55 research outputs found

    Do Apoio Logístico na Guerra Irregular à Logística de um Exército Convencional: Transformação e Adaptação

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    O presente Trabalho de Investigação Aplicada está subordinado ao tema: ʺ Do apoio logístico na guerra irregular à logística de um exército convencional: Transformação e Adaptação ʺ. A crescente importância da logística a nível do panorama internacional, mais especificamente no Exército, tendo sido um fator que mudou em determinados momentos o curso da história, espelha o valor que este trabalho tem. O Exército angolano foi um pilar importante no processo de construção e unificação de Angola. Pretendeu-se, portanto, estudar a evolução logística das guerrilhas angolanas até a implementação do sistema logístico nacional, passando pelo estudo das potencialidades e limitações decorrentes deste processo, bem como os agentes que intervieram no mesmo. Os objetivos definidos para esta investigação científica vão de encontro com a necessidade de confirmar ou infirmar as hipóteses que foram colocadas inicialmente, com o propósito de responder às questões de investigação que foram enumeradas e, finalmente, à questão de partida levantada. A metodologia utilizada para a realização do trabalho baseou-se num quadro conceptual e em procedimentos esquematizados, tendo sido feita uma recolha de informação através de pesquisas bibliográficas e documentais, observações diretas e inquéritos por entrevista. Este Trabalho de Investigação Aplicada é composto por seis capítulos. No primeiro foi feito um enquadramento teórico para entendimento e justificação do âmbito do estudo. No segundo efetuou-se um estudo sobre o estado da arte da temática que foi analisada, desde os seus primórdios em comparação com os períodos marcantes da logística no contexto mundial. No terceiro é feita a análise da evolução da logística militar angolana, atendendo a todos os fatores que contribuíram para a mesma, bem com as vulnerabilidades e potencialidades no período que foi analisado. O quarto expõe os métodos e procedimentos utilizados durante a investigação. No quinto capítulo são apresentados e analisados os resultados. No último capítulo constam as conclusões e recomendações para futuras investigações. Conclui-se que a logística angolana, desde a criação das guerrilhas ao processo de paz, foi moroso, com a existência de vários intervenientes no processo, por inúmeras razões que iremos aprofundar. A guerra deteriorou tanto as estruturas do país como proporcionou a criação das primeiras unidades de logística, através da assessoria de países estrangeiros. E a paz possibilitou a criação do sistema logístico integrado e centralizado nas Forças Armadas.Abstract This Applied Research Work is entitled: “ From logistical support in irregular warfare the logistics of a conventional army: Transformation and Adaptation ”. The growing importance of logistics at an international level, specifically in the Army, has been a factor that has changed at certain times the course of history, thus reflects the value of this work. The Angolan army was an important pillar in the process of construction and unification of Angola. With this work, we therefore intended to study the evolution of Angolan guerrillas’ logistics up to the implementation of the national logistics system, also studying the potential and limitations of this process, as well as the agents involved in it. The goals set for this scientific research reflect the need to confirm or refute the hypotheses that were placed initially, in order to answer the research questions that have been listed, and finally, the initial question raised. The methodology used to carry out the work was based on a conceptual framework and outlined procedures, and it involved the collection of information through library research and documentation, observations and interview surveys. This Applied Research Work consists of six chapters. In the first we developed a theoretical framework for understanding the scope and rationale of the s tudy. In the second we studied the state of the art of the theme that was analyzed, from its beginnings in comparison with the relevant logistics’ periods marked logistics in the global context. In the third we analyzed the evolution of the Angolan military logistics, putting into account all factors that contributed to it, as well as the vulnerabilities and strengths in the period that was analyzed. The fourth presents the methods and procedures used during the investigation. In the fifth chapter we presented and analyzed the results. The last chapter contains the conclusions and recommendations for future researches. We conclude that the course of Angolan logistics, since the creation of the guerrillas to the peace process was time consuming, with the existence of various stakeholders/actors involved in the process, for several reasons. While it deteriorated the structures of the country, the war also led to the creation of the first logistic units, through advice from foreign countries. And peace enabled the creation of an integrated and centralized logistic system in the Armed Forces

    Health Literacy and Some Socio-Demographic Aspects under One Health Approach in Eastern Tanzania: Connections and Realities

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    Health Literacy significantly contributes towards attaining good health particularly when taken into the context of the interface of humans, animals and the environment. This cross-sectional study assessed health literacy and its connections to other socio-demographic aspects under One Health Approach in Morogoro municipality and Mvomero districts in Tanzania. A structured questionnaire administered through a Computer Aided Personal Interviewing (CAPI) electronic platform was used to collect data from 240 respondents obtained through a multistage sampling procedure. Health Literacy was assessed using context specific assessment tool. IBM-SPSS v20 and Gretl software were used to analyze data. The results revealed Inadequate Health Literacy at 36.3%, Moderate Health Literacy at 30.8% and Adequate Health Literacy standing at 32.9%. There was no association between educational attainment and the level of Health Literacy revealed. Health Literacy was lower among older individuals, with 40.2% of those who had Inadequate Health Literacy were from the elderly age category, more females (56.3%) had Inadequate Health Literacy than males (43.7%), Adequate Health Literacy was observed among married respondents at 65.8% in the category. Health literacy varies across some socio-demographic aspects. It therefore remains imperative that interventions in scale up health literacy by various stakeholders to consider these socio-demographic aspects

    Estrutura de capital e rendibilidade do setor bancário angolano - 2016 a 2020

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    Mestrado em Controlo de Gestão e dos NegóciosNum momento em que angola procura firmar-se no contexto africano e mundial, tem-se observado medidas macroeconómicas e financeiras com o objetivo de impactar a vida social da população e políticas de diversificação da economia com vista a redução da exposição na dependência acentuada no crude, captando investimentos estrangeiros, criando um ambiente favorável de negócios, onde os bancos são chamados a exercer o seu papel na facilitação do crédito as empresas e famílias, nas transações monetárias criando maior fluidez no comércio de bens e serviços. A presente dissertação está centrada na análise da estrutura de capital e rendibilidade do setor bancário angolano no período 2016 a 2020, pelo que, permitiu fazer um estudo de caso nos bancos BAI, BFA, BMA e BIC. Tem como objetivo principal analisar a estrutura de capital e rendibilidade do setor bancário angolano, bem como fazer uma breve comparação com o banco português Millennium BCP. Aborda-se neste trabalho a génese dos acordos de Basileia, desde as limitações e a evolução entre o primeiro e o terceiro acordo, desenvolvendo-se os conceitos dos diferentes rácios até a sua aplicação com o objetivo de elucidar os níveis de rendibilidade do setor bancário angolano no período citado. Como delineamento do estudo utilizou-se a pesquisa descritiva, com abordagem quantitativa a partir de fontes bibliográficas, websites e pesquisa exploratória. Os dados obtidos por meio da pesquisa e das demostrações financeiras permitiram concluir: (i) O acordo de Basileia III, introduz uma nova medida de solvabilidade não ponderada pelo risco, que, ficou patente no estabelecimento de novas regras de capital mínimo em relação à sua qualidade, liquidez e absorção de prejuízo, com a finalidade de reforçar a estabilidade e o crescimento do sistema financeiro no mundo; (ii) os bancos em análise têm cumprido com todos os requisitos legais nos níveis de rácios exigidos, permitindo-lhe capacidade de gerar lucros, obtendo assim recursos financeiros para continuar com seus trabalhos de médio e longo prazo, reduzindo a exposição aos riscos; (iii) a rendibilidade do setor bancário em angola no período em análise foi positiva.At a time when Angola is seeking to establish itself in the African and world context, macroeconomic and financial measures have been observed with the objective of impacting the social life of the population and policies to diversify the economy with a view to reducing exposure to the accentuated dependence on crude oil, attracting foreign investments, creating a favorable business environment, where banks are called upon to play their role in facilitating credit to companies and families, in monetary transactions, creating greater fluidity in the trade of goods and services. This dissertation is focused on the analysis of the capital structure and profitability of the Angolan banking sector in the period from 2016 to 2020, which allowed for a case study to be carried out in BAI, BFA, BMA and BIC banks. Its main objective is to analyze the capital structure and profitability of the Angolan banking sector, as well as to make a brief comparison with the Portuguese bank Millennium BCP. The genesis of the Basel agreements was addressed, from the limitations and evolution between the first and the third agreement, the concepts of the different ratios were developed until their application with the aim of elucidating the profitability levels of Angolan banking sector in the period quoted. As study design, descriptive research was used, with a quantitative approach from bibliographic sources, websites and exploratory research. The data obtained through the research and financial statements allowed us to conclude: (i) The Basel III agreement introduces a new measure of non-risk-weighted solvency, which was evident in the establishment of new minimum capital rules in relation to its quality, liquidity and loss absorption, with the purpose of reinforcing the stability and growth of the financial system in the world; (ii) the banks under analysis have complied with all legal requirements in terms of the required ratio levels, allowing them the ability to generate profits, thus obtaining the financial resources to continue with their medium and long-term work, reducing their exposure to risks; (iii) the profitability of the banking sector in Angola in the period under review was positive.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Expert system to support the medical diagnostic process based on data collection extracted in the screening process for the Samba Municipal Hospital

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    Todos os dias no nosso país (Angola) por falta de saneamento básico deparamo-nos com situações muito precárias e tristes nos serviços hospitalares, tendo como resultado muitas pessoas a precisarem de tratamento urgente por causa da contração de duas das doenças mais predominantes no país que sãoo paludismo e a febre tifoide. Este projetotem como foco, propor o desenvolvimento de um protótipo de sistema especialista na área de triagem médica no hospital municipal da Samba, que ajudará o médico na deteção de possíveis patologias (paludismo e febre tifoide) com auxíliode uma base de conhecimento, associando a um grau de certeza em percentagemEvery day in our country (Angola) due to lack of basic sanitation we are faced with very precarious and sad situations in the hospital services, resulting in many people needing urgent treatment because of the contraction of two of the most prevalent diseases in the country that is malaria and typhoid fever. The aim of this project is to propose the development of a prototype specialized system in the area of medical screening at the municipal Samba hospital, which will assist the physician in the detection of possible pathologies (malaria and typhoid fever) with the help of a knowledge base.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Subjetividade, Cultura e Poder: Politizando Masculinidades Negras

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    Dizemos isso para salientar o impulso e a provocação inicial que motivou a organização desse dossiê. Reconhecer visibilidade e densidade empírica e teórica para a discutir a masculinidade para muito além de ideais normativos sobre como os homens deveriam ser ou o que deveriam fazer para se tornarem homens de verdade, ou respeitáveis, ou para fazer coincidir a concretude de nossas subjetividades tortuosas a um ideal de masculinidade (nesse caso em particular, e com inúmeras consequências discutidas nesse dossiê) negra. A conjunção entre raça e gênero nesse caso, parece confirmar, em grande parte, a discussão sobre masculinidades negras contemporâneas, próxima demais da propensão normativa quando não subjetivista, articulada em torno de questões como: o homem negro pode ser um bom pai? O homem negro pode ser homem fora de “masculinidades toxicas”? O que fazer para que o homem negro e a mulher negra se encontram em relações reciprocas e bem ajustadas? Homens negros gays podem ter relações não mediadas pela fetichização dos próprios corpos? Perguntas que figurariam muito bem em manuais pós-modernos de autoajuda interseccional

    Male blue wildebeest increase activity during the rut, but not at the expense of rest

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    Rest is a state of adaptive inactivity that increases the efficiency of activity by regulating its timing and reducing energy use when activity is not beneficial. Thus, animals can go without rest when specific demands, such as mating, favour being awake. Sexually active male blue wildebeest (bulls) are typically territorial, and it has been reported that when a bull is protecting a harem during the mating season (rut), he neither eats nor rests. We examined the daily activity and inactivity patterns of dominant bulls by means of actigraphy for 3 months, which included the rut. We also measured faecal androgen metabolite (fAM) levels and subcutaneous temperature, both of which have variances known to delineate the rut. During the rut, wildebeest bulls experienced higher levels of activity, fAM, and a greater daily range of subcutaneous temperature. Despite previous reports, the male blue wildebeest rested daily during the rut, and while the amount of rest was low, it was not substantially lower than prior to the rut. The amount of time spent inactive increased substantially after the rut. The timing of daily activity and inactivity patterns did not vary substantially across the recording period. Across the recording period, the average daily ambient temperatures decreased (seasonality), and the subcutaneous temperature followed this pattern, although it was not as marked. It appears that in the post-rut period a substantive increase in time spent at rest occurs, potentially allowing the wildebeest bulls time to recover following a period of intense activity.Grant Sponsors: South African National Research Foundation. Open access funding provided by University of the Witwatersrand.Open access funding provided by University of the Witwatersrand.https://link.springer.com/journal/360hj2023Anatomy and PhysiologyMammal Research InstituteZoology and Entomolog

    HIV testing and tolerance to gender based violence : a cross-sectional study in Zambia

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    This paper explores the effect of social relations and gender-based conflicts on the uptake of HIV testing in the South and Central provinces of Zambia. We conducted a community-based cross-sectional study of 1716 randomly selected individuals. Associations were examined using mixed-effect multivariable logistic regression. A total of 264 men (64%) and 268 women (56%) had never tested for HIV. The strongest determinants for not being tested were disruptive couple relationships (OR = 2.48 95% CI = 1.00-6.19); tolerance to gender-based violence (OR = 2.10 95% CI = 1.05-4.32) and fear of social rejection (OR = 1.48 95% CI = 1.23-1.80). In the Zambian context, unequal power relationships within the couple and the community seem to play a pivotal role in the decision to test which until now have been largely underestimated. Policies, programs and interventions to rapidly increase HIV testing need to urgently address gender-power inequity in relationships and prevent gender-based violence to reduce the negative impact on the lives of couples and families
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