47 research outputs found

    Palm is expressed in both developing and adult mouse lens and retina

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    BACKGROUND: Paralemmin (Palm) is a prenyl-palmitoyl anchored membrane protein that can drive membrane and process formation in neurons. Earlier studies have shown brain preferred Palm expression, although this protein is a major water insoluble protein in chicken lens fiber cells and the Palm gene may be regulated by Pax6. METHODS: The expression profile of Palm protein in the embryonic, newborn and adult mouse eye as well as dissociated retinal neurons was determined by confocal immunofluorescence. The relative mRNA levels of Palm, Palmdelphin (PalmD) and paralemmin2 (Palm2) in the lens and retina were determined by real time rt-PCR. RESULTS: In the lens, Palm is already expressed at 9.5 dpc in the lens placode, and this expression is maintained in the lens vesicle throughout the formation of the adult lens. Palm is largely absent from the optic vesicle but is detectable at 10.5 dpc in the optic cup. In the developing retina, Palm expression transiently upregulates during the formation of optic nerve as well as in the formation of both the inner and outer plexiform layers. In short term dissociated chick retinal cultures, Palm protein is easily detectable, but the levels appear to reduce sharply as the cultures age. Palm mRNA was found at much higher levels relative to Palm2 or PalmD in both the retina and lens. CONCLUSION: Palm is the major paralemmin family member expressed in the retina and lens and its expression in the retina transiently upregulates during active neurite outgrowth. The expression pattern of Palm in the eye is consistent with it being a Pax6 responsive gene. Since Palm is known to be able to drive membrane formation in brain neurons, it is possible that this molecule is crucial for the increase in membrane formation during lens fiber cell differentiation

    Neurobeachin, a Regulator of Synaptic Protein Targeting, Is Associated with Body Fat Mass and Feeding Behavior in Mice and Body-Mass Index in Humans

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    Neurobeachin (Nbea) regulates neuronal membrane protein trafficking and is required for the development and functioning of central and neuromuscular synapses. In homozygous knockout (KO) mice, Nbea deficiency causes perinatal death. Here, we report that heterozygous KO mice haploinsufficient for Nbea have higher body weight due to increased adipose tissue mass. In several feeding paradigms, heterozygous KO mice consumed more food than wild-type (WT) controls, and this consumption was primarily driven by calories rather than palatability. Expression analysis of feeding-related genes in the hypothalamus and brainstem with real-time PCR showed differential expression of a subset of neuropeptide or neuropeptide receptor mRNAs between WT and Nbea+/− mice in the sated state and in response to food deprivation, but not to feeding reward. In humans, we identified two intronic NBEA single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) that are significantly associated with body-mass index (BMI) in adult and juvenile cohorts. Overall, data obtained in mice and humans suggest that variation of Nbea abundance or activity critically affects body weight, presumably by influencing the activity of feeding-related neural circuits. Our study emphasizes the importance of neural mechanisms in body weight control and points out NBEA as a potential risk gene in human obesity

    cDNA encoding a 59 kDa homolog of ribosomal protein S6 kinase from rabbit liver

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    AbstractWe have isolated cDNA molecules encoding a protein with the characteristic sequence elements that are conserved between the catalytic domains of protein kinases. This protein is apparently a serine/threonine kinase and is most closely related to the amino-terminal half of the ribosomal protein S6 kinase II first characterized in Xenopus eggs (42% overall identity and 56% identity in the predicted catalytic domain). However, it clearly differs from S6 kinase II in that it has only one, rather than two predicted catalytic domains and a deduced molecular mass of 59109 Da. We propose that is may be more related to, or identical with, the mitogen-inducible S6 kinase of molecular mass 65–70 kDa described in mammalian liver, mouse 3T3 cells and chicken embryos. Remarkable structural features of the cDNA-encoded polypeptide are a section rich in proline, serine and threonine residues that resemble the multiphosphorylation domains of glycogen synthase and phosphorylase kinase a subunit, and a characteristic tyrosine residue in the putative nucleotide-binding glycine cluster which, by analogy to cdc2 kinase, is a potential tyrosine phosphorylation site

    Evolution of the Vertebrate Paralemmin Gene Family : Ancient Origin of Gene Duplicates Suggests Distinct Functions

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    Paralemmin-1 is a protein implicated in plasma membrane dynamics, the development of filopodia, neurites and dendritic spines, as well as the invasiveness and metastatic potential of cancer cells. However, little is known about its mode of action, or about the biological functions of the other paralemmin isoforms: paralemmin-2, paralemmin-3 and palmdelphin. We describe here evolutionary analyses of the paralemmin gene family in a broad range of vertebrate species. Our results suggest that the four paralemmin isoform genes (PALM1, PALM2, PALM3 and PALMD) arose by quadruplication of an ancestral gene in the two early vertebrate genome duplications. Paralemmin-1 and palmdelphin were further duplicated in the teleost fish specific genome duplication. We identified a unique sequence motif common to all paralemmins, consisting of 11 highly conserved residues of which four are invariant. A single full-length paralemmin homolog with this motif was identified in the genome of the sea lamprey Petromyzon marinus and an isolated putative paralemmin motif could be detected in the genome of the lancelet Branchiostoma floridae. This allows us to conclude that the paralemmin gene family arose early and has been maintained throughout vertebrate evolution, suggesting functional diversification and specific biological roles of the paralemmin isoforms. The paralemmin genes have also maintained specific features of gene organisation and sequence. This includes the occurrence of closely linked downstream genes, initially identified as a readthrough fusion protein with mammalian paralemmin-2 (Palm2-AKAP2). We have found evidence for such an arrangement for paralemmin-1 and -2 in several vertebrate genomes, as well as for palmdelphin and paralemmin-3 in teleost fish genomes, and suggest the name paralemmin downstream genes (PDG) for this new gene family. Thus, our findings point to ancient roles for paralemmins and distinct biological functions of the gene duplicates

    The trafficking proteins Vacuolar Protein Sorting 35 and Neurobeachin interact with the glycine receptor β-subunit

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    6 p., 4 figures and references.Inhibitory glycine receptors (GlyRs) are densely packed in the postsynaptic membrane due to a high-affinity interaction of their β-subunits with the scaffolding protein gephyrin. Here, we used an affinity-based proteomic approach to identify the trafficking proteins Vacuolar Protein Sorting 35 (Vps35) and Neurobeachin (Nbea) as novel GlyR β-subunit (GlyRβ) interacting proteins in rat brain. Recombinant Vps35 and a central fragment of Nbea bound to the large intracellular loop of GlyRβ in glutathione-S-transferase pull-downs; in addition, Vps35 displayed binding to gephyrin. Immunocytochemical staining of spinal cord sections revealed Nbea immunoreactivity apposed to and colocalizing with marker proteins of inhibitory synapses. Our data are consistent with roles of Vps35 and Nbea in the retrieval and post-Golgi trafficking of synaptic GlyRs and possibly other neurotransmitter receptors.This work was supported by MPG and Fonds der Chemischen Industrie.Peer reviewe