99 research outputs found

    The Financial, Legal, and Political Context of Private Education

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    Five principles underlie the changing policy architecture of American K-12 education. The author discusses these principles; how they are blurring the traditional demarcation of public and private schools; and the implications of this discussion for a private education research agenda


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    The Catholic Imagination and Its Relationship to Catholic Social Theory

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    One of the abundantly fruitful acquisitions of post-conciliar Catholic Christianity is the highly complex and pluralistic articulation of religious possibilities emerging out of a renewed and rigorous study of its heritage. Rather than a lifeless body of propositions, this past is more and more approached and seen to be a rich, living reality in need of critical reapportionment. While this activity is discomforting and disconcerting for some individuals and even vigorously opposed by others, there is little doubt that this mining of the multiplicity of riches will continue. From a general theological point of view, one area proving to be particularly productive is the on-going dialogue concerning those unique areas of emphasis peculiar to Catholicism. This discussion is reaching such a point that in outlining what he views as Catholicism\u27s essential traits the distinguished American Protestant theologian Langdon Gilkey writes: What ... a restructuring of these ... essential traits ... might look like, only a Catholic can or should say. But a sympathetic observer may well state that this is where the hope of a revitalized Christianity probably lies. What is it that Gilkey sees in Catholicism that leads him to such an assertion? What does he think is the underlying vision that defines the uniqueness of the Catholic religious horizon? And for the purposes of this paper, in what ways does this uniqueness function so as to shape the way Catholicism views society? It is the purpose of this paper to address these issues

    The Catholic High School and American Educational Reform: Challenges and Opportunities

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    This paper provides answers to two questions. First, what challenges and opportunities does the movement to reform American public education, and to make it more accountable, raise for Catholic high schools? Second, what challenges and opportunities does the effectiveness of Catholic high schools in educating disadvantaged students raise for American public education

    A Road to Results: Results-Based Accountability in the Annie E. Casey Foundation's Education Program

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    Reviews a four-year pilot K-12 education project focused on results-based assessments of preparedness for children, families, and communities. Details how project results shaped the foundation's education program and grantmaking

    A Road to Results: A Performance Measurement Guidebook for the Annie E. Casey Foundation's Education Program

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    Provides an overview of Casey's performance measurement process: how to select measures, set goals, and report results. Includes a measurement matrix; common measures of impact, influence, and leverage; and examples of highlights from grantee reports

    Right ventricular infarction complicated by right to left shunt

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    A case of right ventricular infarction complicated by a right to left shunt through a patent foramen ovale is presented. The diagnosis was confirmed by two-dimensional echocardiography with contrast injection and indicator dye-dilution curve and oximetry at cardiac catheterization

    Accountability educacional : posibilidades y desafíos para América Latina a partir de la experiencia internacional

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    Recoge algunos trabajos seleccionados de entre las varias ponencias presentadas en el “Seminario Accountability educacional: posibilidades y desafíos para América Latina a partir de la experiencia internacional”, una iniciativa conjunta del Preal y el CIDE desarrollada en Santiago de Chile bajo los auspicios de la USAID y la Fundación Tinker. El concepto, de aplicación reciente en América Latina, remite a la necesidad de asignar responsabilidades por las acciones propias y los resultados de las mismas. Se lo usa en el mundo financiero para aludir a los resultados de quienes resultan responsables por el manejo de dineros encomendados por terceros. Ellos están obligados a informar a sus clientes sobre los movimientos de recursos y a rendir cuentas sobre cómo se han utilizado y qué se ha logrado con ellos. Esto no sucede en el mundo de las políticas públicas y, menos aún, en aquel de la educación y la enseñanza. De hecho, los conceptos de transparencia, rendición de cuentas y responsabilidad por los resultados son relativamente novedosos cuando se refieren al quehacer de personeros que administran o manejan recursos públicos y que deben responder por el desempeño de personas y organizaciones bajo su control. En el campo educativo el concepto remite a los resultados del aprendizaje escolar y a la responsabilidad que le cabe a las escuelas –y dentro de ellas a la comunidad escolar– por los resultados que obtienen sus alumnos. Entre las acciones orientadas a lograr estos propósitos resulta prioritario evaluar periódicamente los resultados del aprendizaje y el cumplimiento de metas curriculares; alinear estas evaluaciones con estándares de contenido, desempeño y oportunidades de aprendizaje, dentro y fuera del aparato escolar; premiar o castigar el buen desempeño de los actores del sistema y, tan importante como esto, cuidar que estos ejercicios de medición y regulación no acaben distorsionando el contenido y orientación de la práctica educativa y permitan –paralelamente– fortalecer las capacidades de gestión en los establecimientos rezagados y prestar, a los maestros, el respaldo técnico necesario para realizar sus proyectos educativos con resultados de excelencia

    Isotope correlations as a probe for freeze-out characterization: central 124Sn+64Ni, 112Sn+58Ni collisions

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    124Sn+64Ni and 112Sn+58Ni reactions at 35 AMeV incident energy were studied with the forward part of CHIMERA multi-detector. The most central collisions were selected by means of a multidimensional analysis. The characteristics of the source formed in the central collisions, as size, temperature and volume, were inspected. The measured isotopes of light fragments (3 <= Z <=8) were used to examine isotope yield ratios that provide information on the free neutron to proton densities.Comment: 4 pages, Contribution to 8th International Conference on Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions, Moscow 200

    Mass and charge identification of fragments detected with the Chimera Silicon-CsI(Tl) telescopes

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    Mass and charge identification of charged products detected with Silicon-CsI(Tl) telescopes of the Chimera apparatus is presented. An identification function, based on the Bethe-Bloch formula, is used to fit empirical correlation between Delta E and E ADC readings, in order to determine, event by event, the atomic and mass numbers of the detected charged reaction products prior to energy calibration.Comment: 24 pages, 7 .jpg figures, submitted to Nucl.Instr.