Leadership behavior of selected community college presidents and situational characteristics of their institutions as variables affecting program evaluation


The purpose of this study was to compare the leadership behavior of presidents of North Carolina community colleges who had developed and implemented high quality program evaluation with those presidents who had not and to compare the degree of situational control produced in their respective community colleges. Of the 58 community colleges in North Carolina, 40 had presidents who had held their positions for at least 3 years. These were selected for the study. To provide a measure of leadership behavior, the Leadership Behavior Description Questionnaire was sent to subordinates of each president. Since Fiedler's Leadership Contingency Model provided a basis for describing effectiveness of leader behavior, Fiedler's Situational Control Scales were sent to each president. The behaviors identified by these two instruments formed the independent variables. The incidence of high quality academic program evaluation, the dependent variable, was determined by means of a survey administered to the individual in each community college charged with the responsibility of program evaluation. The design procedure was based upon four research questions with predictions stated in seven hypotheses

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