171 research outputs found

    Using crocodilian tails as models for dinosaur tails

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    The tails of extant crocodilians are anatomically the closest approximation of the tails of non-avian dinosaurs, and therefore a good starting point for any reconstruction of non-avian dinosaur tail muscles. However, we here demonstrate some methodological problems using crocodile tails, firstly regarding the general reconstruction of tail mobility from osteology, secondly for the reconstruction of tail musculature for the quantification of muscle forces, especially the m. caudofemoralis longus, and thirdly with respect to the anatomical differences between crocodilians and non-avian dinosaurs, especially in relation to the reconstruction of m. caudofemoralis brevis. Our results show that, given the current limited knowledge of crocodilian tails, volumetric reconstructions should be created on the basis of more gross morphological data than is usually used, and that biomechanical studies should include sensitivity analysis with greater parameter ranges than often applied.preprin

    Body mass estimates of an exceptionally complete Stegosaurus (Ornithischia: Thyreophora): comparing volumetric and linear bivariate mass estimation methods

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    © 2015 The Authors. Published by the Royal Society under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/, which permits unrestricted use, provided the original author and source are credited. The file attached is the published version of the article

    Standard methods for creating digital skeletal models using structure-from-motion photogrammetry.

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    OBJECTIVES: This article assesses best practices for producing 3D digital cranial models through structure-from-motion (SfM) photogrammetry, and whether the metric accuracy and overall presentation of photogrammetric models are comparable to physical crania. It is intended to present a user-friendly standard method of creating accurate digital skeletal models using Agisoft PhotoScan. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Approximately 200 photographs were taken of three different crania, and were separated into series consisting of 50, 75, 100, 150, and approximately 200 photos. Forty-five cranial models were created using different photo series and a variety of PhotoScan settings. These models were assessed based on defined qualitative criteria, and model measurement estimates were compared with physical skeletal measurements using Bland-Altman plots. RESULTS: The majority of all models (37/45) produced measurement estimates with mean differences of 2 mm or less regardless of PhotoScan settings, and therefore demonstrated high levels of agreement with the physical measurements. Models created with 150 photographs and on "high" PhotoScan settings scored the highest in terms of qualitative appearance in the shortest amount of time. DISCUSSION: In PhotoScan, it is recommended to create cranial models using 150 photographs and "high" settings; this produces digital cranial models that are comparable to physical crania in both appearance and proportion. SfM photogrammetry is a convenient, noninvasive, and rapid 3D modeling tool that can be used in almost any setting to produce digital models, and following the guidelines established here will ensure that these models are metrically accurate

    Multibody dynamics analysis (MDA) as a numerical modelling tool to reconstruct the function and palaeobiology of extinct organisms

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    Recent advances in computer technology have substantially changed the field of palaeontology in the last two decades. Palaeontologists now have a whole new arsenal of powerful digital techniques available to study fossil organisms in unprecedented detail and to test hypotheses regarding function and behaviour. Multibody dynamics analysis (MDA) is one of these techniques and although it originated as a tool used in the engineering and automotive industry, it holds great potential to address palaeontological questions as well. MDA allows the simulation of dynamic movements in complex objects consisting of multiple linked components. As such, this technique is ideally suited to model biological structures and to obtain quantifiable results that can be used to test the function of musculoskeletal systems rigorously. However, despite these advantages, MDA has seen a slow uptake by the palaeontological community. The most likely reason for this lies in the steep learning curve and complexity of the method. This paper provides an overview of the underlying principles of MDA and outlines the main steps involved in conducting analyses. A number of recent studies using MDA to reconstruct the palaeobiology of fossil organisms are presented and the potential for future studies is discussed. Similar to other computational techniques, including finite element analysis and computational fluid dynamics, the non‐invasive and exploratory power of MDA makes it ideally suited to study the form and function in vertebrates for which no modern analogues exist

    Precious, Tiny and Shiny: Close range photogrammetry for artists and others

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    Close Range Photogrammetry is increasingly being used to create digital assets across a range of disciplines, and can provide 3D ‘scans’ and surface ‘textures’ to very high resolution. The techniques of capture and processing usually present challenges for objects that are very small, monochromatic, reflective or relatively lacking in features. This ongoing visual arts project seeks to capture, re-examine and ultimately transform specific military and religious insignia as part of an investigation into their interrelated iconographies and histories. The materiality (highly reflective) and scale (very detailed embroidery) of these objects has required different approaches to achieving the accurate 3D models required. This paper will present the apparatus, methods and devices that have been developed to help solve these problems. Together they offer affordable, reliable, and scalable solutions to the traditional challenges of ‘3D scanning’ for particular types of objects, and robust methods applicable to a wide range of situations. They also help reduce the investment (of capital cost, time and labour) required to achieve accurate digital models with high resolution textures, opening up creative possibilities further down the virtual or material ‘pipeline’

    A new high-sensitivity superconducting receiver for mm-wave remote-sensing spectroscopy of the stratosphere

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    We describe a recently constructed ground-based mm-wave spectrometer incorporating a superconducting tunnel junction as a heterodyne mixer-receiver. Under conditions of low tropospheric water vapor, the superior sensitivity of this receiver allows spectral line measurements of stratospheric molecules with mixing ratios as small as a few tenths of a part per billion (e.g., ClO, HCN) to be made in 4 to 6 hours, with a signal to noise ratio of at least 30:1. We expect to be able to halve this time by further improvement of the mixer's intrinsic noise level

    The effect of intervertebral cartilage on neutral posture and range of motion in the necks of sauropod dinosaurs

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    The necks of sauropod dinosaurs were a key factor in their evolution. The habitual posture and range of motion of these necks has been controversial, and computer-aided studies have argued for an obligatory sub-horizontal pose. However, such studies are compromised by their failure to take into account the important role of intervertebral cartilage. This cartilage takes very different forms in different animals. Mammals and crocodilians have intervertebral discs, while birds have synovial joints in their necks. The form and thickness of cartilage varies significantly even among closely related taxa. We cannot yet tell whether the neck joints of sauropods more closely resembled those of birds or mammals. Inspection of CT scans showed cartilage:bone ratios of 4.5% for Sauroposeidon and about 20% and 15% for two juvenile Apatosaurus individuals. In extant animals, this ratio varied from 2.59% for the rhea to 24% for a juvenile giraffe. It is not yet possible to disentangle ontogenetic and taxonomic signals, but mammal cartilage is generally three times as thick as that of birds. Our most detailed work, on a turkey, yielded a cartilage:bone ratio of 4.56%. Articular cartilage also added 11% to the length of the turkey's zygapophyseal facets. Simple image manipulation suggests that incorporating 4.56% of neck cartilage into an intervertebral joint of a turkey raises neutral posture by 15°. If this were also true of sauropods, the true neutral pose of the neck would be much higher than has been depicted. An additional 11% of zygapophyseal facet length translates to 11% more range of motion at each joint. More precise quantitative results must await detailed modelling. In summary, including cartilage in our models of sauropod necks shows that they were longer, more elevated and more flexible than previously recognised

    Three-dimensional polygonal muscle modelling and line of action estimation in living and extinct taxa

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    Biomechanical models and simulations of musculoskeletal function rely on accurate muscle parameters, such as muscle masses and lines of action, to estimate force production potential and moment arms. These parameters are often obtained through destructive techniques (i.e., dissection) in living taxa, frequently hindering the measurement of other relevant parameters from a single individual, thus making it necessary to combine multiple specimens and/or sources. Estimating these parameters in extinct taxa is even more challenging as soft tissues are rarely preserved in fossil taxa and the skeletal remains contain relatively little information about the size or exact path of a muscle. Here we describe a new protocol that facilitates the estimation of missing muscle parameters (i.e., muscle volume and path) for extant and extinct taxa. We created three-dimensional volumetric reconstructions for the hindlimb muscles of the extant Nile crocodile and extinct stem-archosaur Euparkeria, and the shoulder muscles of an extant gorilla to demonstrate the broad applicability of this methodology across living and extinct animal clades. Additionally, our method can be combined with surface geometry data digitally captured during dissection, thus facilitating downstream analyses. We evaluated the estimated muscle masses against physical measurements to test their accuracy in estimating missing parameters. Our estimated muscle masses generally compare favourably with segmented iodine-stained muscles and almost all fall within or close to the range of observed muscle masses, thus indicating that our estimates are reliable and the resulting lines of action calculated sufficiently accurately. This method has potential for diverse applications in evolutionary morphology and biomechanics

    Digit-only sauropod pes trackways from China - evidence of swimming or a preservational phenomenon?

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    For more than 70 years unusual sauropod trackways have played a pivotal role in debates about the swimming ability of sauropods. Most claims that sauropods could swim have been based on manus-only or manus-dominated trackways. However none of these incomplete trackways has been entirely convincing, and most have proved to be taphonomic artifacts, either undertracks or the result of differential depth of penetration of manus and pes tracks, but otherwise showed the typical pattern of normal walking trackways. Here we report an assemblage of unusual sauropod tracks from the Lower Cretaceous Hekou Group of Gansu Province, northern China, characterized by the preservation of only the pes claw traces, that we interpret as having been left by walking, not buoyant or swimming, individuals. They are interpreted as the result of animals moving on a soft mud-silt substrate, projecting their claws deeply to register their traces on an underlying sand layer where they gained more grip during progression. Other sauropod walking trackways on the same surface with both pes and manus traces preserved, were probably left earlier on relatively firm substrates that predated the deposition of soft mud and silt . Presently, there is no convincing evidence of swimming sauropods from their trackways, which is not to say that sauropods did not swim at all