinder hybridization

    Structural and Optical Properties of Electro Sprayed Tin Oxide Thin Films

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    Semiconducting transparent SnO2 thin films were prepared by microcontroller processed electro spraying technique. The structural and optical properties of the films were studied using X-ray diffractometer, UV-Vis spectrophotometer and Photoluminescence spectroscopy respectively. The polycrystalline nature of the films with tetragonal structure was observed from XRD pattern with the mean grain size of 17 nm. The Optical band gap of the films was calculated from the absorption curve and the interference pattern was observed on transmittance spectra. The calculated band gap of 3.5 eV is larger than the bulk band gap of Tin oxide. The blue emission band at 388 nm was observed from room temperature photoluminescence analysis and the effect of excitation wavelength of the films were studied and discussed. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3598