31 research outputs found

    Turvetta korvaavien kuivikemateriaalien ilmastovaikutukset

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    Julkaisuun on korjattu sivut 66 ja 67 (7.1.2022). Kuvassa 41 rahkasammaleen ja järviruo’on perustilanteen maankäytön päästöt ovat muuttuneet. Kuvassa 43 murukuivikkeen perustilanteen päästöt ovat muuttuneet.Turpeen kuivikekäytön ilmastovaikutukset eivät merkittävästi poikkea turpeen energiahyödyntämisen vaikutuksista, joten ilmastosyistä turpeen kuivikekäyttöä tulee vähentää ja tilalle tarvitaan pienemmän ilmastovaikutuksen omaavia tuotteita. Myös turpeen saatavuuden arvioidaan heikentyvän ja hinnan nousevan jo lähitulevaisuudessa energiaturpeen käytön vähenemisen seurauksena. Kotieläintilat tarvitsevat kuiviketurpeen tilalle nopeasti vaihtoehtoja. Ratkaisuja etsittiin Euroopan maaseudun kehittämisen maatalousrahaston rahoittamassa Turvetta korvaavat uusiutuvat kuivikemateriaalit (TURVEKE 2019-2021) -hankkeessa, jossa tutkittiin turpeelle vaihtoehtoisten kuivikemateriaalien ominaisuuksia ja käytettävyyttä. Tilakokeisiin valittujen kuivikemateriaalien – turve, rahkasammal, järviruokosilppu, ruokohelpisilppu ja -pelletti, puupohjainen murukuivike ja tekstiilibriketti – tuotannolle laskettiin hiilijalanjälki. Hiilijalanjälkilaskennan rajaukset, käytetty tausta-aineisto ja tulokset on esitetty tässä raportissa. Tutkimuksen tulokset osoittavat, että lähes kaikkien tutkittujen materiaalien hiilijalanjälki oli turvetta pienempi, mutta huomattavaa vaihtelua esiintyi materiaalien tuotantotavasta ja käytetyistä laskentaoletuksista riippuen. Mitatun tutkimustiedon niukkuus ja erot raaka-aineiden lähteissä, ominaisuuksissa sekä tuotantotavoissa aiheuttivat tuloksiin epävarmuutta, jota on syytä vähentää jatkotutkimuksilla. Tutkituista kuivikemateriaaleista järviruokosilpun hiilijalanjäljen arvo oli negatiivinen, eli sen käytöllä voidaan vähentää kasvihuonekaasupäästöjä. Myös tekstiilibriketin, kivennäismaalla viljellyn ruokohelven ja rahkasammaleen hiilijalanjäljet osoittautuivat turvetta pienemmiksi. Puupohjaisen murukuivikkeen hiilijalanjälki oli sen sijaan turvetta suurempi valitulla lähestymistavalla tarkasteltuna. Ruokohelven hiilijalanjälki puolestaan vaihtelee merkittävästi riippuen mm. pellon maalajista, satotasosta ja juurimassan osuudesta. Kun kuivikkeena käytetään uusiutuvaa biomassaa, aiheuttaa sen tuotanto, korjuu ja hyödyntäminen muutoksia ekosysteemien hiilitaseisiin sekä maaperäpäästöihin. Tätä kutsutaan maankäytön vaikutukseksi, ja sen merkitys on suuri näiden materiaalien tuotannossa. Maankäytön päästöjen arviointiin liittyy kuitenkin suurta vaihtelua sekä epävarmuuksia tutkimustiedon niukkuuden takia. Kuivikemateriaalien prosessointi ja kuljettaminen osoittautuivat kokonaisuudessa vaikutuksiltaan vähäisiksi. Näin ollen erityisesti kierrätysmateriaalien sekä erilaisten sivutuotteiden jalostaminen kuivikekäyttöön voisi olla ilmastovaikutusten kannalta kannattavaa. Jalostamisella voidaan myös parantaa materiaalien soveltuvuutta kuivikkeeksi sekä varmistaa niiden hygieenisyys ja turvallisuus. Kuivikemateriaalien ominaisuudet vaikuttavat käyttömäärien lisäksi myös esimerkiksi typen haihtumiseen ammoniakkina ja nesteen pidätyskykyyn. Myös lannasta muodostuvat metaanipäästöt voivat vaihdella kuivikelajin mukaan. Näitä ei laskennassa huomioitu tutkimustiedon puutteen vuoksi. Jotta turvetta korvaavilla materiaaleilla voidaan saavuttaa riittävät kuivikeominaisuudet ja taata niiden saatavuus, on selvää, että tarvitaan useita eri raaka-aineita sekä niiden seoksia. Uusien kuivikkeiden tulee myös mahdollistaa kuivikelannan ravinteiden hyödyntäminen. Uusien kuivikemateriaalien tuotanto aiheuttaa muutoksia raaka-aineiden hyödyntämisessä sekä vaikuttaa siten myös vallitseviin tuotantorakenteisiin. Siten hiilijalanjälki ei yksinään kuvaa tuotteen tuotannon ilmastovaikutuksia riittävästi, vaan tulisi arvioida myös, millaisia seurausvaikutuksia uusien materiaalien tuotanto ilmastolle aiheuttaa. Muut ympäristövaikutukset, kuten vaikutukset luonnon monimuotoisuuteen ja vesistöihin, tulee myös sisällyttää arviointiin. Parhaimmillaan turvetta korvaavat kuivikemateriaalit voivat tuoda uusia työpaikkoja, tukea kiertotaloutta ja hillitä ilmastonmuutosta

    Vuxnas engagemang avgörande för barns lärande om hållbar utveckling

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    Recension av Farhana Borgs avhandling ”Caring for people and the planet- Preschool children’s knowledge and practices of sustainability”</p

    Education "through" sustainable development in Swedish school-age educare : exploring how SAEC is responding to ESD in daily practices

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    This article aims to explore how extended education in Sweden, School-age educare (SAEC), is responding to education for sustainable development (ESD), since these two educational practices have not that often been combined nor related in research. The exploratory findings are based on a small-scale case study in one municipality; including three in-depth examples from practice. The results reveal different kind of activities in the centres visited, as well as different approaches to education for sustainable development within SAEC. The cases show activities related to traditional outdoor environmental education, to social justice and global issues, and also as meaning making through play-based activities. The results were further analysed in relation to core concepts within extended education as well as ESD, exploring the "missing link", but also new possibilities of ESD when part of an extended educational practice. The main conclusion of the analyses is that SAEC activities related to ESD offers education through sustainable development by active participation in various forms and contexts, as also currently suggested in policy and by scholars. By explicitly focusing ESD in the educational context of Swedish school-age educare, a missing link in this area of research was pinpointed paving the way for further research, and increased awareness in practice

    Contingency and transformation : teachers’ and students’ experiences of a Climate Council School Project

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    This paper presents a case study of a Climate Council School project within education for sustainable development (ESD). Students and their teachers from grade 9 and upper secondary school took part in this project when working on finding sustainable visions and solutions for their city in 2030. The project involved the local government as well as businesspeople, since they all met and shared sustainable visions at the climate council conference. Drawing on transformative learning theories, the case is studied and analysed from both teacher and student perspectives. Educational challenges as well as new possibilities are documented outcomes through the participants’ experiences in this school project aiming for sustainability. Initial contingency, in relation to the complex content and new ways of teaching, is found to be a presumption for learning as creative work, transformation, and new ideas contributing to a more sustainable society

    Emotions, understandings, and values : students' meaning-making in school activities regarding environmental and sustainability issues

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    This thesis focuses on young students’ experiences and meaning-making processes in school practices within environmental and sustainability education. Earlier research has shown this to be an area of complexity; besides a transdisciplinary perspective requiring relational thinking, it also involves conflicting interests as well as emotions and values. With a certain interest in emotions being part of learning as a meaning-making process, this thesis aims to investigate the character of experiencing, and the function of aesthetic experience in environmental and sustainability education. Through a mixed-methods approach a comprehensive questionnaire was used in the first study, and a more in-depth case study investigated the most important findings from the questionnaire even further in the second one by using multiple data. 209 students, age 10-12, from six different schools in Sweden answered the questionnaire. One class in grade six participated in the case study during four months, where both in- and out-of-door activities were studied. Both qualitative content analyses, and quantitative statistics were used to analyze the material from the two studies. Furthermore, John Dewey’s theoretical perspectives and neo-Aristotelian philosophers, mainly Martha Nussbaum, guided the interpretations of the empirical results. The main findings show that young students’ experiences in environmental and sustainability education are characterized by relational understandings both within and among ecologic, economic and social aspects, but also that perceived school activities of a value-laden and more cognitive kind correlated. The results further show that aesthetic experiences function as links in the transactional and continuous processes of meaning making. Furthermore, of importance for students’ meaning making and formation of values in environmental and sustainability were also prior experiences, encounters with outdoor environments and artifacts (both natural and digital), social interactions and felt independence. A holistic picture of understanding, emotions and values hence appear as an intertwined unity in students’ written responses, action and talk. A conclusion suggests that contributing to students’ possibilities of making meaning in environmental and sustainability issues requires openness to personal emotions and values as a starting point. Activities allowing for social interaction, independence, and relevant contextual encounters should also be considered in the pedagogical practice of environmental and sustainability education

    Vuxnas engagemang avgörande för barns lärande om hållbar utveckling

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    Recension av Farhana Borgs avhandling ”Caring for people and the planet- Preschool children’s knowledge and practices of sustainability”</p

    Emotions, understandings, and values : students' meaning-making in school activities regarding environmental and sustainability issues

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    This thesis focuses on young students’ experiences and meaning-making processes in school practices within environmental and sustainability education. Earlier research has shown this to be an area of complexity; besides a transdisciplinary perspective requiring relational thinking, it also involves conflicting interests as well as emotions and values. With a certain interest in emotions being part of learning as a meaning-making process, this thesis aims to investigate the character of experiencing, and the function of aesthetic experience in environmental and sustainability education. Through a mixed-methods approach a comprehensive questionnaire was used in the first study, and a more in-depth case study investigated the most important findings from the questionnaire even further in the second one by using multiple data. 209 students, age 10-12, from six different schools in Sweden answered the questionnaire. One class in grade six participated in the case study during four months, where both in- and out-of-door activities were studied. Both qualitative content analyses, and quantitative statistics were used to analyze the material from the two studies. Furthermore, John Dewey’s theoretical perspectives and neo-Aristotelian philosophers, mainly Martha Nussbaum, guided the interpretations of the empirical results. The main findings show that young students’ experiences in environmental and sustainability education are characterized by relational understandings both within and among ecologic, economic and social aspects, but also that perceived school activities of a value-laden and more cognitive kind correlated. The results further show that aesthetic experiences function as links in the transactional and continuous processes of meaning making. Furthermore, of importance for students’ meaning making and formation of values in environmental and sustainability were also prior experiences, encounters with outdoor environments and artifacts (both natural and digital), social interactions and felt independence. A holistic picture of understanding, emotions and values hence appear as an intertwined unity in students’ written responses, action and talk. A conclusion suggests that contributing to students’ possibilities of making meaning in environmental and sustainability issues requires openness to personal emotions and values as a starting point. Activities allowing for social interaction, independence, and relevant contextual encounters should also be considered in the pedagogical practice of environmental and sustainability education

    Contingency and transformation. Teachers’ and students’ experiences of a Climate Council School Project

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    This paper presents a case study of a Climate Council School project within education for sustainable development (ESD). Students and their teachers from grade 9 and upper secondary school took part in this project when working on finding sustainable visions and solutions for their city in 2030. The project involved the local government as well as businesspeople, since they all met and shared sustainable visions at the climate council conference. Drawing on transformative learning theories, the case is studied and analysed from both teacher and student perspectives. Educational challenges as well as new possibilities are documented outcomes through the participants’ experiences in this school project aiming for sustainability. Initial contingency, in relation to the complex content and new ways of teaching, is found to be a presumption for learning as creative work, transformation, and new ideas contributing to a more sustainable society

    Vuxnas engagemang avgörande för barns lärande om hållbar utveckling

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    Recension av Farhana Borgs avhandling ”Caring for people and the planet- Preschool children’s knowledge and practices of sustainability”</p

    “A Little Less Conversation, a Little More Action Please”: Examining Students’ Voices on Education, Transgression, and Societal Change

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    Education for sustainability is urgent but also challenging when aiming for transformation, transgression, and action-oriented societal change. It is important to take into consideration students&rsquo; voices in order to enhance education, and this study used semi-structured interviews to explore students&rsquo; voices on the role of contemporary education, in society, in relation to urgent issues related to sustainability. Thematic content analysis was applied, as a first step, to analyse the students&rsquo; answers. Then a T-learning model was applied on the themes to further analyse the results in relation to transformative, transgressive, and action-oriented learning. The students reflected on a diversity of important issues in society and the possibilities of action for change, many of them related to their personal life and experiences. They also talked about diverse educational experiences, but our analysis indicated that their current education did not always meet the needs of a more transgressive and change-oriented learning. Finally, we have found that the T-learning model has the potential to be used for educational reflection and for developing new understandings of teaching and learning