15 research outputs found

    Minorenni vittime di omicidio a Milano (Italia): 1993-2017

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    This study aims to examine the phenomenon of homicide with victims under 18 years-old in a wide and multiethnic metropolitanarea in the north of Italy. We’re dealing with a type of crime that generates a widespread alarm and a common concern.The data analysis, approached with a multidisciplinary strategy, presented in this paper is based on forensic reports of the Instituteof Legal Medicine of the University of Milan, to provide a detailed framework of the homicides of minors that took place inthe territorial jurisdiction of Milan and Monza Prosecutor’s Office between 1993 and 2017. Quantitative and qualitative analysiswere conducted regarding victims’ socio-demographic characteristics (gender, age, nationality), weapons used, places and modalityof body discovery, murderers, motives of the killing and type of relationship between offenders and victims. Purpose of thispaper is to compare the present set of data with the ones provided by the international literature, as well as make some criminologicalobservations on this matter with a view to preventing the phenomenon. To this end, some representative case studieshave been added, their characteristics and also the relationships between offender and victim have been discussed.Questo studio esamina il fenomeno dell'omicidio con vittime di età inferiore ai 18 anni in una vasta e multietnica area metropolitanadel nord Italia, un tipo di crimine che genera allarme e preoccupazione. L'analisi dei dati, affrontata con una metodologia multidisciplinare,è basata sui verbali autoptici dell'Istituto di Medicina Legale dell'Università di Milano, al fine di fornire un quadro dettagliatodegli omicidi con vittima minorenne che si sono verificati nella giurisdizione territoriale della Procura di Milano e Monzatra il 1993 e il 2017. Sono state condotte analisi quantitative e qualitative sulle vittime, quali le caratteristiche socio-demografiche(genere, età, nazionalità), le armi utilizzate, i luoghi e le modalità di rinvenimento del corpo, le caratteristiche dell’omicida, i motividell'uccisione e il tipo di relazione tra criminale e vittima. Scopo di questo studio è confrontare l'attuale insieme di dati con quelliforniti dalla letteratura internazionale, nonché porre alcune considerazioni di carattere preventivo. A tal fine, sono stati presentatianche alcuni casi studio rappresentativi, discutendone le caratteristiche peculiari e le relazioni tra l'autore del reato e la vittima

    Serum IgG antibodies from pregnant women reacting to mimotopes of simian virus 40 large T antigen, the viral oncoprotein

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    Simian virus 40 (SV40) large T antigen (LT) coding sequences were revealed in different human samples, whereas SV40 antibodies (Ab) were detected in human sera of cancer patients and healthy individuals, although with a lower prevalence. Previous studies carried out by the neutralization assay gave a SV40 seroprevalence, in the general population, up to 8%, although higher rates, 12%, were detected in kidney transplant children, in a group of HIV-positive patients, and in healthy females. In this study, serum samples from pregnant women, together with those from non-pregnant women, were analyzed to check the prevalence of IgG Ab reacting to SV40 LT antigens. Serum samples were collected from pregnant and non-pregnant women, with the same mean age. Women were in the range of 15-48 years old. Samples were assayed by an indirect ELISA employing specific SV40 LT mimotopes as antigens, whereas functional analysis was performed by neutralization of the viral infectivity in cell cultures. As a control, sera were analyzed for Ab against BK polyomavirus (BKPyV), which is a human polyomavirus homologous to SV40. Statistical analyses employed chi-square with Yates' correction, and Student's t tests. Indirect ELISAs indicated that pregnant women tested SV40 LT-positive with a prevalence of 17% (23/134), whereas non-pregnant women had a prevalence of 20% (36/180) (P > 0.05). Ab against BKPyV were detected with a prevalence of 80% in pregnant women and with a prevalence of 78% in non-pregnant women. These data indicate that SV40 infects at a low prevalence pregnant women. We may speculate that SV40, or a close human polyomavirus still undetected, could be transmitted from mother to fetus

    IL32 downregulation lowers triglycerides and type I collagen in di-lineage human primary liver organoids

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    Steatotic liver disease (SLD) prevails as the most common chronic liver disease yet lack approved treatments due to incomplete understanding of pathogenesis. Recently, elevated hepatic and circulating interleukin 32 (IL -32) levels were found in individuals with severe SLD. However, the mechanistic link between IL -32 and intracellular triglyceride metabolism remains to be elucidated. We demonstrate in vitro that incubation with IL -32b protein leads to an increase in intracellular triglyceride synthesis, while downregulation of IL32 by small interfering RNA leads to lower triglyceride synthesis and secretion in organoids from human primary hepatocytes. This reduction requires the upregulation of Phospholipase A2 group IIA (PLA2G2A). Furthermore, downregulation of IL32 results in lower intracellular type I collagen levels in di -lineage human primary hepatic organoids. Finally, we identify a genetic variant of IL32 (rs76580947) associated with lower circulating IL -32 and protection against SLD measured by non-invasive tests. These data suggest that IL32 downregulation may be beneficial against SLD

    Mediterranean diet impact on cardiovascular diseases: a narrative review

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    : Cardiovascular disease (CVD) accounts for more than 17 million deaths per year worldwide. It has been estimated that the influence of lifestyle on CVD mortality amounts to 13.7% for smoking, 13.2% for poor diet, and 12% for inactive lifestyle. These results deeply impact both the healthy status of individuals and their skills in working. The impact of CVD on productivity loss accounts for the 24% in total costs for CVD management.Mediterranean diet (MedD) can positively impact on natural history of CVD. It is characterized by a relatively high consumption of inexpensive and genuine food such as cereals, vegetables, legumes, nuts, fish, fresh fruits, and olive oil as the principal source of fat, low meat consumption and low-to-moderate consumption of milk, dairy products, and wine.Its effects on cardiovascular health are related to the significant improvements in arterial stiffness. Peripheral artery disease, coronary artery disease, and chronic heart failure are all positively influenced by the MedD. Furthermore, MedD lowers the risk of sudden cardiac death due to arrhythmias.The present narrative review aims to analyze the effects of MedD on CVD

    Specific IgG antibodies react to mimotopes of BK Polyomavirus, a small DNA tumor virus, in healthy adult sera

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    BK polyomavirus (BKPyV) was isolated in 1971 from the urine of a kidney transplant patient. Soon 25 after its identification, BKPyV was characterised as a kidney-tropic virus, which is responsible of a 26 significant fraction of the rejection of transplant kidney in the host. Moreover, in experimental 27 conditions BKPyV is able to transform different types of animal and human cells and to induce 28 tumours of different histotypes in experimental animals. BKPyV DNA sequences have been 29 detected in healthy individuals and cancer patients using polymerase chain reaction/Shouthern blot 30 hybridisation methods. Serum antibodies against this polyomavirus were revealed using 31 immunological techniques, which however cross-react with other polyomaviruses, such as JC 32 (JCPyV) and Simian Virus 40 (SV40). These non-specific data indicate the need of novel 33 immunological methods and new investigations to check in a specific manner BKPyV spread in 34 humans. To this aim, mimotopes from BKPyV structural capsid protein 1 (VP1) were employed for 35 specific immunological reactions to IgG antibodies of human serum samples. An indirect enzyme36 linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) with synthetic peptides mimicking immunogenic epitopes of 37 BKPyV VP1 was set up and employed to test sera of healthy adult subjects. Data from this 38 innovative immunological assay indicates that serum antibodies against BKPyV VP1 mimotopes 39 are detectable in healthy subjects ranging from 18-90 year old. The overall prevalence of serum 40 samples that reacted to BKPyV VP1 mimotopes was 72%. The strong points from this investigation 41 are the novelty of the immunological method, its simplicity of the approach and the specificity of 42 BKPyV antibody reaction to VP1 mimotopes

    Microclimatic physiological and productive effect of the overcanopy irrigation in an apple orchard

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    To test the efficacy and sustainability of evaporative cooling, four blocks of a commercial Fuji Apple orchard in Medelana (Ferrara, Italy) were subjected to two irrigation regimes: drip irrigation alone (DRI) or, between July and August (the hottest period of the year), supplemented by overcanopy irrigation (OCI). Stem/leaf water potential, leaf gas exchange and leaf fluorescence measurements where performed the day before, soon after and the day after OCI, twice along the growing season. Daily fruit growth, leaf and fruit temperature and microclimatic parameters within the blocks where monitored for the entire experiment. No difference was found in leaf/stem water potentials, leaf fluorescence or leaf gas exchanges the day prior and after OCI. Photosynthesis, transpiration and stomatal conductance were improved on the OCI day. Also, fruit growth increased only on the OCI day, with higher rates all day long, but no further effects in the following days. Leaf, fruit temperature and microclimatic measurements within the blocks were only affected during OCI. Yield data show no difference between the two irrigation regimes. OCI in the environment tested affects tree performance only during application and a few hours afterwards. This management practice reduces water use efficiency resulting in more water applied per ton of fruit, likely a result related to the hot and humid climate of the Ferrara provinc

    Lengthening Patients Previously Treated for Massive Lower Limb Reconstruction for Bone Tumors with the PRECICE 2 Nail

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    The objective of this study was to determine the efficacy of the PRECICE 2® nail in the treatment of lower limb length discrepancy in patients with a history of bone tumors. This study reports on outcomes, complications, and the safety of the PRECICE 2 limb lengthening nail in a cohort of pediatric patients with limb length discrepancy after surgery for bone tumors. Seventeen patients were treated with intramedullary magnetic nails. The average patient age at the time of surgery was 19 (range 11–32). The PRECICE 2 nail was used on 14 femurs (6 retrograde and 8 anterograde) and 3 tibias. The average consolidation time was 141 days (range 50–360) with a mean CI of 31 ± 12 days/cm. The ASAMI bone score showed 14 (82%) excellent results, 1 (6%) good result, and 2 (12%) poor results. The ASAMI functional score showed 13 (84.6%) excellent results, 3 (11.5%) good results, and 1 (3.8%) fair result. Patients treated with chemotherapy for bone cancer did not show any increase in distraction time or consolidation time. A total of 3 (17%) problems, 1 obstacle (5.5%), and 1 complication (5.5%) were encountered in our case series. The PRECICE 2 nail allows for effective and accurate lengthening preserving the range of motion in patients treated for bone tumors

    Levels of miR-126 and miR-218 are elevated in ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) and inhibit malignant potential of DCIS derived cells

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    A substantial number of ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) detected by mammography never progress to invasive ductal carcinoma (IDC) and current approaches fail to identify low-risk patients not at need of adjuvant therapies. We aimed to identify the key miRNAs protecting DCIS from malignant evolution, that may constitute markers for non-invasive lesions. We studied 100 archived DCIS samples, including pure DCIS, DCIS with adjacent IDC and pure DCIS from patients with subsequent IDC in contralateral breast or no recurrence. A DCIS derived cell line was used for molecular and cellular studies. A genome wide study revealed that pure DCIS has higher miR-126 and miR-218 expression than DCIS with adjacent IDC lesions or than IDC. The down-regulation of miR-126 and miR-218 promoted invasiveness in vitro and, in patients with pure DCIS, was associated with later onset of IDC. Survival studies of independent cohorts indicated that both miRNAs play a protective role in IDC. The clinical findings are in agreement with the miRNAs' roles in cell adhesion, differentiation and proliferation. We propose that miR-126 and miR-218 have a protective role in DCIS and represent novel biomarkers for the risk assessment in women with early detection of breast cancer

    FAM46C Is an Interferon-Stimulated Gene That Inhibits Lentiviral Particle Production by Modulating Autophagy

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    ABSTRACT FAM46C is a multiple myeloma (MM) tumor suppressor whose function is only starting to be elucidated. We recently showed that in MM cells FAM46C triggers apoptosis by inhibiting autophagy and altering intracellular trafficking and protein secretion. To date, both a physiological characterization of FAM46C role and an assessment of FAM46C-induced phenotypes outside of MM are lacking. Preliminary reports suggested an involvement of FAM46C with regulation of viral replication, but this was never confirmed. Here, we show that FAM46C is an interferon-stimulated gene and that the expression of wild-type FAM46C in HEK-293T cells, but not of its most frequently found mutant variants, inhibits the production of both HIV-1-derived and HIV-1 lentiviruses. We demonstrate that this effect does not require transcriptional regulation and does not depend on inhibition of either global or virus-specific translation but rather mostly relies on FAM46C-induced deregulation of autophagy, a pathway that we show to be required for efficient lentiviral particle production. These studies not only provide new insights on the physiological role of the FAM46C protein but also could help in implementing more efficient antiviral strategies on one side and lentiviral particle production approaches on the other. IMPORTANCE FAM46C role has been thoroughly investigated in MM, but studies characterizing its role outside of the tumoral environment are still lacking. Despite the success of antiretroviral therapy in suppressing HIV load to undetectable levels, there is currently no HIV cure, and treatment is lifelong. Indeed, HIV continues to be a major global public health issue. Here, we show that FAM46C expression in HEK-293T cells inhibits the production of both HIV and HIV-derived lentiviruses. We also demonstrate that such inhibitory effect relies, at least in part, on the well-established regulatory role that FAM46C exerts on autophagy. Deciphering the molecular mechanism underlying this regulation will not only facilitate the understanding of FAM46C physiological role but also give new insights on the interplay between HIV and the cellular environment