1,066 research outputs found

    On Argumentation Logic and Propositional Logic

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    This paper studies the relationship between Argumentation Logic (AL), a recently defined logic based on the study of argumentation in AI, and classical Propositional Logic (PL). In particular, it shows that AL and PL are logically equivalent in that they have the same entailment relation from any given classically consistent theory. This equivalence follows from a correspondence between the non-acceptability of (arguments for) sentences in AL and Natural Deduction (ND) proofs of the complement of these sentences. The proof of this equivalence uses a restricted form of ND proofs, where hypotheses in the application of the Reductio of Absurdum inference rule are required to be “relevant” to the absurdity derived in the rule. The paper also discusses how the argumentative re-interpretation of PL could help control the application of ex-falso quodlibet in the presence of inconsistencies

    Abelian link invariants and homology

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    We consider the link invariants defined by the quantum Chern-Simons field theory with compact gauge group U(1) in a closed oriented 3-manifold M. The relation of the abelian link invariants with the homology group of the complement of the links is discussed. We prove that, when M is a homology sphere or when a link -in a generic manifold M- is homologically trivial, the associated observables coincide with the observables of the sphere S^3. Finally we show that the U(1) Reshetikhin-Turaev surgery invariant of the manifold M is not a function of the homology group only, nor a function of the homotopy type of M alone.Comment: 18 pages, 3 figures; to be published in Journal of Mathematical Physic


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    In the present paper measurements and tests were carried out on 12 basketball players of a D-series team, undergoing muscular strengthen, for a period of more than 2 years. The team was divided into 2 groups : the control group, composed of 5 players undergoing only team-training, and the experimental group, composed of 7 players undergoing team-training and sinusoidal electrical stimulation to increase the power in quadriceps femoris and triceps surae . In this study a sinusoidal current at the frequency of 2500 Hz has been used. A stimulation time of 10 seconds was chosen, followed by a rest period of 50 seconds to avoid a reduction of the subsequent contraction force. This stimulation procedure was applied to the subjects of the experimental group for 20 minutes per day for 15days. Four stimulation cycles of 15 days were globally performed using the 4channel electrical stimulator mod. ST-E4C.Similar anthropometric data characterised the two groups : for the experimental group the mean age was 20.1 f 1.9 years, the mean height was 187.7 f 5.0 an and the mean weight 83.8 f 6.4 Kg for the control group these values were respectively 20.8 f 2.5 years, 189.0 f 2.8 cm, 80.6 f 3.7 Kg .Before and after each stimulation cycle, at the beginning and at the end of the agonistic season several tests were performed to evaluate performance indexes :1. Abalakov test (taking the best result of three tests);2. Standing long jump (taking the best result of three tests);3.30 meters dash (taking the average time of three tests).This study has shown that a h26 months the experimental group reached increments of performance indexes twice greater than the control group. After summer, before the beginning of the agonistic season, the absolute increments for the experimental group remained higher than the control group, suggesting that the improvement of the muscular performance by means of sinusoidal electrical stimulation is maintained by a normal training and constitutes a basic resource for the following improvements


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    INTRODUCTION Beside the studies carried out at "CentrO Scoliosi" of Istituto Ortopedico "Gaetano Pini" about idiopathic scoliosis pathogenesis (Dacquino et al., 1970) and its treatment using the electrical stimulation (Crivellini and Divieti, 1972, 1975; Crivellini et al., 1976, 1979; Divieti, 1979), an experiment was carried out to analyze the muscular strength increase, obtained by means of the same stimulation procedure for the scoliotic patients. The triceps surae muscle was chosen because of its size and accessibility. The electrical stimulation was performed on a group of subjects not involved in any sporting activity by Caiulo et al., 1980b. This study has shown that electrical stimulation increased the maximum spontaneous force (J 1.9%), the jumping index (23.7%) measured with the Abalakov method (Kots and Xvilon, 1971; Kots et al., 1971), and the maximum limb circumference (6%) measured near the belly of the stimulated muscle. Moreover this experience has shown that the stimulation of the whole gastrocnemius muscle, with well tolerable current values, causes not only the contraction of the triceps surae muscle but also the contraction of the posterior tibialis muscle, normally quite difficult to stimulate because it is deeply positioned under the soleus muscle. In this work the force of the triceps surae was transduced by means of a particular experimental device. The force of this muscle is measurable considering the action of the foot during the flexion movement. The same experiment was repeated on a group of athletes of a volleyball team in order to compare the results. It is important to note that the electrical stimulation first recruits the big superficial motor units that are the last activated in maximal voluntary contractions

    Intraventricular liponeurocytoma: The role of surgery and adjuvant therapy

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    Background: After a series of case reports, in the WHO classification of 2007, liponeurocytomas were reclassified as grade II tumors and confirmed in the last WHO classification of 2016. We describe a rare case of intraventricular location of liponeurocytoma with review of the literature and propose the management of these rare lesions. Methods: We reviewed the pertinent english literature and extracted 9 articles to discuss 12 cases of intraventricular liponeurocytoma. We reported demographics and clinical data cases including our case. Results: Patients mean age is 37years. There is a male prevalence. All 12 patients underwent surgical treatment. A total tumor resection was obtained in 66,6%. There is one mortality reported due to intraventricular hemorrhage. In 4 cases K67/MIB-1 resulted 3% after subtotal removal. Keywords: Liponeurocytoma, Fourth ventricle, Ki-67 index, Neurocytom

    Metformin as an adjuvant drug against pediatric sarcomas: hypoxia limits therapeutic effects of the drug.

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    Metformin, a well-known insulin-sensitizer commonly used for type 2 diabetes therapy, has recently emerged as potentially very attractive drug also in oncology. It is cheap, it is relatively safe and many reports have indicated effects in cancer prevention and therapy. These desirable features are particularly interesting for pediatric sarcomas, a group of rare tumors that have been shown to be dependent on IGF and insulin system for pathogenesis and progression. Metformin exerts anti-mitogenic activity in several cancer histotypes through several molecular mechanisms. In this paper, we analyzed its effects against osteosarcoma, Ewing sarcoma and rhabdomyosarcoma, the three most common pediatric sarcomas. Despite in vitro metformin gave remarkable antiproliferative and chemosensitizing effects both in sensitive and chemoresistant cells, its efficacy was not confirmed against Ewing sarcoma xenografts neither as single agent nor in combination with vincristine. This discrepancy between in vitro and in vivo effects may be due to hypoxia, a common feature of solid tumors. We provide evidences that in hypoxia conditions metformin was not able to activate AMPK and inhibit mTOR signaling, which likely prevents the inhibitory effects of metformin on tumor growth. Thus, although metformin may be considered a useful complement of conventional chemotherapy in normoxia, its therapeutic value in highly hypoxic tumors may be more limited. The impact of hypoxia should be considered when novel therapies are planned for pediatric sarcomas

    Effects of nuclear re-interactions in quasi-elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering

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    The effects of nuclear re-interactions in the quasi-elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering are investigated with a phenomenological model. We found that the nuclear responses are lowered and their maxima are shifted towards higher excitation energies. This is reflected on the total neutrino-nucleus cross section in a general reduction of about 15% for neutrino energies above 300 MeV.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figures. Submitted to AstroParticle Physic

    Unfolding the Origin of the Ultrafast Optical Response of Titanium Nitride

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    Ultrafast plasmonics is driving growing interest for the search of novel plasmonic materials, overcoming the main limitations of noble metals. In this framework, titanium nitride (TiN) is brought in the spotlight for its refractory properties combined with an extremely fast electron-lattice cooling time (<100 fs) compared to gold (approximate to 1 ps). Despite the results reported in literature, a clear-cut explanation of the origin of the ultrafast and giant optical response of TiN-based materials upon excitation with femtosecond laser pulses is still missing. To address this issue, an original model is introduced, capable of unfolding the modulation of TiN optical properties on a broad bandwidth, starting from the variations of electronic and lattice temperatures following ultrafast photoexcitation. The numerical analysis is validated on ultrafast pump-probe spectroscopy experiments on a simple structure, a TiN film on glass. This approach enables a complete disentanglement of the interband and intraband contributions to the permittivity modulation. Moreover, it is also shown that, varying the synthesis conditions of the TiN film, not only the static, but also the dynamical optical response can be efficiently tuned. These findings pave the way for a breakthrough in the field: the design of TiN-based ultrafast nanodevices for all-optical modulation of light

    Building a rheumatology biobank for reliable basic/translational research and precision medicine

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    Research biobanks are non-profit structures that collect, manipulate, store, analyze and distribute systematically organized biological samples and data for research and development purposes. Over the recent years, we have established a biobank, the Rheumatology BioBank (RheumaBank) headed by the Medicine and Rheumatology unit of the IRCCS Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli (IOR) in Bologna, Italy for the purpose of collecting, processing, storing, and distributing biological samples and associated data obtained from patients suffering from inflammatory joint diseases. RheumaBank is a research biobank, and its main objective is to promote large-scale, high-quality basic, translational, and clinical research studies that can help elucidate pathogenetic mechanisms and improve personalization of treatment choice in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA), psoriatic arthritis (PsA) and other spondyloarthritides (SpA)