8 research outputs found

    Introduzione. Crossing Drawn Borders: fumetto e migrazione

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    This special issue of Scritture migranti (16/2022) aims to explore the representation of migration narratives in the medium of comics. Over the past three decades, comics have stood out as an expressive and versatile medium capable of narrating and representing with great poignancy various aspects of contemporaneity, including the complexity that characterizes migratory phenomena. The contributions included in this special issue move from different contexts to investigate how different narratives of migration are conveyed in comics form, how evidence is collected, and how the result is narrativized in the final work. The essays converse with each other through a range of analytical approaches from intersecting and complementing disciplinary perspectives, exploring various narratives of migration in contemporary works from different comics traditions and cultural contexts. They focus on the assumptions behind such migrations, analyze stories of geographies near and far, and span territories from Southeast Asia to the American continent via Europe. In doing so, this thematic issue builds a network of diverse investigations that chart new trajectories for further research on the intersection of comics and migration.Questo numero speciale di Scritture migranti (16/2022) intende esplorare la rappresentazione delle narrazioni della migrazione nel medium del fumetto. Il fumetto si è distinto, negli ultimi trent’anni, come mezzo espressivo versatile, capace di raccontare e rappresentare con grande pregnanza vari aspetti della contemporaneità, tra cui la complessità che caratterizza i fenomeni migratori. I contributi inclusi in questo numero speciale muovono da contesti diversi per indagare come diverse narrazioni della migrazione siano veicolate in forma di fumetto, come il materiale d’indagine e le testimonianze vengano raccolti e come il risultato venga narrativizzato nell’opera finale. I saggi conversano tra loro attraverso una serie di approcci analitici provenienti da prospettive disciplinari che si intersecano e si completano, esplorando le varie narrazioni della migrazione in opere contemporanee provenienti da diverse tradizioni fumettistiche e contesti culturali. Essi mettono a fuoco i presupposti che hanno determinato tali migrazioni, analizzano storie di geografie vicine e lontane e abbracciano territori che vanno dal Sudest asiatico al continente americano, passando per l’Europa. Così facendo, questo numero tematico costruisce una rete di indagini diverse che tracciano nuove traiettorie per ulteriori ricerche sull’intersezione tra fumetto e migrazione

    Cost analysis and outcome of endoscopic submucosal dissection for colorectal lesions in an outpatient setting

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    Background and study aims: Endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD), a minimally invasive treatment for early gastrointestinal (GI) cancer, is considered challenging and risky in the colorectum. As such, most patients undergoing ESD are hospitalized due to the perceived increased risk of adverse events. The aim of this study was to compare the costs, safety and efficacy of colorectal-ESD in an outpatient vs inpatient setting in a tertiary level center. Methods: This is a retrospective study on consecutive patients admitted for colorectal-ESD. Patients were divided into outpatients (Group-A, same-day discharge), and inpatients (Group-B, admitted for at least one night). Data on overall costs, outcomes and adverse events were assessed for each group. Results: A total of 136 patients were considered. Fourteen were excluded because ESD was not performed due to intraprocedural suspicion of invasive cancer. Eighty-three patients were treated as outpatients (Group-A, 68%) and 39 (Group-B, 32%) were hospitalized. R0-rate was 90.4% in Group-A and 89.7% in Group-B(P = 0.98). One perforation occurred in Group-A (1.2%) and 2 in Group-B(5.1%, P = 0.2). Mean Length of stay (LOS) was 1 day for outpatients and 3.3 days for inpatients. Management of Group-A as outpatients produced a cost savings of 941\u20ac on average per patient. Conclusions: Outpatient colorectal-ESD is a feasible, cost-effective strategy to manage superficial colorectal tumors with outcomes comparable to inpatient colorectal-ESD. By using proper selection criteria, outpatient ESD could be considered the first-line approach for most patients