738 research outputs found

    Reducing inappropriate antibiotics prescribing: The role of online commentary on physical examination findings

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    Objective: This study investigates the relationship of ‘online commentary’(contemporaneous physician comments about physical examination [PE] findings) with (i) parent questioning of the treatment recommendation and (ii) inappropriate antibiotic prescribing. Methods: A nested cross-sectional study of 522 encounters motivated by upper respiratory symptoms in 27 California pediatric practices (38 pediatricians). Physicians completed a post-visit survey regarding physical examination findings, diagnosis, treatment, and whether they perceived the parent as expecting an antibiotic. Taped encounters were coded for ‘problem’ online commentary (PE findings discussed as significant or clearly abnormal) and ‘no problem’ online commentary (PE findings discussed reassuringly as normal or insignificant). Results: Online commentary during the PE occurred in 73% of visits with viral diagnoses (n = 261). Compared to similar cases with ‘no problem’ online commentary, ‘problem’ comments were associated with a 13% greater probability of parents uestioning a non-antibiotic treatment plan (95% CI 0-26%, p = .05,) and a 27% (95% CI: 2-52%, p < .05) greater probability of an inappropriate antibiotic prescription. Conclusion: With viral illnesses, problematic online comments are associated with more pediatrician-parent conflict over non-antibiotic treatment recommendations. This may increase inappropriate antibiotic prescribing. Practice implications: In viral cases, physicians should consider avoiding the use of problematic online commentary

    Nontuberculous mycobacterial disease following hot tub exposure.

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    Nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) have been recognized as an important cause of disease in immunocompromised hosts. Pulmonary disease caused by NTM is increasingly recognized in previously healthy persons. Investigation of pulmonary disease affecting a family of five identified an indoor hot tub as the source of NTM-related disease

    More than just ticking a box...how patient and public involvement improved the research design and funding application for a project to evaluate a cycling intervention for hip osteoarthritis

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    Background Involving patients and the public in research is an essential activity to ensure relevant, accessible, and appropriate research. There is increasing obligation from funding bodies on researchers to have well thought through plans for involving the public, and indeed it is often a condition for funding. Patient and public involvement activity in this project was conducted to inform a funding application to investigate the effectiveness of a cycling and education intervention in the treatment of hip osteoarthritis. Methods Six participants from a feasibility programme of the intervention attended a two-hour patient and public involvement consultation group to provide feedback on various aspects of the proposed research and intervention. During the consultation group, two independent facilitators followed a detailed plan formulated with the research team. Feedback was validated by the attendees via email following the consultation, and a report was issued to the research team. Further feedback on subsequent changes was sought via email and telephone with members of a Patient Advisory Group. Results The patient and public involvement consultation group provided invaluable feedback and suggestions which impacted on the design and quality of the research project and the intervention. Key changes to the intervention included extending the duration of the cycling programme from six to eight weeks, and inclusion of an exercise diary to promote adherence to the intervention. Key feedback regarding the design of the research and funding application included suggestions for methods of dissemination, and confirmation of the primary outcome measure. Conclusions Patient and public involvement was crucial to the design of the proposed research and intervention. It informed many aspects of the research design and made the funding application stronger as a result. Involving patients and the public in research is much more than an obligation, or ‘tick box’ exercise. It can change and improve research quality, which is crucial when answering questions that are meaningful and important to patients, and which leads to increased impact. Collaboration with patients and the public should be planned and reported from the conception of a research idea where the impact of such input can be considerable

    Classi in rete. Un modello internazionale per innovare la didattica nelle piccole scuole

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    L’apprendimento a distanza rappresenta un grande potenziale per le piccole scuole,richiede però di ripensare la forme scolaireper queste ultime. Indire, in collaborazione con il Centre scolaire du Fleuve et des Lacs(Ministère de l’éducation et de l’enseignement supérieur du Québec), la Italian University Line (IUL), l’Ufficio Scolastico Regionale (USR) Abruzzo e un esperto dell’Università della Valle d’Aosta, ha promosso un intervento di formazione e sperimentazione per aiutare i docenti delle piccole scuole ad attuare il modello “Classi in rete”sviluppato dall’École éloignée en Réseau(Allaire et al.,2009) e basato sull’approccio teorico delle Knowledge Building Communities

    The complementary role of histology and proteomics for diagnosis and typing of systemic amyloidosis

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    The tissue diagnosis of amyloidosis and confirmation of fibril protein type, which are crucial for clinical management, have traditionally relied on Congo red (CR) staining followed by immunohistochemistry (IHC) using fibril protein specific antibodies. However, amyloid IHC is qualitative, non-standardised, requires operator expertise, and not infrequently fails to produce definitive results. More recently, laser dissection mass spectrometry (LDMS) has been developed as an alternative method to characterise amyloid in tissue sections. We sought to compare these techniques in a real world setting. During 2017, we performed LDMS on 640 formalin-fixed biopsies containing amyloid (CR+ve) comprising all 320 cases that could not be typed by IHC (IHC−ve) and 320 randomly selected CR+ve samples that had been typed (IHC+ve). In addition, we studied 60 biopsies from patients in whom there was a strong suspicion of amyloidosis, but in whom histology was non-diagnostic (CR–ve). Comprehensive clinical assessments were conducted in 532 (76%) of cases. Among the 640 CR+ve samples, 602 (94%) contained ≥2 of 3 amyloid signature proteins (ASPs) on LDMS (ASP+ve) supporting the presence of amyloid. A total of 49 of the 60 CR-ve samples were ASP–ve; 7 of 11 that were ASP+ve were glomerular. The amyloid fibril protein was identified by LDMS in 255 of 320 (80%) of the IHC–ve samples and in a total of 545 of 640 (85%) cases overall. The LDMS and IHC techniques yielded discordant results in only 7 of 320 (2%) cases. CR histology and LDMS are corroborative for diagnosis of amyloid, but LDMS is superior to IHC for confirming amyloid type

    Screening for Gynecologic Conditions With Pelvic Examination US Preventive Services Task Force Recommendation Statement

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    IMPORTANCE Many conditions that can affect women\u27s health are often evaluated through pelvic examination. Although the pelvic examination is a common part of the physical examination, it is unclear whether performing screening pelvic examinations in asymptomatic women has a significant effect on disease morbidity and mortality. OBJECTIVE To issue a new US Preventive Services Task Force(USPSTF) recommendation on screening for gynecologic conditions with pelvic examination for conditions other than cervical cancer, gonorrhea, and chlamydia, for which the USPSTF has already made specific recommendations. EVIDENCE REVIEW The USPSTF reviewed the evidence on the accuracy, benefits, and potential harms of performing screening pelvic examinations in asymptomatic, nonpregnant adult women 18 years and older who are not at increased risk for any specific gynecologic condition. FINDINGS Overall, the USPSTF found inadequate evidence on screening pelvic examinations for the early detection and treatment of a range of gynecologic conditions in asymptomatic, nonpregnant adult women. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATION The USPSTF concludes that the current evidence is insufficient to assess the balance of benefits and harms of performing screening pelvic examinations in asymptomatic, nonpregnant adult women. (I statement) This statement does not apply to specific disorders for which the USPSTF already recommends screening (ie, screening for cervical cancer with a Papanicolaou smear, screening for gonorrhea and chlamydia)

    Degradation versus fibrillogenesis, two alternative pathways modulated by seeds and glycosaminoglycans

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    The mechanism that converts native human transthyretin into amyloid fibrils in vivo is still a debated and controversial issue. Commonly, non-physiological conditions of pH, temperature, or organic solvents are used in in vitro models of fibrillogenesis of globular proteins. Transthyretin amyloid formation can be achieved under physiological conditions through a mechano-enzymatic mechanism involving specific serine proteases such as trypsin or plasmin. Here, we investigate S52P and L111M transthyretin variants, both causing a severe form of systemic amyloidosis mostly targeting the heart at a relatively young age with heterogeneous phenotype among patients. Our studies on thermodynamics show that both proteins are significantly less stable than other amyloidogenic variants. However, despite a similar thermodynamic stability, L111M variant seems to have enhanced susceptibility to cleavage and a lower tendency to form fibrils than S52P in the presence of specific proteases and biomechanical forces. Heparin strongly enhances the fibrillogenic capacity of L111M transthyretin, but has no effect on the S52P variant. Fibrillar seeds similarly affect the fibrillogenesis of both proteins, with a stronger effect on the L111M variant. According to our model of mechano-enzymatic fibrillogenesis, both full-length and truncated monomers, released after the first cleavage, can enter into fibrillogenesis or degradation pathways. Our findings show that the kinetics of the two processes can be affected by several factors, such as intrinsic amyloidogenicity due to the specific mutations, environmental factors including heparin and fibrillar seeds that significantly accelerate the fibrillogenic pathway

    How communication affects prescription decisions in consultations for acute illness in children:a systematic review and meta-ethnography

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    BACKGROUND: Communication within primary care consultations for children with acute illness can be problematic for parents and clinicians, with potential misunderstandings contributing to over–prescription of antibiotics. This review aimed to synthesise the evidence in relation to communication and decision making in consultations for children with common acute illness. METHODS: A systematic search of MEDLINE, EMBASE, CINAHL, PsycINFO, SSCI, SIGLE, Dissertation Express and NHS economic evaluation databases was conducted. Studies of primary care settings in high income countries which made direct observations of consultations and reported qualitative data were included. Included studies were appraised using the process recommended by the Cochrane Qualitative Methods Group. Credibility was assessed as high for most studies but transferability was usually assessed low or unclear. Data were synthesised using a meta–ethnographic approach. RESULTS: Thirty–five papers and 2 theses reporting on 13 studies were included, 7 of these focussed on children with respiratory tract infections (RTI) and the remaining 6 included children with any presenting illness. Parent communication focussed on their concerns and information needs, whereas clinician communication focussed on diagnosis and treatment decisions. During information exchanges, parents often sought to justify the need for the consultation, while clinicians frequently used problem minimising language, resulting in parents and clinicians sometimes talking at cross–purposes. In the context of RTIs, a range of parent communication behaviours were interpreted by clinicians as indicating an expectation for antibiotics; however, most were ambiguous and could also be interpreted as raising concerns or requests for further information. The perceived expectation for antibiotics often changed clinician decision making into clinician–parent negotiation. CONCLUSIONS: Misunderstandings occurred due to parents and clinicians talking at cross purposes about the ‘seriousness’ of the illness and because parents’ expressions of concern or requests for additional information were sometimes perceived as a challenge to the clinicians’ diagnosis or treatment decision. This modifiable problem may be an important contribution to the unnecessary and unwanted prescribing of antibiotics. Primary care clinicians should be offered training to understand parent communication primarily as expressions of concern or attempts at understanding and always to check rather than infer parental expectations

    Patient Race/Ethnicity and Patient-Physician Race/Ethnicity Concordance in the Management of Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors for Patients With Diabetes

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    OBJECTIVE Patient-physician race/ethnicity concordance can improve care for minority patients. However, its effect on cardiovascular disease (CVD) care and prevention is unknown. We examined associations of patient race/ethnicity and patient-physician race/ethnicity concordance on CVD risk factor levels and appropriate modification of treatment in response to high risk factor values (treatment intensification) in a large cohort of diabetic patients. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS The study population included 108,555 adult diabetic patients in Kaiser Permanente Northern California in 2005. Probit models assessed the effect of patient race/ethnicity on risk factor control and treatment intensification after adjusting for patient and physician-level characteristics. RESULTS African American patients were less likely than whites to have A1C <8.0% (64 vs. 69%, P < 0.0001), LDL cholesterol <100 mg/dl (40 vs. 47%, P < 0.0001), and systolic blood pressure (SBP) <140 mmHg (70 vs. 78%, P < 0.0001). Hispanic patients were less likely than whites to have A1C <8% (62 vs. 69%, P < 0.0001). African American patients were less likely than whites to have A1C treatment intensification (73 vs. 77%, P < 0.0001; odds ratio [OR] 0.8 [95% CI 0.7-0.9]) but more likely to receive treatment intensification for SBP (78 vs. 71%, P < 0.0001; 1.5 [1.3-1.7]). Hispanic patients were more likely to have LDL cholesterol treatment intensification (47 vs. 45%, P < 0.05; 1.1 [1.0-1.2]). Patient-physician race/ethnicity concordance was not significantly associated with risk factor control or treatment intensification. CONCLUSIONS Patient race/ethnicity is associated with risk factor control and treatment intensification, but patient-physician race/ethnicity concordance was not. Further research should investigate other potential drivers of disparities in CVD care