139 research outputs found

    Automated biowaste sampling system improved feces collection, mass measurement and sampling

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    The capability of the basic automated Biowaste Sampling System (ABSS) hardware was extended and improved through the design, fabrication and test of breadboard hardware. A preliminary system design effort established the feasibility of integrating the breadboard concepts into the ABSS

    Automated biowaste sampling system, solids subsystem operating model, part 2

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    The detail design and fabrication of the Solids Subsystem were implemented. The system's capacity for the collection, storage or sampling of feces and vomitus from six subjects was tested and verified

    Managing myelodysplastic symptoms in elderly patients

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    Most patients with myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) are elderly (median age range 65 to 70 years); as a consequence, the incidence and prevalence of these diseases are rising as the population ages. Physicians are often uncertain about how to identify patients who may benefit from specific treatment strategies. The International Prognostic Scoring System is a widely used tool to assess the risk of transformation to leukemia and to guide treatment decisions, but it fails to take into account many aspects of treating elderly patients, including comorbid illnesses, secondary causes of MDS, prior therapy for MDS, and other age-related health, functional, cognitive, and social problems that affect the outcome and managing of myelodysplastic symptoms. Patients with low-risk disease traditionally have been given only best supportive care, but evidence is increasing that treatment with novel non-conventional drugs such as lenalidomide or methyltransferase inhibitors may influence the natural history of the disease and should be used in conjunction with supportive-care measures. Supportive care of these patients could also be improved in order to enhance their quality of life and functional performance. Elderly patients commonly have multiple medical problems and use medications to deal with these. In addition, they are more likely to have more than one health care provider. These factors all increase the risk of drug interactions and the consequent treatment of toxicities. Manifestations of common toxicities or illnesses may be more subtle in the elderly, owing to age-associated functional deficits in multiple organ systems. Particularly important to the elderly MDS patient is the age-related decline in normal bone marrow function, including the diminished capacity of response to stressors such as infection or myelosuppressive treatments. Through the integration of geriatric and oncological strategies, a personalized approach toward this unique population may be applied. As with many diseases in the elderly, reliance on family members or friends to maintain the prescribed treatments, including travel to and from appointments, may place additional stressors on the patient and his/her support network. Careful evaluation and knowledge of functional status, ability to tolerate treatments, effect of disease progression, and general overall health conditions can provide the best opportunity to support these patients. Immediate assessment of daily living activities may detect deficiencies or deficits that often require early interventions

    Angiogenesis and Progression in Human Melanoma

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    In tumor growth, angiogenesis, the process of new-formation of blood vessels from pre-existing ones, is uncontrolled and unlimited in time. The vascular phase is characterized by the new-formation of vascular channels that enhances tumor cell proliferation, local invasion and hematogenous metastasis. Human malignant melanoma is a highly metastatic tumor with poor prognosis, and high resistance to treatment. Parallel with progression, melanoma acquires a rich vascular network, whereas an increasing number of tumor cells express the laminin receptor, which enables their adhesion to the vascular wall, favouring tumor cell extravasation and metastases. Melanoma neovascularization has been correlated with poor prognosis, overall survival, ulceration and increased rate of relapse. Secretion of various angiogenic cytokines, i.e. VEGF-A, FGF-2, PGF-1 and -2, IL-8, and TGF-1 by melanoma cells promote the angiogenic switch and has been correlated to transition from the radial to the vertical growth phase, and to the metastatic phase. Moreover, melanoma cells overexpress αvβ3, αvβ5, α2β1 and α5β1 integrins and release, together with stromal cells, higher amount of metalloproteases that increasing their invasive potential and angiogenesis. Basing on these observations, different molecular targets of antiangiogenic molecules has be recognized and various antiangiogenic agents are currently in preclinical and clinical trials for melanoma

    Induction therapy and stem cell mobilization in patients with newly diagnosed multiple myeloma

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    Autologous stem cell transplantation (ASCT) is considered the standard therapy for younger patients with newly diagnosed symptomatic multiple myeloma (MM). The introduction into clinical practice of novel agents, such as the proteasome inhibitor bortezomib and the immunomodulatory derivatives (IMiDs) thalidomide and lenalidomide, has significantly contributed to major advances in MM therapy and prognosis. These novel agents are incorporated into induction regimens to enhance the depth of response before ASCT and further improve post-ASCT outcomes. Between January 2000 and November 2011, 65 patients with MM were transplanted in the Department of Biomedical Science and Clinical Oncology at the University of Bari. According to Durie-Salmon, 60 patients had stage III of disease and 5 stage II. Only 7 patients were in stage B (renal failure). Induction regimens that were administered in two or more cycles were VAD (vincristine, adriamycin, and dexamethasone), Thal-Dex (thalidomide, dexamethasone), Len-Dex (lenalidomide, dexamethasone), Vel-Dex (bortezomib, dexamethasone), VTD (bortezomib, thalidomide, and dexamethasone), and PAD (bortezomib, pegylated liposomal doxorubicin, and dexamethasone). In mobilization procedure, the patients received cyclophosphamide and granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF). The number of cells collected through two or more leukapheresess, response after induction, and toxicity were evaluated to define the more adequate up-front induction regimen in transplantation-eligible MM patients. © Copyright 2012 Roberto Ria et al

    Helsinki-Vantaan lentoaseman tilannekuvakeskus : Häiriö- ja poikkeamatilanteiden eteneminen lentoasemalla

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    Tämän opinnäytetyön tavoitteena oli selvittää, miten Finavian ylläpitämällä Helsinki-Vantaa lentoasemalla tapahtuvat häiriö- ja poikkeamatilanteet vaikuttavat lentoasemalla toimiviin Finavian omiin organisaatioihin sekä lentoasemalla toimiviin viranomaisiin. Häiriö- ja poikkeamatilanteella tarkoitetaan lentoaseman normaaliin toimintaan häiritsevästi vaikuttavaa tapahtumaa, esimerkiksi sähkökatkoa. Työ tehtiin Helsinki-Vantaa lentoaseman tilannekuvakeskuksen päällikön pyynnöstä. Tilannekuvakeskuksessa huomattiin, että vaikka häiriö- ja poikkeamatilanteessa toiminta eri tahojen kanssa on ollut kitkatonta ja sujuvaa, ei toisen organisaation sisällä tapahtuvasta toiminnasta ollut kuvaa. Työn avulla selvitettiin, onko häiriö- tai poikkeamatilanteella vaikutusta eri organisaatioiden ja viranomaisten toimintaan. Opinnäytetyö auttaa rakentamaan kokonaiskäsitystä poikkeamatilanteiden aiheuttamasta toiminnasta koko lentoaseman alueella. Tätä kautta voidaan myös lisätä ymmärrystä eri organisaatioiden ja viranomaisten välillä. Opinnäytetyö toteutettiin yhteistyössä Helsinki-Vantaa lentoaseman tilannekuvakeskuksen kanssa. Työn edetessä rakennetta muokattiin yhteistyössä tilaajan kanssa niin, että se palvelisi mahdollisimman tarkoituksenmukaisesti eri organisaatioita. Työ toteutettiin tekemällä laadullinen tutkimus, jonka runkona oli puolistrukturoitu haastattelu. Haastatteluita kertyi yhteensä 19 kappaletta ja haastateltavia 21. Haastateltavina olivat Finavian eri organisaatioiden johtajia tai päälliköitä ja lentoaseman toimintaan liittyvien viranomaisten lentoaseman toimipisteiden päälliköt. Työstä rajattiin pois kaupalliset yritykset, koska haastatteluiden määrä olisi kasvanut liian suureksi. Lentoaseman tilannekuvakeskus on luonut useita valmiita toimintamalleja erilaisiin häiriö- ja poikkeamatilanteisiin. Tilannekuvakeskuksen päällikkö valitsi näistä häiriö- ja poikkeamatilanteista ne, jotka ovat todennäköisiä tai merkittäviä ja vaikuttavat haitallisesti lentoaseman toimintaan. Erilaisia häiriö- ja poikkeamatilanteita valikoitui 17 kappaletta. Näiden tilanteiden vaikutuksia ja toimintamalleja käsiteltiin haastatteluissa. Haastatteluissa saatu informaatio liitettiin tilannekuvakeskuksen toimintamalleihin ja luotiin jokaiseen valittuun poikkeamatilanteeseen kronologinen kuvaus eri organisaatioiden toiminnasta. Opinnäytetyöstä on myöhemmin tarkoitus tehdä pelkistetympi käsikirja Finavian ja viranomaisten käyttöön.The aim of this study was to find out how to Finavia’s Helsinki-Vantaa airport take place in crisis and emergency situations and how they affecting operating at the airport Finavia's own organizations as well as authorities operating at the airport. The work was done at the request of the Head of the Helsinki-Vantaa airport operation center. The airport operation center noted that although the crisis and emergency situations operation with various parties has been smooth, but nobody didn’t have a picture how these crisis and emergency situations was handled in the another organizations. The work purpose was to find out whether the fault or deviation situation could affect the functioning of the various organizations and public authorities. The thesis helps to build the overall understanding of the actions caused by the deviation of situations throughout the airport. This period may also increase the understanding of the different organizations and authorities. The research was conducted in cooperation with the Helsinki-Vantaa airport operation center. As work progresses, the structure was modified in cooperation with the client so that it would serve as appropriately as possible the different organizations. The work was carried out by qualitative research, whose backbone was the semi-structured interview. Interviews were a total of 19 tracks and 21 interviewees were interviewed leaders or managers in different organizations and Finavia's airport activities related to airport authorities, heads of offices. Work were excluded trading companies, because the number of interviews had grown too large. The airport operation center has created a number of ready-made models for different crisis and emergency situations. Head of the Centre chose a snapshot of the crisis and emergency situations, those who are likely or significant and adversely affect the operation of the airport. 17 various types of crisis and emergency situations was selected. Effects and models of these situations addressed in the interviews. The information obtained in the interviews attached a airport operation center’s operational models and was created for each selected deviation situation chronological description of the activities of various organizations. The thesis is later to be made simpler manual for use by Finavia and the authorities

    Diabetes Stimulates Osteoclastogenesis by Acidosis-Induced Activation of Transient Receptor Potential Cation Channels

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    Patients with type 1 diabetes have lower bone mineral density and higher risk of fractures. The role of osteoblasts in diabetes-related osteoporosis is well acknowledged whereas the role of osteoclasts (OCLs) is still unclear. We hypothesize that OCLs participate in pathological bone remodeling. We conducted studies in animals (streptozotocin-induced type 1 diabetic mice) and cellular models to investigate canonical and non-canonical mechanisms underlying excessive OCL activation. Diabetic mice show an increased number of active OCLs. In vitro studies demonstrate the involvement of acidosis in OCL activation and the implication of transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily V member 1 (TRPV1). In vivo studies confirm the establishment of local acidosis in the diabetic bone marrow (BM) as well as the ineffectiveness of insulin in correcting the pH variation and osteoclast activation. Conversely, treatment with TRPV1 receptor antagonists re-establishes a physiological OCL availability. These data suggest that diabetes causes local acidosis in the BM that in turn increases osteoclast activation through the modulation of TRPV1. The use of clinically available TRPV1 antagonists may provide a new means to combat bone problems associated with diabetes

    Endovascular Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Repair With Ovation Alto Stent Graft: Protocol for the ALTAIR (ALTo endogrAft Italian Registry) Study

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    Background: Since 2010, the Ovation Abdominal Stent Graft System has offered an innovative sealing option for abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) by including a sealing ring filled with polymer 13 mm from the renal arteries. In August 2020, the redesigned Ovation Alto, with a sealing ring 6 mm closer to the top of the fabric, received CE Mark approval. Objective: This registry study aims to evaluate intraoperative, perioperative, and postoperative results in patients treated by the Alto stent graft (Endologix Inc.) for elective AAA repair in a multicentric consecutive experience. Methods: All consecutive eligible patients submitted to endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR) by Alto Endovascular AAA implantation will be included in this analysis. Patients will be submitted to EVAR procedures based on their own preferences, anatomical features, and operators experience. An estimated number of 300 patients submitted to EVAR with Alto stent graft should be enrolled. It is estimated that the inclusion period will be 24 months. The follow-up period is set to be 5 years. Full data sets and cross-sectional images of contrast-enhanced computed tomography scan performed before EVAR, at the first postoperative month, at 24 or 36 months, and at 5-year follow-up interval will be reported in the central database for a centralized core laboratory review of morphological changes. The primary endpoint of the study is to evaluate the technical and clinical success of EVAR with the Alto stent graft in short- (90-day), mid- (1-year), and long-term (5-year) follow-up periods. The following secondary endpoints will be also addressed: operative time; intraoperative radiation exposure; contrast medium usage; AAA sac shrinkage at 12-month and 5-year follow-up; any potential role of patients' baseline characteristics, valuated on preoperative computed tomography angiographic study, and of device configuration (number of component) in the primary endpoint. Results: The study is currently in the recruitment phase and the final patient is expected to be treated by the end of 2023 and then followed up for 5 years. A total of 300 patients will be recruited. Analyses will focus on primary and secondary endpoints. Updated results will be shared at 1- and 3-5-year follow-ups. Conclusions: The results from this registry study could validate the safety and effectiveness of the new design of the Ovation Alto Stent Graft. The technical modifications to the endograft could allow for accommodation of a more comprehensive range of anatomies on-label