657 research outputs found

    Stoikiometri Persenyawaan Ligan 3-metilsalisaldehide-4-hidroksi Benzoil Hidrazon Dengan Aluminium (III

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    Kimia koordinatan bagi ligan 3-metilsalisaldehide-4-hidroksi benzoil hidrazon telah dikaji dengan aluminium(III). Tapak koordinatan dengan aluminium (III) telah dikaji berdasarkan data spektroskopi inframerah, spektroskopi ultralembayung-nampak dan rmn 1H dan 13C. Pengkoordinatan ligan dengan ion aluminium(III) berlaku melalui atom N daripada kumpulan C=N dan atom O daripada kumpulan C=O. Perbandingan molar aluminium(III) terhadap ligan dalam tidak balas pengkompleksannya adalah 1:3, terungkap daripada kajian stoikiometri pengkompleksan. Formula bagi kompleks yang terbentuk boleh diwakili oleh [Al(Ligan)3] (NO3)3 . Kata Kunci: Stoikiometri, 3-Metilsalisaldehide-4-Hidroksi Benzoil Hidrazon, Spektrofluorimetri, Aluminium (III) PENDAHULUANSebahagian besar sifat kimia sebatian organoalminium sudah dipahami berdasarkan tiori-tiori asid Lewis monomer-monomer organoaluminium yang mana, aluminium cendrung untuk membentuk sebuah atom yang memenuhi sistim oktet elektron-elektron. Sebatian koordinatan aluminium dengan keadaan pengoksidaan +3 biasanya bersifat penerima elektron dan hasil penambahan yang terbentuk dengan spesis yang kaya dengan elektron menyebabkan kepelbagaian dalam koordinatan aluminium. Apabila suatu ligan neutral bidentat berinteraksi dengan AlX3, (X = Cl,Br, atau I), yang lemah pengkoordinatannya, dua jenis pengkompleksan berlaku. Salah satu daripadanya ialah kumpulan halida akan disingkirkan untuk membentuk [AlL3]3+ kation yang boleh diidentifikasikan secara kristalografi atau spektroskopi dalam keadaan pepejal dan melalui konduktiviti molar dalam larutan tanpa akues. Ligan yang biasa adalah 2,2\u27-bipiridil, 1,10-fenantrolin dan etanadiamina. Aluminium membentuk pelbagai struktur dengan ligan bidentat. Dengan 1,10-fenantrolin dan 2,2\u27-bipiridil, hasil hablurnya adalah spesis ionik seperti [Al(bpy)3]Cl3, tetapi kimia larutan sebatian ini memberikan struktur [AlX2(bpy)2]X, [Al(bpy)3]X3, dan lain-lain. Dalam pengkompleksan yang kedua, stoikiometrinya mungkin AlX3L atau AlX2L2 dan setiap satunya boleh diformulasikan sebagai sebatian ionik. Sebagai contohnya, AlX3.bpy boleh ditulis sebagai [AlX2(bpy)2][AlX4] (X=Cl,Br). Ini menjelaskan bahawa faktor saiz ligan adalah penting dalam kajian kimia koordinatan aluminium. Jika X=I, ia akan disingkirkan untuk membentuk [AlL3] kerana, AlL4I2 dengan nombor koordinatan 6, adalah tidak stabil [Phua, 2000]

    Sosiologi Persekolahan

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    The development of the school as an educational practice aslong as it shows a lot of issues that are wrapped around theschool. One of them is the difficulty of school to find recipes toproduce the smart and good school output, to build thisrequires partnership and configuration changes. Theconfiguration is the influence of the school became aninteresting study, because it tends to change its effects. Theschool as the initiator needs to build a coalition thatsynergistic between schools, families, and communities

    Adolescents’ Perceptual and Physiological Responses to High-Intensity Interval Exercise

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    High-intensity interval exercise (HIIE) has been shown to promote multiple health benefits and well-being in youth. However, HIIE is proposed to elicit negative affect responses (unpleasant feelings) as predicted by the dual mode theory (DMT), and may negatively impact on future exercise adherence. Previous studies have explored how perceptual, physiological and cognitive factors are associated to negative affect responses during continuous high-intensity exercise, but affect experience (pleasure/displeasure) during HIIE is poorly understood in adolescents. The purpose of this thesis is to evaluate acute affect responses to HIIE in adolescents, and to examine the influence of physiological (i.e. heart rate (HR) and prefrontal cortex (PFC)), perceptual (i.e. enjoyment and rating of perceived exertion (RPE)), and cognitive (i.e. self-efficacy and personality traits) factors. Chapter 4 demonstrates that HIIE (work intervals performed at 90% of peak power (PPO)) is perceived to be more enjoyable due to elevated feelings of reward, excitement and success than continuous moderate-intensity exercise, which was perceived to be more boring in adolescents. Chapter 5 examined the acute affect, enjoyment and RPE responses to HIIE (work intervals performed at 90% of maximal aerobic speed) compared with moderate-intensity interval exercise (MIIE). Chapter 5 reports that HIIE elicits less pleasurable feelings at the later stages of work intervals but greater post-enjoyment than MIIE, extending and reinforcing the findings in Chapter 4. The findings from Chapter 5 are furthered in Chapters 6 and 7, which identified that the affect responses during HIIE are dependent on the intensity and delivery (decreasing vs increasing) of the HIIE protocol. Chapter 6 revealed that HIIE performed at 100% PPO elicited a greater decline and lower affect responses across all work intervals than HIIE performed at 85% and 70% PPO. However, all HIIE conditions generated similar enjoyment responses during and after exercise. Chapter 7 showed that affect and enjoyment responses improve (more pleasurable and enjoyable) near the end of HIIE with decreasing work intensity compared to HIIE with increasing work intensity. Moreover, the increases in positive affect experienced during HIIE were positively related to an increase in PFC oxygenation. Chapters 5-7 also demonstrate that RPE and HR responses were inversely related to changes in the affect responses in all HIIE conditions. Finally, Chapter 8 identified that both individual self-efficacy and personality traits may decrease or increase the likelihood that a person will experience positive affective and enjoyment responses to HIIE at the later stages of work intervals in adolescents. Collectively, the studies presented in this thesis demonstrate that affect responses during HIIE are dependent on the work intensity, work delivery, and changes in enjoyment, RPE, PFC oxygenation and cognitive factors. Given that some permutations of HIIE protocols do not elicit prominent and entirely negative affective responses, HIIE protocols could serve as a strategy to encourage exercise adoption and promote health benefits in adolescents

    Komodifikasi Agama dalam Ruang Politik di Seberang Kota Jambi

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    Religion in an ideal concept was understood as guide measure of moral. Religion was the way of life that had doctrines with universal meanings and cross the space and time along with always relevant to be directived in all context, including politic. But this perspectives on the real situation was deviate. So, today, religion was shifted from its position as guidliness become only instrument and could be understood with flexible according to person comprehension who exploitation the religion itself. This research wanted to find the answer (1) what was the motivation of religion put into politic space on Seberang Kota Jambi, (2) how did the kinds of religion commodification in politic space on Seberang Kota Jambi, and (3) what was the implication from the religion commodification phenomenon in politic space on Seberang Kota Jambi. By using the data that took from observation, interview, and documentation, this research found (1) the motivation of majority politicans on Seberang Kota Jambi put religion into politic pace was to get a power, (2) and the forms of religion commodofication in politic space on Seberang Kota Jambi were using Kitab Yāsīn as politic promotion, put religion symbols into politic banner, and using ulama as instrument for increasing politic electability, etc. If this phenomenon allowed as well as, so in future time would bring (3) implication in understanding of religion become superficial and partial. This research was recomended to stakeholders as politicans, ulama, academics, and people of Seberang Kota Jambi to take their own part, so that religioncould be understood and done

    Menuju Paradigma Penelitian Sosiologi Yang Integratif

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    Sociology as a science which has many paradigms. Variety of existing paradigms were born by a long debate on the historical birth of sociology widely known as methodenstreit (debate of methods) that distinguish inductive and deductive methods, nomothetic ideographic sciences and sciences, value-free and solid values, and the separation of theory from praxis. The long debate generated a variety of paradigms in sociological research methodology, namely: positivism, post-positivism, constructivism, critical theory and participator

    using management information system to evaluate quality of care at tertiary care hospital’s stroke centre

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    To find out the average length of stay, the rate of I/V catheter cellulites, the rate of bed sores among patients in stroke centre and determine the mortality rates. Methodology: This is a descriptive study, carried out at a tertiary care hospital over the period of six months. Data was analyzed by SPSS version 15.0. Result: Total numbers of patients were 36 from January 1 to June 30, 2007 at Stroke Center Liaquat National Hospital. The mean length of stay was 8.17 ±5.81 days. Patients had cellulitis (intravenous) 97.2%, only 2.8% of patients did not develop. The rate of bed sore was 41.7%. Conclusion: By effective implementation of the Management Information System (MIS) in health care delivery system we can find patients clinical issues and can reduce their length of stay

    Pendidikan IPS sebagai “Synthetic Discipline”: Kajian Epistemologis Atas Pemikiran Nu\u27man Somantri

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    Pemikiran seorang atau kelompok pakar merupakan bagian integral dalam dinamika sebuah disiplin ilmu, dan kajian terhadapnya telah menjadi concern dalam berbagai disiplin ilmu. Penelitian ini mengkaji secara epistemologis pemikiran Somantri tentang PIPS sebagai ‘synthetic discipline\u27. Penelitian bersifat kualitatif-interpretif dan menggunakan sumber data primer dan sekunder dengan teknik anotasi bibliografis dan reviu literatur serta dianalisis dengan teknik analisis konten kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa secara epistemologis, PIPS dalam pemikiran Somantri dikonseptualisasi sebagai sebuah disiplin ilmu (DPIPS) dan program pendidikan disiplin ilmu (PDIPS) terintegrasi, hasil rekayasa sinergistis dari dua atau lebih disiplin ilmu yang setara untuk tujuan PIPS. PIPS sebagai disiplin ilmu terintegrasi adalah identitas, jati-diri, ciri khas, dan faculty culture FPIPS dan pascasarjana PIPS. PIPS sebagai DPIPS memiliki status akademik sebagai advance knowledge, middle studies, dan primary structure. PIPS sebagai program PDIPS memiliki status akademik sebagai PDIPS untuk jenjang pendidikan tinggi, dan PDIPS untuk jenjang pendidikan sekolah

    Konstruksi Sosial Kuasa Pengetahuan Zakat : Studi Kasus Lembaga Amil Zakat di Propinsi Jambi dan Sumatera Barat

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    The governances of zakat is important to be studied, especially about the dynamics of knowledge, rationality, and interest in zakat governance. This study focused on the battle of knowledge, rationality and conflicts of interest in zakat governance. The approach in this study is a qualitative approach with a methodology constructivism paradigm. The data obtained by phenomenology method with depth interview techniques and documentation. Data were analyzed using structural conflict perspective with Foucaultian style, especially the theory of power and knowledge. The results showed that: there are three spheres of knowledge, that competing to get authorities in the governance of zakat (religious knowledge, modern knowledge and local knowledge). The discourse of the governance of zakat in the LAZ of community was dominated by the religious knowledge and local knowledge, while at the Bazda and LAZ of Semen Padang, discourse is dominated by modern knowledge. Second, the rationality of LAZ of community is asceticism and altruism with the interests of individual piety and social piety, but the rationality of Bazda is developmentalism to achieve integration and uniformity, while the rationality of LAZ Semen Padang is maximize Utility, with profit interests and investment security. Finally, the phenomenon of zakat governances was showed as moral laundering effort