114 research outputs found

    Influenza vaccination for immunocompromised patients: systematic review and meta-analysis from a public health policy perspective.

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    Immunocompromised patients are vulnerable to severe or complicated influenza infection. Vaccination is widely recommended for this group. This systematic review and meta-analysis assesses influenza vaccination for immunocompromised patients in terms of preventing influenza-like illness and laboratory confirmed influenza, serological response and adverse events

    MHC class I–associated phosphopeptides are the targets of memory-like immunity in Leukemia

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    Deregulation of signaling pathways involving phosphorylation is a hallmark of malignant transformation. Degradation of phosphoproteins generates cancer-specific phosphopeptides that are associated with MHC-I and II molecules and recognized by T-cells. We identified 95 phosphopeptides presented on the surface of primary hematological tumors and normal tissues, including 61 that were tumor-specific. Phosphopeptides were more prevalent on more aggressive and malignant samples. CD8 T-cell lines specific for these phosphopeptides recognized and killed both leukemia cell lines and HLA-matched primary leukemia cells ex vivo. Healthy individuals showed surprisingly high levels of CD8 T-cell responses against many of these phosphopeptides within the circulating memory compartment. This immunity was significantly reduced or absent in some leukemia patients, which correlated with clinical outcome, and was restored following allogeneic stem cell transplantation. These results suggest that phosphopeptides may be targets of cancer immune surveillance in humans, and point to their importance for development of vaccine-based and T-cell adoptive transfer immunotherapies.

    DOPADY NASAZENÍ AMM NA ZPŮSOB ŘÍZENÍ ZÁTĚŽE aneb od povelování k programování

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    Článek pojednává o dopadu nasazení AMM na způsob řízení zátěže. Dnes používaný systém HDO využívá tzv. broadcast - na plošné vysílání telegramu reagují pouze přijímače, které jsou pro příjem daného telegramu příslušně nastaveny, změna kombinace přijímač-povel HDO není flexibilní. Relé v elektroměru AMM jsou ovládána pomocí časového programu, který je uložen v paměti elektroměru a je možné jej dálkově aktualizovat. AMM tedy nabízí individuální řízení zátěže pro jednotlivá OM, což se může pro řízení stability sítě ukázat jako velmi výhodné.The article is focused on consequences of smart metering roll/out from load control perspective. Ripple control system, currently used in CR, is broadcasting command for switching on/off partial load - load is switched only on receivers paired to specific command, reprogramming is difficult. Within smart meter, load is switched via time programme (time of use), which is stored in meter memory and can be remotely adapted. Thus smart metering offers more flexibility, literally individual load control programs, which might be seen very attractive for grid stability purposes

    Flexibility optimisation methods in deterministic environment

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    Výzkumná zpráva obsahuje metodiku optimalizace bilance poptávky a nabídky flexibility s respektováním technických omezení platných pro účastníky trhu s flexibilitou v deterministickém prostředí. Kromě těchto technických omezení budou respektována i omezení daná konfigurací a stavem sítě.The research report includes the balance of demand and the supply of flexibility optimisation methodology , respecting the technical constraints applicable to market participants with flexibility in a deterministic environment. In addition to these technical limitations, the configuration and network status limitations will also be respected

    Secure power flexibility for grid control and market purposes (SecureFlex)

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    Projekt SecureFlex cílí na vytvoření analytických, výpočetních a optimalizačních nástrojů a cílených studií, které přispějí k systémovému energetickému řešení pro bezpečné využití výkonové flexibility spojené s integrací nových technologií a tržních subjektů v prostředí ČR. Společně se systémovými operátory budou vyvinuty nástroje, které budou mít významný potenciál reálného nasazení a přispějí k vzniku systematického konceptu zapojení výkonové flexibility do tržních a provozně-bezpečnostních mechanismů v prostředí české elektrizační soustavyThe project focuses on the development of analytics, computation and optimization tools and specialized research reports, which will lead to the development of systematic energy solution for secure utilization of power flexibility enabled by new technologies and market stakeholders’ integration into Czech energy domain. In cooperation with system operators, the support tools will be developed, which will have a significant potential of real-world deployment and will enable the systematic solution for power flexibility utilization in market and operation power networks mechanisms of Czech Republic. The project timeline is on the line with the expected middle-term schedule of fourth energy package implementation (Winter package), where is lack of suitable support tools

    Options and limitations of tariffs currently used in the Czech Republic

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    Analýza motivačních schémat používaných v ČR a jejich analýza z pohledu využitelnosti a efektivity při nasazení v rámci systému aktivace flexibility. Pro zvýšení využitelnosti výsledku byla analýza prováděna v součinnosti a souladu s relevantními aktivitami projektu, zejména identifikací a predikcí skutečného chování odběratele a návrhem nástrojů pro vytěžování flexibility.Analysis of motivational schemes used in the Czech Republic and their analysis in terms of usability and effectiveness in deployment within the flexibility activation system. To increase the usability of the result, the analysis was carried out in synergy and consistency with the relevant activities of the project, in particular by identifying and predicting the actual behaviour of the customer and by designing tools for extracting flexibility

    Enantiopure, supramolecular helices containing three-dimensional tetranuclear lanthanide(III) arrays: Synthesis, structure, properties, and solvent-driven trinuclear/tetranuclear interconversion

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    The enantiomerically pure pinene-bipyridine-based receptor, (-) or (+) L-, diastereoselectively self-assembles in dry acetonitrile in the presence of LnIII ions (Ln = La, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, and Tb) to give a C3-symmetrical, pyramidal architecture with the general formula [Ln4(L)9(\u3bc3-OH)](ClO4) 2) (abbreviated as tetra-Ln4L9). Three metal centers shape the base: an equilateral triangle surrounded by two sets of helically wrapping ligands with opposite configurations. This part of the structure is very similar to the species [Ln3(L)6(\u3bc 3-OH)(H2O)3](ClO4)2) (recently reported by us and abbreviated as tris-LnL2) formed by the ligand and the Ln(III) ions when the reactions are performed in methanol. The tetranuclear structure is completed by a capping, helical unit LnL3 whose chirality is also predetermined by the chirality of the ligand. A complete characterization of these isostructural, chiral compounds was performed in solid state (X-ray, IR) and in solution (ES-MS, NMR, CD, UV-vis and emission spectroscopies). The sign and the intensity of the CD bands in the region of the \u3c0\u3c0* transitions of the bipyridine (absolute \u394 \u3b5 values at 327 nrn are about 280 M-1\ub7cm -1) are highly influenced by the helicity of the capping fragment LnL3. The photophysical properties (lifetime, quantum yield) of the visible (Eu and Tb complexes) and NIR (Nd complex) emitters indicate a good energy transfer between the ligands and the metal centers. The two related superstructures tetra-Ln4L9 and tris-LnL2 can be interconverted in acetonitrile, the switching process depending on the amount of water present in the solvent, the size of the Ln(III) ion, and the concentration. The weak chiral recognition capabilities of the self-assembly leading to the formation of tetra-Ln4L9 either by direct synthesis from a racemic mixture of the ligand and Ln(III) ions or by the conversion of a tris-Ln[(\ub1)-L]2 racemate were likewise demonstrated