5 research outputs found

    Náhodný nález severského hrotu kopí z doby bronzové u obce Nesměň, okr. Kolín

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    S užíváním detektorů kovů výrazně narůstá počet jednotlivých nálezů bronzových artefaktů. Na katastru obce Nesměň okr. Kolín byl objeven bronzový hrot kopí s rytím zdobenou tulejí, který mimo jiné dokládá dálkové kontakty tehdejších obyvatel Čech se severským prostředím na sklonku střední doby bronzové

    Dynamic changes in genomic and social structures in third millennium BCE central Europe

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    Europe’s prehistory oversaw dynamic and complex interactions of diverse societies, hitherto unexplored at detailed regional scales. Studying 271 human genomes dated ~4900 to 1600 BCE from the European heartland, Bohemia, we reveal unprecedented genetic changes and social processes. Major migrations preceded the arrival of “steppe” ancestry, and at ~2800 BCE, three genetically and culturally differentiated groups coexisted. Corded Ware appeared by 2900 BCE, were initially genetically diverse, did not derive all steppe ancestry from known Yamnaya, and assimilated females of diverse backgrounds. Both Corded Ware and Bell Beaker groups underwent dynamic changes, involving sharp reductions and complete replacements of Y-chromosomal diversity at ~2600 and ~2400 BCE, respectively, the latter accompanied by increased Neolithic-like ancestry. The Bronze Age saw new social organization emerge amid a ≥40% population turnover.Peer reviewe

    New Roman Period settlement finds from Prague-Kbely

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    Presented rescue excavations took place in north-eastern part of Prague in the year 2007 within the parish of Prague-Kbely. Most of the features and artifacts belong to the Bronze Age and the late Iron Age. In this contribution authors focus only on the part of archaeological record that brought some evidence on settlement activities datable to the Roman Period. Approximately a half of the artifacts come from eight sunken features, the other part was found widespread in the wide unstratified layer, so any house or farmstead layout is hardly recognizable. Among the common pottery sherds that belong typologically to the end of 2nd-4th Century AD and bear typical signs of Germanic pottery were found also some finds of Roman-provincial provenience. Due to the small dimensions and absence of more detailed typological traces is hard to say something more concrete about these in Bohemia rarely found artifacts. Important finds also present the metallic artifacts, mostly from 2nd and 3rd Century AD

    Finds of Human Skeletal Remains within Settlements of Early and Late Bronze Age in Central Bohemia

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    This dissertation aims to provide a survey of periphrastic aspectual constructions in contemporary European Portuguese. The research was initially conducted on periphrastic constructions in the two main Portuguese corpuses, the CETEMPúblico and the Corpus do Portugus, and was then followed by a semantic analysis. The main problem, according to the author, consists in the fundamentally different conceptions of aspect and the nature of verbal action in Czech and Portuguese. Given that the grammatical category of aspect has different contents in Czech and Portuguese, it is preferable to use the term aspectuality as a three-layer system of interacting categories of aspect, telicity, and the nature of verbal action. If the traditional Slavic aspect is to be expressed in Portuguese by other means at various levels of construction, Czech lacks a way to render the variety of meanings of Portuguese periphrastic constructions that represent the different categories of the nature of verbal action (Aktionsart). In the dissertation, aspectuality in Portuguese is considered a system of mutually correlated categories - aspect, the nature of verbal action, and the lexical semantics of the verb. In Portuguese, the category of the nature of verbal action employs specific means that can be separated from morphological means..

    A Chance Find of a Nordic Bronze Age Spearhead near the Village of Nesměň, District Kolín, Central Bohemia

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    The use of metal detectors by private individuals brought about a rapid increase of single finds of bronze artefacts. The object of this paper is a bronze spearhead with chiselled decoration on its socket which was discovered in the cadastral area of the municipality of Nesměň near Zásmuky, district of Kolín, central Bohemia. The spearhead is completely preserved with the exception of some minor damage caused during the non professional unearthing. The studied spear head has a long narrow blade and a very short socket with chiselled decoration and two aligned holes for a rivet by means of which it was originally fixed to the shaft. Its overall length is 298 mm; the width of the blade is 40 mm; the diameter of the socket is 22 mm; the diameter of the rivet holes is 2.7 mm and 4 mm; the overall weight of the artefact is 210 g. The spearhead can be classified as the type Ullerslev after the typology of G. Jacob‑Friesen (1967, 143). According to the available information, no other metal artefacts were discovered in the find spot, including the rivet which could attest that the spear head was deposited attached to its shaft. The distribution area of this spear head type includes mainly southern Sweden, the Danish isles and the north western part of Jutland. Single pieces appear in the territory of Hamburg, Lüneburg and Hannover as well as in Mecklenburg, lower Oder and Eastern Prussia (Jacob‑Friesen 1967, 144). The closest find‑spot of a spearhead of this type is Hulín, dist. Kroměříž, Olomouc Region – it made part of a hoard of bronze objects (Salaš 2005, 271). This spearhead type belongs to the II phase of the Nordic Bronze Age in the Montelian chronology (i.e. the Br BC in the Reinecke system). In the territory of Bohemia it is an allochthonous artefact imported from its Nordic homeland. Analogous spearheads from elsewhere in Europe help us determine the date of its production; we have, nevertheless, no clues as to when and under what circumstances it had been deposited or lost in the place, where it was later discovered. We cannot also decide with certainty if the object was accidentally lost or intentionally deposited.657