847 research outputs found

    Brightness Distribution in Discrete Radio Sources III. The Structure of the Sources

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    The visibility functions of 195 radio sources are interpreted in terms of the structure of these sources. Of the 195 sources, 174 are known or presumed to be extragalactic. Seventy-five of these extragalactic sources are resolved with the interferometer spacings used, and complex structure is found in all but 13. In the sources showing complex structure, two similar components with nearly equal intensities are found in 15, 40 show two or more components of unequal intensities, while 7 appear to be a bright core surrounded by a halo. It is suggested that the majority of all extragalactic sources have complex structure. Data are also given on the brightness distributions in the 21 galactic sources observed. In contrast to the extragalactic sources, emission from the galactic sources is typically confined to a single region

    Vision-related symptoms as a clinical feature of chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis? Evidence from the DePaul Symptom Questionnaire

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    Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) or Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME) is a debilitating disorder, affecting at least 250,000 people in the UK. Marked by debilitating fatigue, its aetiology is poorly understood and diagnosis controversial. A number of symptoms overlap with other illnesses with the result that CFS/ME is commonly misdiagnosed. It is important therefore that significant clinical features are investigated. People diagnosed with CFS/ME consistently report that they experience vision-related symptoms associated with their illness1-3 with some of these reports being verified experimentally. Although vision-related symptoms may represent a significant clinical feature of CFS/ME that could be useful in its diagnosis, they have yet to be included in clinical guidelines

    Capability in the digital: institutional media management and its dis/contents

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    This paper explores how social media spaces are occupied, utilized and negotiated by the British Military in relation to the Ministry of Defence’s concerns and conceptualizations of risk. It draws on data from the DUN Project to investigate the content and form of social media about defence through the lens of ‘capability’, a term that captures and describes the meaning behind multiple representations of the military institution. But ‘capability’ is also a term that we hijack and extend here, not only in relation to the dominant presence of ‘capability’ as a representational trope and the extent to which it is revealing of a particular management of social media spaces, but also in relation to what our research reveals for the wider digital media landscape and ‘capable’ digital methods. What emerges from our analysis is the existence of powerful, successful and critically long-standing media and reputation management strategies occurring within the techno-economic online structures where the exercising of ‘control’ over the individual – as opposed to the technology – is highly effective. These findings raise critical questions regarding the extent to which ‘control’ and management of social media – both within and beyond the defence sector – may be determined as much by cultural, social, institutional and political influence and infrastructure as the technological economies. At a key moment in social media analysis, then, when attention is turning to the affordances, criticisms and possibilities of data, our research is a pertinent reminder that we should not forget the active management of content that is being similarly, if not equally, effective

    OC /EFSA /SCER /2014/02‐Lot 1 “Specialised training courses on certain aspects of food safety risk assessment for members of EFSA 's Scientific Committee/Panels and their working groups, open to EFSA staff” –final report

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    This final report evaluates the training courses delivered under the contract OC/EFSA/SCER/2014/02- Lot 1. Two types of specialised training courses were delivered: a training course addressing uncertainty in EFSA’s scientific assessments and a training course on Environmental Risk Assessment. Both trainings were evaluated as very good by the participants. In addition to its primary aim of supporting the understanding and practical implementation of best risk assessment practices, the uncertainty training was used to obtain feedback on the draft guidance document. Therefore, only invited participants could follow the training and selection ensured that each unit was represented in the training. The training course now has to be updated in line with the final version of the guidance document. One of the objectives of the training was to strengthen the dissemination of ERA guidance and modelling practises and to ensure the uptake of guidance on cross-cutting risk assessment approaches amongst members of EFSA’s Scientific Committee/Panels, their working groups and EFSA staff. This aim is partly achieved as participants of different backgrounds joined the trainings. It was noted however, that only a few panel member participated and participants with a background in pesticide risk assessment were over-represented as compared to the other work fields of EFSA

    Wholescape thinking guidance note: Towards integrating the management of catchments, coast and the sea through partnerships

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    Our aim is to achieve a common vision of wholescape partnership working that helps overcome barriers and deliver effective environmental management. Wholescape thinking will bring different interests together rather than prescribing a fixed agenda. This Guidance Note aims to seed ideas and help the concept evolve. 'Partnership working' (working together for specific reasons) and the wider concept of 'partnerships' (that have long-term governance arrangements) are established concepts. We seek to integrate these ways of working with the need to work at larger spatial scales-combining landscapes, coastal zones and seascapes-which we term wholescape thinking. It offers an opportunity to underpin best practice for managing the natural environment sustainably, making best use of its natural capital. Our long-term goal is to see partnerships amongst and between government, civil society and businesses that operate at the wholescale-linking, where appropriate, land, the coast and sea. Although wholescape is based on geography (bio-physical scale), we need a transformation in human behaviour to affect a cultural change at this scale. Putting this concept into practice remains a challenge; the idea is being taught, but not acted upon

    A Novel Method of Determining Portal Systemic Shunting using Biodegradable 99TCm Labelled Albumin Microspheres

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    Portal systemic shunting (PSS) and portal pressure were measured in control rats and in animals with portal hypertension induced by partial portal vein ligation (PPVL). The portal pressure in rats with partial portal vein ligation (13.4 ± 0.5 mm.Hg.) was significantly higher (p < 0.005) than in the control group (9.6 ± 0.6 mm.Hg.). Portal systemic shunting measured by consecutive injections of radiolabelled methylene diphosphonate (MDP), a non-diffusable marker and albumin microspheres directly into the splenic pulp was significantly increased (P < 0.005) in the portal hypertensive animals (30.8 ± 2.5%) compared to sham operated rats (2.6 ± 1.5%). Similarly, in portal hypertensive rats portal systemic shunting measured by intrasplenic injections of radiolabelled cobalt microspheres (37.1 ± 3.9%) was significantly greater (p < 0.005) than in control animals. There was a good correlation and agreement (r = 00.97) between the two methods of measuring portal systemic shunting. However because the 99Tcm-albumin microspheres are biodegradable the method allows portal systemic shunting to be measured in man. Furthermore since the computer adjusts the baseline to zero after each determination of portal systemic shunting the methodology allows repeated measurements to be made

    Long-term NIR Variability in the UKIDSS Ultra Deep Survey:a new probe of AGN activity at high redshift

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    We present the first attempt to select AGN using long-term NIR variability. By analysing the K-band light curves of all the galaxies in the UKIDSS Ultra Deep Survey, the deepest NIR survey over ~1 sq degree, we have isolated 393 variable AGN candidates. A comparison to other selection techniques shows that only half of the variable sources are also selected using either deep Chandra X-ray imaging or IRAC colour selection, suggesting that using NIR variability can locate AGN that are missed by more standard selection techniques. In particular, we find that long-term NIR variability identifies AGN at low luminosities and in host galaxies with low stellar masses, many of which appear relatively X-ray quiet.Comment: 12 pages, 18 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS, an error in Equation 1 has been fixed in this versio

    Health Coverage History of Local Uninsured PatientsAssessing the Need for an Eligibility Specialist

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    Abstract: Uninsured Americans are a growing population as insurance premiums climb and fewer employers offer health coverage. Providing medical care to the uninsured often represents a significant financial loss to medical institutions. Our study sought to describe the insurance history and barriers to obtaining health coverage for uninsured patients at the Community Health Center of Burlington, Vermont (CHCB). The potential benefit of adding an insurance eligibility position to the staff at CHCB was also explored. Data were collected by random phone survey from 100 CHCB patients identified as uninsured at their last visit; patients were queried regarding insurance history and interest in enrollment assistance. At the time of survey 66% were currently uninsured, and the majority (87.9%) of these respondents previously held insurance. Loss of insurance was most often due to a change in job status, income or a change in eligibility. Cost was a major barrier to insurance noted by individuals; on average respondents indicated they would be willing to pay around $65 per month for overage. A majority (75.7%) of uninsured respondents also expressed interest in an onsite eligibility worker. These data suggest that the patient population at CHCB would be well served by implementing some form of eligibility staffing. There are a number of different health insurance options in Vermont that could benefit these patients, provided they have assistance with applying. Due to the small sample size of our survey, we recommend that the scope of the eligibility position be determined by closely examining the caseload encountered.https://scholarworks.uvm.edu/comphp_gallery/1025/thumbnail.jp

    NLTE determination of the sodium abundance in a homogeneous sample of extremely metal-poor stars

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    Abundance ratios in extremely metal-poor (EMP) stars are a good indication of the chemical composition of the gas in the earliest phases of the Galaxy evolution. It had been found from an LTE analysis that at low metallicity, and in contrast with most of the other elements, the scatter of [Na/Fe] versus [Fe/H] was surprisingly large and that, in giants, [Na/Fe] decreased with metallicity. Since it is well known that the formation of sodium lines is very sensitive to non-LTE effects, to firmly establish the behaviour of the sodium abundance in the early Galaxy, we have used high quality observations of a sample of EMP stars obtained with UVES at the VLT, and we have taken into account the non-LTE line formation of sodium. The profiles of the two resonant sodium D lines (only these sodium lines are detectable in the spectra of EMP stars) have been computed in a sample of 54 EMP giants and turn-off stars (33 of them with [Fe/H]< -3.0) with a modified version of the code MULTI, and compared to the observed spectra. With these new determinations in the range -4 <[Fe/H]< -2.5, both [Na/Fe] and [Na/Mg] are almost constant with a low scatter. In the turn-off stars and "unmixed" giants (located in the low RGB): [Na/Fe] = -0.21 +/- 0.13 or [Na/Mg] = -0.45 +/- 0.16. These values are in good agreement with the recent determinations of [Na/Fe] and [Na/Mg] in nearby metal-poor stars. Moreover we confirm that all the sodium-rich stars are "mixed" stars (i.e., giants located after the bump, which have undergone an extra mixing). None of the turn-off stars is sodium-rich. As a consequence it is probable that the sodium enhancement observed in some mixed giants is the result of a deep mixing.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figures; accepted for publication in A&

    Interleukin-7 deficiency in rheumatoid arthritis: consequences for therapy-induced lymphopenia

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    We previously demonstrated prolonged, profound CD4+ T-lymphopenia in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients following lymphocyte-depleting therapy. Poor reconstitution could result either from reduced de novo T-cell production through the thymus or from poor peripheral expansion of residual T-cells. Interleukin-7 (IL-7) is known to stimulate the thymus to produce new T-cells and to allow circulating mature T-cells to expand, thereby playing a critical role in T-cell homeostasis. In the present study we demonstrated reduced levels of circulating IL-7 in a cross-section of RA patients. IL-7 production by bone marrow stromal cell cultures was also compromised in RA. To investigate whether such an IL-7 deficiency could account for the prolonged lymphopenia observed in RA following therapeutic lymphodepletion, we compared RA patients and patients with solid cancers treated with high-dose chemotherapy and autologous progenitor cell rescue. Chemotherapy rendered all patients similarly lymphopenic, but this was sustained in RA patients at 12 months, as compared with the reconstitution that occurred in cancer patients by 3–4 months. Both cohorts produced naïve T-cells containing T-cell receptor excision circles. The main distinguishing feature between the groups was a failure to expand peripheral T-cells in RA, particularly memory cells during the first 3 months after treatment. Most importantly, there was no increase in serum IL-7 levels in RA, as compared with a fourfold rise in non-RA control individuals at the time of lymphopenia. Our data therefore suggest that RA patients are relatively IL-7 deficient and that this deficiency is likely to be an important contributing factor to poor early T-cell reconstitution in RA following therapeutic lymphodepletion. Furthermore, in RA patients with stable, well controlled disease, IL-7 levels were positively correlated with the T-cell receptor excision circle content of CD4+ T-cells, demonstrating a direct effect of IL-7 on thymic activity in this cohort