199 research outputs found

    The denture microbiome in health and disease: an exploration of a unique community

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    The United Nations suggests the global population of denture wearers (an artificial device that acts as a replacement for teeth) is likely to rise significantly by the year 2050. Dentures become colonized by microbial biofilms, the composition of which is influenced by complex factors such as patient’s age and health, and the nature of the denture material. Since colonization (and subsequent biofilm formation) by some micro-organisms can significantly impact the health of the denture wearer, the study of denture microbiology has long been of interest to researchers. The specific local and systemic health risks of denture plaque are different from those of dental plaque, particularly with respect to the presence of the opportunist pathogen Candida albicans and various other nonoral opportunists. Here, we reflect on advancements in our understanding of the relationship between micro-organisms, dentures, and the host, and highlight how our growing knowledge of the microbiome, biofilms, and novel antimicrobial technologies may better inform diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of denture-associated infections, thereby enhancing the quality and longevity of denture wearers

    Rapid screening of the antimicrobial efficacy of Ag zeolites

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    A semi-quantitative screening method was used to compare the killing efficacy of Ag zeolites against bacteria and yeast as a function of the zeolite type, crystal size and concentration. The method, which substantially reduced labor, consumables and waste and provided an excellent preliminary screen, was further validated by quantitative plate count experiments. Two pairs of zeolite X and zeolite beta with different sizes (ca. 200 nm and 2 m for zeolite X and ca. 250 and 500 nm for zeolite beta) were tested against Escherichia coli (E. coli) and Candida albicans (C. albicans) at concentrations in the range 0.05–0.5 mg ml−1. Reduction of the zeolite crystal size resulted in a decrease in the killing efficacy against both microorganisms. The semi-quantitative tests allowed convenient optimization of the zeolite concentrations to achieve targeted killing times. Zeolite beta samples showed higher activity compared to zeolite X despite their lower Ag content, which was attributed to the higher concentration of silver released from zeolite beta samples. Cytotoxicity measurements using peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) indicated that Ag zeolite X was more toxic than Ag zeolite beta. However, the trends for the dependence of cytotoxicity on zeolite crystal size at different zeolite concentrations were different for the two zeolites and no general conclusions about zeolite cytotoxicity could be drawn from these experiments. This result indicates a complex relationship, requiring the necessity for individual cytotoxicity measurements for all antimicrobial applications based on the use of zeolites

    Photocurrent measurements of supercollision cooling in graphene

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    The cooling of hot electrons in graphene is the critical process underlying the operation of exciting new graphene-based optoelectronic and plasmonic devices, but the nature of this cooling is controversial. We extract the hot electron cooling rate near the Fermi level by using graphene as novel photothermal thermometer that measures the electron temperature (T(t)T(t)) as it cools dynamically. We find the photocurrent generated from graphene pnp-n junctions is well described by the energy dissipation rate CdT/dt=A(T3Tl3)C dT/dt=-A(T^3-T_l^3), where the heat capacity is C=αTC=\alpha T and TlT_l is the base lattice temperature. These results are in disagreement with predictions of electron-phonon emission in a disorder-free graphene system, but in excellent quantitative agreement with recent predictions of a disorder-enhanced supercollision (SC) cooling mechanism. We find that the SC model provides a complete and unified picture of energy loss near the Fermi level over the wide range of electronic (15 to \sim3000 K) and lattice (10 to 295 K) temperatures investigated.Comment: 7pages, 5 figure

    Coherent quantum dynamics of excitons in monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides

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    Transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) have garnered considerable interest in recent years owing to their layer thickness-dependent optoelectronic properties. In monolayer TMDs, the large carrier effective masses, strong quantum confinement, and reduced dielectric screening lead to pronounced exciton resonances with remarkably large binding energies and coupled spin and valley degrees of freedom (valley excitons). Coherent control of valley excitons for atomically thin optoelectronics and valleytronics requires understanding and quantifying sources of exciton decoherence. In this work, we reveal how exciton-exciton and exciton-phonon scattering influence the coherent quantum dynamics of valley excitons in monolayer TMDs, specifically tungsten diselenide (WSe2), using two-dimensional coherent spectroscopy. Excitation-density and temperature dependent measurements of the homogeneous linewidth (inversely proportional to the optical coherence time) reveal that exciton-exciton and exciton-phonon interactions are significantly stronger compared to quasi-2D quantum wells and 3D bulk materials. The residual homogeneous linewidth extrapolated to zero excitation density and temperature is 1:6 meV (equivalent to a coherence time of 0.4 ps), which is limited only by the population recombination lifetime in this sample. (c) (2016) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use onl

    Direct measurement of key exciton properties: Energy, dynamics, and spatial distribution of the wave function

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    Excitons, Coulomb-bound electron-hole pairs, are the fundamental excitations governing optoelectronic properties of semiconductors. While optical signatures of excitons have been studied extensively, experimental access to the excitonic wave function itself has been elusive. Using multidimensional photoemission spectroscopy, we present a momentum-, energy- and time-resolved perspective on excitons in the layered semiconductor WSe2. By tuning the excitation wavelength, we determine the energy-momentum signature of bright exciton formation and its difference from conventional single-particle excited states. The multidimensional data allows to retrieve fundamental exciton properties like the binding energy and the exciton-lattice coupling and to reconstruct the real-space excitonic wave function via Fourier transform. All quantities are in excellent agreement with microscopic calculations. Our approach provides a full characterization of the exciton wave function and is applicable to bright and dark excitons in semiconducting materials, heterostructures, and devices

    Local study of electric field induced phase transition anti-ferroelectric-ferroelectric in lead-free bismuth ferrite ceramics

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    The equipment of the Ural Center for Shared Use “Modern nanotechnology” UrFU was used. The research was made possible in part by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (Contract 14.587.21.0022, UID RFMEFI58715X0022)

    Dielectric Relaxation and Charged Domain Walls in (K,Na)NbO3-Based Ferroelectric Ceramics

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    The influence of domain walls on the macroscopic properties of ferroelectric materials is a well known phenomenon. Commonly, such “extrinsic” contributions to dielectric permittivity are discussed in terms of domain wall displacements under external electric field. In this work, we report on a possible contribution of charged domain walls to low frequency (10-106 Hz) dielectric permittivity in K1-xNaxNbO3 ferroelectric ceramics. It is shown that the effective dielectric response increases with increasing domain wall density. The effect has been attributed to the Maxwell-Wagner-Sillars relaxation. The obtained results may open up possibilities for domain wall engineering in various ferroelectric materials. © 2017 Author(s).The equipment of the Ural Center for Shared Use "Modern Nanotechnology" UrFU has been used. The research was made possible by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russian Federation (UID RFMEFI58715X0022). The authors acknowledge E. L. Rumyantsev and M. Morozov for useful discussion

    A systematic review of outcomes reported inpediatric perioperative research: A report from the Pediatric Perioperative Outcomes Group

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    The Pediatric Perioperative Outcomes Group (PPOG) is an international collaborative of clinical investigators and clinicians within the subspecialty of pediatric anesthesiology and perioperative care which aims to use COMET (Core Outcomes Measures in Effectiveness Trials) methodology to develop core outcome sets for infants, children, and young people that are tailored to the priorities of the pediatric surgical population. Focusing on four age‐dependent patient subpopulations determined a priori for core outcome set development: (a) neonates and former preterm infants (up to 60 weeks postmenstrual age); (b) infants (>60 weeks postmenstrual age—1‐13‐<18 years), we conducted a systematic review of outcomes reported in perioperative studies that include participants within age‐dependent pediatric subpopulations. Our review of pediatric perioperative controlled trials published from 2008 to 2018 identified 724 articles reporting 3192 outcome measures. The proportion of published trials and the most frequently reported outcomes varied across predetermined age‐groups. Outcomes related to patient comfort, particularly pain and analgesic requirement, were the most frequent domain for infants, children, and adolescents. Clinical indicators, particularly cardiorespiratory or medication‐related adverse events, were the most common outcomes for neonates and infants <60 weeks and were the second most frequent domain at all other ages. Neonates and infants <60 weeks of age were significantly under‐represented in perioperative trials. Patient‐centered outcomes, healthcare utilization, and bleeding/transfusion‐related outcomes were less often reported. In most studies, outcomes were measured in the immediate perioperative period, with the duration often restricted to the postanesthesia care unit or the first 24 postoperative hours. The outcomes identified with this systematic review will be combined with patient‐centered outcomes identified through a subsequent stakeholder engagement study to arrive at a core outcome set for each age‐specific group

    Room temperature broadband coherent terahertz emission induced by dynamical photon drag in graphene

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    Nonlinear couplings between photons and electrons in new materials give rise to a wealth of interesting nonlinear phenomena. This includes frequency mixing, optical rectification or nonlinear current generation, which are of particular interest for generating radiation in spectral regions that are difficult to access, such as the terahertz gap. Owing to its specific linear dispersion and high electron mobility at room temperature, graphene is particularly attractive for realizing strong nonlinear effects. However, since graphene is a centrosymmetric material, second-order nonlinearities a priori cancel, which imposes to rely on less attractive third-order nonlinearities. It was nevertheless recently demonstrated that dc-second-order nonlinear currents as well as ultrafast ac-currents can be generated in graphene under optical excitation. The asymmetry is introduced by the excitation at oblique incidence, resulting in the transfer of photon momentum to the electron system, known as the photon drag effect. Here, we show broadband coherent terahertz emission, ranging from about 0.1-4 THz, in epitaxial graphene under femtosecond optical excitation, induced by a dynamical photon drag current. We demonstrate that, in contrast to most optical processes in graphene, the next-nearest-neighbor couplings as well as the distinct electron-hole dynamics are of paramount importance in this effect. Our results indicate that dynamical photon drag effect can provide emission up to 60 THz opening new routes for the generation of ultra-broadband terahertz pulses at room temperature.Comment: 17 pages, 3 figure