121 research outputs found

    Qualitative properties and existence of sign changing solutions with compact support for an equation with a p-Laplace operator

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    We consider radial solutions of an elliptic equation involving the p-Laplace operator and prove by a shooting method the existence of compactly supported solutions with any prescribed number of nodes. The method is based on a change of variables in the phase plane corresponding to an asymptotic Hamiltonian system and provides qualitative properties of the solutions

    Highly oscillatory solutions of a Neumann problem for a pp-laplacian equation

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    We deal with a boundary value problem of the form ϵ(ϕp(ϵu))+a(x)W(u)=0,u(0)=0=u(1),-\epsilon(\phi_p(\epsilon u'))'+a(x)W'(u)=0,\quad u'(0)=0=u'(1), where ϕp(s)=sp2s\phi_p(s) = \vert s \vert^{p-2} s for sRs \in \mathbb{R} and p>1p>1, and W:[1,1]RW:[-1,1] \to {\mathbb R} is a double-well potential. We study the limit profile of solutions when ϵ0+\epsilon \to 0^+ and, conversely, we prove the existence of nodal solutions associated with any admissible limit profile when ϵ\epsilon is small enough

    Splitting the Fučík Spectrum and the Number of Solutions to a Quasilinear ODE

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    For \varnothing an increasing homeomorphism from R\mathbb{R} onto R\mathbb{R} and fϵC(R)f\epsilon C\left(\mathbb{R}\right), we consider the problem ((u))+f(u)=0,tϵ(0,L),u(0)=0=u(L). \left(\varnothing\left(u'\right)\right)'+f\left(u\right)=0,\qquad t\epsilon\left(0,L\right),\qquad u\left(0\right)=0=u\left(L\right). The aim is to study multiplicity of solutions by means of some generalized Pseudo Fucˇ\check{\textrm{c}}ik spectrum (at infinity, or at zero). New insights that lead to a very precise counting of solutions are obtained by splitting these spectra into two parts, called Positive Pseudo Fucˇ\check{\textrm{c}}ik Spectrum (PPFS) and Negative Pseudo Fucˇ\check{\textrm{c}}ik spectrum (NPFS) (at infinity, or at zero, respectively), in this form tue can discuss separately the two cases u' (0) > 0 and u' (0) < 0

    Existence of positive solutions of a superlinear boundary value problem with indefinite weight

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    We deal with the existence of positive solutions for a two-point boundary value problem associated with the nonlinear second order equation u+a(x)g(u)=0u''+a(x)g(u)=0. The weight a(x)a(x) is allowed to change its sign. We assume that the function g ⁣:[0,+[Rg\colon\mathopen{[}0,+\infty\mathclose{[}\to\mathbb{R} is continuous, g(0)=0g(0)=0 and satisfies suitable growth conditions, so as the case g(s)=spg(s)=s^{p}, with p>1p>1, is covered. In particular we suppose that g(s)/sg(s)/s is large near infinity, but we do not require that g(s)g(s) is non-negative in a neighborhood of zero. Using a topological approach based on the Leray-Schauder degree we obtain a result of existence of at least a positive solution that improves previous existence theorems.Comment: 12 pages, 4 PNG figure