130 research outputs found

    La questione del metodo nella scienza giuridica tributaria italiana e l’origine della nozione di tributo

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    Cento anni fa in Italia si svolse una disputa tra giuristi ed economisti che riguardò il metodo di studio del fenomeno finanziario e in particolare dei tributi. La questione del metodo ebbe un incipit didattico. La discussione fu animata dalla circostanza che la legislazione universitaria vigente accomunava in un unico insegnamento la “scienza delle finanze e il diritto finanziario” . Benvenuto Griziotti ebbe a constatare che la conoscenza dell’attività finanziaria dello Stato era molto progredita per i profili economici e quasi del tutto trascurata per gli aspetti giuridici e asserì che la finanza pubblica dovesse essere studiata unitariamente , comprendendo in una visione integralista sia l’aspetto politico, cheUniversidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Contentious politics and policy congruence: how French society responds to Muslims

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    Issues surrounding Muslims have become a prominent feature of French politics. Drawing on a new study, Steven M. Van Hauwaert and Manlio Cinalli present a novel measure of how views toward Muslims have changed within France, and how government policies have responded to these shifts in public opinion

    Employment by professional indication: gender aspect in Ukraine and the whole world

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    Gender aspect has its big influence on employment in Ukraine and worldwide as well, so this problem define itself in unemployment among wome

    Bundle enrichment method for nonsmooth difference of convex programming problems

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    The Bundle Enrichment Method (BEM-DC) is introduced for solving nonsmooth difference of convex (DC) programming problems. The novelty of the method consists of the dynamic management of the bundle. More specifically, a DC model, being the difference of two convex piecewise affine functions, is formulated. The (global) minimization of the model is tackled by solving a set of convex problems whose cardinality depends on the number of linearizations adopted to approximate the second DC component function. The new bundle management policy distributes the information coming from previous iterations to separately model the DC components of the objective function. Such a distribution is driven by the sign of linearization errors. If the displacement suggested by the model minimization provides no sufficient decrease of the objective function, then the temporary enrichment of the cutting plane approximation of just the first DC component function takes place until either the termination of the algorithm is certified or a sufficient decrease is achieved. The convergence of the BEM-DC method is studied, and computational results on a set of academic test problems with nonsmooth DC objective functions are provided. © 2023 by the authors

    A Record of the Ratan Goby, Ponticola ratan (Gobiidae, Perciformes), in the Dneprodzerzhinsk Reservoir (Dnieper River)

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    The paper contains new data, which confirms distribution of the ratan goby, Ponticola ratan (Nordmann, 1840), in fresh waters, as well as its diagnosis, description, and brief information on its biology.Приведены новые данные, подтверждающие распространение бычка-ратана, Ponticola ratan (Nordmann, 1840), в пресных водах, а также его диагноз, описание, краткие сведения по биологии

    Size-at-age and sex variability of plastic values in Ocellated wrasse, Symphodus ocellatus (Linnaeus, 1758) (Labridae, Perciformes), in northern part of the Black Sea

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    The paper presents the results of a study of the size-at-age and sex variability of plastic characters in the late ontogenesis of Ocellated wrasse, Symphodus ocellatus (Linnaeus, 1758) from the northern part of the Black Sea. It is established, that males and females can be differentiated into small and large individuals based on absolute values of 26 plastic characters. Differences between these groups are highly reliable in all characters. According to the relative values, the differences are significant for 14 characters in males , and 6 characters in females. The expression of sex differences in S. ocellatus increases with age both in absolute and relative values of plastic characters. Among large and small individuals of the Ocellated wrasse, males are significantly larger than females. The structure of the expression and the directionality of sex differences in the Ocellated wrasse also are changed.Приведены результаты изучения размерно-возрастной и половой изменчивости пластических признаков в позднем онтогенезе зеленушки глазчатой, Symphodus ocellatus (Linnaeus 1758) в северной части Черного моря. Установлено, что самцы и самки по абсолютным значениям 26 пластических признаков дифференцируются на мелких и крупных особей, различия между которыми высоко достоверны по всем признакам. По относительным значениям признаков различия достоверны у самцов по 14 признакам, у самок — по 6. Показано, что с возрастом у S. ocellatus увеличивается выраженность половых различий как по абсолютным, так и по относительным значениям пластических признаков. Среди крупных и мелких особей зеленушки самцы достоверно крупнее самок. С возрастом у зеленушки глазчатой изменяются структура выраженности и направленности половых различий.Наведено результати вивчення розмірно-вікової і статевої мінливості пластичних ознак у пізньому онтогенезі зеленушки плямистої, Symphodus ocellatus (Linnaeus, 1758) в північній частині Чорного моря. Встановлено, що самці і самки за абсолютними значеннями 26 пластичних ознак диференціюються на дрібних і великих особин, відмінності між якими високо достовірні за всіма ознаками. За відносними значеннями ознак відмінності достовірні у самців за 14 ознаками, у самок — за 6. Показано, що з віком у S. ocellatus збільшується вираженість статевих відмінностей як за абсолютними, так і за відносними значеннями пластичних ознак. Серед великих і дрібних особин зеленушки самці достовірно більші за самок. З віком у зеленушки плямистої змінюються структура вираженості і спрямованості статевих відмінностей

    The method of analysis pseudo-phase portrait in the problem of recognition of biomedical signals

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    Today the problem of analysis of biomedical signals with chaotic properties is an important task. Its decision is important for the recognition of signals with varying severity of non-linear component. The paper presents a method for biomedical signal processing, tapping on the pseudo-phase portrait differences from the normal rhythm of some of its violations. The algorithm is intended for medical computer systems and implemented in MATLAB software environment

    Could dietary restrictions affect periodontal disease? A systematic review

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    ObjectiveThis review aimed at evaluating the possible benefits that caloric restriction (CR) may provide to periodontal disease progression and response to treatment.Material and methodsElectronic search on Medline, Embase and Cochrane, and manual search were performed to identify pre-clinical and on human studies reporting the consequences of CR on clinical and inflammatory parameters related to periodontitis. Newcastle Ottawa System and SYRCLE scale were used to assess the risk of bias.ResultsFour thousand nine hundred eighty articles were initially screened, and a total of 6 articles were finally included, consisting of 4 animal studies and 2 studies in humans. Due to the limited number of studies and heterogeneity of the data, results were presented in descriptive analyses. All studies showed that, compared to the normal (ad libitum) diet, CR might have the potential to reduce the local and systemic hyper-inflammatory state as well as disease progression in periodontal patients.ConclusionsWithin the existing limitations, this review highlights that CR showed some improvements in the periodontal condition by reducing the local and systemic inflammation related to the periodontitis and by improving clinical parameters. However, the results should be interpreted with caution since robust research such as randomized clinical trials is still missing.Clinical relevanceThis review shows that some dietary/caloric restrictions approaches may have the potential to improve periodontal conditions and, in addition, highlights a need for human studies with a robust methodology in order to draw stronger evidence-based conclusions