1,505 research outputs found

    Implementasi Pembinaan Melalui Program Rehabilitasi Dan Reintegrasi Sosial Bagi Narapidana Terorisme

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    Coaching for terrorism inmates in institution is an effort to counter terrorism. Coaching is done through rehabilitation and social reiintegration. In this study there were two issues discussed the implementation of training for terrorism prisoners as well as the factors driving and inhibiting formation for terrorism prisoners. This type of research is empirical legal research. The research is descriptive. Primary data sourced from observation and interviews while secondary data sourced from literatures and electronic articles. Secondary data was collected through library research. Data is collected, processed and presented qualitative descriptive analysis.Coaching for terrorism inmates in prisons have not been implemented optimally. It can be seen from the formation of the terrorist network that carried out in prisons. Former inmates also returned to terrorism after being released from prison. The driving factor for the development of terrorist prisoners is because terrorism is a crime that should ditanggulagi. Guidance is also the mandate of Act Number 12 of 1995 Concerning Correctional Institution and the Indonesian Government Regulation Number 99 of 2012 concerning the Second Amendment to Government Regulation No. 32 of 1999 on Terms and Procedures for Implementation of the Right of Corrections Inmates and the vision and mission of the institution. Coaching effort is one of community protection movement. Coaching is a limiting factor in terms of the legal structure and legal culture. Prison staff lack the ability to Islam, a lack of awareness of officers, there is no coaching format for terrorism prisoners, the view that training for terrorism prisoners are tightening and the lack of specialized staff in fostering terrorism inmates. Legal culture includes cultural terrorist prisoners law does not regret his actions and legal culture society reject terrorism inmates


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    MALIKI : Penggunaan media pembelajaran yang baik dapat memberikan dampak yang sangat positif bagi kemampuan dan kemauan siswa untuk mengikuti proses pembelajaran. Salah satu media pembelajaran yang dapat diujikan yaitu menggunakan macromedia flash dan macromedia captivate yang merupakan salah satu software komputer yang digunakan untuk mendesain animasi. Dengan proses pembelajaran yang menggunakan macromedia flash dan macromedia captivate siswa tidak hanya menghayal, tetapi siswa dapat melihat langsung konsep yang dijelaskan oleh guru. Hal ini tentunya bisa menarik perhatian siswa dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar di kelas. Tujuan dari penelitian adalah (1) Mengetahui peningkatan hasil belajar siswa setelah menggunakan media pembelajaran macromedia flash pada konsep sistem pencernaan.(2) Mengetahui peningkatan hasil belajar siswa setelah menggunakan macromedia captivate pada konsep sistem pencernaan. (3) Mengetahui perbedaan hasil belajar siswa yang signifikan antara yang menggunakan macromedia flash dan macromedia captivate pada konsep sistem pencernaan.(4) Mengetahui respon siswa terhadap penggunaan media pembelajaran macromedia flash dan macromedia captivate pada konsep sistem pencernaan. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode eksperimen,pengumpulan data berupa penyebaran angket dan tes. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan secara acak dengan menetapkan teknik random sampling, yaitu mengambil sampel secara acak sebanyak 2 kelas yaitu kelas VIII. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa penggunaan media pembelajaran macromedia flash mengalami peningkatan dengan nilai rata-rata N-Gain sebesar 0,50. Sedangkan Hasil belajar siswa dengan menggunakan media pembelajaran macromedia captivate mengalami peningkatan dengan nilai rata-rata N-Gain sebesar 0,41. Pada uji hipotesis diperoleh nilai sig (2-tiled )= 0,000(< 0,05),berarti Ho ditolak dan Ha diterima menunjukan bahwa ada perbedaan yang signifikan antara hasil belajar siswa yang menggunakan media pembelajaran macromedia flash dengan macromedia captivate.Pada respon siswa dalam pengguanan media pembelajaran macromedia flash sebesar 84,58% dan media pembelajaran macromedia captivate sebesar 83,63% pada konsep sistem pencernaan berkategori sangat kuat. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa penggunaan media pembelajaran macromedia flash lebih baik dibandingkan yang menggunakan media pembelajaran macromedia captivate


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    Kita ketahui bahwa menendang adalah suatu pembelajaran motorik dasar manusia. Sejak kecil manusia sudah memperlajari motorik dasar seperti berjalan, berlari, menendang, memukul, dan lain-lain. Didalam olahraga beladiri bahwa menendang adalah teknik yang paling dominan sering digunakan dalam olahraga beladiri seperti, tarung derajat, taekwondo, pencak silat, wushu, dan karate. Tendangan sabit dalam pencak silat itu berbeda dari tendangan yang lain, karena ada tahapan-tahapan untuk melakukan tendangan sabit yang benar. Jadi, hanya yang memiliki skill dalam cabang olahraga pencak silat yang dapat melakukan tendangan sabit yang benar, sedangkan yang tidak memiliki skill dalam pencak silat tidak bisa melakukan tendangan sabit yang benar. Untuk mengetahui teknik tendangan yang baik dan benar kita harus melakukan evaluasi teknik dengan menggunakan analisis biomekanika. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk menganalisis perbedaan gerak teknik tendangan sabit antara skill dan unskill dalam olahraga pencak silat. Ada 3 hal yang dianalisis dalam penelitian iniyaitu knee angular velocity, kecepatan linear punggung kaki dan impuls. Sampel penelitian berjumlah yaitu 7 orang skill dan 7 orang unskill. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah komparatif, karena penelitian ini untuk mengungkapkan perbedaan knee angular velocity, kecepatan linear punggung kaki dan impuls antara skill dan unskill dalam tendangan sabit pencak silat. Hasil dari analisis ini didapatkan dengan menggunakan aplikasi software kinovea video analysis. Berdasarkan hasil uji statistik terdapat perbedan yang signifikan antara kecepatan linear punggung kaki dan impuls antara skill dan unskill dalam tendangan sabit olahraga pencak silat, sedangkan knee angular velocity tidak terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara skill dan unskill dalam tendangan sabit olahraga pencak silat. We all know that kicking is a basic human motor learning. Since childhood, men have been learning a basic motor skills such as walking, running, kicking, hitting, and others. In the martial arts that kicking was the most dominant technique is often used in sports such as martial arts, fighting degrees, taekwondo, martial arts, wushu and karate. Crescent kick in a martial arts kick is different from the others, because there are stages to do the right crescent kick. Thus, only those with skills in martial arts sport that can do the right crescent kick, while those not having skill in the martial arts can not do the right crescent kick. To find a good kick technique and really we have to do an evaluation techniques using biomechanical analysis. The purpose of this study is to analyze the differences between the motion of the crescent kick technique and unskill skill in martial arts sport. There were three things that were analyzed in the study iniyaitu knee angular velocity, linear velocity instep and impulses. These samples included are 7 people skills and 7 unskill. The method used is comparative, because the research is to reveal the differences in knee angular velocity, linear velocity instep and impulses between skill and unskill in crescent kick martial arts. The results of this analysis can be obtained using video analysis software applications kinovea. Based on the test results are statistically significantly different between the linear velocity and impulses between the instep and unskill skill in martial arts sport crescent kick, knee angular velocity while there was no significant difference between skill and unskill in crescent kick martial arts sport. Keywords : martial arts, kinovea video analysis, linear speed of the instep, impulse, skill and unskill, crescent kicks

    Socio-Economic Status and Preferences in Marriage Partner Selection among University Undergraduates in South-South of Nigeria

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    Selection the ideal spouse is the most confusing process in the life of most people. This paper sought to examine differences undergraduate&rsquo;s socio-economic status have on their preferences of marriage partner selection in terms of their personality traits, socio-economic status and physical attractiveness. A total of 1,419 participated in the study. Data was analyzed using, mean, standard deviation, one way analyses of variance and Fisher&rsquo;s Least Significance Difference. The result revealed that university undergraduates socio-economic status significantly influence preferences in marriage partner&rsquo;s selection in terms of personality traits, socio-economic status and physical attractiveness. It is recommended among others that undergraduates should not choose marriage partners that are committed to money and pleasure alone but to loving attitude which is the most basic characteristic that every individual should possess. Also that youngster should know their potential marriage partners well enough before they make the final decision, not just looking at the potential marriage partner&rsquo;s high socio-economic status.Key Words: Marriage, Economic status, Undergraduates, Socioeconomic Status, Nigeria


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    Seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi dan komunikasi pada zaman sekarang ini yang semakin berkembang dengan sangat pesat, ujian yang semula hanya berupa ujian tulis dan lisan mulai bergeser ke arah ujian online. Untuk membuat program ujian online ini diperlukan suatu perancangan basis data yang baik. Perancangan basis data disini merupakan penerapan dari konsep relasi matematika, atau biasa dikenal basis data relasional. Basis data yang telah dirancang, kemudian akan diuji apakah itu merupakan basis data yang baik atau tidak dengan menggunakan proses normalisasi. Setelah didapat basis data yang baik, dibuatlah implementasi basis data tersebut dengan menggunakan program basis data MYSQL dan dipadukan dengan bahasa pemrograman PHP. Hasil yang diperoleh kemudian adalah berupa program aplikasi ujian online. Program ini terdiri dari beberapa menu yang setiap menunya terdapat tabel-tabel yang merupakan sebuah relasi dalam matematika. Kata kunci: relasi, basis data, normalisasi, PHP   Trend of technology has been growing very fast. Basically, test were only in a written test and verbal test. Right now began move to online test. To make an online test program is needed a good database design. Database design here is the application of the concept of mathematical relations, or commonly known as a relational database. The database has been designed, then tested whether it is a good database or not by using the process of normalization. Having obtained a good database, made the implementation of the database by using a database program MySQL and combined with the PHP programming language. The results obtained are then is an online examination application program. The program consists of several menus, each menu there are tables that is a relation in mathematics. Keywords: relationships, databases, normalization, PH

    Joined-Up Government in the Prevention of Terrorist-Financing Offenses by Nonprofit Organizations: An Evidence-Based Approach

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    Indonesian interagency coordination to prevent terrorist-financing offenses by nonprofit organizations has several drawbacks. This article applies textual analysis and an evidence-based approach to draw effective coordination mechanisms from several countries’ experiences and to design a model of interagency coordination. The model illustrates mechanisms that can be the drivers of changes and minimize ineffective interagency coordination, which may lead to an increase in nonprofit vulnerabilities to terrorist-financing offenses. Evidence drawn from several countries that are contextually relevant to Indonesia, namely, Australia, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, and Singapore, illustrates that effective interagency coordination potentially reduces the risks of terrorist financing and has synchronized policies, objectives, functions, and responsibilities among authorities. Therefore, authorities can prioritize interventions and resources to address the most vulnerable factors. This article suggests improvements in four aspects: collaborative endeavors toward single integrated databases; comprehensive risk assessment of nonprofits; priority settings on socialization, education, monitoring, and supervision; and network model to improve voluntary information sharing
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