229 research outputs found

    On dd-stable locally checkable problems parameterized by mim-width

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    In this paper we continue the study of locally checkable problems under the framework introduced by Bonomo-Braberman and Gonzalez in 2020, by focusing on graphs of bounded mim-width. We study which restrictions on a locally checkable problem are necessary in order to be able to solve it efficiently on graphs of bounded mim-width. To this end, we introduce the concept of dd-stability of a check function. The related locally checkable problems contain large classes of problems, among which we can mention, for example, LCVP problems. We give an algorithm showing that these problems are XP when parameterized by the mim-width of a given binary decomposition tree of the input graph, that is, that they can be solved in polynomial time given a binary decomposition tree of bounded mim-width. We explore the relation between dd-stable locally checkable problems and the recently introduced DN logic (Bergougnoux, Dreier and Jaffke, 2022), and show that both frameworks model the same family of problems. We include a list of concrete examples of dd-stable locally checkable problems whose complexity on graphs of bounded mim-width was open so far

    Fathers' coping strategies and family environment when college freshmen leave home

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    The purposes of this study were (a) to study the family environment, as perceived by the father before and after the college freshman leaves home; (b) to explore the extent to which fathers employ coping strategies as they make the transition into a new family phase; (c) to assess whether exposure to a parent orientation program explains changes in family environment and coping strategies; and (d) to assess whether the sex of the child entering college explains changes in family environment and coping strategies. Questionnaires were mailed to a systematically random sample of fathers of entering freshmen intending to live in the residence halls of The University of North Carolina at Greensboro in the Fall of 1986. The final sample who volunteered to participate consisted of 143 white fathers who were mailed posttest questionnaires 6 to 8 weeks after their child left home. Independent variables were sex of child, distance from UNCG, size of community, birth order of child entering UNCG, father's educational level, and attendance at Step Ahead—a parent orientation program. Dependent variables were difference scores (posttest-pretest) on six subscales of the Family Environment Scale (FES) and the total score on the Family Coping Strategies Scale (F-COPES). Statistical procedures used were t tests and multiple regression

    The effectiveness of secondary schools' guidance services

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    The educational system in our culture has been established "to make explicit those cultural values in which we are reared and then to lead the student to make choices which are as conscious and as wise as possible." These choices, be they vocational, occupational, or educational, are means by which man desires to promote his acceptance in society and thereby rise on the social ladder. Paralleling this social ladder, today's industrialized society has given rise to an educational ladder that provides man with a legitimate means of social mobility. At various levels of this ladder, one must stop and evaluate the role that he wishes to take upon himself - a role that meets a necessity of our industrial society. He must meet the requirements for completing each step of his educational career along the way, and in so doing, ask himself - can I fulfill society's expectations of this particular position

    Paintings and drawings : a private lifestyle

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    The paintings and drawings I am exhibiting in this show are autobiographical, being glimpses of my own surroundings: my cats and the interior of my house. I have chosen to deal with interiors because the dark colors of my old furnishings and the shadow patterns cast by my shaded lamps are very attractive to me. The cats, living there, naturally enter the picture. I treat them as beautiful womanshapes in elaborate surroundings or put them in comical or anecdotal situations. However, they read most legibly as forms among other forms. The drawings and sketches of them are more explicit as to the cats' characters than the paintings are, and I am also better able to catch their acrobatics in drawings. Then I often think of them as Degas' ballerinas. The interiors, when dealt with simply as interiors, become a series of shapes and colors forming a close space packed with objects and shadow patterns. The room and its furnishings have their own life and inhabit the space with no need of other forms to cause interest for me. The colors of the objects change with the light and I exaggerate this change. I also like to use the colors, exaggerated thus, to form the mood of the room. The shapes are those I've chosen to live with—rounded, fat, arabesque. I am comfortable in changing their character with color or their importance with placement. I often exclude a large part of what is within my vision to concentrate on a detail of the scene. This makes the feel of the work closer, in either a cozy, inviting, or introspective way

    A phenomenological inquiry into the concept of home

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    This inquiry considers a coalescence of epistemology and ontology as an initial stage to thinking about the condition of being-at-home-in-a-world. Martin Heidegger 's work on existence and being is discussed as a consideration of the relationship between self, world and earth. In addition to a Heideggerian perspective on existence, attention is given to Edmund Husserl and Martin Buber. In particular, Husserl’ s work with inter subjectivity and Buber s work with relationship as an expression of distance and engagement are considered as a means of expanding Heidegger 's thoughts on being in the world

    Leadership behavior of selected community college presidents and situational characteristics of their institutions as variables affecting program evaluation

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    The purpose of this study was to compare the leadership behavior of presidents of North Carolina community colleges who had developed and implemented high quality program evaluation with those presidents who had not and to compare the degree of situational control produced in their respective community colleges. Of the 58 community colleges in North Carolina, 40 had presidents who had held their positions for at least 3 years. These were selected for the study. To provide a measure of leadership behavior, the Leadership Behavior Description Questionnaire was sent to subordinates of each president. Since Fiedler's Leadership Contingency Model provided a basis for describing effectiveness of leader behavior, Fiedler's Situational Control Scales were sent to each president. The behaviors identified by these two instruments formed the independent variables. The incidence of high quality academic program evaluation, the dependent variable, was determined by means of a survey administered to the individual in each community college charged with the responsibility of program evaluation. The design procedure was based upon four research questions with predictions stated in seven hypotheses

    Disability and Health in South Carolina : A 2013 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System Report

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    The BRFSS is a state based cross-sectional telephone survey conducted to assess health behaviors and risk factor prevalence within the US, its states, and its territories. People with disability are identified as a possible health disparity group. To reduce these disparities, it is important to understand the health status of those with and without disabilities. This report describes various critical health indicators for South Carolina adults with and without disabilities

    Male sex pheromone components in Heliconius butterflies released by the androconia affect female choice.

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    Sex-specific pheromones are known to play an important role in butterfly courtship, and may influence both individual reproductive success and reproductive isolation between species. Extensive ecological, behavioural and genetic studies of Heliconius butterflies have made a substantial contribution to our understanding of speciation. Male pheromones, although long suspected to play an important role, have received relatively little attention in this genus. Here, we combine morphological, chemical and behavioural analyses of male pheromones in the Neotropical butterfly Heliconius melpomene. First, we identify putative androconia that are specialized brush-like scales that lie within the shiny grey region of the male hindwing. We then describe putative male sex pheromone compounds, which are largely confined to the androconial region of the hindwing of mature males, but are absent in immature males and females. Finally, behavioural choice experiments reveal that females of H. melpomene, H. erato and H. timareta strongly discriminate against conspecific males which have their androconial region experimentally blocked. As well as demonstrating the importance of chemical signalling for female mate choice in Heliconius butterflies, the results describe structures involved in release of the pheromone and a list of potential male sex pheromone compounds

    Geographic contrasts between pre- and postzygotic barriers are consistent with reinforcement in Heliconius butterflies.

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    Identifying the traits causing reproductive isolation and the order in which they evolve isfundamental to understanding speciation. Here, we quantify prezygotic and intrinsicpostzygotic isolation between allopatric, parapatric and sympatric populations of thebutterflies Heliconius elevatus and Heliconius pardalinus. Sympatric populations from theAmazon (H. elevatus and H. p. butleri) exhibit strong prezygotic isolation and rarely mate incaptivity; however, hybrids are fertile. Allopatric populations from the Amazon(H. p. butleri) and Andes (H. p. sergestus) mate freely when brought together in captivity, butthe female F1 hybrids are sterile. Parapatric populations (H. elevatus and H. p. sergestus)exhibit both assortative mating and sterility of female F1s. Assortative mating in sympatricpopulations is consistent with reinforcement in the face of gene flow, where the driving force,selection against hybrids, is due to disruption of mimicry and other ecological traits ratherthan hybrid sterility. In contrast, the lack of assortative mating and hybrid sterility observedin allopatric populations suggests that geographic isolation enables the evolution of intrinsicpostzygotic reproductive isolation. Our results show how the types of reproductive barriersthat evolve between species may depend on geography
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