2,305 research outputs found

    Vírus influenza e bactéria proteolítica co-infectantes em trato respiratório de indivíduos com manifestações respiratórias

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    A role for proteolytic bacteria in the exacerbation of influenza virus has been shown in natural hosts such as pigs and humans. Four hundred seven samples were collected from the respiratory tract of individuals presenting clinical manifestations, during influenza season (2003-2005) in São Paulo City. The aim of this study was to evaluate the incidence of determined bacteria co-infecting virus in human respiratory tract. Tests, such as bacteriological, immunofluorescence (IF), RT/PCR and hemagglutination (HA) were used for bacterial and viral investigation. Thirty seven (9.09%) positive for influenza virus were screened by IF. The RT/PCR confirmed the presence of influenza virus in these samples. Bacterial and agar casein tests demonstrated that 18 (48.64%) individuals were infected with proteolytic bacteria such as Staphylococcus spp., Streptococcus spp. and Pseudomonas spp. Among these samples, 13 (35.13%) were co-infected with influenza A virus. Influenza type B, co-infecting bacteria were found in five (13.51%) samples. In vitro the S. aureus protease increased the influenza HA titer after contact for 30 min at 25 ºC. Results revealed the occurrence of co-infection with proteolytic bacteria and influenza in the evaluated individuals. This finding corroborates that virus versus bacteria synergism could be able to potentiate respiratory infection, increasing damage to hosts.O papel da bactéria proteolítica na exacerbação do vírus influenza tem sido demonstrado em hospedeiros naturais como porcos e humanos. Foram coletadas 407 amostras do trato respiratório de indivíduos apresentando manifestações clínicas, durante a estação da influenza (2003-2005) na cidade de São Paulo. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a incidência de determinadas bactérias que junto com vírus co-infectarem o trato respiratório humano. Testes bacteriológicos, e virológicos como imunofluorescência (IF), RT/PCR e hemaglutinação (HA) foram usados nas investigações viral e bacteriana. Pelo teste de IF foram selecionadas trinta e sete (9,09%) amostras positivas para o vírus influenza. A presença do vírus influenza foi confirmada pela técnica de RT/PCR. Pelos testes bacteriológicos e do agar caseina, verificou-se que 18 (48,64%) dos indivíduos foram infectados com bactérias proteolíticas tais como Staphylococcus spp., Streptococcus spp. e Pseudomonas spp. Destas amostras, 13 (35,13%) foram co-infectadas com vírus influenza tipo A, e 5 (13,51%) com influenza tipo B. No experimento in vitro com influenza e S. aureus, detectou-se aumento do título hemaglutinante deste vírus, após contacto de 30 min a 25 ºC. Os resultados obtidos revelaram a ocorrência de co-infecção com bactéria proteolítica e vírus influenza nos indivíduos avaliados. Estes achados corroboram com a investigação do sinergismo, entre bactéria e vírus, que poderia ser capaz de potencializar infecção respiratória, aumentando os riscos aos hospedeiros

    Metodologia científica: determinação da atividade antioxidante total em frutas no sistema beta-caroteno/ácido linoléico.

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    Neste comunicado, são relatadas todas as informações necessárias para a determinação da atividade antioxidante total em frutas no sistema beta-caroteno/ácido linoléico, baseadas em adaptações/modificações feitas nos laboratórios da Embrpa Agroindústria Tropical.bitstream/CNPAT-2010/11963/1/cot-126.pd

    Time-Dependent Invariants and Green's Functions in the Probability Representation of Quantum Mechanics

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    In the probability representation of quantum mechanics, quantum states are represented by a classical probability distribution, the marginal distribution function (MDF), whose time dependence is governed by a classical evolution equation. We find and explicitly solve, for a wide class of Hamiltonians, new equations for the Green's function of such an equation, the so-called classical propagator. We elucidate the connection of the classical propagator to the quantum propagator for the density matrix and to the Green's function of the Schr\"odinger equation. Within the new description of quantum mechanics we give a definition of coherence solely in terms of properties of the MDF and we test the new definition recovering well known results. As an application, the forced parametric oscillator is considered . Its classical and quantum propagator are found, together with the MDF for coherent and Fock states.Comment: 29 pages, RevTex, 6 eps-figures, to appear on Phys. Rev.

    Compuestos bioactivos y funcionalidad potencial del pequi (Caryocar spp.), fruta nativa brasileña. Revisión

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    Pequi is an indigenous word that means “thorny covering” and is used to describe fruits from the Caryocar spp. These fruits are widely consumed as food and used in traditional medicine by Brazilians in the savannah (Cerrado biome) and the Amazon region. The fruit is rich in lipids, mainly oleic acid, and other bioactive substances including carotenoids, phenolics, and tocopherols. The oil extracted from the pulp or “almond” (seed) has a high local socioeconomic impact and is associated with nutritional and therapeutic benefits. A wide array of health benefits such as antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antitumor, and antimicrobial effects, improved cardiac function, as well as an increased lymphocyte-dependent immunity have been attributed to the pequi fruit, especially its pulp. This review provides a comprehensive overview on the edible parts of pequi fruits (pulp and almond), more specifically the oil produced from these parts, as a source of functional compounds with biological activity. Moreover, it considers the differences among the three more commercially-important species from the genus Caryocar.Pequi es una palabra indígena que significa “piel espinosa” y es utilizada para describir los frutos de Caryocar spp. Estos frutos son ampliamente consumidos como alimentos y son utilizados en la medicina popular por los brasileños ubicados en el Savannah (bioma Cerrado) y en la región amazónica. La fruta es rica en grasas, ácido oleico y otros bioactivos, incluyendo carotenoides, fenoles y tocoferoles. El aceite procedente de la pulpa o de la almendra (semilla) tiene un importante impacto socioeconómico local y está asociado con beneficios nutricionales y terapéuticos. Una amplia gama de beneficios para la salud tales como antioxidante, antiinflamatorio, antitumoral, antimicrobiano, mejora de la función cardíaca, así como el aumento de la inmunidad linfocitaria han sido atribuidas a la fruta, especialmente a su pulpa. Esta revisión proporciona una descripción exhaustiva sobre las partes comestibles de la fruta del pequi (pulpa y almendra), más específicamente del aceite producido a partir de estas partes, como una fuente de compuestos funcionales con actividad biológica. Además se consideran las diferencias encontradas entre las tres especies comerciales más importantes del género Caryocar

    Influência das variáveis solvente, temperatura e tempo na extração de compostos fenólicos totais em sementes de maracujá gerada no processamento industrial.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho consistiu em quantificar o teor de compostos fenólicos totais no sentido de agregar valor funcional e nutricional a este resíduo agroindustrial e avaliar a influência dos variáveis tipos de solvente, tempo e temperatura na extração destes compostos.Edição dos Anais do 12º Congresso Nacional da Sociedade Brasileira de Alimentação e Nutrição, Foz do Iguaçu, PR, 13 a 16 de agosto de 2013

    Determination of entangled quantum states of a trapped atom

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    We propose a method for measuring entangled vibronic quantum states of a trapped atom. It is based on the nonlinear dynamics of the system that appears by resonantly driving a weak electronic transition. The proposed technique allows the direct sampling of a Wigner-function matrix, displaying all knowable information on the quantum correlations of the motional and electronic degrees of freedom of the atom. It opens novel possibilities for testing fundamental predictions of the quantum theory concerning interaction phenomena.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, to be published in Phys. Rev. A 56 (Aug

    In vitro antiatherogenicity of extracts from Halimeda incrassata seaweed: antioxidant activity and smooth muscle cell migration studies

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    Aim: The aim of this work was to evaluate the in vitro atheroprotective potential of the seaweed Halimeda incrassata in smooth muscle cell migration and lipoprotein oxidation in relation to its antioxidant activity. Material and methods: Antioxidant activity was determinate by DPPH• radical scavenging assay and ORAC method. The inhibitory effect of the aqueous extract on LDL oxidation mediated by Cu2+ ions was determinate by TBARS and conjugated diene quantification. The effect of the seaweed aqueous extract on smooth muscle cell migration was evaluated in MOVAS-1 mouse aortic smooth muscle cell. Results: The inhibitory effect of the aqueous extract on lipoprotein oxidation mediated by Cu2+ was demonstrated. Seaweed extract caused dose-dependent inhibition of TBARS (IC50 = 0.8 mg/mL) and conjugated dienes formation. The seaweed had a high antioxidant activity in the assays performed. The activity could be related to the phenolic content of Halimeda incrassata. Conclusions: In summary, the results of this study represent a further step in the characterization of the atheroprotective action of Halimeda incrassata and indicate the seaweed could be used for a nutraceutical and/or phytoterapeutic application.Objetivos: El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar el potencial ateroprotector in vitro del alga Halimeda incrassata en la migración de células de músculo liso de ratón y la oxidación de lipoproteínas en relación con su actividad antioxidante. Material y métodos: La actividad antioxidante fue determinada mediante los métodos de inhibición de radicales DPPH y la Capacidad antioxidante total (ORAC). La actividad inhibitoria de la oxidación de LDL mediada por iones Cu2+ se determinó por la cuantificación de TBARS y dienos conjugados. El efecto del extracto acuoso sobre la migración de las células de músculo liso se evaluó en la línea de células de músculo liso aórtica de ratón MOVAS-1. Resultados: Se demostró el efecto inhibidor del extracto sobre la oxidación de LDL mediada por Cu2+. El extracto del alga causa inhibición dosis-dependiente de la formación de TBARS (IC50 = 0,8 mg/mL) y dienos conjugados. Las algas tuvieron una alta actividad antioxidante en los ensayos realizados y podría estar relacionada con el contenido de compuestos fenólicos. Conclusiones: Los resultados de este trabajo representan un paso más en la caracterización de la acción ateroprotectora de Halimeda incrassata y evidencian sus posibles aplicaciones como nutracéutico y/o fitofármaco.The research was funded by IFS grant F/4897-1. Partial funding was also provided by CIHR grant MOP24447, the Canadian Research Chair award (D.B.) and a personal grant from GSEP, offered by the Canadian Bureau for International Education (A.C) and CNPq- (Brasil)

    Comparation of antioxidants properties and polyphenols content of aqueous extract from seaweeds Bryothamnion triquetrum and Halimeda opuntia

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    Objetivos. Evaluar y comparar las propiedades antioxidantes mediante ensayos in vitro de extractos acuosos de las algas roja Bryothamnion triquetrum y verde Halimeda opuntia y su relación con el contenido de polifenoles. Material y Métodos. Se utilizaron las técnicas in vitro: DPPH, Capacidad reductora, Inhibición de la peroxidación lipídica e inhibición de la hemólisis inducida por AAPH. Resultados. B. triquetrum: DPPH; CI50=1,15 ± 0,06, capacidad reductora a concentración; 128 mg/mL, DO=2,798, inhibición de la peroxidación lipídica; CI50=5,09± 0,25 e inhibición de la hemólisis con 12 mg/ mL; 35 %. H. opuntia: DPPH; CI50=12,34 ± 0,30 mg/mL, capacidad reductora; DO=0,800, inhibición de la peroxidación lipídica; CI50=1,25± 0,31 mg/mL e inhibición de la hemólisis; 82%. Conclusiones. Los resultados evidencian que B triquetrum resulto mucho más eficiente en los ensayos de DPPH y Capacidad reductora mientras H opuntia resulta más eficiente en Inhibición de la peroxidación lipídica e inhibición de la hemólisis. Se discuten algunos aspectos acerca de sus posibles mecanismos de acción.Objective. To evaluate and compare the antioxidant activity displayed by seaweed H. opuntia and B. triquetrum using different experimental in vitro antioxidant assessment models. Material and Methods. The following techniques are utilized: DPPH, Reducing power, inhibition of lipid peroxidation and inhibition of haemolysis. Results. B. triquetrum: DPPH; IC50=1.15 ± 0.06, Reducing power (concentration 128 mg/mL), OD=2.798, inhibition of lipid peroxidation; IC50=5.09± 0.25 and inhibition of haemolysis; with 12 mg/mL; 35 %. H. opuntia: DPPH; IC50=12.34 ± 0.30 mg/mL, reducing power; OD=0.800, inhibition of lipid peroxidation; IC50=1.25± 0.31 mg/mL, inhibition of lipid peroxidation; IC50=1.25± 0.31 mg/mL and inhibition of haemolysis; 82%. Conclusion. It was demonstrated that B.triquetrum extract was more effective than H. opuntia in reducing power and DPPH assays while H.opuntia was more effective in inhibition of lipid peroxidation in rat brain homogenates and the inhibition of red blood cell (RBC) haemolysis induced by AAPH. We discuss some aspects about their possible mechanisms of action.Este trabajo fue financiado parcialmente por CNPq (Brasil) a través del Proyecto No. 401852/2012-1

    Evaluaciones toxicológicas de un extracto acuoso del alga marina Bryothamnion triquetrum (Gmelin) M.A.Howe en estudios in vitro y modelos animales

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    Objetivo: El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar la toxicidad de un extracto acuoso del alga marina Bryothamnion triquetrum. Métodos: El ensayo de Ames se desarrolló con las cepas de S. typhimurium TA 1535, TA 1537 y TA 1538 con y sin activación metabólica. El estudio de citotoxicidad se realizó con células intestinales Caco-2 durante 24 y 48 horas de exposición al extracto y la viabilidad fue evaluada con la técnica de yoduro de propidio. El Estudio de Toxicidad Aguda se realizó con ratones Balc/c machos por vía oral e intraperitoneal y el Ensayo de Toxicidad por Dosis Repetidas se desarrolló con ratas Wistar de ambos sexos, durante 3 meses por vía oral con dosis de 8 y 32 mg/kg. Resultados: En el estudio de citotoxicidad con células Caco-2 se obtuvieron CL50 de 9,3 y 4,5 mg/mL con exposiciones de 24 y 48 horas respectivamente. El ensayo de Ames evidencia que no es mutágeno directo ni promutágeno hasta 1000 μg. La DL50 del extracto por vía intraperitoneal fue de 1205 mg/kg y por vía oral no se observó mortalidad en dosis de 2000 mg/kg. En el estudio de Toxicidad por Dosis Repetidas no se observó toxicidad. Conclusiones: A partir de estos resultados se puede postular que el extracto acuoso del alga marina B. triquetrum es inocuo, consideración necesaria, entre otras, para su posible uso como nutracéutico y/o fitofármaco.Aim: The aim of this work was to evaluate the toxicity of an aqueous extract from seaweed Bryothamnion triquetrum. Materials and Methods: Ames assay was developed with S. typhimurium TA 1535, TA 1537 and TA 1538 with and without metabolic activation. Citotoxicity study was carried out with intestinal cells Caco-2 during 24 and 48 hours of exhibition to the extract and the viability was evaluated with the technique of Propidium iodide. Acute Toxicity was carried out with mice Balc/c males for via oral and intraperitoneal and the Toxicity for Repeated Dose was developed with rats Wistar of both sexes, during 3 months for via oral with dose of 8 and 32 mg/kg. Results: Results of Ames assays showed that this extract is not direct mutagen or promutagen in quantity until 1000 μg. The cytotoxic effect (LC50) of Caco-2 cells after 24 and 48 h of exposition were 9,3 and 4,5 mg/mL respectively. The LD50 of the extract, with intraperitoneal administration was 1205 mg/kg and by oral via not produce mortality in doses until 2000 mg/kg. At the doses of 8 and 32 mg/kg of extract, the repeated oral administration produced no toxic effects. Conclusions: In summary, this paper adds convincing evidences in support of innocuous of the aqueous extract of B.triquetrum. Altogether; these results represent another step towards the use of this natural product as phytotherapeutical agent.CNPq (Brasil), número de proyecto PV 400001/2009 8