31 research outputs found

    The evolution of galaxy groups and of galaxies therein

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    Properties of groups of galaxies depend sensitively on the algorithm for group selection, and even the most recent catalogs of groups built from redshift-space selection should suffer from projections and infalling galaxies. The cosmo-dynamical evolution of groups from initial Hubble expansion to collapse and virialization leads to a fundamental track (FT) in virial-theorem-M/L vs crossing time. The increased rates of mergers, both direct and after dynamical friction, in groups relative to clusters, explain the higher fraction of elliptical galaxies at given local number density in X-ray selected groups, relative to clusters, even when the hierarchical evolution of groups is considered. Galaxies falling into groups and clusters should later travel outwards to typically 2 virial radii, which is somewhat less than the outermost radius where observed galaxy star formation efficiencies are enhanced relative to field galaxies of same morphological type. An ongoing analysis of the internal kinematics of X-ray selected groups suggests that the radial profiles of line of sight velocity dispersion are consistent with isotropic NFW distributions for the total mass density, with higher (lower) concentrations than LambdaCDM predictions in groups of high (low) mass. The critical mass, at M200 ~ 10^13 M_sun is consistent with possible breaks in the X-ray luminosity-temperature and Fundamental Plane relations. The internal kinematics of groups indicate that the M-T relation of groups should agree with that extrapolated from clusters with no break at the group scale. The analyses of observed velocity dispersion profiles and of the FT both suggest that low velocity dispersion groups (compact and loose, X-ray emitting or undetected) are quite contaminated by chance projections.Comment: Invited review, ESO workshop "Groups of Galaxies in the Nearby Universe", held in Santiago, Chile, 5-9 December 2005, ed. I. Saviane, V. Ivanov & J. Borissova, 16 page

    The role of tidal interactions in driving galaxy evolution

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    We carry out a statistical analysis of galaxy pairs selected from chemical hydrodynamical simulations with the aim at assessing the capability of hierarchical scenarios to reproduce recent observational results for galaxies in pairs. Particularly, we analyse the effects of mergers and interactions on the star formation (SF) activity, the global mean chemical properties and the colour distribution of interacting galaxies. We also assess the effects of spurious pairs.Comment: to appear in "Groups of galaxies in the nearby Universe" ESO Workshop, (Dec 2005) Santiago, Chil

    The Association of Compact Groups of Galaxies with Large-scale Structures

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    We use various samples of compact groups (CGs) to examine the types of association CGs have with rich and poor clusters of galaxies at low (z~0.04) and intermediate (z~0.1) redshifts. We find that ~10-20 % of CGs are associated with rich clusters and a much larger fraction with poorer clusters or loose groups. Considering the incompleteness of catalogs of poorer systems at intermediate redshift, our result is consistent with all CGs at intermediate redshift being associated with larger-scale systems. The richness of the clusters associated with CGs significantly increases from z~0.04 to z~0.1, while their Bautz-Morgan type changes from early to late type for the same range in z. Neither trend is compatible with a selection effect in the cluster catalogs used. We find earlier morphological types of galaxies to be more frequent in CGs associated with larger-scale structures, compared to those in CGs not associated to such structures. We consider this as new evidence that CGs are part of the large-scale structure formation process and that they may play an important role in the evolution of galaxies in these structures.Comment: 5 pages, no figures, Proc. ESO Workshop "Groups of galaxies in the nearby Universe", Santiago, Chile, 5-9 Dec. 2005, ESO Astrophysics Symposia, eds. I. Saviane, V. Ivanov & J. Borissova, Springer-Verlag; very minor revision of text on 15 Mar 2006, added one referenc

    How do dwarf galaxies acquire their mass & when do they form their stars?

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    We apply a simple, one-equation, galaxy formation model on top of the halos and subhalos of a high-resolution dark matter cosmological simulation to study how dwarf galaxies acquire their mass and, for better mass resolution, on over 10^5 halo merger trees, to predict when they form their stars. With the first approach, we show that the large majority of galaxies within group- and cluster-mass halos have acquired the bulk of their stellar mass through gas accretion and not via galaxy mergers. We deduce that most dwarf ellipticals are not built up by galaxy mergers. With the second approach, we constrain the star formation histories of dwarfs by requiring that star formation must occur within halos of a minimum circular velocity set by the evolution of the temperature of the IGM, starting before the epoch of reionization. We qualitatively reproduce the downsizing trend of greater ages at greater masses and predict an upsizing trend of greater ages as one proceeds to masses lower than m_crit. We find that the fraction of galaxies with very young stellar populations (more than half the mass formed within the last 1.5 Gyr) is a function of present-day mass in stars and cold gas, which peaks at 0.5% at m_crit=10^6-8 M_Sun, corresponding to blue compact dwarfs such as I Zw 18. We predict that the baryonic mass function of galaxies should not show a maximum at masses above 10^5.5, M_Sun, and we speculate on the nature of the lowest mass galaxies.Comment: 6 pages, to appear in "A Universe of Dwarf Galaxies: Observations, Theories, Simulations", ed. M. Koleva, P. Prugniel & I. Vauglin, EAS Series (Paris: EDP

    Probing the Environment with Galaxy Dynamics

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    I present various projects to study the halo dynamics of elliptical galaxies. This allows one to study the outer mass and orbital distributions of ellipticals in different environments, and the inner distributions of groups and clusters themselves.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figs, to appear in Proc. ESO Workshop, Groups of Galaxies in the Nearby Universe (5-9 Dec 2005), eds. I. Saviane, V. Ivanov & J. Borissova (Springer-Verlag

    Galaxy Cluster Mass Reconstruction Project: III. The impact of dynamical substructure on cluster mass estimates

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    With the advent of wide-field cosmological surveys, we are approaching samples of hundreds of thousands of galaxy clusters. While such large numbers will help reduce statistical uncertainties, the control of systematics in cluster masses is crucial. Here we examine the effects of an important source of systematic uncertainty in galaxy-based cluster mass estimation techniques: the presence of significant dynamical substructure. Dynamical substructure manifests as dynamically distinct subgroups in phase-space, indicating an ‘unrelaxed’ state. This issue affects around a quarter of clusters in a generally selected sample. We employ a set of mock clusters whose masses have been measured homogeneously with commonly used galaxy-based mass estimation techniques (kinematic, richness, caustic, radial methods). We use these to study how the relation between observationally estimated and true cluster mass depends on the presence of substructure, as identified by various popular diagnostics. We find that the scatter for an ensemble of clusters does not increase dramatically for clusters with dynamical substructure. However, we find a systematic bias for all methods, such that clusters with significant substructure have higher measured masses than their relaxed counterparts. This bias depends on cluster mass: the most massive clusters are largely unaffected by the presence of significant substructure, but masses are significantly overestimated for lower mass clusters, by ∼10 per cent at 1014 and > or ~20 per cent for < or ~ 1013.5. The use of cluster samples with different levels of substructure can therefore bias certain cosmological parameters up to a level comparable to the typical uncertainties in current cosmological studies

    Structural and dynamical modeling of WINGS clusters. III. The pseudo phase-space density profile

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    Numerical simulations indicate that cosmological halos display power-law radial profiles of pseudo phase-space density (PPSD), Q=rho/sigma^3, where rho is mass density and sigma velocity dispersion. We test these predictions using the parameters derived from the Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) analysis performed with the MAMPOSSt code on the observed kinematics of a velocity dispersion based stack (sigmav) of 54 nearby regular clusters of galaxies from the WINGS dataset. In the definition of PPSD, the density is either in total mass rho (Q_rho) or in galaxy number density nu (Q_nu) of three morphological classes of galaxies (ellipticals, lenticulars, and spirals), while the velocity dispersion (obtained by inversion of the Jeans equation) is either the total (Q_rho and Q_nu) or its radial component (Q_r,rho and Q_r,nu). We find that the PPSD profiles are power-law relations for nearly all MCMC parameters. The logarithmic slopes of our observed Q_rho(r) and Q_r,rho(r) for ellipticals and spirals are in excellent agreement with the predictions for particles in simulations, but slightly shallower for S0s. For Q_nu(r) and Q_r,nu(r), only the ellipticals have a PPSD slope matching that of particles in simulations, while the slope for spirals is much shallower, similar to that of subhalos. But for cluster stacks based on richness or gas temperature, the fraction of power-law PPSDs is lower (esp. Q_nu) and the Q_rho slopes are shallower, except for S0s. The observed PPSD profiles, defined using rho rather than nu, appear to be a fundamental property of galaxy clusters. They would be imprinted during an early phase of violent relaxation for dark matter and ellipticals, and later for spirals as they move towards dynamical equilibrium in the cluster gravitational potential, while S0s are either intermediate (richness and temperature-based stacks) or a mixed class (sigmav stack)

    Why does the Jeans Swindle work?

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    The properties and environment of very young galaxies in the local Universe

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    International audienceIn the local Universe, there are a handful of dwarf compact star-forming galaxies with extremely low oxygen abundances. It has been proposed that they are young, having formed a large fraction of their stellar mass during their last few hundred Myr. However, little is known about the fraction of young stellar populations in more massive galaxies. In a previous article, we analysed  404 000 Sloan Digital Sky Survey spectra to identify a surprisingly large sample of more massive very young galaxies (VYGs), defined to have formed at least |50 per cent50{{\ \rm per\ cent}}| of their stellar mass within the last 1 Gyr. Here, we investigate in detail the properties of a subsample of 207 galaxies that are VYGs according to all three of our spectral models. We compare their properties with those of control sample galaxies (CSGs). We find that VYGs tend to have higher surface brightness and to be more compact, dusty, asymmetric, and clumpy than CSGs. Analysis of a subsample with H i detections reveals that VYGs are more gas rich than CSGs. VYGs tend to reside more in the inner parts of low-mass groups and are twice as likely as CSGs to be interacting with a neighbour galaxy. On the other hand, VYGs and CSGs have similar gas metallicities and large-scale environments (relative to filaments and voids). These results suggest that gas-rich interactions and mergers are the main mechanisms responsible for the recent triggering of star formation in low-redshift VYGs, except for the lowest mass VYGs, where the starbursts would arise from a mixture of mergers and gas infall

    Structural and dynamical modeling of WINGS clusters. II. The orbital anisotropies of elliptical, spiral and lenticular galaxies

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    International audienceThe orbital shapes of galaxies of different classes are a probe of their formation and evolution. The Bayesian MAMPOSSt mass-orbit modeling algorithm is used to jointly fit the distribution of elliptical, spiral-irregular, and lenticular galaxies in projected phase space, on three pseudo-clusters (built by stacking the clusters after re-normalizing their positions and velocities) of 54 regular clusters from the Wide-field Nearby Galaxy-clusters Survey (WINGS), with at least 30 member velocities. Our pseudo-clusters (i.e., stacks) contain nearly 5000 galaxies with available velocities and morphological types. Thirty runs of MAMPOSSt with different priors are presented. The highest MAMPOSSt likelihoods are obtained for generalized Navarro-Frenk-White (NFW) models with steeper inner slope, free-index Einasto models, and double NFW models for the cluster and the brightest cluster galaxy. However, there is no strong Bayesian evidence for a steeper profile than the NFW model. The mass concentration matches the predictions from cosmological simulations. Ellipticals usually best trace the mass distribution while S0s are close. Spiral galaxies show increasingly elongated orbits at increasing radii, as do S0s on two stacks, and ellipticals on one stack. The inner orbits of all three types in the three stacks are consistent with isotropy. Spiral galaxies should transform rapidly into early-types given their much larger extent in clusters. Elongated outer orbits are expected for the spirals, a consequence of their recent radial infall into the cluster. The less elongated orbits we find for early-types could be related to the longer time spent by these galaxies in the cluster. We demonstrate that two-body relaxation is too slow to explain the inner isotropy of the early types, which suggests that inner isotropy is the consequence of violent relaxation during major cluster mergers or dynamical friction and tidal braking acting on subclusters. We propose that the inner isotropy of the short-lived spirals is a selection effect of spirals passing only once through pericenter before being transformed into early-type morphologies.Key words: galaxies: kinematics and dynamics / dark matter / galaxies: clusters: genera