27 research outputs found

    Novel Semliki Forest virus vectors with reduced cytotoxicity and temperature sensitivity for long-term enhancement of transgene expression.

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    Alphaviral vectors inhibit host cell protein synthesis and are cytotoxic. To overcome these limitations, we modified the nonstructural protein-2 (nsP2) gene in the Semliki Forest virus (SFV) vector, pSFV1. Packaging of SFV replicons with two point mutations in nsP2 resulted in high-titer recombinant SFV(PD) particles. SFV(PD) led to more efficient host cell protein synthesis, exhibited reduced cytotoxicity and improved cell survival, and allowed greater and prolonged transgene expression than the original vector, SFV. In dissociated hippocampal neurons and organotypic rat hippocampal slices, SFV(PD) infection preserved neuronal morphology and synaptic function more efficiently than SFV. Combination of the two point mutations with a replication-persistent mutation in nsP2 resulted in a highly temperature-sensitive vector, SFV(PD713P), which efficiently transduced neurons in hippocampal slice cultures. At 31 °C, SFV(PD713P) allowed continuous transgene expression in BHK cells, at amounts comparable to SFV(PD). These new SFV mutants are expected to substantially broaden the application of alphaviral vectors in neurons and other mammalian cells

    Dopamine inhibits cytosolic Ca2+ increases in rat lactotroph cells. Evidence of a dual mechanism of action.

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    Single rat lactotroph cells were studied after loading with the cytosolic free Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) indicator fura-2 either 1 or 3 days after cell dispersion. Under unstimulated conditions, two groups of lactotrophs were observed, the first (predominant at day 1) with large [Ca2+]i fluctuations (peaks up to 300 nM) probably due to spontaneous action potentials and the second (predominant at 3 days) with stable [Ca2+]i (values variable between 65 and 200 nM). The effect of dopamine on the resting [Ca2+]i was different in the two groups. Even at high dopamine concentrations, no change occurred in the second group; whereas in the first, disappearance of fluctuations and marked decrease of [Ca2+]i were observed. These effects of dopamine appear to be due to hyperpolarization that was demonstrated by the use of a specific fluorescent indicator, bis(oxonol). Two types of triggered [Ca2+]i transients were studied in detail: those due to redistribution of Ca2+ from the intracellular stores (induced by thyrotropin-releasing hormone) and those due to Ca2+ influx through voltage-gated Ca2+ channels (induced by high [K+]). Dopamine (1 microM) markedly inhibited both these transients by the action of D2 receptors (blocked by 1-sulpiride and domperidone). All effects of dopamine were prevented by treatment of the cells with pertussis toxin, indicating the involvement of one (or more) GTP-binding protein(s). Another consequence of D2 receptor activation is the inhibition of adenylate cyclase. Treatments (cholera toxin, forskolin), known to raise cAMP levels, were found to dissociate the effects of dopamine on [Ca2+]i inasmuch as they markedly relieved the inhibition of the redistributive transients by thyrotropin-releasing hormone but left hyperpolarization and inhibition of K+ transients unaffected. The spectrum of intracellular signals elicited by the activation of D2 receptors is therefore complex and includes at least two mechanisms that involve [Ca2+]i, one related and the other independent of the decrease of cAMP levels

    Dietary Neurotransmitters: A Narrative Review on Current Knowledge

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    Foods are natural sources of substances that may exert crucial effects on the nervous system in humans. Some of these substances are the neurotransmitters (NTs) acetylcholine (ACh), the modified amino acids glutamate and γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA), and the biogenic amines dopamine, serotonin (5-HT), and histamine. In neuropsychiatry, progressive integration of dietary approaches in clinical routine made it necessary to discern the more about some of these dietary NTs. Relevant books and literature from PubMed and Scopus databases were searched for data on food sources of Ach, glutamate, GABA, dopamine, 5-HT, and histamine. Different animal foods, fruits, edible plants, roots, and botanicals were reported to contain NTs. These substances can either be naturally present, as part of essential metabolic processes and ecological interactions, or derive from controlled/uncontrolled food technology processes. Ripening time, methods of preservation and cooking, and microbial activity further contributes to NTs. Moreover, gut microbiota are considerable sources of NTs. However, the significance of dietary NTs intake needs to be further investigated as there are no significant data on their bioavailability, neuronal/non neuronal effects, or clinical implications. Evidence-based interventions studies should be encouraged

    A pre-docking source for the power-law behavior of spontaneous quantal release: application to the analysis of LTP

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    In neurons, power-law behavior with different scaling exponents has been reported at many different levels, including fluctuations in membrane potentials, synaptic transmission up to neuronal network dynamics. Unfortunately in most cases the source of this nonlinear feature remains controversial. Here we have analyzed the dynamics of spontaneous quantal release at hippocampal synapses and characterized their power-law behavior. While in control conditions a fractal exponent greater than zero was rarely observed, its value was greatly increased by α-latrotoxin (α-LTX), a potent stimulator of spontaneous release, known to act at the very last step of vesicle fusion. Based on computer modeling, we confirmed that at an increase in fusion probability would unmask a pre-docking phenomenon with 1/f structure, where α estimated from the release series appears to sense the increase in release probability independently from the number of active sites. In the simplest scenario the pre-docking 1/f process could coincide with the Brownian diffusion of synaptic vesicles. Interestingly, when the effect of long-term potentiation (LTP) was tested, a ∼200% long-lasting increase in quantal frequency was accompanied by a significant increase in the scaling exponent. The similarity between the action of LTP and of α-LTX suggests an increased contribution of high release probability sites following the induction of LTP. In conclusion, our results indicate that the source of the synaptic powerlaw behavior arises before synaptic vesicles dock to the active zone and that the fractal exponent α is capable of sensing a change in release probability independently from the number of active sites or synapses. © 2015 Lamanna, Signorini, Cerutti and Malgaroli

    Regional Differences in Cerebral Glucose Metabolism After Cardiac Arrest and Resuscitation in Rats Using [(18)F]FDG Positron Emission Tomography and Autoradiography.

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    BACKGROUND Cardiac arrest is an important cause of morbidity and mortality. Brain injury severity and prognosis of cardiac arrest patients are related to the cerebral areas affected. To this aim, we evaluated the variability and the distribution of brain glucose metabolism after cardiac arrest and resuscitation in an adult rat model. METHODS Ten rats underwent 8-min cardiac arrest, induced with a mixture of potassium and esmolol, and resuscitation, performed with chest compressions and epinephrine. Eight sham animals received anesthesia and experimental procedures identical to the ischemic group except cardiac arrest induction. Brain metabolism was assessed using [(18)F]FDG autoradiography and small animal-dedicated positron emission tomography. RESULTS The absolute glucose metabolism measured with [(18)F]FDG autoradiography 2 h after cardiac arrest and resuscitation was lower in the frontal, parietal, occipital, and temporal cortices of cardiac arrest animals, showing, respectively, a 36% (p = 0.006), 32% (p = 0.016), 36% (p = 0.009), and 32% (p = 0.013) decrease compared to sham group. Striatum, hippocampus, thalamus, brainstem, and cerebellum showed no significant changes. Relative regional metabolism indicated a redistribution of metabolism from cortical area to brainstem and cerebellum. CONCLUSIONS Our data suggest that cerebral regions have different susceptibility to moderate global ischemia in terms of glucose metabolism. The neocortex showed a higher sensibility to hypoxia-ischemia than other regions. Other subcortical regions, in particular brainstem and cerebellum, showed no significant change compared to non-ischemic rats

    Protein fingerprints of cultured CA3-CA1 hippocampal neurons: comparative analysis of the distribution of synaptosomal and cytosolic proteins

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>All studies aimed at understanding complex molecular changes occurring at synapses face the problem of how a complete view of the synaptic proteome and of its changes can be efficiently met. This is highly desirable when synaptic plasticity processes are analyzed since the structure and the biochemistry of neurons and synapses get completely reshaped. Because most molecular studies of synapses are nowadays mainly or at least in part based on protein extracts from neuronal cultures, this is not a feasible option: these simplified versions of the brain tissue on one hand provide an homogeneous pure population of neurons but on the other yield only tiny amounts of proteins, many orders of magnitude smaller than conventional brain tissue. As a way to overcome this limitation and to find a simple way to screen for protein changes at cultured synapses, we have produced and characterized two dimensional electrophoresis (2DE) maps of the synaptic proteome of CA3-CA1 hippocampal neurons in culture.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>To obtain 2D maps, hippocampal cultures were mass produced and after synaptic maturation, proteins were extracted following subfractionation procedures and separated by 2D gel electrophoresis. Similar maps were obtained for the crude cytosol of cultured neurons and for synaptosomes purified from CA3-CA1 hippocampal tissue. To efficiently compare these different maps some clearly identifiable reference points were molecularly identified by mass spectrometry and immunolabeling methods. This information was used to run a differential analysis and establish homologies and dissimilarities in these 2D protein profiles.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Because reproducible fingerprints of cultured synapses were clearly obtained, we believe that our mapping effort could represent a simple tool to screen for protein expression and/or protein localization changes in CA3-CA1 hippocampal neurons following plasticity.</p

    Nivel de la ejecución presupuestal y su incidencia en el logro del programa de incentivos en la Municipalidad Distrital de Baños del Inca durante el periodo 2016

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    RESUMEN: El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo evaluar el comportamiento de la ejecución presupuestal en el cumplimiento de las metas institucionales dentro del ejercicio presupuestal referidas al Presupuesto Institucional de Apertura, Presupuesto Institucional Modificado, presupuesto ejecutada por fuentes de financiamiento, categoría presupuestal y proyectos de inversión social. Es por ello la importancia del presente trabajo de investigación para mostrar las dificultades con respecto a la ejecución del presupuesto del programa de Incentivos de la Municipalidad Distrital de Baños del Inca, que conllevan a la no satisfacción de acuerdo a las necesidades de la población y por ende no logra alcanzar las metas y objetivos de dicha municipalidad. Para la investigación se ha utilizado los métodos deductivo, descriptivo, analítico y comparativo para evaluar la problemática de la ejecución presupuestal. El objetivo general de la investigación es: Evaluar el nivel de cumplimiento de los planes de ejecución presupuestal y su incidencia en el logro del programa de incentivos de la Municipalidad Distrital de Baños del Inca en el periodo 2016. PALABRAS CLAVE: ejecución presupuestal, logro del Programa de Incentivos; Municipalidad Distrital de Baños del Inca

    The Dysfunctional Mechanisms Throwing Tics: Structural and Functional Changes in Tourette Syndrome

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    Tourette Syndrome (TS) is a high-incidence multifactorial neuropsychiatric disorder characterized by motor and vocal tics co-occurring with several diverse comorbidities, including obsessive-compulsive disorder and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. The origin of TS is multifactorial, with strong genetic, perinatal, and immunological influences. Although almost all neurotransmettitorial systems have been implicated in TS pathophysiology, a comprehensive neurophysiological model explaining the dynamics of expression and inhibition of tics is still lacking. The genesis and maintenance of motor and non-motor aspects of TS are thought to arise from functional and/or structural modifications of the basal ganglia and related circuitry. This complex wiring involves several cortical and subcortical structures whose concerted activity controls the selection of the most appropriate reflexive and habitual motor, cognitive and emotional actions. Importantly, striatal circuits exhibit bidirectional forms of synaptic plasticity that differ in many respects from hippocampal and neocortical plasticity, including sensitivity to metaplastic molecules such as dopamine. Here, we review the available evidence about structural and functional anomalies in neural circuits which have been found in TS patients. Finally, considering what is known in the field of striatal plasticity, we discuss the role of exuberant plasticity in TS, including the prospect of future pharmacological and neuromodulation avenues

    Poke And Delayed Drink Intertemporal Choice Task (POKE‐ADDICT): An open‐source behavioral apparatus for intertemporal choice testing in rodents

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    Abstract Advancements in neuroscience research present opportunities and challenges, requiring substantial resources and funding. To address this, we describe here “Poke And Delayed Drink Intertemporal Choice Task (POKE‐ADDICT)”, an open‐source, versatile, and cost‐effective apparatus for intertemporal choice testing in rodents. This allows quantification of delay discounting (DD), a cross‐species phenomenon observed in decision making which provides valuable insights into higher‐order cognitive functioning. In DD, the subjective value of a delayed reward is reduced as a function of the delay for its receipt. Using our apparatus, we implemented an effective intertemporal choice paradigm for the quantification of DD based on an adjusting delayed amount (ADA) algorithm using mango juice as a reward. Our paradigm requires limited training, a few 3D‐printed parts and inexpensive electrical components, including a Raspberry Pi control unit. Furthermore, it is compatible with several in vivo procedures and the use of nose pokes instead of levers allows for faster task learning. Besides the main application described here, the apparatus can be further extended to implement other behavioral tests and protocols, including standard operant conditioning. In conclusion, we describe a versatile and cost‐effective design based on Raspberry Pi that can support research in animal behavior, decision making and, more specifically, delay discounting